Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 85 Come on, you can definitely defeat Sugu!

Guided battles are battles that will only be fought when the martial arts cognition, ability, and combat qualities of both sides are at least one level apart.

In order to stimulate the potential of the weak, the strong side will lead the opponent to fight on the premise of ensuring that they will not lose. Let them have the illusion that they have exerted their strength to 120%.

An excellent martial arts teacher can often loosen the bottleneck of students' martial arts by leading their students to fight a guided battle.

The people of the Feng family looked at the scene on the ring with extremely complicated expressions.

Obviously, the teacher who guided the young patriarch this time was not a gentle teacher.

A dazzling knife light flashed, and Su Gu's long knife cut Feng Yan's side abdomen, and blood splashed and ribs were visible.

But Feng Yan seemed unaware at this moment, and the look on his face was crazy, like a madman who had gone crazy. The long knife in his hands did not reduce the offensive, and he slashed towards Su Gu's face frantically.

This time, it was his turn to win in danger!

Facing the double knives slashing at him, Su Gu abandoned the knife and moved forward, not retreating but advancing.

He blocked Feng Yan's hands with his bare hands, so that the knife in his hand could not move forward. Then he sent a collapsing punch to his face, and Feng Yan flew backwards again.

Seeing their young patriarch being knocked away again, the expressions on the faces of the Feng family members have become numb.

Fighting ten or a hundred times, the result is the same.

Feng Yan's attack ideas and movements have been completely understood by Su Gu in several fights. The longer the time, the more Su Gu will gain the upper hand.

The Feng family members looked at Su Gu's indifferent expression.

Now he can no longer feel the slightest pressure from his young patriarch.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe that in this Starry Sky Martial Arts University, a freshman could suppress the young master to this extent.

"How crazy! He is giving a battle guidance to the first heir of a noble family." General Yin muttered, "Why wasn't I as crazy as him back then?"

"But doesn't Su Gu fully meet Lao Cheng's requirements now? If he is knocked out by Feng Yan, he will be the final winner. As long as he can see this battle clearly, who can say that Feng Yan has a chance to beat him?"

General Yin is a straightforward person. He speaks out any questions in his mind.

Before he finished speaking, his inquiring eyes were already cast on his teacher, Lan Qing.

"Teacher, you have been educating and training young warriors all your life. You know more about guiding battles than we do. Tell me what Su Gu wants to do."

"I think if the fight continues like this, Feng Yan's martial arts heart will be shattered. Does this kid want to make enemies with the Feng family?"

Lan Qing looked at the situation on the field, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face. After a moment of silence, he said:

"I guess the Feng family also has such concerns, so they went to the audience. Once Feng Yan has some bad changes, they will stop this battle at all costs. But obviously, they also saw that Su Gu's purpose is not to shatter Feng Yan's confidence."

He said hesitantly: "Su Gu seems to want to stimulate Feng Yan's potential through repeated battles."

"Stimulate potential?" General Yin said in surprise.

"That's right. When some warriors encounter bottlenecks, a battle that can push them to their limits can often achieve miraculous results. Breakthroughs on the battlefield are not uncommon. I'm afraid Su Gu forced Feng Yan to break through."

"I'm afraid this is also the reason why the Feng family has not stopped the battle until now. They feel that Su Gu has no ill intentions, and he didn't deliberately humiliate Feng Yan. Although the method seems rough, it's really for his own good."

"Stimulate the opponent's potential and let your opponent break through?" General Yin sucked his teeth.

Damn, he really knows how to play.

Helping his opponent to become stronger during a fight, this is the first time in his life that he has seen such a crazy thing.

On the ring, Feng Yan's speed became slower and slower. Now even those ordinary students can use their naked eyes to see what happened.

The people in the audience looked at the scene on the ring with an unbelievable look on their faces.

The changes in Feng Yan's appearance made these people speechless.

How long has it been? He was beaten like this.

At this moment, Feng Yan was no longer as cool and calm as when he first stepped onto the ring.

His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were covered with blood and dirt. There were three penetrating wounds on his body, and he had to forcefully tighten his muscles to stop the bleeding, so that his center of gravity when standing looked a little strange.

The weapons in his hands had turned into short blades and daggers again. His condition was too bad, and he could no longer maintain the wind and thunder double sword flow.

Now, looking at Feng Yan at a glance, except for the pair of eyes that had not yet surrendered, there was no basis on his body that could support him to continue fighting.

In sharp contrast, Su Gu, who was confronting him, was leisurely picking up the long sword he had discarded before.

He walked casually, and the corners of his martial arts uniform were lightly lifted by the wind. Except for the fact that his hair was a little messy due to the high-speed movement, it was even difficult to find traces of fighting on him.

The way he leisurely picked up the long sword looked more like an old man doing morning exercises in the park than a warrior who was in a difficult battle.

He took the long sword and waved it casually for a few times, and silver flowers bloomed.

"Come on, continue."

Su Gu looked at Feng Yan and said the same thing.

Feng Yan gritted his teeth, as if winding up a broken toy, and tremblingly picked up his weapon and took a stance.

He roared and fought with Su Gu again.

Without the wind and thunder double swords, he could only fight Su Gu with assassin skills. But how could anyone be Su Gu's opponent in fighting skills?

In this fight, Su Gu's face was even a little leisurely.

When Feng Yan's physical energy was exhausted to the limit, Su Gu kicked him away.

Looking at Feng Yan's body, the parabola that crossed the sky, all the students watching this scene had the same anger.

No one likes to watch others bully the weak. Su Gu obviously has the ability to end this battle, but every time he uses a strength slightly stronger than Feng Yan, he fights with him.

This cat-and-mouse behavior caused public outrage.

"Come on, Feng Yan, you can definitely beat Su Gu!"

I don't know who shouted this among the students. This shout roared out the voices of many people.

Soon, some people spontaneously cheered.

"That's right, Feng Yan. You can do it. We all support you."

"I really didn't expect that in the last battle, I would support the people of the aristocratic family more than the common people. Damn it, no matter what, Feng Yan, come on, don't let Su Gu be too arrogant! He is really too much!"


Looking at this year's common people, regardless of class, cheering for the same person, Yu Cunxiao's mouth opened wide.

He never thought that the gap between students due to their backgrounds was eliminated at this moment because of Su Gu.

Although his method was very strange.

Amid the waves of support, Feng Yan stood up again and charged at Su Gu.

Soon, he was knocked away again.

Then it happened again, and the result was the same.


I don't know how many times Feng Yan was defeated. This time he lay on the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

He seemed to have lost consciousness.

Is it over? !

Those students who supported him thought with heartache.

At this moment, Feng Yan's supernatural power began to work instinctively.

The power of wind and thunder entangled the place where he was injured.

The wind and thunder intertwined, and suddenly a little flame appeared.

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