In the rune laboratory, Sugu taught his experience to his teammates.

Principal Nariko Wen also took the time to run over, seemingly to prepare for the upcoming Solar System College Martial Arts Conference, and gave them a lot of careful guidance.

He even offered to spend a lot of time as a training partner for the school team members.

Sugu also seized this opportunity to ask many martial arts questions from the only strong man in the Xiaoyao realm that he could contact now.

Benefited a lot.

"Sugu, there is no need for you to participate in the following training for these five people."

"Whether it's rune training or actual combat training, you have gone much further than your team members."

"You're just wasting your time by continuing to stay here."

"What you need now is to push your own abilities to a higher level. Things like deified abilities are too illusory for us ordinary people, so I won't go into details."

"I believe that you can rely on your own strength to become the first human to use the rune system to obtain S-level powers."

"When the time comes when you ignite the soul fire, it will be strong enough."

When Sugu was about to continue practicing in the rune laboratory, Cheng Ziwen and Lan Qing both gave him the same advice.

Considering his current situation, Sugu agreed, and then he left the rune laboratory.

"My path to martial arts still needs to be explored slowly by myself."

Sugu said helplessly.

From his personal feeling, the difference between A-level and S-level abilities is better than the difference between C-level and A-level abilities.

There seems to be an invisible and intangible barrier.

If you want to break through, you have to break down that barrier.

"Although I can now use a variety of power combinations to forcibly increase the intensity of my own power to a level that is no less than an S-level power."

"But it's just a technique after all, it doesn't change the essence."

"After all, after reaching S-level powers, the powers themselves will be named after human myths, so naturally they are a little special."

"Even S-level powers are like this, what kind of power will those deified powers be?"

"I must have met my own bottleneck now." Sugu thought helplessly.

If Sugu now wants to break through the Seeking Me Realm, he can do it at any time by entering the Soul Shaping Realm.

But if he has not achieved the ultimate in this realm, let alone deified powers, and does not even have S-level powers, how can Sugu be willing to leave this realm like this?

"Forget it, let's not think too much about this matter for the time being. I have to find something to do to relax my own spirit."

After that, Sugu took out his X device from the dormitory.

In the past, when he went to the virtual spirit world to fight with people, he would always call Fatty Ma Mingjie up.

But now the fat man is in the rune laboratory, being asked by Nariko to practice well, and he has no time at all.

This time, Sugu had to go alone.

The moment he put on the X device and uploaded his consciousness.

Those who followed him for various purposes received the news at the same time.


On earth, one of the thousands of lights in a certain city.

A young couple was scrolling through their mobile phones without saying a word to each other, as if they had just finished arguing.

At this moment, their phones rang the same ringtone at the same time.

The two said in unison:

"Almighty Martial God?!"

The two of them said these four words at the same time, which seemed to have magical properties, and then looked at each other.

Then, as if he couldn't help it, he burst into laughter.

"Let's watch the live broadcast together."


At this moment, the ice in the relationship between the two began to melt, as if encountering the warm sun.


In a love hotel on a habitable planet, a young man who was taking off his pants shook his body.

"Brother Wu Shen is online? Damn it, why do you always come when I'm about to take off my clothes?"

"Brother Wushen, if you keep doing this, I'm going to become a fucking fan."

The young man looked at his phone and kept complaining.

Then, under the resentful gaze of the woman on the bed, he lifted up his pants and walked out of the hotel elegantly.


"Damn Wozhni! You finally know you're online."

Sao Rui, who had been living in a septic tank for almost a month, finally heard the news that the Almighty God of War was online.

For a moment, I couldn't help but shed tears.

Then he jumped up directly from the urinal and said like a maniac:

"Damn it, the Almighty Martial God, and that damn fat guy named Ma Mingjie, I will never be done with you in my life!"

"Where is my X device? Where is my X device?"

As soon as Sauri came out, he couldn't help shouting, and the staff following him couldn't help saying:

"Clothes, sir, you are not wearing any clothes!"

"And are you sure you don't want to take a shower? Device X will also upload your personal status."

"If you smell so bad, people will complain."

As soon as Sauri came out, the staff who were following him were shouting behind him.

But Sao Rui didn't care at all and said:

"Take a bath, take a bath, maybe the battle with the Almighty Martial God will be over soon!"


"Static Kung Fu is a warrior's practice of tempering his own physical and mental state."

"Practicing meditation for a long time can help you control your own state."

"Although quiet skills can not improve a warrior as quickly as other methods of practice, it can often work wonders in times of life and death crisis."

"You can't slack off in this aspect of practice..."

In Stark University, Ke Yuya was teaching martial arts knowledge to the younger generation of the clan.

Just as she began to demonstrate, she sat cross-legged on the ground and began to adjust her own state.

Anderson suddenly pushed the door open and said:

"Boss, the Almighty Martial God is online."

The moment he finished speaking, Ke Yuya immediately stood up and went to the in-body X-device warehouse in the training room.

The whole set of movements was smooth and completed in one go.

Only those ordinary disciples were left in a mess in the wind.


Under the strong suggestion of all the audience, the audience seats of the already terrifying Almighty Martial God were expanded again.

Some audiences, with their own eyesight, could not even see the arena clearly.

But even so, even if they came to the martial arts dojo, they could only watch the projection broadcast in the dojo, which was no different from watching at home.

They still insisted on coming here.

There is no other reason. They like to be here and feel the atmosphere that only fans of the Almighty God can enjoy.

When Su Gu appeared in the martial arts arena, the terrifying audience seats were already full.

Everyone shouted loudly the moment they saw Su Gu appear.

"Almighty God!"

"Almighty God!"

"Almighty God!"


Su Gu has completely adapted to everything in front of him.

He nodded to the cheering audience to express his response.

Then he quietly walked into the arena and quietly started this round of matching.

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