"Starry Sky Martial Arts University has never had people like Sugu in the past, and it is estimated that there will never be anyone like him in the future."

I don’t know who said this in the crowd.

Those who stay here are all the proud ones who have been admitted to Xingwu University. In the past, none of them would submit to anyone.

Even if you can defeat them, you may not be able to make them bow.

After all, being strong now does not mean that you will be strong in the future. The road to martial arts is still long.

But this, I don’t know who said this.

It actually caused students of all ages at Xingwu University, whether freshmen or seniors, to fall into silence.

No one even made a retort.

This is something that is completely unbelievable and unimaginable.

It happened literally before their eyes.

No matter how they argue, it seems to be pale.


In the martial arts arena, another instructor was directly defeated by Sugu.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Jiang Rusheng couldn't help but let out an angry roar.

But his voice, which sounded extremely angry, felt so pale and powerless in front of Sugu's flames.

"Next one." Sugu said:

"Since you have chosen a boring way of fighting, I can only let this battle end quickly."

His voice sounded a little dissatisfied.

Damn it, what else does this guy have to be upset about.

After hearing Sugu's words, everyone couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

call out!

Sugu really followed through on his words, moving towards the next target without any hesitation or pause.


In the horrified gaze of the targeted mentor, he and Sugu collided in strength.



"That's five thousand credits!"

The student who opened the betting table collapsed to the ground when he saw the situation in front of him.

Now every time Sugu knocks down a mentor, it's like stabbing him in the heart.

The normal consumption of an ordinary student at Xingwu University for one year is one thousand credits.

He owes five thousand...

If he couldn't pay it off quickly, no matter what martial arts resources he had in the years he studied at Xingwu University, he would never have access to it.

What’s even more frightening is that if he cannot pay off his credits before graduation, he may not even be able to graduate smoothly.

If the person he owed money to was an ordinary student like himself, maybe he could still find some way to adjust.

But the person who made this bet with him was the student union president, Bai Yujing.

She is not an ordinary student at all. Even if she wants to, she can't.

Thinking of this, he could only smile at Bai Yujing, which was uglier than crying.

"Senior Bai, please just pass."

Feeling the junior next to him, he smiled at himself.

Bai Yujing also responded with a warm smile.

Looking at her smile and the student who opened the betting market, I felt that there was something interesting.

Just when he was about to give up, Bai Yujing said calmly:

"I want to increase my betting chips."

"You actually provoked me just now. Two thousand is still too light."

"Junior, you won't refuse me, right?"

Seeing Bai Yujing's smile, the student who opened the betting felt like he was falling into an ice cave.


Boom, boom, boom!

Boom boom!

Sugu's rhythm, as he became more familiar with the mutual transformation of the flames of the two attributes.

It started getting faster and faster.

One mentor after another was directly defeated by him and lost his ability to fight.

Or they will be forced out of the fighting arena directly and lose the qualification to continue fighting.

It's not like these mentors haven't thought about joining forces again to fight against the enemy.

But in the twenty minutes or so he spent fighting with them, Sugu seemed to have figured out all of their fighting styles and methods.

Before these mentors launched a coordinated attack, he saw through the flaws in their joint attack and used these flaws to defeat these people at a faster speed.

Joining forces without any preparation or plan, for a warrior like Sugu, just provides him with more angles of attack.

"Damn it!"

One after another, the mentors were swept away from the battlefield by Sugu.

As the initiator of this battle and the commander-in-chief of these people, Jiang Rusheng's expression became completely panicked.

If they, the instructors of Xingwu University, were really provoked by this student.

Let alone continue to hang out at Xingwu University in the future, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold his head up when teaching in front of students.

After all, if Sugu really did such a thing, he would probably be recorded in the Xingwu University's school history museum.

This glorious deed will definitely arouse the admiration and admiration of his junior students in the future.

And they, the evil mentors who were defeated by Sugu.

The names of these people will undoubtedly serve as a foil for Sugu.

Has been nailed to the pillar of shame.

When Jiang Rusheng thought of this, he felt unbearable and almost went crazy.

No, this must not be allowed to happen.

He used the step combat technique to quickly get within five meters of Sugu.

Then he used sonic combat skills to spread the sound into a line and said to Su Gu:

"Sugu, how about letting this matter go? I promise you, you will be the captain of the Xingkong Martial Arts University team from now on, and no one will make things difficult for you because of this matter."

"No teacher will have any objections to your position as captain of the school team."

After hearing these words, Sugu didn't answer.

Still silently controlling his fire ability, rolling back in the direction where Jiang Rusheng was.

Jiang Rusheng hurriedly avoided the fire, and then continued to persuade anxiously:

"We are willing to pay a certain price, credits, weapons, money..."

"As long as it is within our ability, we will try our best to satisfy you."

"Su Gu, you are a student of Xingwu University after all. If you really offend our mentors, it will not be good for you."

After hearing these words, Su Gu looked Jiang Rusheng up and down.

After noticing the other party's gaze, Jiang Rusheng tried his best to make himself smile kindly.

"Is this right, Su Gu."

"Why do we have to fight and kill each other?"

Su Gu stopped attacking and stared at Jiang Rusheng in a daze.

Jiang Rusheng was overjoyed when he saw this.

He just thought that the other party had agreed.

Then he continued:

"Su Gu, you listen to me next and play a play with me."

"I promise I won't treat you badly."

"We just need..."

But Su Gu completely ignored Jiang Rusheng's words.

He was silent for a moment and then said:

"Teacher Jiang, can you really be considered a warrior like this?"


After hearing this, Jiang Rusheng was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean.

After fighting for so long, can't he see that I am a warrior in the Soul Shaping Realm?

"You look like a shrewd politician, a penny-pinching businessman, and a bully.

But you don't look like a warrior."

Su Gu tilted his head, thinking of the figure of Teacher Lan Qing and continued:

"Maybe you really can't reach the Free and Easy Realm because of your limited talent. But this doesn't mean you have to lose the enterprising spirit of a warrior."

"I have seen excellent teachers at Xingwu University. Although his martial arts skills are not strong, he can still win the respect of top masters and even make his own indelible contributions to human martial arts."

"Compared with him, you are just a borer."

"Are you really a warrior?"

Su Gu's words were said with great sincerity.

After hearing this, Jiang Rusheng felt a little hesitant for a moment.

Then this hesitation turned into boundless anger.

"What do you know!"

Jiang Rusheng seemed to be unable to bear it any longer and burst out.

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