Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 10 The Origin of Demonic Power

"Yes, it is the origin of this world." The woman replied with a smile, pulled out the cheap red-painted chair in front of her, and sat down.

"My name is Natasha von Putburg, you can just call me Natasha. However, I need to confirm your identity before I can solve your confusion."

"What, identity?" Wright asked subconsciously.

"Are you a guest or a consultant?" Natasha asked, crossing her hands and placing them under her chin.

"What is a guest and what is a consultant?" Wright felt confused.

"Simple, the client is the one who pays the money, and the consultant is the one who wants free services." Natasha explained.

Knew it! None of the humans in the wasteland are unrealistic. They are always willing to ask for money. They really fall into the eyes of money.

Wright complained in his mind, but his facial expression still pretended to be curious and deep.

He crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other, pretending to think for a long time before deciding:

"I choose customers. After all, cheap products are not good, and free products are not cheap."

Natasha was a little surprised, then immediately smiled and said:

"It's really interesting. Everyone else wants to get free things, but you are willing to pay. If someone hadn't told you your identity, I would have thought you were a rich man in this city. However, our charges here are not low, 50 SGD.”

"50 Singapore dollars?" Wright almost jumped.

Although I just received a huge fortune of 1,000 SGD from General George, now I have to spend 50 SGD for a consultation. Isn't this robbery?

You can buy a piece of bread for 5-10 cents, and 50 Singapore dollars is almost 500 pieces of bread. If you buy a gun through the official Scottish weapons exchange, you can buy a rifle or better.

A mere question costs SGD 50. It’s black, it’s really black!

However, after Wright thought about it, if the 50 new coins could get him information about the magic source power and the wasteland world, it would be worth the money. Of course, it would be better if he could get some information about the time he traveled through.

After making up his mind, Wright unzipped his leather jacket and slowly took out the brand new coin from the hidden compartment of his coat pocket.

He pressed the coin on the long wooden table with one finger and pushed it forward with extremely slow movements.

"S$100? Okay, please wait."

Natasha took the new coins in her hand and moved the kerosene lamp nearby closer. When she saw through the dim light the watermark of the smiling Socratic city governor, she felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, she took out two objects from the drawer with the globe behind her with gentle steps and the clicking sound of high heels.

"Here's your 50 Singapore dollars and the city ticket stub." Natasha handed over the two pieces of paper.

"City ticket stub?" Wright asked subconsciously after taking it.

"As expected, you have just been transferred to the city of Sugra. That doesn't matter. This can be regarded as a gift." Natasha returned to her original position and continued to explain:

"The so-called city ticket stubs are the basis for all transactions. But only transactions over 35 Singapore dollars need to be issued. It is not for anything else, just for taxation. How many ticket stubs are issued will be how much tax is paid. According to "Suga City Tax Management" The regulations stipulate that ticket stubs can be exchanged for discounts at the exchanges affiliated with the city committee, but I don’t know the specific amount. So, do you still have questions about this? Wright. "

"No, not anymore." Wright replied. He obviously did not expect that cities in the wasteland could also enact more complete laws.

It seems that humans living in the wasteland must be inseparable from order.

"Then let's get down to business. Your 50 Singapore dollars is enough for me to answer three questions, as well as a divination that you have to participate in. But I want to emphasize that I refuse to answer questions about Mr. George."

Mr. George? Wright was shocked.

Sure enough, that test question and this dim kerosene lamp shop have something to do with him?

If you can't ask General George a question, then naturally you can't ask that test question either.

Then, there is only one most crucial thing left, that note full of despair.

"We will all fall into darkness, and no one will be saved. Except for the red magic source power..."

These desperate words appeared in Wright's mind again, and his own withered face seemed to appear in front of him again, as well as a thick crimson fog that could not see the future at all.

After shaking his heavy head vigorously a few times, Wright was relieved from the depressing atmosphere and asked his first question:

"I want to know what magic source power is."

"Demon power? I just said that he is the origin of this world." Natasha answered in "professional" terms.

Wright did not dare to mention the red magic source power. After all, it was something that was not finished on the note. He was not sure if someone would do anything to him. Secondly, Yato, the Lost One, was there. After completing the so-called "ritual", he deliberately concealed it from him.

If people knew that he had come into contact with the power of the red magic source, not to mention that this special thing would arouse jealousy. Even if it was a power worth utilizing, some people would deliberately put him in danger.

Information, or information, everything has to obtain information as a prerequisite!

"The power of magic was born from the creator of this world, who we generally call the Creator. Theologians believe that our world is just a terrible dream of the Creator. In his dream, he created the universe, the stars and the sun, and finally created of the earth and humanity.”

