Waste Synthesis: Starting from Picking Up Garbage to Become Immortal

Chapter 1 The Golden Cauldron, the Synthesis of All Things

Song Tianming looked at the alchemy furnace, feeling uneasy.

Will he become the alchemy apprentice of a mortal-class upper-grade alchemist and have no worries about food and clothing?

Or will he be expelled from the family and live on the streets?

It all depends on whether the last pill is successful or not!

Fortunately, the liquid medicine in the alchemy furnace is stable, and everything is moving in a good direction.

"Hehe, after the pill is successful, I will be the alchemy apprentice of a mortal-class upper-grade alchemist. I wonder who dares to say that I am a waste, and who dares to bully my sister!"

In the huge Xingye City, there are no more than a handful of mortal-class upper-grade alchemists, and their status is more respected than that of Xuanjing cultivators.

And as the alchemy servant of a mortal-class upper-grade alchemist, he naturally has an extraordinary status.

But at this moment, the stable liquid medicine began to disperse and run away.

In just a moment, the alchemy furnace roared, the liquid medicine splashed, and then bursts of black smoke rose, and a pungent smell of burning came out.

Song Tianming's heart tightened, and he immediately reached for the alchemy furnace.


The fire from the pill burned his arms and the flames burned his flesh, but Song Tianming remained indifferent and just kept searching for the pill in the furnace.

Finally, he got a waste pill that was as black as charcoal.

"It's over, it's all over!"

Song Tianming collapsed to the ground, extremely desperate.

However, at this moment, a giant tripod suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It floated in the void, shining brightly, scattering golden light, like a dream.

Song Tianming was stunned.

The golden giant tripod suddenly exerted force, and immediately a strong wind whistled, rolling up two charcoal-like waste blood coagulation pills and swallowing them into the tripod.


The tripod immediately erupted with fierce thunder sounds, the clouds intertwined with each other, and the symbols rushed back like a waterfall, with colorful and golden light.

After a while, the golden giant tripod spit out a pill.

This pill is ruddy, full and fragrant, and very extraordinary.

At the same time, a message was also transmitted to Song Tianming's mind.

Waste blood coagulation pill + waste blood coagulation pill = blood coagulation pill

This golden giant tripod actually combined two waste pills into a precious pill. It is simply a divine weapon!

Song Tianming immediately stretched out his hand forward, wanting to take this golden giant tripod into his arms, but he was empty.

Song Tianming was full of suspicion, and grabbed two more burnt waste pills and threw them into the golden giant tripod.

The tripod still roared with thunder, and the light and shadow were brilliant, and then a precious pill was spit out and fell into Song Tianming's palm.

Song Tianming was overjoyed. Once was a coincidence, twice was a rule.

"Hey! Waste pill + waste pill is a good pill, then what is a good pill + a good pill?"

Song Tianming was full of enthusiasm and immediately threw two fragrant blood coagulation pills into the golden giant tripod.


Thunder exploded, and the light surged.

A pill with a shining treasure flew out under the cluster of thunder notes and fell into Song Tianming's palm.

Blood coagulation pill + blood coagulation pill = middle-grade blood coagulation pill

Low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, top-grade.

The value of the pill will change dramatically with each increase in purity.

A low-grade blood coagulation pill is only worth five spirit coins, but a middle-grade blood coagulation pill is worth thirty spirit coins.

If it is a high-grade blood coagulation pill, it will be sold for hundreds of spirit coins.

"This is too good, not only can it turn waste into treasure, but it can also upgrade the treasure!"

At this time, a gust of wind blew towards the closed pill room, and the wind was like an invisible giant hand, directly pushing Song Tianming out of the pill room.

Outside the alchemy room, Huo Yi looked at a burnt waste pill rolling on the ground, waved his sleeves and said impatiently: "Brother Song Hai, the path of alchemy is not for everyone. The person you brought here is so stupid that he can't even make a simple blood coagulation pill with five ingredients. It's a waste of my time."

Song Hai looked embarrassed and smiled apologetically. Although he was the head of the Song family and a Xuan realm cultivator, he was also a little restrained in front of Huo Yi, a mortal-level top-grade alchemist.

But when Song Hai turned to face Song Tianming, he immediately glared and scolded him harshly.

"Song Tianming, your father has made great contributions to the family, but after your father disappeared, the family raised you and your sick sister for more than ten years in vain. We have done our best."

