Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 199 S-level superpower, Melinoe!

Looking at the soul bullets that were only a few meters away from his vitals, Su Gu's expression became solemn.

There was no time to hide, so he could only resist!

One after another, S-level defensive combat skills were constructed around him.

S-level combat skills, golden silk armor!

S-level combat skills, three-yang body protection technique!

S-level combat skills, static blood externalization clothing!

Three terrifying combat skills, shining with amazing light,

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The collision of three terrifying combat skills made a deafening explosion.

The audience couldn't help but cover their ears.

Su Gu's figure, which was originally flying backwards in the sky, was directly blasted into the ground because of the second impact force generated by this explosion.

His body collided with the ground, raising a burst of dust and fog.

In a cloud of gunpowder, Su Gu walked out of it, with a trace of blood spilling from his mouth.

Although he successfully defended against the three soul bullets, he was still slightly injured because of the explosive impact force generated by the close-range collision of high-level combat skills.

"I suffered a little loss in the first round of fighting." Su Gu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and thought to himself.

Although he didn't get the upper hand in the fight, his fighting spirit was even stronger and his face was excited.

In terms of combat ability alone, Yu Si might be a little stronger than Ke Yuya at the same level.

But Ke Yuya's research on his own moves, as well as the preparations and targeting made for this battle, were enough to completely crush Yu Si.

"It's the first time I've met an opponent who targeted me to such an extent."

"This battle is very interesting."

Su Gu tightly grasped the black gold sword in his hand, suppressing the restless emotions in his heart.

Before he had time to weave the next tactics in his mind, dozens of bullets with terrifying energy attacked him.

Facing the approaching bullets, Su Gu completed the dodge completely subconsciously.

And those soul power bullets that were dodged, after losing their target, paused in the sky for a moment.

Then they all seemed to have their own will, turning in the air at high speed, reorganizing their formation and attacking again.

"Do these soul bullets have tracking capabilities?" Su Gu's face sank slightly.

"And these bullets are all condensed by S-level combat skills?!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Even though she had the upper hand, Ke Yuya did not give up the attack.

Relying on her long-range skills far beyond this realm, she forcibly compressed the superposition time of soul power, and shot bullets condensed by S-level combat skills one after another, continuing to chase Su Gu and put pressure on him.

Her indifferent look seemed as if she was not using long-range combat skills, but firing with an ordinary five-type pistol.

The terrifying rain of bullets forced Su Gu to dodge back and forth in this area.

That exhausted look, let alone counterattack against Ke Yuya in close range, just to ensure that he was not hit, seemed quite reluctant.

"Good, good fight!" Sao Rui on the commentary desk couldn't help but shout.

"Once the distance is pulled apart, long-distance combat is the absolute domain of long-range warriors."

"If the Almighty Martial God cannot find another opportunity to advance, then in this battle, he will be kited to death by Ke Yuya."

There is no need for him to pretend now. After all, if Ke Yuya really loses next, he will be the one who suffers the most in this battle.

At least he will have to swallow ten pounds of feces.

Thinking of this, Sao Rui suddenly stood up on the commentary desk, waving his arms wildly and said:

"Hit him, Ke Yuya. Hit him hard!"

And Ma Mingjie on the other side of the commentary desk saw Sao Rui next to him so arrogant, and gnashed his teeth in hatred.

But at this moment, Su Gu was suppressed, and he had no other means to disgust Sao Rui next to him.

He could only cheer for the Almighty Martial God silently in his heart with everyone else.

"Why does the rhythm feel wrong?" Some experienced warriors in the audience frowned.

According to the battle rhythm of the Almighty Martial God, when the opponent uses the same attack mode to oppress him. He should be able to adapt to this attack mode quickly and then start to fight back.

But after such a long time, the Almighty Martial God is still suppressed by Ke Yuya's firepower.

Something is wrong, really wrong.

Schiller and Anderson on the side showed a sneer on their faces.

Do you really think that the boss's research for so long is in vain?

She knows the fighting style of the Almighty Martial God better than anyone else in the world. Faced with such a thing, how can you not prepare early?

"That's because every soul bullet that tracks the Almighty Martial God is condensed by completely different S-level combat skills."

"Only in this way can the Martial God be suppressed." Anderson couldn't hold it back any longer and said calmly.

It would have been better if he didn't explain. As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience stared with their eyes wide open.

"You mean the dozens of bullets that are encircling the Almighty Martial God are condensed from different S-level combat skills?"

"Damn, how can there be such a horrible thing in this world. What kind of monster is this?"

"As expected of the future heir of the Stark family, he is not the same species as us ordinary people."


The fans of the Almighty Martial God in the audience are all a little desperate at this moment.

Just what Ke Yuya is showing now has more than 20 different S-level combat skills. How can people fight like this?

"No, that's not right!" Just when everyone was in despair, Ma Mingjie suddenly said with a flash of inspiration:

"You know, Ke Yuya is using S-level combat skills to suppress the Almighty Martial God. This combat skill consumes soul power and physical energy no less than the Almighty Martial God who is dodging now."

"Even if Brother Wushen doesn't attack, just avoiding the attack like this can kill the opponent."

Ma Mingjie slapped the commentary desk, shouting madly about the chance of victory he had finally thought of after racking his brains.

His words suddenly made the atmosphere of the Almighty Martial God's iron fans, which was originally depressed, shine again.

Yes, Fatty is right.

How can Xunwojing withstand such a strong consumption? It won't be long before Cangyue Wolf will be defeated due to exhaustion!

"Brother Wushen, come on."

"Brother Wushen will win!"

A short cheer rang out in the crowd again.

Then everyone turned their attention to Ke Yuya. I hope to see a trace of fatigue on her face.

In the arena, Ke Yuya had a calm expression on her face.

She quietly watched the Almighty Martial God dodging her attacks, and what she was thinking was completely different from the people in the audience.

"I have fired 173 soul bullets, including 34 different S-level soul bullets with tracking properties."

"Each soul bullet has the best effect the first time it is used, and then its effect on you gradually decreases, and the fourth time is almost completely ineffective."

"What a terrifying fighting talent."

Ke Yuya frowned slightly, feeling a little tricky.

"Although I had expected this situation before, it was really terrifying to see it with my own eyes."

"Since you are almost used to this attack mode, let's switch to the next one."

"For an opponent like you, you can't be given a chance to breathe. You need to use absolute power to kill you instantly."

Suddenly, Ke Yuya put down the two silver-white double guns that had been shooting at the Almighty Martial God.

"Sure enough, it's just like what Fatty said! In order to suppress the Almighty Martial God, the Blue Moon Wolf Boss consumed too much soul power, and now he is finally exhausted!" Some fans of the Almighty Martial God said happily.

And the next moment, he closed his mouth.

In Ke Yuya's pupils, green and gold light flashed.

A terrifying force was drawn from her body, and then the entire battlefield seemed to shake.

S-level superpower, Melinoe!

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