Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 157 The Coming of Silence (23): Gray Sound (Part 2) (Please collect and subscribe)

"Hahaha, Emperor, 'Red-faced Hain' told me that anyone who claims to be emperor in 'Grey Dream' is either a madman... the kind of guy who is in and out of mental hospitals. Or he is someone who really has The power to control everything, whether it is magic power or upper-level professionals.

I don’t know about the ‘Emperor’… er, Mr. ‘Emperor’, what kind of extraordinary power do you control? "Echoer's" tone of voice betrayed his keen interest in the identity of Ifant.

However, since they are all "human beings" or lost people who can enter the "Grey Dream", they naturally have their own abilities that they are proud of.

The Crown Prince does not want and has never been willing to engage in more meaningless debates with those he considers "trolls".

But after thinking about it, he still moved his Adam's apple and "threatened" in a slightly sharp and deep voice:

"You don't know who I am, right, and I don't want to tell you here. After all, what I can do is not as simple as controlling the Zine Empire. If I know your identity, 'Echoer,' I will find someone to arrest you." You, and you can be executed directly without going through a military trial. It is very simple, just say 'biu', and you can go to meet the Lord."

"Oh?" "Echoer" ventriloquised in a vaguely understanding voice.

"Yes, I have this ability. A few years ago, there were many idiots in the empire who spread the theory of failure. They often said that humans could not defeat the Lost, and that humans would always be the reserve army of the unintentional.

They often call themselves ‘wise men who know all public affairs’. But unfortunately, even the greatest wise men are fair in the face of silver-white bullets.

So, boy, I advise you to show some respect to me. As long as I want to, I will soon know where you are and what your identity is. "Yvante said with great knowledge.

"The process of waiting for the 'Mechanical Spirit' is really interesting, His Majesty the 'Emperor'. But as far as I know, upper-level professionals enjoy privileges in the 'Gray Dream' and can not be attacked by middle-level and lower-level professionals, and will not forget it. Everything in the dream will be remembered with incomparable clarity. Are you not an upper-level professional?" "Echoer" didn't care about Evante's question, but responded with a smile.

"Although I am not, the one who led me in is an upper-level professional. He will obviously be stronger than you. After all, according to the information I control, the peak combat power of the three major churches is the twelve cardinals. You, It can't be any of them." Ifant analyzed cautiously.

Although the conversation with the "Echoer" reminded him of those people who have no business and comment on the empire's decisions every day, it seems that the young man in front of him has the qualifications and strength to challenge him. It is better to communicate first and get more information. good.

"I am indeed not, after all, I am a real human being. I hate those legionnaires who call me the Lost One when they see me on the edge of the yellow sand. I should at least be counted as a person with powers.

So, being overwhelmed by the surge of blood, I raised my hand and hit them.

What I like most about this 'Crazy Bear' pistol is its power. Their heads instantly separated from their relatively strong bodies, and the floating red 'dye' actually made me feel slightly excited. "

"Your Majesty, 'Emperor', although I am not a lost person, I have been walking all the way from Donusk to the Silent Highlands, and I am also afraid that I will lose myself in hunger and the smell of blood.

Fortunately, I grabbed a mechanical combat vehicle. I calculated based on the map that it was not too far from the military camp area in the northern part of the highland. "The Echoer" said, somewhat self-consciously, "Speaking freely."

But from what Ivant heard, if what the young man in front of him did was true, he would be even crazier than the Lost One.

After all, from the tone of voice, it seems that the mental state of the "Lost One" is very unstable, but one thing is worthy of affirmation. This person either became crazy in the brutal battle with the "Lost One" and the Heartless Man. Some sequelae of traumatic stress.

Either he has experienced some spiritually devastating events, been contaminated by evil and filthy forces, suffered a schizophrenia, or is under "quiet madness."

After pacing around for a while, Ivante held his chin, integrated the information revealed in the "Echoer" conversation, and analyzed it fairly reliably.

"You are a member of the Imperial Legion, this is the information revealed in your words. But I prefer to believe that you are a member of the Guards, and that you are either from Zhnetsk or Sokra."

