Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 155 The Coming of Silence (21): Gray Sound (Part 1)

"Silent Steel Heart", inside the building of one of the five "psychedelic headquarters" of Ifant.

After walking for almost fifteen minutes along the hollow metal floor and a relatively hidden secret passage to the ground on the first floor of the "Silent Steel Heart" guarded by elite soldiers of the Imperial Legion, Crown Prince Ivant finally stood in front of him. A solid steel door with a thickness of almost 17 centimeters appeared.

"Aaron, Kaiwukski, the key is in your hands, open it." The crown prince tilted his head, but his eyes did not fall on the two people in the darkness.

"Yes, Your Highness." The two said in unison.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "click-click" sound of leather shoes and standard combat boots in close contact with the ground, and after the rudder-shaped part in front of the metal door was inserted into the key and rotated clockwise, the door slowly made a sound. A very uncomfortable metallic "sizzling" sound was turned on.

"Your Highness, the military exhibition hall is down there. As you know, this was originally a large testing ground, where the 'Old Technology Research Team' experimented with missiles and new fighter jets from the old Crusaders. But now it is silent. After the Battle of the Highlands began, it was transformed into a headquarters and a location for strategic material reserves. Through the winding secret passages extending to various camps in the Highlands, we can easily transport weapons, food, medicine, etc. to the front line In the hands of [warriors]."

The person who spoke was the new general of the empire, the quasi-marshal personally promoted by Crown Prince Ivante, and Kaiwu Keji who had reached Dawn Level 2.

After the explanation, he stood in front of Ivant, respectfully stretched out his right hand, put his four fingers together and gave an imperial military salute to Ivante.

"This door." There was a hint of displeasure on Evante's face, but after all, he was approaching the decisive battle with the three churches of the Lost, so he did not overly show his emotions in front of the general.

"This door is made of the same material as the doors of the underground vaults of the Imperial Bank and Sokla Industrial Bank, and the style is also similar. It seems that you have kept my request in mind, and you are wholeheartedly, paying attention to details, and doing everything well. Tiny things, and then gathering these partial successes into the final victory, is the way for mankind to truly solve the crisis of the New Era and end the Wasteland Era. Kaiwukski, I made the right choice to promote you. As far as young generals are concerned, there are many who are excellent, but not many who are excellent in all aspects are pure human beings. You are one of them. I just don’t know which sequential god you believe in?"

The Crown Prince issued a soul-searching question.

"The Lord of Machinery, Your Highness, many [soldiers] in the army who have firmly dedicated themselves to the empire believe in him. Legend has it that he is the master and founder of all machines. The development of steam civilization cannot be separated from the secret promotion of gods." Kaiwu Ke Ski replied respectfully but with a strong voice and reasoned reasoning.

"That's right. But do you know? Hidden behind the gray mist is the product of a Machine Lord. I communicated with him through an intermediary in Sogra a month ago. Unfortunately, I don't know what he has encountered now. This is a crisis that is difficult to solve. I haven't heard from him for a long time. So, Kaiwukski, this is one of the reasons why I came here today." Ifant raised his head and looked up at the underground space slightly.

Needless to say the dim tone, due to the current limited power generation capacity, more old hanging gas lamps are used in the empty environment.

It's just that high up in the space, a position that humans can't immediately reach, a silvery-white brilliance of the silver moon shines through, giving Evante a slight feeling of escaping into the world of poetry.

But immediately afterwards, without any warning, Kaiwukski suddenly took two steps forward, whispered in Evante's ear and suggested:

"You have five headquarters, which is an important part of the previous campaign planning. Here, the 'Silent Steel Heart' is the largest and the most nominally important one. The other four are all at the ruins of the ancient city of 'Silent City' It exists as a 'doubt' in the yellow sand-style underground villa. Your Highness, I suggest that you move after visiting the exhibition today."

"According to reliable information, the missing person we captured is the 'Mystery', one of the twelve regular cardinals, and he is also the only regular cardinal with both a code name and a name. The Church of Dark Night is very angry about this, but they do not We do not intend to attack by force, but have sent many 'Lost Insects' to sneak in. This matter is not good for you and us. Once the command headquarters is attacked, even if the communication is interrupted for a day, we will face irreversible consequences. as a result of."

"I understand." The Crown Prince nodded solemnly and said:

"I will only stay here until three o'clock in the morning. The Feiyue should appear tonight, right? I will wait until the Feiyue's power is at its strongest to escape. I remember that the leader of the Dark Night Church is a real careerist, and he is good at wisdom. game, so I conclude that the time he chooses to sneak attack here will be at noon, this scorching moment when they are at their weakest and we can hardly bear it."

