Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 166 The advent of silence (32): Hope for the future

Donusk ruins area B camp, residential area, Z area streets.

After coming out of the "special restaurant" and the military camp, Wright was always in a bad mood. He always felt a kind of depression, like a dark cloud like a dark fog shrouding his mind, making him walk from the military camp to the residential area. Every step felt extremely heavy, like walking on thin ice.

But the good thing is that since I gave away the palm-sized "Tomorrow Emblem", which is made of steel, with a sunflower pattern and a simple sunflower pattern engraved on the front, and the back is so smooth that there is almost no carving. At that moment when that teacher, that [scholar] Peter, Wright felt mentally relaxed a lot, and there was no longer that inexplicable mania, impulsiveness, and bloodlust.

Although he had gone through a life-and-death test, assisted Brett in defeating the "Crazy Body", and after falling into the lake, he had gone through a series of events that now seemed to be tests set by the "Water of a Different Side".

He also defeated the orc Sowkod and was promoted to Order 6: Inspiration. After entering the "giant machine" field where "Tomorrow's Emblem" and "Alien Water" were located, he gained his approval and was called " "Savior" exists.

Then I hiked in the yellow sand and Gobi for a day or two. I finally met an acquaintance called "Feng", and met a bunch of "unintentional people" dancing around meteorites, and an unnamed old "magic". division".

Finally, he met his compatriots and the same kind, Inspector Keton of the camp's "security team", but then he had a strange and strange nightmare in the jeep, which caused him to not sleep well all night, and he tossed and turned.

Before he could feel the "happiness" and sense of belonging among human beings, Peter treated him to a full meal again.

But that disgusting guy Peter...

When Wright thought of this, a sudden anger arose in his heart, as if someone had buried an incendiary bomb in his heart. Although it was "not fatal", he still felt uncomfortable and painful, and wanted to find a chance to stretch his muscles. , let off some steam!

Carrying an khaki military backpack that had never been replaced, and still wearing the now outdated Guard uniform consisting of a silver-white top and tactical trousers, Wright pocketed the five hundred new dollars that Peter had just forced on him. In his pocket, he didn't intend to touch the disgusting coins that made him feel stomach acid rising.

It seems that the collusion between the Socratic Committee and the three major churches of the Lost is a foregone conclusion. It seems that Peter does not care about hiding his true inner thoughts, nor does he mind exposing the true intentions of the Socratic Committee at this juncture.

Based on the few words that Kerton muttered just before leaving the military base, Wright learned that as early as tonight or at noon tomorrow at the latest, Crown Prince Ivant would pass through the ruins of the ancient city of "Silence City" set up in the southern camp. The telegraph machine in the headquarters called "Silent Steel Heart" issues important campaign "general start" orders to all legions, escorts, adventurer organizations, and explorer associations that can be contacted.

And according to reliable information disclosed by insiders, Ivante created an inspiring name for this "general launch" behavior: "The Dawn of Elysia", which means "Looking for a bright future in the land of heaven", He tried to finish his work in one battle, gathering all the personnel, resources, weapons, and all available power of the empire to concentrate on destroying all the lost ones. He waited for the most unstable factors that affected the restoration of order in the empire to disappear, and then slowly took action to solve the problem. The problem of careless people.

In this way, he can be comparable to the great emperor of Krusted, Ivan XXII, who is an upper-level professional [Order] with Wright, and even comparable to the "great emperor" of the Psius Empire. "Leto I.


Wright then thought about it, this kind of behavior that was close to a big gamble would definitely not bring good results. The Socratic Committee was always an unreliable factor, like a sword of Damocles hanging above his head. As long as the empire shows its decline on the battlefield of Silent Heights, the sword will fall and pierce Yvante's noble head.

Taking advantage of the wind, walking briskly in the residential area was not deserted. Occasionally he saw a few imperial soldiers walking hurriedly to do errands on the streets. Wright felt that there were three top priority matters that needed to be dealt with now.

First, enter the "Silence Highlands", the central area, the area where the god "Daughter of the Mechanical Element" is located, find the god and contact it, and then prevent the inhumane "Blood Night Ritual" pre-planned by the Socra Committee in advance, and by the way, completely Understand what other secrets there are in your body.

Is there still extraordinary "divine" power left, or is it that the apostle of the god who was successfully summoned in the previous ritual in the Lost Swamp is hidden under his body?

These must be clarified, otherwise it will be a time bomb that will not bring you any benefits in the end.

After all, if his current red magic source power and the power of "Dark Mystic Touch" were really borrowed from the divine envoy, then he would have to repay the debt by then.

As for whether to use the body to repay the debt, or other important parts such as the spirit and soul, it is unknown.

In short, all the power that is being used that does not belong to you has a price marked on it.

Secondly, if there is a chance, I still have to find a way to wait for Mr. George and contact him. Although Peter told himself that Mr. George would take the initiative to look for him, waiting blindly would inevitably increase the opportunity cost and miss many opportunities that are readily available.

