Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 14 The One of Sorrow and Order

"Can I understand it this way?" Luo Nie took two steps toward the dark and crimson cliff and said:

"Sorrow is pain, the pain that is engraved in the heart?"

"Haha, yes, but not entirely right." The girl smiled, turned around, and stared at Luo Nie with her pure green eyes.

Her aura does not match her cute appearance. Under her white body, there seems to be a terrifying and strange monster covered with abscesses on her face and covered with wriggling snakes.

Then, she explained in a deep voice like an old god:

"Death. Death represents the anger, hatred, resentment and despair before death. The products created by the Lord of Machines must experience the most painful emotions of human beings, just like this wasteland world. In fact, human beings have already experienced it once."

Luo Nie was obviously taken aback by this aura. She took a breath secretly, turned her gaze aside and said:

"Machines cannot understand life. Is this the so-called 'reason'? Is it the law of the Creator when he created the world? Or is it a law that belongs to humans?"

"Laws belonging to humans." The girl provided a definite answer. "All humans will die, but machines will not. Machines replace wisdom with eternity, and there is no way to inspire, let alone detect the extraordinary and mysterious. But you It seems to be a special case. As a machine, it is trying to learn human emotions. But I advise you, it is best not to become a real human being, because you will feel pain."

"Painful?" Luo Nie was silent for a while and said:

"This way you can experience the 'sorrow'."

"You will also experience other things. Although you have been in the human world for a hundred years, there are still many things you have not seen." The girl retorted.


"Gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, pride, lust and wrath." The girl explained in a deep voice.

"Yeah, the seven deadly sins."

"You won't understand this. The city of Socra is just an ideal shelter. However, you will eventually get them under the guidance of the gods. Brother, if you see the gods, will you follow their guidance?" The girl asked again. Her tone changed to a cute one, and she spoke softly.

"Yes. I have extraordinary strength and magic power. Besides, I am not a human being and will not be contaminated by the Lost One and become a monster. I have time, and I will go to see him in a few days. My power can already sense Now that he exists, I just need a little help." Luo Nie said pretending to be relaxed.

Luo Nie naturally has his self-confidence. As a skilled worker in the Tool Yuan Factory and a reserve member of the Sugra Army, he has almost completed the map leading to the Silent Highlands. He has the help of Bude, an old worker, as well as mechanical chariots and weapons. "Xinwei" brand assault rifle produced by Yuan Factory.

He is confident that he will achieve an overwhelming victory when facing the unintentional people. If there are strange plants and monsters with blood-red eyes in the highlands, his mechanical body will not be infected, let alone be invaded by the spirit.

Within one hundred years of the New Yuan Era after the wasteland era began, in addition to direct contact with the "burning liquid" mutation of the Wuxin people, some people were invaded by mysterious extraordinary forces and were contaminated, but most of them became the lost. Wandering on the fringes of humans, mindless people, and sequential monsters.

However, Wuxinman is a semi-mechanical monster transformed from a human being, while Luonie is a complete machine created by the Lord of Machines. It is really a wonderful thing that he can derive emotions.

The girl watched Luo Nie from side to side with interest. She walked slowly behind Luo Nie with bare feet, stretched out her finger, and wanted to poke him. But after thinking about it, she chose to whisper in Luo Nie's ear:

"The apostle of the church seems to have helped you find the 'Order', but he doesn't seem to be very willing to get involved in our affairs. Of course, if you can contact him, brother, you can contact the god you call him. Isn't he also a machine? The product of the Lord? Mechanical, what it needs is order."

"[Order]?" Luo Nie's eyes seemed to shine, "A rare order group?"

"That's right. He passed the test of sequence cards, but he chose the steam world and was unwilling to become a member of the group exploring the extraordinary. But in the wasteland world, no one can avoid the invasion of extraordinary power. So, instead of letting him be If others are taking advantage of him, why don't we take the initiative to contact him? Natasha was too anxious, and she forgot the motto of the Tenin sect," the girl said.

"Is the Tenin sect a religious branch registered by the Socra City Management Association? Yes, the rules set by their founder Mr. Kyle: cautious, slow and known." Luo Nie added.

"Yes. Isn't this the code for the Lost to survive in the city of Sugra? Poor, the members of the Tenin sect are well hidden, and the security teams and police investigating extraordinary things have never discovered them. But this time They chose to take the initiative to contact the people in the escort team, which is obviously not a good move." The girl analyzed.

"So, do you need me to make contact? This is not a bad thing. If I can get the humans from the order group to go to the highlands, my success rate will increase a bit." Luo pinched his chin and analyzed.

Obviously, he became interested in the mysterious person from the "Order" group.

"However, the person you are contacting may be a devil. He has a red power that makes people feel inexplicable fear. It is like a box. You don't know whether it is a devil or an angel until you open it." The girl warned.

"Devil? Angel? Is there anything worse than this wasteland world? If I don't get the guidance of wisdom and gods, I won't be able to find the root of all this. Perhaps, the day I was created, the Lord of Machines wanted to It’s time to end all this. The whole world is just a terrible dream of the Creator. Maybe one day I can wake him up and let him open his eyes and see the world." Luo Nie said with determination on his face, his hands unconsciously moving Clenched fists.