"'Contrary ideas achieve unexpected results.' This strategy rich in Eastern aesthetics naturally does not work for us, and I will not be fooled."

Crown Prince Evante said, reaching out and patting Kaiwukski's broad shoulder heavily.

Immediately afterwards, he stared at the general in front of him. For some reason, he planned to take a good look at his handsome appearance at this moment.

As an imperial general and quasi-marshal, Kaiwukski's figure must be strong but not bloated or barbaric.

His figure shows the golden ratio, his waistline is not too big, his shoulders and chest are broad, and he has a standard inverted triangle body shape.

His originally jet-black hair was half black and half white due to the impact of years of war and the occasional traumatic stress syndrome.

When he was less than thirty years old, his eyes had a lot of tentacle-like bloodshot eyes extending out, "wrapping and entwining" his brown eyes.

His cheeks are sharply angular, his cheekbones are prominent, and his nose is high. He has the appearance of a person from the Putua Federation. However, the crisscrossed scars on his face, some old and some new, still ruin an already handsome face. A handsome portrait-like face.

Moreover, he is now dressed similarly to Ivant. Except that the number of medals on his chest is far less than that of Ivant. He is slightly larger and taller. In comparison, it is difficult not to think of him. Could it be that Kaiwukski and Crown Prince Ivante have some extremely strong blood relationship?

"Your Highness?"

Seeing Ivante staring at his body in a trance, Kaiwukski reminded him in a slightly soft but very thick voice.

"Are you thinking about strategic decisions? I just heard at the door that you want to focus on the military."

"Well, that's right." Ifant did not deny it and said:

"I want to personally command the armies in the three directions of the highlands through telegraphs. There cannot be any mistakes in such an important battle here in the Silent Highlands, just like the 'Battle of Zhenetsk' and 'Battle of Sokra City' in the early New Year," Just like the Battle of Chekavsk, no mistakes can be made. Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. You, Yato, and Shamoon come down with me. The other security personnel stay upstairs to guard. I believe that the three major churches The Lost Ones won’t be able to reach here for a while.”

"Yes, Your Highness." Kaiwukski and the others nodded in response.

After walking down the spiral metal building for a few minutes, enduring the dizziness, Ivant finally saw an exhibition hall that was arranged appropriately, compactly, and without losing the beauty of chaos.

He looked forward and saw that the empty underground space was divided into two parts by temporary walls.

In the half of the exhibition hall on the left are models made after analyzing many old Krusted documents. Walking along the cement floor, Ivant saw a missile, a jet, and a weapon called "Electromagnetic Pulse" Rifle" a strange firearm.

After stopping in front of the glass display cabinet, Ivant stretched out his fingers, pointed at the three weapons respectively, and asked in a deep voice:

"Where's the docent?"

"Your Highness, I'm here." A neatly dressed young man in a military green Imperial Legion uniform walked forward quickly and said.

"I remember that an old [soldier] was in charge of this area before. Why did they change the person?" Kaiwukski asked first.

"Back to the general, after the fall of Migov, senior Andrei who was transferred here was killed by the Lost two days ago. Witnesses said that his chest was penetrated by a weapon shaped like a scorpion's tail, and he lost his life on the spot." The young man answered simply, without any emotion attached.

"What's your name?" Evante asked calmly.

"Ulchiko Rook, your highness." Urchiko replied respectfully.

"I have the impression. You are the captain of the A-035 detachment at the lower level of the Chekavsk Army. After the failure of the Battle of Kosv, you retreated to Migov. Then you followed Andre back to Chekavsk, and then they were transferred here together. . Right? There is no deviation in my memory, right?" Ivante asked confidently.

"No, Your Highness." Ulchiko nodded.

"I remember that you killed the Lost One near the 'Old Generation Farmland' when you were retreating. And you know the text and history of the Old Crusted Empire very well. The 'Old Technology Research Team' has absorbed you two days ago. You became a temporary team member, right?"

"Yes, I have to thank His Highness for his cultivation." Ulchiko nodded very respectfully, his facial expression was very sharp, and he had the unique sense of determination of a soldier who has experienced the test of blood and fire.