It sounds like the work of God. Could it be said that these gods are all interoperable?

Wright couldn't help but complained in his heart.

But facing this weird Natasha who looked like a witch, Wright could only pretend to nod frequently to show that he was listening carefully.

"Of course, some ignorant people add the Creator to the top of the sequence of gods, calling him 'Sequence 1: Creator', and even try to spy on his existence. As everyone knows, the human spirit cannot touch the mystery at all, and what is waiting for them is Destruction. Ahem, it seems a bit off topic." Natasha said a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. It happens to be the next question I want to ask. You answered part of it for me in advance." Wright didn't care too much.

"Then I'll continue." Natasha straightened her body, placed her hands steadily on her legs, and continued with an elegant posture belonging to a woman:

"It is said that the power used by the Creator to create all things in the universe is the power of magic. It means the power of the root of magic. It was born in the depths of the universe and is controlled by all the sequential gods. We mortals can also use part of this power, but When the steam age of the Third Age came, magic power and magicians became things that were rarely mentioned, and gradually became marginalized, and some even said they did not exist."

"It's such a pity," Wright sighed.

He believed in the existence of magic source power. After all, Yato showed this power to him yesterday.

"Sky, ocean, desert, forest. The power of magic exists in every corner of nature and all things. Metal, vegetation, water, fire, and earth are its basic categories, and light, darkness, and wind are its three upper categories. . However, it is difficult for human thinking to connect known things. How to tap these powers is the first job of a magician. Moreover, the mysterious power is not the only one, and the magic source power is only the basis for communicating with gods and using it to fight. , but it might be something you need to master in the future."

"Well, I probably understand something. Natasha...Miss, I want to ask the second question." Wright said.

"Excuse me."

"Can you explain the era you just mentioned?"

Wright originally wanted to expand on this issue, but he temporarily changed his focus. He vaguely felt in his heart that this issue was the key to understanding the world.

"Era? Can you answer that?" Natasha paused, glanced at the globe on the table behind her from the corner of her eye, and said slowly:

"The universe created by the Creator is an admirable eternal existence. In eternity, human beings are just passers-by, and only gods can obtain eternity. But even as weak as ants, they have their own unique history. Human history began when the dragons survived. Era, that was the First Era - the Age of Dragons. After humans defeated the powerful dragons and imprisoned their souls in the ruins, five human leaders formed a powerful country, thus starting the Second Era - the Human Era. .”

"What about the Third Era?" Wright asked impatiently.

"The Age of Steam." Natasha replied:

"At the end of this era, Leita I of the Eventrai Empire declared war on the old Crusted Empire. Due to the birth and spread of unknown viruses and forces, the human world entered the Fourth Era - Wasteland in the first year of the New Era. Era. The remaining empires or federations in the world now are the remnants of the Steam Era.

They are the Zine Empire in the west of the continent, the Krusted Federation in the north, the Putoa Federation in the south, and the Flame Federation in the east, known as the land of gold and heaven.

Due to the invasion of the Heartless and the Lost, the other three national federations are all strongholds, and only the Flame Federation is a complete country. To be honest, I yearn for that place. Only they withstood the attack of the unintentional people and built a real paradise. "

Natasha's words were full of longing for "paradise", and Wright carefully observed that when describing the country to the east, her eyes were full of the emotion called "hope."

A country to the east of the mainland? Maybe like the country I was in before, they also love food.

Longing for longing, in Wright's remaining memory, the Zine Empire and the city of Socra are not bad at all.

In the New Era, the city of Socra disobeyed the retreat order of Zhiva XXVII of the Zine Empire and left a large number of soldiers and supplies here. It also used the mechanical craftsmen and magicians of the time to build a dome to block viruses and pollution. .

Subsequently, the first consul successively communicated with many cities such as Zhenetsk, Kusha, Aita, Fort Botep, and reluctantly established a relatively strong alliance of human strongholds in the wasteland.

It is a pity that the current resources are not enough to communicate with other countries through the ocean, otherwise there is hope for the restoration of human world order.

Thinking of this, Wright thought about it and asked the third question:

"Miss Natasha, what is the sequence monster?"

This was the most sensitive question deep in his memory, but also the one he most wanted to know the answer to.

Ever since the foreign consciousness was mixed with the native body, including the influence of the dangerous situation in which Socrates was suspected of being underground, this became an obsession in Wright's subconscious that he did not want to be mentioned.

"It labels the sequential gods, but it is omnipresent. Any mysterious thing can be labeled as a sequential monster. For example, the inner curling flower on your body, which exudes an intoxicating fragrance, is one of the sequential monsters."

"MB-1035, Flower of Inverus."

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