Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 42: Build a website and pave the way for the future!

After listening to Ma Mingjie's words, Su Gu looked at him with a puzzled face. He knew nine things out of ten - nothing about doing business.

Your Ma Mingjie family has been in business for generations, and your father is the richest man in Hangzhou. Why should you discuss any business with me?

Ma Mingjie rubbed his hands with a smile, then turned on his phone and sent a link to Sugu:

"Brother, look at this. I stayed up late these days to make this website."

Sugu opened the link and looked at the homepage of the website where the link was imported. He was stunned for a moment.

The name of the website is written in golden artistic characters, and it has a very exaggerated name - "Martial God's Home". The subtitle next to the main title describes the purpose of the website.

"The first communication home for Almighty God of War fans."

Scroll down the website and see that there is only one video uploaded on this website, which is the complete video of the battle where Sugu first landed in the virtual spirit world and defeated the coquettish assassin.

"What are you doing?!"

Sugu looked at this thing and was confused. Ma Mingjie put his arm around Sugu's shoulders and said:

"Brother Su, after you finished fighting the coquettish assassin, I went to check out the money-making model of the anchors in the martial arts dojo."

"I found that those anchors can monetize traffic as long as their abilities are passable and they specialize in an unpopular weapon as a gimmick. What is traffic? That's money."

"Do you know that in the last battle, you randomly selected weapons and random battlefields, and then easily defeated your opponent in seconds? How awesome was your opponent, attracting more traffic and fans?"

"I haven't done any promotion on this website, and more than 40 people have registered. If you can maintain a winning streak in the future and become famous in the virtual spiritual world, the more fans will join the 'Martial God's House'. Soon we will Just by building a website and making money, our four-year college expenses will be completely solved.”

Hearing this, Sugu felt a little moved again.

But when he heard the word traffic, he immediately recalled some traffic stars in his previous life. When those people go out and take a plane, there will be a bunch of people holding long guns and short cannons to take pictures.

Sugu got goosebumps all over when he thought about how he might have more and more fans if he was exposed.

He waved desperately to Ma Mingjie and said:

"Forget it, forget it. You should find other ways to make money."

Ma Mingjie seemed to have expected that Su Gu would say this. He still smiled and said seductively:

"Brother Su, I guess you don't know yet. Generally speaking, martial arts universities highly encourage students to make a name for themselves in the virtual spiritual world."

"Because this matter can help the school further promote it, it is the most effective advertisement. Therefore, your record, number of fans, and reputation in the spiritual world martial arts dojo can be directly converted into credits."

"At Star Martial Arts University, credits can be purchased directly here, and there are new martial arts weapons that are completely unimaginable outside the campus."

"Brother Su, don't you want the underground training room of your dormitory to be filled with the latest martial arts weapons from the military?"

After hearing this, Sugu's eyes widened with confusion on his face.

Two images emerged in his mind, one of which showed him being chased and taking pictures when he went out. From then on, his right to privacy was difficult to protect. Another one is the underground training room of the dormitory, where his beloved martial arts weapons are piled up.

After a while, Sugu gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, then it's up to you to handle this matter."

"But let's make it clear first that I will never take the initiative to reveal my ID or identity in the real world. Unless I can't hide it anymore and someone else recognizes it, I won't be able to identify it."

This was a compromise method that he came up with after struggling for a long time.

After hearing this, Ma Mingjie immediately smiled and said:

"It's okay, Brother Su, your words are enough."

"Brother, I'm not reliable in other things, but I've never cheated you on making money."

After getting the tacit answer from Sugu, he was in a good mood.

As for the condition he issued that Ma Mingjie should not take the initiative to reveal his identity, he didn't care at all.

In his opinion, how could Sugu not be exposed?

Even warriors with the same martial arts profession and the same abilities learn the same techniques. The fighting style presented in the end will definitely be different.

It's like this person's fingerprint, there must be something special and different.

It is also for this reason that many people in the Brave Stage in martial arts dojos use their real names, because their special fighting style is so easy to recognize that using ID is completely useless.

After reaching the elite level, no one will use ID.

As the opponents Sugu matches become stronger and stronger in the future, he will be studied more and more by his opponents. One day everyone will know that Sugu is the all-powerful god of martial arts.

And that time is when the traffic is monetized.

When that day comes, you will definitely be able to harvest a lot of traffic and credits.

I'm such a business genius!

While Ma Mingjie was thinking about his business, Sugu had already finished wearing the X device.

Seeing this, Ma Mingjie hurriedly said: "Wait, wait for me, Brother Su. I'm not ready yet. I want to go in as soon as possible. I want to video the second battle of the Almighty Martial God and put it on our website. "


[The Almighty Martial God has landed in the virtual spiritual world. 】

When Sugu logged in to his ID in the virtual spirit world, at the same time, a middle-aged man saw the notification sound on his mobile phone, and then he suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

"Is it finally here?"

He is the owner of the ID [Coquettish Assassin]. Since he was defeated by Sugu last time, he has been paying attention to the movements of [Almighty Martial God].

But since defeating him, this account seems to have disappeared, and there has been no movement.

Now that Sugu finally landed, he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately took out his X device and entered the virtual spiritual world martial arts dojo.


Sugu's landing place in the virtual spiritual world was directly set up as a martial arts dojo.

This time he landed at the entrance of the arena. Sugu walked straight in and began to match the opponent for this battle.

"Here he comes, the guy with the random weapon last time is here."

"That's him. Looking at it up close, he's not particularly strong. How does he use that heavy shield so well?"

"It seems that in future battles, we must not be fooled by the opponent's appearance. Anyone who looks at this guy at the first glance can tell that this is a sophisticated defensive heavy equipment."

"I hope I can match this almighty god of war with a decent opponent today. Our university used this guy's performance in the last heavy equipment game as a case study, so I paid special attention to this guy. I hope I can learn from him in his battle today. Some reloading tips.”

As soon as Sugu entered the stage, spectators entered the auditorium one after another. Those watching looked at Sugu and there was a burst of whispers.

Thanks to the coquettish assassin uploading the video of his defeat and it went viral. Compared to the last time, Sugu's battle was much better with no one paying attention except Ma Mingjie.

There were already more than a thousand people in the audience. This is a relatively rare battle in the cannon fodder section where no one is paying attention.

"I don't know what kind of opponent the Almighty Martial God will be matched with this time." The coquettish assassin murmured as he looked at Sugu's back.

The challenge letter he sent to his account was ignored by Sugu, and it was almost impossible to match the same opponent twice in a row based on the mechanism of the martial arts dojo.

This time, he honestly acted as an audience.

"Brother, do you want to join our big family?"

At this moment, a thiefy, chubby face came over and handed a flyer with a mysterious website address printed on it to the coquettish assassin.

The coquettish assassin looked at Ma Mingjie's face in the game and said with a speechless expression:

"Please leave this weird little advertisement to others, I have a wife. Don't come to me for pyramid schemes, I'm really poor."

Ma Mingjie was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that the other party might have misunderstood, and immediately said:

"Brother, you are mistaken. I am not engaged in color, let alone pyramid schemes. This is a serious website, and the place where we gather is the fans of the website."

The coquettish assassin clicked on the website link on the flyer, and the expression on his face became even more speechless.

You just played one game in the cannon fodder section and you already have loyal fans?

And the only video uploaded on the website is of beating me?

"Sorry, forget it, I'm not interested."

The coquettish assassin sighed and returned the flyer to Ma Mingjie.

At this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly and he looked in the direction of the arena and said:

"The match has been completed."

"The Almighty Martial God's opponent this time is here!"

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