Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 73: He's still such a loser after taking drugs? How could I have imagined that?

The arena made of alien blood and black gold sank inch by inch after being bombarded by Sugu's punches, and was submerged into the soil.

The entire area looked like buildings that had been blasted by missiles, and Zheng Lu fell in the ruins.

His hair turned gray and his body was as dry as dry firewood. His eyes were rounded with pain, and his chapped mouth opened as wide as possible. This horrific death scene made everyone watching feel a little uncomfortable.

He was punched to death by Sugu, and the pill he took kept tapping his life potential, pulling him back from the line of life and death.

At the last moment of his life, Zheng Lu suffered as much as Ling Chi.

Sugu dusted himself off, walked away from Zheng Lu and walked down the ring expressionlessly. Wherever he passed, everyone subconsciously made way for him.

These warriors from the Warrior Academy looked at Sugu, with expressions on their faces ranging from fear and horror to pretending to be calm and gloating...

What a dead person. On the first day of their freshman competition, someone was beaten to death.

It's been years since something like this happened.

Whether it was an accident or intentional. A ruthless person like Sugu who dares to beat people to death in public should try not to provoke him in the future and stay as far away as possible.

"You still want to run away! You bastard killed someone and you still want to run away!"

A hover car roared down from high in the sky, and the people inside were still in the car, roaring loudly in Sugu's direction.

The hover car stopped next to Zheng Lu's body. Zheng Sheng trotted out of the car. His previously meticulously styled hair was now extremely messy, and his straight suit was also full of wrinkles.

He held Zheng Lu's body and after sensing that it was indeed a piece of meat that would not react in any way, he angrily shouted at Sugu: "You killed the young head of our Zheng family in public. Murder, do you think you can run away?"

"I didn't want to run away at all." Su Gu looked at Zheng Sheng with a puzzled look and said matter-of-factly: "I just defended two games. According to the rules, I have a certain rest time. I will fight again after the rest period. The next challenger."

After hearing this, the students in the Warrior Academy subconsciously rolled their eyes.

Do you still want to defend?

If you are guarding here, who dares and is qualified to attack? I don't want my life.

And Su Gu's confident speech made Zheng Sheng, who came to ask questions, trembling with anger.

"You damn guy, don't you know that you just killed my young master? Don't you feel any guilt at all?"

After hearing what the other party said, the expression on Sugu's face was extremely innocent and aggrieved.

He gently rubbed his chin, and then said in confusion:

"Guilt? My battle with Zheng Lu has always been in accordance with the rules. During this period, he did not show any intention to admit defeat."

"And the referee robot has been checking Zheng Lu's vital signs. If his health drops below the safety line, I will naturally stop my action immediately."

"What does Zheng Lu's death have to do with me?"

After Zheng Sheng heard Sugu's words, he gritted his teeth angrily.

This damn kid is still pretending to be confused. Damn it, my young master can't admit defeat, not because you held his throat from the beginning to prevent him from speaking. Wasn't it because you shattered his vocal cords with one punch?

Soon one after another floating cars came down from the sky. It was the school principal Cheng Zi who asked General Heyin. When they saw these two big figures coming forward in person, all the students straightened their backs subconsciously.

General Yin glanced at Zheng Lu's body, looked at Su Gu and said:

"This kid ate the blood-burning soul-burning pill that is banned from circulation by the federation, and died due to the dual effects of your attack and the pill's life-sucking effect."

"Strictly speaking, Zheng Lu is indeed to blame for this incident. Of course, the premise is that you didn't notice anything strange about Zheng Lu during this battle and didn't take advantage of the situation to kill someone intentionally."

"As long as you didn't do that, you're innocent."

These words seemed to be said accidentally, but they were full of meaning, and Sugu understood it immediately.

He said quickly: "Huh? So this guy Zheng Lu can still be such a waste after taking medicine?"

"How could I have imagined this?"

After listening to Su Gu's words, Zheng Sheng was so angry that he almost vomited blood. If he hadn't been unable to defeat Sugu, he would have put down the young master's body and fought with this kid!

Are you, you bitch, speaking human language?

But what his young master couldn't do even after taking the blood-burning soul pill, he naturally couldn't do it. What's more, there was General Yin standing next to Sugu, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Zheng Sheng's eyes turned to another luxurious hover car that came down with General Yin. He looked at the figures of the five people coming out of the car and said almost kowtow:

"Several adults on the school board, you must make the decision for our Zheng family."

"Even purchasing illegal drugs is not a capital offense under federal law."

"This Sugu deliberately pinched the young master's neck when he captured the young master, and then destroyed the young master's vocal cords. He must know something."

"This was not an accidental death at all, but a deliberate murder!"

After listening to Zheng Sheng's words, the elders on the school board frowned slightly. In front of so many forces, the freshmen competed so hard, and their faces were a little strange.

Several people looked at Su Gu standing aside, and saw that the young man's eyes were calm and open, as if he didn't care about Zheng Sheng's accusations at all.

How to deal with him?

Their school board just agreed to cooperate deeply with some small families this year, and a young master of a family died in the freshman competition.

If they do nothing, their school board will lose face.

But it is even more unrealistic to mess with the school's genius for a drug-taking scumbag.

The looks of these people wandered back and forth between Su Gu and Zheng Sheng, and their expressions were extremely tangled.

At this moment, an old man with white hair came out of Principal Cheng Ziwen's hovering car, supported by General Yin.

He looked at the scene around him and said, "If you trust me, how about letting me handle this matter?"

Looking at the person who spoke, the eyes of several people on the school board immediately lit up.

"If Professor Lan is willing to handle this matter, it would be great."

"Professor Lan Qing is the most famous in our school, and I believe he will give a fair judgment."

"In that case, let's just settle this matter."

Hearing that someone was willing to take the initiative to take this matter, the school board kicked the ball over in a few words.

Lan Qing nodded slightly and dealt with the people on the school board one by one.

Su Gu frowned slightly. He didn't know why the old man's eyes would glance at him from time to time.

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