Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 95 Weapons are empty, and heavy weapons are used in bare-handed combat!

A flash of red light flashed, and soon Su Gu's opponent appeared.

Su Gu raised his eyes slightly and looked at today's opponent.

He had an eagle nose and deep eyes, and a slightly curly light blonde hair, a typical Caucasian appearance. His height was estimated to be close to three meters, and he was the tallest person Su Gu had ever met.

He was not wearing any clothes on his upper body, and the exposed muscles gave people a strong visual impact. Just by looking at it with the naked eye, one could feel the explosive power contained in this body.

When he appeared, the venue of the arena was expanded again, and the original venue was increased by one third.

These expanded venues were to accommodate the fans who were attracted to the fighting arena to watch the fight of this player.

When the venue was expanded, a thunderous cheer swept the entire arena.

"Mars, Bartlet! Mars, Bartlet!!"

Silently staying in the fan area of ​​the Almighty God of War, Schiller and Anderson, who hid their IDs, looked at the newcomer and raised their eyebrows slightly.

It was him.

"The enthusiastic audience has told us the name of the opponent that the Almighty God of War has matched this time."

Saury muttered expressionlessly about the identity of this opponent.

"Bartlett was born on Mars, which pursues the ultimate power. His family is also a famous Patton among heavy armor. So it is natural that he also takes the path of heavy armor, and he is also an offensive heavy armor with the strongest melee destructive power."

"And the Almighty God of War is a skillful warrior with a delicate style. Every battle video of his is worth watching in slow motion. It seems that what we will see today is the collision of skills and power."

When Saurry briefly introduced the identities of both parties, Bartlett's fans made a series of shouting:

"What is a skillful warrior? That is a weak chicken with insufficient strength, which is a modification of himself. In the face of absolute power, all skills are nothing."

"Looking at the appearance of this guy, it is probably a bigger earth Internet celebrity. Bartlett will soon crush the opponent!"

In the face of the shouting of Bartlett's fans, the fans of the Almighty God of War immediately responded.

"Damn, you bastards from Mars are really wild boars that can't eat fine bran..."

So in the arena, the two people who were still in a state of confrontation had not yet fought, but their fans started to fight wildly.

And during this free time, Bartelle also looked at his opponent today with the corner of his eyes.

"Almighty Martial God?" There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if chewing a dish that was about to be eaten, chewing the name.

His fans didn't know the ID of the Almighty Martial God. As a person who has been fighting in the Brave Stage for many years, how could he not know this super rookie who just defeated Arnold.

But even if he knew, he didn't care in his heart.

As a warrior with strong offensive power, he is confident that he can crush any opponent in a head-on confrontation!

The Almighty Martial God in front of him seems to use random weapons to provoke when facing the enemy. He was also very curious whether the opponent dared to do this again in front of him.


After the two warriors confronted each other for a while, Su Gu clicked on the option with ease, and two huge wheels rose up.

Looking at the two wheels spinning at high speed, the expressions on the faces of Bartelle's Martian fans became dull.

"What the hell is this? Random weapons?"

"Fuck, is this earthling looking for death?"

Looking at the confused face of the enemy who just exchanged insults with them, the fans of the Almighty God of War showed a hint of pride on their faces.

"Are you stupid, Martian country bumpkin? Our God of War can beat the so-called Bartelle with any weapon!"

Let alone other things, just talk about this kind of behavior of ignoring the opponent and pretending directly. God of War will never let these fans down.

When the two wheels stopped spinning, Sao Rui, who was the commentator, looked at Su Gu's weapon plate today and showed a meaningful smile.

He looked at Ma Mingjie beside him and said with a smile: "I say, fellow fan of the Almighty God of War, is the bet you just mentioned still valid?"

The roulette wheel that selected Su Gu's weapons for this battle stopped spinning, and the pointer pointed to an empty plate without any pattern, which meant one thing.

No weapons.

Su Gu did not get any weapons this time, and directly played an empty round.

Before Ma Mingjie responded, the fans of Batelle laughed.

At the same time, the choice of the battle site has been completed, with a rocky terrain with twenty times the gravity. The environment selection is completed, and the laughter of these people seems to add fuel to the fire.

These Martians laughed more wildly and unrestrainedly than before.

