From the light curtain, a person slowly walked out.

Aquiline nose, deep eye sockets, golden curly hair. This guy with a typical white appearance was filled with morbid excitement after seeing Sugu.

He raised his hand and made a provocative gesture of wiping his neck towards Sugu.

"Almighty God of War, right? I will beat you into a clown in front of all your fans later."

Sugu listened to his opponent's provocation and nodded without paying attention.

And when he looked at his opponent carefully, he frowned in confusion.

"It's him, Hall Riggs!"

In the audience, someone immediately announced the name of this opponent.

Immediately afterwards, a confused discussion resounded in the area.

"How could it be him?"

"He dares to challenge the Almighty Martial God? Is he worthy?"

"He even provoked him. He really treated himself as a dish. How did he get matched with the Almighty Martial God? Is there an error in the matching system?"

Hearing the questions from ordinary viewers in the audience, Anderson scratched his head in confusion.

He really didn't know this Hall Riggs.

Who is this guy?

He actually directly provoked the Almighty Martial God in front of everyone.

Could it be that he is a master that he doesn’t know?

Driven by curiosity, he connected to the Internet and offered a reward for asking questions in the public chat area.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with Almighty Martial God's opponent this time?"

"The Almighty Martial God looked at him just now and couldn't help but frown. Is this Hall Riggs very strong?"

Being willing to pay, Anderson's questions were answered quickly.

"Brother, you are the type who doesn't pay much attention to the battles of other warriors in the virtual spiritual world except for the Almighty Martial God."

"Contrary to what you said, this Hall Riggs is not too strong, but too weak."

"Everyone is wondering how this person can match the Almighty God of War. Is there an error in the matching system?"

Seeing this explanation, Anderson was really stunned for a long time.

Schiller, who was next to him, shared the information he had just found out.

"Hol Riggs, from a middle-class family on the moon. He entered the Brave Division three months ago and suffered ten consecutive defeats in this division."

"In the past month, his fighting ability seems to have improved by leaps and bounds, and he reached the elite level last week."

Only reached the elite level last week?

Have you ever suffered a losing streak in the Brave Division before?

Anderson opened the link shared by Schiller and looked at Hall’s past battle videos.

Click on 32x speed for quick tour.

"The details of this battle are handled very roughly."

"Is there something wrong with the matching system of the martial arts dojo?"

After watching the video he randomly clicked on, Anderson and the ordinary viewers began to have the same confusing questions.

And just when these three people from the Stark family were confused.

The auditorium in their area was unknowingly empty.

Unknowingly, the area within five meters of where the three Starks were was became a no man's land.

"Long time no see, Keyua."

A feminine-looking black-haired man with a snake demon tattoo on his neck said.

As soon as they heard his voice, Keyu Ya, Schiller, and Anderson trembled as if they had been bitten by a poisonous snake.

"Huosen Medici." Looking at the man with the snake demon tattoo, Keyu Ya said in a cold voice:

"How did you know that I was here? Someone in the family betrayed me?"

Schiller and Anderson took a step forward and used their bodies to separate Keyu Ya from the person in front of them.

"Your servant is too rude." Huo Sen did not answer Keyua's question and said to himself:

"And why are you so hostile to me? The two of us are destined to be together."

Hearing this, Keyu Ya said with a disgusted look on his face:


"My marriage is not a bargaining chip used by those old men to exchange interests."

After hearing these words, Huo Sen smiled indifferently and continued:

"For political reasons, the two of us will definitely come together."

"The money of the Medici family, coupled with the territory of the Moon Wolf Stark family, will definitely give rise to unimaginable prosperity."

Speaking of this, Huo Sen turned his head and looked at the location of the arena and said:

"Speaking of Keyua, you actually confessed your love to that untouchable below who didn't even dare to show his face in front of so many people."

"This behavior of yours will embarrass your future husband."

Keyuya frowned tightly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to this person. After all, this guy called the Almighty Martial God has top-notch abilities as a turtle."

"Even if I use the family's intelligence network, I can't determine this person's true identity from his fighting habits and movements."

"But... I can still think of a way to teach him a lesson."

As he said that, Horsen Medici looked down at Hall Riggs, who was constantly making provocative moves towards the Almighty God of War, and smiled.

The smile on his lips touched the snake demon tattoo on his neck.

For a moment, the snake demon on his neck seemed to come alive, staring at the prey in front of him with a cold look on his face.


"Almighty Martial God, you loser, I'm here today to step on you and rise to the top."

"Why don't you say anything, Almighty Martial God? Didn't you hear me scolding you?"

"You didn't dare to talk back when someone scolded you in person, and you are still the Almighty Martial God. Aren't you just a cuckold?"

In the arena, before choosing weapons and battlefields, Hol Riggs kept provoking Su Gu with words and body movements.

Su Gu didn't respond directly.

But the Almighty Martial God didn't care. Many of his fans sitting in the audience had reached their limit of patience.

"Damn it, refund the tickets! How can you let Brother Wushen match such a high-priced opponent? Not only does he have no strength, but he is also so uncultured.

Brother Wushen finally entered the martial arts arena and fought a battle. How can you fool us like this?"

"Why can't you let Brother Wushen fight against a hall-level figure? You just randomly picked a pawn who can't even stand in the elite stage to fool people."

"Hehe, brother, this is what you don't understand. It is said that all hall-level warriors know each other in reality.

That is a small circle that can only be joined by the heirs of top families and forces.

If the almighty martial god really wants to join, it is not enough to have a record in the virtual spirit world, but also must Someone came to introduce him. "

"None of this matters. What matters is that this guy named He Er is really trash."


As for the reactions of these viewers, Sao Rui, who was sitting on the commentary desk, responded as if he had been injected with chicken blood:

"Dear viewers, please calm down a little."

"It is a normal tactic for warriors to provoke each other before the battle to make the opponent's mentality unbalanced."

"And maybe, this He Er really has such ability?"

"Later, he might really be able to make the Almighty God of War run away with a headshot."

Sao Rui's words, which completely disregarded his commentary identity and position, played a role in adding fuel to the fire.

The fans of the Almighty God of War cursed even more fiercely, and many of them even started to curse.

And Sao Rui still smiled happily.

Since he climbed out of the cesspool, these so-called low-intensity abuses were nothing to him.

And the opinions of these ordinary audiences naturally could not influence the decision of the martial arts dojo.

Soon, Su Gu and He Er began to choose their weapons.

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