"In that case, I won't stop you, brother. But before you can find the gods, you still need to make a coat of arms."

"Heraldry?" Luo Nie asked.

The girl ignored Luo Nie's doubts, turned around and looked into the crimson abyss, and said:

"It requires twisted tentacles, plant entrails, bright red fruits, and condensed blood, mixed in the realm of scarlet and white. Power can emerge from under the steam and heat. Only after the fog is wiped away can eternity be glimpsed."

Just as Luo Nie was preparing to record the formula with the spiritual power and magic power surging throughout his body, the eyes of the girl in front of him gradually turned red.

Although he was a machine and should not have fear, his eyes and body remained motionless in place for an instant as if they were frozen.

Immediately afterwards, the trees behind him began to turn dark and scarlet, and the originally still plants twisted their branches like animals.

The leaves gradually turned into dark and deep eyeballs, and the branches began to wrap around his body like the tentacles of an octopus.

Everything in front of Luo Nie turned crimson, including the seemingly eternal sun above his head, which also began to dim at this moment.

"Brother, remember." The girl in front of me suddenly made an ethereal but very scary voice, "After you find the gods and gain wisdom, you must give me relief. Otherwise, the evil gods will give you a permanent curse. You If you can't get any sequence core, you will end up being reduced to a pile of scrap metal."

Just when Luo Nie was about to agree to something, a pure black mist suddenly poured into the girl's body.

Immediately afterwards, her body floated in the air relying on ugly bat-like wings, and turned into a huge and bloated monster.

She has an ugly face covered with tentacled beards, a thick tail like a python, a slender waist like a water snake, and a red, burning heart that is struggling to beat.

She slowly leaned down and stared at Luo Nie with her red eyes. The sky around her also erupted with continuous lightning at this moment.

Finally, she slowly stretched out her purple and black fingers with strange nails and passed straight through Luo Nie's body.

"Hoo, hoo." Luo Nie suddenly woke up from the power of the spirit and the devil.

Even though it was a body created by machinery, he still had beads of sweat on his forehead despite having been in contact with humans for many years.

"False God, she is just a false god. You have to pay a price to get the guidance of the false god. The one who is 'Order', right? As long as I make a coat of arms, I can find his existence." Luo Nie wiped a handful of sweat beads, Said to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly stood up with his heavy body, pulled out a piece of white paper from the brass drawer, and began to record the formula just now in the Zine Empire language.

"Twisted tentacles, plant viscera, bright red fruits, and condensed blood are mixed in the realm of scarlet and white. Power can emerge from under the steam and heat. Only after the fog is wiped away can we glimpse eternity." After Luo Nie finished recording, He bit the end of the pencil with his mouth and thought:

"Are you going to refine a magic potion and pour it into the crest?"

After escaping from that weird woman Natasha back to the rented loft, Wright lay there for almost a whole day and night. It wasn't until the familiar roar outside the window and the sharp voice of the landlady Reina in the early morning that he slowly woke up with his tired body.

It seems that this world is not as simple as I thought. In addition to wasteland, machines and mindless monsters, there are also gods and monsters. However, I still don’t want to get involved in the so-called magic world until I thoroughly understand the “red magic source power” written in the note.

After Wright struggled to get up, he approached the dusty window sill and looked out.

In the slightly bright environment, there is still a big airship that keeps chirping in the distance, but there are more pedestrians downstairs.

There are wandering children, muddy homeless people, and a few vendors selling small items. It seems that the city has a little more vitality today.

"Is it noon?" Wright asked doubtfully, looking at his dirty watch.

The hands above still show 8 o'clock in the morning, the time when the sun rises in the day.

Then, he followed the broken memory and moved to the wall. The calendar provided by Socra City for the guards gave him some information.

It turns out it's Saturday. It seems like people here don't work on weekends. It's much better than another world where we have no days off all year round.

After shaking his head to slightly relieve the fatigue of the past few days, Wright changed into a cheap chemical cloth, drank some turbid liquid from the faucet, and washed his face.

Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach, as if it was being burned by fire. Along with the grunting sound, a familiar feeling of hunger spread throughout his brain.

Oh, it seems that I haven’t eaten anything all day and night. As a citizen of a country with delicious food in the world, I have to bring some new coins to buy something good today.

His withered body should need some nourishment. I remember Brett said that George and the escort only gave him a few days off. If this body continues to be tortured like this, even if he doesn't suffer a loss in the battle and is discovered, he will still be low-level. He fainted due to blood sugar or something, and then was thrown outside.

Thinking of this, Wright tidied his messy hair, approached the iron mirror covered with dirt and some cracks, and observed his face.

"Still so handsome, it would be nice if he wasn't so haggard." Wright couldn't help but praise himself.

He has made up his mind to abandon his previous identity and survive in this world as Wright.

In this case, the sequential gods, escorts, magic source power, etc. must be put behind. The first thing to solve is the food problem.

"What are you going to eat?" Wright scratched his head.

Immediately afterwards, he felt an electric current pass through his head, and he was instantly inspired.

"hot pot!"

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