"Hahaha! In a gravity environment, fighting against an offensive heavy armor with bare hands, I really didn't expect to encounter such fun today."

"Gravity environment is the most restrictive for so-called skill-based fighters. Operations that can be performed at will in a normal environment require hundreds of times more effort here to keep the movements intact."

"I guess Bartelle is dumbfounded. He has been fighting in the martial arts dojo for three years and has never encountered such a good thing as today."

"Is there any need to watch this fight? Are we matched with a clown today?"

The arc of Sao Rui's mouth at this moment is harder to suppress than AK. He looked at Ma Mingjie beside him and said jokingly:

"Fans, please say something. Is your bet good or not? Today, I'm betting on the Almighty Martial God to lose. A skilled warrior fights an offensive heavy armor with bare hands in a gravity environment."

"You throw a beautiful girl into the venue to seduce Bartlett and make him admit defeat. I feel that the chances of winning are higher than this."

Under the suppression of Sao Rui and Bartlett's fans, the voices of the Almighty Martial God fans gradually became a little low.

Seeing this, Ma Mingjie sighed slightly in his heart. Although he is a martial arts loser, he has been with Su Gu for so long, and he still has some common sense.

He knows that what Sao Rui said just now is right.


"Okay, Sao Rui. I'm betting with you! I tell you, the Almighty Martial God will still win this time! If he loses, I will make an apology video for you and put it on the homepage of the website I am currently running, and it will hang there for a year!" Ma Mingjie said aggressively.

But the one standing in the arena now is my brother, Ma Mingjie. If I don't support him, who will support him!

Besides, Su Gu can create miracles, otherwise he would not have been able to be a student who was not even accepted by the martial arts exam class and was thrown into the literary exam class. He won the provincial champion all the way, and now he is the first among the freshmen of Xingwu University!

"Okay, it's a deal!" Sao Rui said happily.

Fighting an offensive heavy armor with bare hands? What a joke, how can I lose?

I will just double it!

The venue in the arena has been switched, and Su Gu jumped a few times on the twenty-fold gravity field to adapt to the gravity.

Although he often goes to the high-gravity area, it is the first time for him to fight the enemy in this situation, and he has some expectations in his heart.

Looking at Su Gu's appearance, Anderson and Schiller's mouths twitched.

"The idea of ​​the Almighty Martial God is indeed a bit unlucky. His current state is to fight the offensive heavy armor head-on with bare hands. And it is in a gravity environment, and his skills and speed are suppressed." Anderson sighed slightly.

I'm afraid no one at the scene could have thought that the Almighty Martial God's luck was so bad. Obviously, judging from his previous performance, so many weapons have extremely high attainments, and there are thousands of weapons on the entire roulette wheel, but in the end, he turned to an empty plate.

"If the Almighty Martial God still insists on this extreme way of playing, it will be very common to encounter such extreme situations." Ke Yuya said calmly: "I am now very curious about the level of the Almighty Martial God's empty-handed style."

Hearing their boss say this, Anderson and Schiller looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

When did the empty-handed style of fighting against the enemy with bare hands become something that can be played by just mentioning it casually and pulling anyone?

To be able to be confident enough to fight against an enemy with a lethal weapon with bare hands, either a top master or a roadside garbage, there is no middle state at all.

With the Almighty Martial God's proficiency in weapons, does he still have time to study the empty-handed style? This is not a joke.

This is what Anderson and Schiller thought in their hearts, but looking at the captain's appearance at the moment, they were embarrassed to say it out loud.

At this moment, Ke Yuya's beautiful eyes calmly looked at the face of the Almighty God of War, as if she wanted to let her eyes penetrate the poker face set by the system and see the expression behind that face.

Batlle looked at his opponent, who was light under high gravity, and nodded secretly.

Not bad, it seems that this toy can be played for a while longer.

The weapon selection was completed, and the black and red armor wrapped around Batlle's body.

The tall and strong man looked at Su Gu with an evil smile, and then he stretched out his fingers and made a number four.

When he made this move, his fans on the field cheered.

"Battelle said that the battle would be resolved in four minutes."

"If you ask me, four minutes is too much. In a gravity environment, a bare-handed scum can be crushed in one minute!"

Looking at the arrogant look of these people, the fans of the Almighty God of War blushed.

And just when the fans were about to start another quarrel, the system sounded.

The battle begins!

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