"How can you tell?" "Echoer" felt his heart obviously slow down.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his slightly confused mind became clearer. In his gray dream, he realized that he had revealed information that made him dangerous in a trance.

This is a stupid act!

"You mentioned Donusk. You know, at this time, there were no legions except the escorts who just came out of Donusk after performing their missions.

The Sokra and Zhnetsk Guards were ordered by the Royal Family and the Sokra Council respectively to search for the 'Heraldry of Tomorrow'.

And you are not one of those 'ruin hunters' who arrest legion members and threaten the empire in exchange for money. After all, you care about your identity as a superpower.

So, in fact, from a strict analysis, in just a few sentences, you have exposed all your information to my sight.

Therefore, I advise you to treat me with some respect. After all, the empire also needs upper-level professionals. It would be a pity for me to kill you after I find you. "The Crown Prince threatened with both kindness and power."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I...I am indeed sorry, but I have no intention of discriminating against you. To be honest, I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to come to the Gray Dream.

I mentioned the smell of blood just now, right? Indeed, I was afraid that I would become a bloodthirsty loser or even a monster, so I escaped here. "

"I... do want to come and wait for the 'Mechanical Spirit'. After all, we are getting closer and closer to the 'Blood Night Ritual'. During the last meeting, he mentioned that he was looking for the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element' and also revealed that he wanted to The meaning of blocking ritual.

After all, whether the ritual was successful or not, the Socratic Council was exercising its selfish desires at the cost of millions of lives. So I wanted to meet him "offline". Since I was about to arrive at the Highlands of Silence, I thought it was necessary for me to meet him, and it was also one of the topics that needed to be discussed. "The Echoer" said sincerely.

"I've heard about the 'Blood Night Ritual'." Ifant was not in a hurry to reveal his identity and said with reservations:

"What I can assure you is that the empire will not allow mass killings and destruction of cities. The people of the Socra Committee are indeed traitors, but it is very difficult to eliminate the people in the capital who have not yet made a move to rebel. thing."

"I want to stop the ritual... If it's difficult from the decision-making level, then we can only rely on ourselves. I have several very good comrades... Although one of them died while fighting the huge monster, I I have the confidence to use the secrets in my body to detect the realm of God, and then overcome all difficulties to enter it, find Him, and even get His guidance and gain strength.

As long as the power of the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element' is touched and controlled by me, then the most important part of the 'Blood Night Ritual', 'Raleye's Dream', will naturally not be activated.

In other words, this decision will essentially become a plant without roots, floating in the air and unable to be touched. "The Echoer" replied firmly.

Silence fell, staring at the intoxicating crimson moon. After thinking for a few minutes, Ivante read out an extremely familiar but very unfamiliar word:

"The Decider."

He added:

"Fragments of the Decider's diary."

"You..." Echoer's tone was obviously full of surprise.

If the two parties could have a frank conversation face to face, Ivant would definitely see the "Echoer"'s mouth open wide, forming a rounded "o" shape.

However, the "Decision Maker" clearly realized the importance of the words that Ivant spoke after careful consideration. He immediately calmed down his restless inner emotions and asked urgently:

"What do you know about the Decider? It's very important to me, my secrets are with Him, and I don't want to be manipulated in the dark, controlled by the Council and the Empire. I want to discover the secrets of my body, and... I The secret of power."

"Under the crimson moonlight is the powerful dragon clan, and in the confused red is the power to understand the mystery. The call of the daughter of Tool Yuan has not stopped, and the secret of Crusted is waiting for wisdom to decipher."

"This is the first diary content I read. Since you can get here, I guess I don't need to do more translations.

By the way, I came to see Mechanical Spirit to exchange the contents of the diary. This is the last communication. After all, I want to decipher the verse that can help eliminate the Lost Ones. As for the Daughter of Mechanical Yuan, I am not interested in anything else except that I need one of her mechanical hearts. "Yvante narrated.

"Then have you read...about summoning the apostles of gods?" The tone of "Echoer" was still urgent.

