After the events of Star Force Brigade.

Sugu was personally guarded by two powerful men, General Yin and Cheng Ziwen, and escorted all the way back to Xingkong Martial Arts University.

As soon as he landed, several school directors used their own money to invite the best martial arts doctors on the planet to come over and give him a full-body examination.

In the following time, Sugu began to rest in Xingkong Martial Arts University, his top hospital.

As for the follow-up of this incident, what kind of turmoil and discussion was caused among the top human beings, and what kind of interest exchange was carried out, Sugu did not know.

In the end, he only knew that the official information in the news was that a high-level commander-level creature that was about to break through and become a king went berserk and was stopped by a certain martial arts university student. This is another great victory for the human world.

So this mythical creature hooked up with the Tachibana family and wanted to use its body to invade the human world. Except for a few survivors such as Sugu, no one knew about it.

Everything settled in a calm atmosphere.

It's just that in the official erroneous reports, Sugu still exists as the hero who turned the tide.

Because of this, he who was originally idle in the ward quickly became busy.

Accepting interviews from mainstream media from all major human planets, as well as commendations from spokespersons of some high-level forces, you also have to accept some benefits.


"Oh, wake up."

"Heroes of humanity."

With a mean smile on his face, Ma Mingjie pushed away Sugu's ward and joked with a smile.

Sugu rubbed his temples and said helplessly: "I told you not to call me this anymore. I've been almost bored by this title in the past two days."

Being forced to waste time being interviewed by major media, having to be put in front of the spotlight, and being distracted by things other than martial arts, these things these days are almost annoying Sugu.

Ma Mingjie put down the fruit he brought with a mean smile and continued:

"The top forces on the human side have jointly awarded you awards and given you the title of 'Hero of Humanity', and you are still complaining. You don't know how many people outside have their eyes red with envy because of your title."

In peacetime, it is extremely rare to get the title of hero. And in front of this, the only person with the word "human" in the past hundred years was Sugu.

Of course, this is not just a false name. With this title, Su Gu can have an unlimited supply of heavenly materials and earthly treasures for his future practice. Martial arts venues of major forces can also be used free of charge.

This assistance will be effective until Sugu enters the realm of freedom.

"They are just giving some lip service, benefits that can really change the essence. Those top forces are very careful about it." Sugu said with a calm expression on his face.

After experiencing this incident, he knew it best.

The treasure in this world that can truly transform a person is none other than the blood of a foreign race.

Only by bathing in enough blood of foreign races can one evolve supernatural powers to complement one's own martial arts. In terms of benefits in this area, these forces are much stingy in providing them.

Until the end, all Sugu got was just enough evolution potion to upgrade his abilities to A level.

This is what Xingwu Da Gang strives for.

"What else do you want? Don't you think that with this contribution, you can let those top forces give you the central blood pool at home." Ma Mingjie rolled his eyes and said:

"Those top forces need to control the promotion path of superpowers so that they can widen the gap between them and ordinary people in terms of combat power. Only in this way can they sit firmly at the top of the pyramid."

Sugu nodded, agreeing with Fatty's point of view.

He didn't continue to complain. This was the truth of the world. Instead of continuing to blame everyone here, it is better to think about whether there is any other way out.

"Within the ten major families and the Human Federation, there are channels for colluding with foreign races and exchanging top-notch alien blood."

"It's a pity that these people will never admit such a thing, and I will never investigate such a thing before I have absolute strength. Once discovered, it will definitely lead to death."

"I now need to find a second way to improve my abilities besides the blood of foreign races." Sugu thought to himself.

In this peaceful era, if ordinary people want to come into contact with aliens above the warrior level, they may only go to the museum to view the remains of corpses.

Not to mention that for a warrior like Sugu, only the blood of foreign races above the commander level would be of some use to him.

Using different blood to evolve abilities was completely unrealistic for Sugu, so he simply gave up.

"Since human beings' superpowers are related to the blood of aliens, are the superpowers themselves linked to the aliens' practice systems? It would be great if there was a chance to capture some aliens to study them."

Sugu was silently calculating the future path in his heart.

"However, although it is impossible to directly capture aliens for study, it is impossible that no one in the human world has studied the aliens' practice systems for so many years."

"We have to find a way to find a breakthrough from here."

Sugu was silently thinking about the future path in his heart.

"That's right, Brother Su."

"After the Star Force Brigade, there are still some disturbances that I think you will be interested in."

After that, Ma Mingjie sent some information.

Sugu glanced casually.

These are business reports that have not appeared in the mainstream media. One of them wrote that the Akamatsu family sold off their core industry and donated it to the Human Federation.

It seems that the Ju family has really shed a lot of blood in this incident, otherwise they would not be willing to kill their own watchdog.

In addition, another piece of information that is more concerning is that the ten major families jointly issued an announcement.

It shows that among the human race, there are some people with weak wills who collude with alien races in order to gain power.

Su Gu glanced at the list of people who withdrew, and they were all ordinary people with no background.

"It seems that these top giants have started to introduce some scapegoats in order to cover up the mess they have done."

"These forces that fight each other on weekdays are unexpectedly united when facing such things."

Su Gu showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

On this list, Kuang Zhen of Starry Sky Martial Arts University was ranked at the top as a key target.

And before his name, the name of the school, Starry Sky Martial Arts University, was deliberately bolded and emphasized.

"This method is really despicable." Ma Mingjie curled his lips with disdain.

Su Gu put the information aside. Now facing these bad things, even if he was angry, it was useless.

And these things were not his business.

Now that his injuries were almost healed, it was time to go back to the old place and relax after the battle.

"Fatty, help me get the X device."

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