"Now you have achieved nothing in martial arts, physical training, spiritual training, and even alchemy. As the head of the Song family, I will expel you from the family according to the family rules. Do you have any objections?"

"Ah? I am a waste?" Song Tianming immediately stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and showed a blood coagulation pill with precious light. "Open your eyes and see what this is!"

When Huo Yi saw this, his pupils shrank immediately, his face was full of surprise that he could not hide, and his head shook like a rattle, saying: "Impossible, a mid-grade blood coagulation pill, this is impossible."

Song Hai, who was standing aside, also took a breath of cold air when he heard this, and his heart was in turmoil.

If you want to become the alchemist apprentice of Huo Yi, a mortal-level upper-grade alchemist, you must pass a trial.

Five portions of raw materials can be used to refine a blood coagulation pill.

This seemingly simple test, but no one in the Song family passed it.

Song Hai brought Song Tianming to participate in this alchemy test, just to expel Song Tianming and his sick sister with an impeccable reason. He never thought that Song Tianming could succeed.

After all, Song Hai's own son Song Yang, the martial arts genius who was in the late stage of bone correction at the age of fifteen, did not pass it, so how could Song Tianming pass it?

However, now, Song Tianming, the most useless person in the Song family, has successfully refined a blood coagulation pill, and it is a medium-grade one, which shows that his alchemy talent is far higher than that of ordinary people.

Of course, they don't know that Song Tianming can get this medium-grade blood coagulation pill thanks to the synthesis function of the golden giant tripod.

And Song Tianming will never reveal this shocking secret, otherwise he will only be greeted by death!

Fortunately, the golden giant tripod is like a dream, and only he can see it. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to tell others, no one can know its existence.

Song Hai's face turned red with shame. He had just called Song Tianming a waste with certainty, but he was slapped in the face immediately. He was a little embarrassed.

However, Song Hai was a Xuanjing warrior after all, and his state of mind was extraordinary. He looked at Song Tianming and said seriously: "A tiger father will have a dog son. Your father Song Xiu is the first sword cultivator of the Song family for a thousand years. I knew you would not be a waste, but I didn't expect your talent to be in the way of alchemy. If I had known this earlier, I would have brought you to Master Huo."

Song Tianming had a blank expression on his face. A few words seemed to dissolve the contempt of more than ten years. It was not so easy.

Song Hai looked at Song Tianming's mocking eyes and immediately said: "Tianming, you have been wronged before. Uncle Song will personally sponsor you with one thousand spirit coins. I hope you can make great progress in the way of alchemy and revive the glory of the Song family!"

While speaking, Song Hai took out a bulging purse from his arms and handed it to Song Tianming with a little pain.

Song Tianming was overjoyed. He took the purse without hesitation and said with a smile, "Thank you, Uncle Song!"

One thousand spirit coins is equivalent to the salary of a mortal warrior who works hard for a month.

"Uncle Song, you also know that the way of alchemy costs money. If I want to become a master of the way of alchemy, the more sponsorship the better!"

Song Hai's mouth twitched, and his face was painful. He expelled Song Tianming and his sick sister just to save money, but now not only did he not expel Song Tianming, but he had to spend more money to train him, which was simply devastating.

However, in order for the Song family to have its own alchemist, Song Hai could only bite his teeth and accept it.

At this time, Huo Yi forgot about me and was still in shock.

For some reason, Huo Yi did not want to accept a disciple, so the medicinal materials he gave to Song Tianming were wrong.

The four-leaf purple root grass was replaced by the five-leaf purple root grass.

The former has the property of blood coagulation, while the latter has the property of blood dispersion.

This mistake is fatal. No matter how strong his talent in alchemy is, it is impossible to succeed in refining, let alone refining a medium-grade blood coagulation pill.

"Could it be that the ancient relic of the Song family is in the hands of this kid?"

"His father Song Xiu is the first sword cultivator of the Song family for a thousand years. It is not surprising that he has that ancient relic!"

Huo Yi suddenly realized, grinned, put his hand on Song Tianming's shoulder, and then squeezed it tightly, as if afraid that he would run away.

"Brother Song Hai, I was wrong. This boy made a medium-grade blood coagulation pill for the first time he refined the alchemy. He has a good talent in alchemy and will become a master of alchemy in the future. I will accept this disciple!"

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