Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 195 I really bumped into him

"Damn, I didn't see it wrong just now. Brother Wushen nodded in the direction I was in. Brother Wushen was saying hello to me!"

"Bullshit, have some shame. Brother Wushen was clearly looking in my direction."

"I didn't expect that Brother Wushen, who has always been aloof, would take the initiative to say hello to the audience. Maybe the day for our autograph session is not far away."


Su Gu just nodded in the direction of the crowd.

Immediately, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers and discussions, which showed how popular he is now in the martial arts arena of the virtual spirit world.

However, Su Gu ignored these.

He walked into the arena silently, and as usual, he quietly adjusted his state and waited for the opponent matched by the system to come.

"After almost two months, our Almighty Martial God finally returned to the martial arts arena.

To be honest, I thought he was considering retiring.

After all, his record and unique fighting style. If he suddenly disappeared, he might become a legend in the future."

When the fans of the Almighty Martial God were still cheering for seeing the Almighty Martial God again. They tried desperately to attract the attention of the Almighty Martial God and wanted to interact with Su Gu.

The commentator Sao Rui came on stage with his shiny forehead. His appearance and the words he just said attracted boos without any surprise.

"What are you talking about? How could Brother Wushen just leave like this?!"

"Sao Rui, can you shut your stinky mouth! You really can't spit out anything good from your dog mouth."

"Does the official like to stir up the heat so much? Every time Brother Wushen fights, he is the commentator. Let him get off quickly."


Facing the boos and angry sprays from the audience, Sao Rui still had his unique mean smile on his face.

With his thick skin, he didn't care about this kind of scene. The abuse from a distance couldn't even break his defense.

He continued: "No matter how you look at it, in my opinion, this is the best way for the almighty martial god to leave. Maintain a certain sense of mystery, and then disappear silently."

After these words were spoken, it was not surprising that they caused stronger boos and abuse from the audience, but Sao Rui still smiled and didn't care at all.

"Dead baldy, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be so energetic now. In this case, let's make another bet, okay."

A familiar voice sounded on the other half of the commentary seat next to Sao Rui. When he heard this familiar voice, the expression on Sao Rui's face froze.

"Why are you, the fat guy, again!" Sao Rui glared at Ma Mingjie who had just come online fiercely.

Ma Mingjie smiled beside him and said, "Why haven't you been booed by the audience? Why can't I come?"

"Also, you haven't answered my question just now. Do you want to make another bet? No matter who the opponent is, I bet that the Almighty God of War will win!"

"Last time you lost, all the hair on your head was gone, do you want to bet something else this time?"

The fat man's words made Sao Rui's face flushed.

This damn fat man is like his nemesis, and every time he appears, he can make him feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"Oh, what's wrong, little bald man, why don't you talk?"

Sao Rui bit his teeth hard, making a creaking sound.

"Damn fat man, I must beat you once in my lifetime."

He could only think about this in his heart. When he thought of the Almighty God of War's past performance, he swallowed the provocative words directly.

"Fuck, Fatty scolded well!"

"It's so cool to be in the VIP position, I want to fuck Sao Rui too."

"Sao Rui's mouth is so mean, someone has to teach him a lesson! Good job, Fatty, start a live broadcast and sell goods, we will follow you."

At this moment, there was suddenly a more cheerful atmosphere in the audience.


Hidden in the crowd, silently paying attention to everything, Schiller and Anderson of the Stark family had a complicated expression on their faces.

As the first group of people who paid attention to the Almighty Martial God, they can be said to have witnessed with their own eyes how he went from being ignored to where he is now step by step.

"This...this, why does he have so many fans and so many supporters? Just because of that weird and extremely arrogant fighting style?" Anderson murmured.

When the Almighty Martial God debuted, the second opponent he met was him.

Now he, Anderson, is still the same Anderson, but the Almighty Martial God is close to the level of a national idol.

If there is no grudge in his heart, it would be fake.

"You are only talking about one aspect." Schiller said:

"Now there are too many noble families who have publicly offered conditions to invite the Almighty Martial God to join their warships, and there are even many people from the top ten families.

This Almighty Martial God has never responded to all the invitations from so many top forces."

"If this person is really a secret weapon of a family, according to the family's understanding of each other, after so long, those people would have been caught."

"So in the eyes of many people, the Almighty Martial God is a warrior representing the common people."

After hearing this, Anderson's face immediately showed a look of understanding.

Although the elders of the clan did not deliberately emphasize these things. But now the contradictions between those who come from noble families and the common people are indeed becoming more and more acute.

And among ordinary people, suddenly there appeared a magical and powerful representative like the Almighty Martial God.

It is not surprising that he has a large number of fans.

Anderson continued: "But the most important thing to achieve this is the absolutely powerful strength of the Almighty Martial God."

"If he does not have the ability to sweep everything, everything just said is just empty talk."

Schiller also nodded.

Although they were a little jealous of the number of fans of the Almighty Martial God, he still recognized the strength of the Almighty Martial God.

"Is the boss still matching?" Anderson suddenly said.

Schiller nodded.

Ever since the Almighty Martial God began to match elite opponents, their boss has had a strong desire to fight with him.

Now, whenever the Almighty Martial God appears, she will directly start the matching mode, hoping to meet the Almighty Martial God and fight with him.

"I never thought that the opponent I met when I just applied for a small account could arouse such great interest in the boss."

Anderson said with some emotion.

Back then, he was also able to go head-to-head with the Almighty Martial God, but now, watching the other party fight, he already knew that he had lost the qualification to challenge the other party.

"Don't worry about these, the opponent of the Almighty Martial God will come out when the time comes."

The two of them, together with other spectators, held their breath and looked at the arena area, expecting the opponent of the Almighty Martial God this time.

Su Gu in the arena had adjusted his state, and he looked ahead.

In front of him, a line representing the elite stage

"The match has been completed." Sao Rui, who was on the commentary seat, said in a deep voice.

The purple teleportation light representing the elite stage slowly dissipated, and a beautiful silver hair fluttered in the wind.

A pair of lazy black eyes flashed a rare excitement after seeing Su Gu.

After seeing this opponent, Schiller and Anderson exclaimed at the same time:


"Damn, I actually bumped into him."

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