"In that case," Ivante stretched out his right hand, touched Ulchiko's empty but warm and tough chest, which had no medals hanging on it, and said with a sense of affirmation:

"You are now a hurricane level 1, and you no longer need to be a temporary member, but can become a formal member. I will also appoint you as the captain of the 'New Silent Legion', under the marshal and general, but Can command at least 30 teams. The empire is now developing towards a real new life, we need young generals, and more importantly, pure 'human beings' who can personally destroy the Lost."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Urchko, who was entrusted with the important task, quickly knelt down on one knee and paid tribute to Ivante with the highest etiquette.

"Get up." Ifant imitated his old father and said like a real emperor:

"Missiles, aircraft and 'electromagnetic pulse rifles' are our next important development direction. I won't look at these models. I hope to see the real thing next time. By the way, Kaiwuksik, that artist Fanso is here This is right, I want to see him."

"Okay, Your Highness."

After being guided by Kaiwukski and walking for a few minutes along the curved path of the exhibition hall that was rich in artistic layout and clearly had no overall concept, Ivante finally arrived at the center of the entire space.

This is an area similar to a small altar. In addition to four stepped upward roads, a circle of metal guardrails painted with yellow paint is laid around a circular area one meter higher than the outside world.

Ivant ignored Kaiwukski's warning that "you need to be careful" and walked straight to the altar floor, which was painted with a collection of various standard geometric symbols. After standing still, he said to a thin young man in front of him with his back turned. :

"You are Fanso, an artist who is proficient in painting and music. I remember Yato spoke highly of you. If it were in peacetime, you would be one of the best artists at the Zhnetsk Art Academy. Your fame will also surpass that of the group of humans in the Gallic province of Ptoia who made great achievements during the 'Victoria' period."

"Your Highness Evante?"

A soft male boy's voice came from the mouth of the "person" in front of him.

He jumped off the metal stool with cotton cushions, holding a paintbrush stained with black paint in one hand, and a palette filled with only cold-color paints such as black and blue in the other hand. Pan, facing Evante with a smile.

"You are Fansuo, right? Sure enough, the Lost One cannot be guessed by his appearance. As a regular cardinal of the Church of the Dark Night, you are the 'Mystery Voice' ranked 'No. 11', and your real age should be older than mine." Is it the 'product of the Lord of Machinery' that you met in the 'Grey Mist'? Your appearance has always maintained the appearance of a young man. I wonder what you are expressing to humans and the lost?" Ivante asked curiously.

"Young man..." Fansuo coughed a few times and said:

"You have endless curiosity and a desire to explore the world. I am accustomed to the impressionist painting method. I advocate freedom and enjoy the wanton matching and integration of tones and color blocks. The doctor next to you told me yesterday that I am a bit 'Alice' Wonderland syndrome'. But that's where my perception of art comes from."

"How to understand?"

Ifant carefully observed the lost young man who had heavy metal shackles on his wrists and ankles, but it did not affect his movements at all. He looked at his fair and tender face, covered with paint and blood, and his clothes that were temporarily covered with shackles. Putting on a clean gray mesh suit, he asked with his arms crossed in front of his chest with interest.

"The normal things I see are distorted, but the things that should be distorted are standard and straight. Just like you, Mr. Ifant, your face is twisted inward, like a chrysanthemum, I can't see your true appearance clearly. Therefore, this also makes me more sensitive to sounds." Fansuo said, pointing to the semi-finished painting half hidden in the darkness behind him, and continued to "explain" :

"This is the orange in my eyes. In your opinion, the orange should not be in bloom, twisted and curled inward. But my eyes can penetrate the inner areas of things. I believe this is also the point where the general introduced me to The reason for being captured here. However, Mr. Ifant, I have already emphasized that I will not serve for military and killing purposes, I can only make some artistic exchanges with you."

"Art is enough for me. In addition to meeting you and talking about some superficial understandings related to art, I want to play the golden piano that is stained by the power of magic. I want to try to understand the secret of 'The Sound of Confusion', so this time I chose a piece of music related to 'fate', 'confusion', 'extraordinary' and 'grey dream'. I need you to play by my side. Your role. Of course, I hope you can’t refuse.”

Evante deliberately spoke in a singer-like and beautiful bass voice, and at the same time tightly held the "Time Wheel Watch" on his wrist, looking at Fanso with expectant and proud eyes.

A few seconds later, Fansuo's mouth twitched slightly, showing a helpless and painful smile, and asked:

"Which piece of music?"

Ifant raised his head confidently and responded:

"'Elysia: Dreamland'."

Andrei and Ulchko are characters who appear in chapter forty-eight, and Ivante played the piano in chapter seventy-five.

The music here will be related to an important place related to Wright, Ronai, and "Baby Wolf", which will be revealed in the next chapter.

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