Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 197 Butterfly stroke in a manure pond? I bet!

Are you the Cang Yue Wolf?

When Ke Yuya revealed his vest in front of everyone.

The expressions on the faces of everyone in the audience became dull at the same time.

Those who came to the scene to watch this battle were all die-hard fans of the Almighty Martial God.

And as a fan of Brother Wushen, how could you not know the ID of Cang Yue Wolf?

Whenever Brother Wushen finished fighting, this ID would post high-quality analysis videos of the Almighty Martial God's battles in the House of Martial God, the gathering place for Brother Wushen's fans.

Many of these analysis videos were cited by some top martial arts universities as materials for commenting on the Almighty Martial God's battles.

The high-quality analysis videos, coupled with the outrageous update speed. Make many fans of the Almighty Martial God take it for granted that the Cang Yue Wolf is the leader of the fans.

The status of this ID in the eyes of the fans of the Almighty Martial God is second only to the fat man on the commentary desk now.

And now you tell me, the true identity of the Cang Yue Wolf is the princess who may inherit the position of the head of the Stark family among the top ten families?

The top power in the human race, the descendants of the Ten Families, are fans of the Almighty God of War with me?

And they make analysis videos for every battle. Judging from this attitude, their fan power is probably higher than mine.

The fans of Brother Wushen, who just looked at Ke Yuya with fear, now have dull and confused expressions.

The brains of these people began to freeze because they had to process too much information beyond common sense in an instant.

It took a full minute to accept and digest this information, and the people in the audience whispered again.

"So, in terms of being fans of Brother Wushen, I agree with the future head of the Stark family. Maybe I can even be considered her senior."

"Don't talk nonsense. Big Brother Cangyue Wolf started making analysis videos a long time ago. She became a fan of Brother Wushen much earlier than you."

"Damn, I suddenly feel that this world is so absurd. Just now when Brother Wushen was matching, I was still watching Big Brother Cangyue Wolf's analysis video to kill time. Now I have to watch these two people fight passionately?"

"It's really outrageous. So is this match a fan meeting?"


Not only did the audience in the audience discuss it, but Ma Mingjie and Sao Rui on the commentary desk also had very exciting expressions on their faces.

Both of them had imagined that as the popularity of the Almighty Wushen increased, his fans might appear in the opponents they matched in the future.

But they never thought that the first time this happened, it was a big one.

"This... I can only say that you are worthy of it, Brother Su." Ma Mingjie said secretly in his heart.

In the arena,

Su Gu looked at Ke Yuya and couldn't help but touch his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Just now, when he heard Sao Rui on the commentary stage, he revealed that the other party was originally from the top ten families and might even be the future head of the family.

Recalling the things of the Ju family, he still had some grudges in his heart

But when the other party revealed that he was the Cang Yue Wolf, Su Gu's dissatisfaction immediately dissipated, and was replaced by the shame of suddenly meeting netizens.

Even as the Almighty Martial God himself, he would watch the videos of the Cang Yue Wolf.

After all, as a college student warrior, chatting with people is likely to be unable to avoid the videos of the Almighty Martial God and the Cang Yue Wolf.

And those high-quality videos, many times even Su Gu himself couldn't help but applaud.

Fuck, I turned out to be so awesome.


"That...thank you for your video, it's great." Su Gu said dryly.

"Don't be polite to me. If you are a weakling, don't ask me to analyze your battle. Even if I look at you for a second, it's a waste of time." Ke Yuya's fighting spirit seemed to be burning.

She looked at Su Gu and said in a deep voice: "Come on, Almighty God of War. Let's not waste any more time. I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

After listening, Su Gu also nodded and completed the usual operation skillfully.

Then two roulette wheels appeared beside him.

Random weapons, random battlefields.

In the minds of ordinary people, it is an outrageous operation. Now that Su Gu used it, the audience on the scene, including the commentator and Ke Yuya, were calm. There was even a sense of right and wrong.

After all, he is the Almighty God of War, and he will definitely do this.

"Even the future heirs of the top ten families will not make an exception for Brother Wushen." Someone in the audience said with emotion.

"Of course, he is the God of War! He is only polite to her because she is the 'Wolf of the Blue Moon'."

After Ke Yuya revealed her identity, the slightly tense atmosphere in the audience began to relax.

Ke Yuya's identity was completely unattainable from the beginning, but suddenly because of the identity of the Wolf of the Blue Moon, the distance between her and these ordinary people was shortened a lot.

Let these ordinary audiences feel a sense of intimacy with her.

"No matter how Ke Yuya looks at the Almighty God of War, her strength will not be weakened." At this moment, Sao Rui suddenly poured cold water on everyone:

"After all, she is the heir of the top ten families, and she is so young. It is certain that she must be a genius that ordinary people can hardly imagine."

"In the face of such a person, she still chooses random weapons and random battlefields."

"I don't think this is a smart decision."

Sao Rui's words caused everyone to boo disdainfully.

Anderson and Schiller were the only two people on the court who agreed with his words.

"The boss will definitely win." Anderson said.

"Isn't this natural? The next step is to watch the boss beat the Almighty Martial God." Schiller said while clenching his fists.

"Don't boo here. It's not like someone wants to pee." Sao Rui said bitterly, after being squeezed by Ma Mingjie when he first appeared on the stage. His aggression is quite high now.

"Maybe there will be a scene today where fans beat up their idols."

"Oh?" Ma Mingjie looked at Sao Rui, his little eyes narrowed.

"Since you are so elegant today, Sao Rui, why don't I take a gamble?"

"Whoever loses will find a cesspool and swim butterfly in it for three hours."

Ma Mingjie said with a smile: "I believe our audience will be happy to watch this sideshow."

After hearing these words, Suo Rui felt a chill in her body.

He looked at fat Ma Mingjie as if he were looking at a devil.

Is this kind of bet something that anyone can think of?

At this moment, the roulette wheel next to Sugu stopped spinning in the arena.

Battlefield and weapon selection.

Battlefield: Ghostly Death Zone.

Weapon: Black gold sword.

After looking at the two options, Sao Rui rubbed his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

Then he immediately patted the commentary table and said:

"Okay, I bet!"

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