"It's okay to tell you, boy, if you can mention stopping the 'Blood Night Ritual', then we can become friends. No matter you are strong or not, no matter your strength and control of machinery are not proficient or not, there is justice in your heart. Faith, even if you make a wrong move in some small things, it is harmless." The Crown Prince said, looking up into the distance, trying to remember:

"I remember it was described like this. Looking for the daughter of Tool Yuan requires starting a ritual to summon the apostles of the gods. The gods are in the Silent Highlands, and the apostles of the gods are in the Lost Swamp.

One place is an extremely humid place, and the other is an extremely dry place. The apostle summoned through the ritual possesses the ancient red power, which is the magic source power related to Crusted, and the apostle has the ability to "make darkness" The tentacles of biological confusion, 'a shield that puts missiles to shame', 'a guide that is the envy of all extraordinary people'.

But he is used to inadvertently manipulating the container. He will make the container mistake it for his own will and decision-making. Until it is abandoned, the container will not know its own destiny, and will take the apostle along the darkness. Search for God. Since you mentioned this, I wanted to ask you, have any of your friends encountered a similar dilemma?

I heard that the idiots led by George of the Socratic Committee performed this ritual and killed hundreds of strong imperial [soldiers]. Unfortunately, I am unable to arrest him at the moment. "

Evante's last sentence was not considered, and he said it almost in an extremely angry tone.

"That's it." "Echoer" was about to continue asking about the relevant content, but an inappropriate sense of joy suddenly emerged in his heart.

In an instant, he suddenly forgot the question he wanted to ask. It seemed that the discussion about the Diary of the Determinator and the discussion about the apostle of the gods were irrelevant matters. Now, waiting for the "Mechanical Spirit" is a top priority.

"By the way, having said that, since we are destined to meet each other and have talked so much about mysterious things, why don't I give you a gift. You are a member of the Imperial Guard who can come here, so you must be one A [Warrior] who excels in combat.

And you want to do something righteous and are exploring the gods, so how about I give you a formula. "Yvante did not forget to win over him at the end of the conversation.

He had a vague premonition that the "Mechanical Spirit" would arrive soon, and his conversation with the "Echoer" basically ended here.

"Please speak." The "Responder"'s answer was neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed slightly and greeted.

"hoshin poslik. The future of machinery and eras." Ivant recited imitating the poet's tone.

"Hoshin? A combination of Central and Imperial languages? I remember it." Wright repeated silently in his mind.

"As long as you encounter the Zine Empire Legion and the Chekavsk Legion in the next official battle, find a Dark Star-level legion and read this sentence, the mantra will play its due role." Ifant said.

He took a few steps forward, reached out and patted the shoulder of the "Echoer" wearing a windbreaker, conveying a real feeling of recognition and encouragement.

Just when the "Echoers" were sorting out their words and trying to say words of thanks, they suddenly heard a bright explosion.


The sound caused the ground surrounded by the railings to shake and tremble.

A few minutes later, a purple flame descended from the sky, like a meteor, falling straight towards the center of the altar.

"Be careful, Your Majesty the Emperor." The reaction ability of "Echoers" is obviously better than that of ordinary humans, and even surpasses many Lost Ones.

In desperation, he picked up Evante and threw him to the side. After rolling several times on the ground, he was finally not hit or burned by the flames.

After the sound disappeared, the "Echoer" pulled Ivante to look towards the flames.

The purple flame has turned into a ball, and bright lightning is still shining around it.

After a few seconds, the sphere condensed into an eyeball with pitch-black eyes, a few strands of fluff creeping out from the periphery, and bright purple-green intertwined light on the eyelids and body, showing the characteristics of a mechanical body as a whole.

After the explosive sound of electricity passed through their ears, "Echoer" and Ivante noticed that the "eyeballs" in front of them seemed to flash in place for a few times, flickering like a slide with a picture of a mechanical giant. Exchanged several times.

Then it emitted a colorful brilliance and disappeared.

"This eyeball, if I remember correctly, is the main part of MB-1333: The Replacement Eye, a monster that has been lost for a long time." Ifant analyzed.

"If you say that, it seems that the 'Mechanical Spirit' will not come."

"He is in danger," added the Echoer.

As he spoke, the sound of rhythmic piano music came, and Ivant was wrapped in a bright golden light and disappeared in the same place.

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