Of course, after meeting Mr. Wright, I must ask about the tracker. At least through some exchange of interests, I can get the Socratic Committee or the escort to remove it. Even if it cannot be removed, at least it must be so that it can no longer work. good.

Otherwise, it is a bit scary to think that all your actions, even some private behaviors, may be monitored.

The third is to find out the whereabouts of Brett.

Wright has made up his mind. Brett, a comrade who is like a big brother, has helped him and even saved him in several critical moments.

To live is to see a sound and complete person. Even if he is crazy or dead, Wright still wants to see his body.

At the latest before this evening, Wright thought, he must go to the office area or business district to inquire again. If Brett was really not taken away by those masked soldiers, or rely on his strong physical fitness and combat experience If he escapes, he will definitely come to the camp in Area B...at least, he will leave some traces of looking for me here.

The same goes for Miyu, but he is a lost person and should have more and easier ways to survive than Brett.

Once lost in the yellow sand desert, Miyou can survive by feeding on his blood body, relying on his dual identity as a vampire and a lost person.

If we were taken away by those masked soldiers together...

Thinking of this, Wright suddenly felt like his head was exploding. The sumptuous breakfast just now had not yet been digested. His stomach, which had not felt so full for a long time, had been moving uncontrollably, consuming the original content in his body. Can supply oxygen to the brain.

Simply, Wright no longer thinks about those issues that are easy to cause brain downtime, such as "grey dreams", "young wolves" and "mechanical spirits", and "emperors", and "red-faced Hain".

He has only one task now, which is to take Feng to the residential area and report to the residence where the "New Wind Team" of the Zhinetsk Corps is located.

After all, when he was leaving the "Special Restaurant" just now, Peter was only willing to write out a letter of introduction on the spot to be transferred to the "New Wind Team". At his strong request, he wrote another one in the format given to him. Feng, the only difference is that the person being introduced is Feng.

"For Feng, he finally has a stable job. He is a semi-lost person living in a remote rural area. If he does not use his racial identity and strength well, he will easily be regarded as an enemy by the empire, and even in one case He was killed in the battle. Now it seems that this is a bright future for him." Wright muttered to himself as he walked:

"I am a pity for Kanfeng, and his grandfather 'Li' did a free but very meaningful divination for me. In addition, he was most likely guided by the 'Daughter of Tool Yuan' and heard the call. That’s why I chose to go with Feng and become his companion.”

"After all, I also saw the mechanical control body of the 'Daughter of Mechanical Yuan' in several dreams, and it also brought me some very important guidance, including the two spirit formation restrictions of the red magic source power, including the 'Mechanical Yuan Daughter' It contains a lot of information about the daughter herself. As a companion, Feng should be able to play a vital role."

Thinking about this, Wright turned his head and looked at the semi-lost person with clear eyes and curiosity about everything around the streets in the residential area... No, the boyish style of a person with supernatural powers should now be called.

This boy with light green eyes, his right eye is dotted with dark red and yellow-brown spots for unknown reasons, and there are faint scars on his left face. He is carrying Keton on his back. A military green military backpack was given to him from the corner of the bedroom.

This backpack is very large, almost half the size of his relatively thin body. Although his status as a semi-lost person has given him greater strength than ordinary humans, carrying a heavy backpack does not seem cumbersome or strenuous. , but it’s not very coordinated anyway.

Looking at the bulging backpack, Wright subconsciously patted it and asked Feng with a smile:

"Feng, what good things did Keton give you? Your backpack is about to burst."

"Brother Wright, of course it's canned. But you don't know that Mr. Cotton is the most generous imperial soldier I have ever seen. Not only did he take me to the big restaurant to eat five or six chickens, a leg of lamb, four or five yuan Beef, look, he also gave me a backpack full of canned cultured meat." Feng excitedly showed off to Wright "like" a child.

"Let me take a look, oh, there seem to be quite a few!" Wright exclaimed in cooperation.

"Of course. Mr. Cotton packed more than twenty cans for me. If I save some food, more than half a month will be enough. Brother Wright, you know that the traffic in Wuxin Village is usually inconvenient. If you want to It takes a lot of trouble to eat clean food produced by the empire. In fact..."

As Feng spoke, he hesitated to speak. After thinking for a few seconds, he still said angrily:

"Many times, the way we supplement food is not the same as humans, but like those big or small beasts like wolves, dogs, and even mice. In other words, Brother Wright, I have eaten raw meat."

"This is normal. The Lost may not all have received education in the human world. Even judging from their nature and physiological needs, they must regularly engage in the behavior of consuming hair and drinking blood." Wright said nonchalantly, but when referring to the Lost , deliberately replacing "you" with "them".

"I...I have not only eaten the raw meat of animals, but, you know. There will be many imperial soldiers and wilderness explorers who have died due to various reasons, either being attacked by wild beasts or fighting. I have indeed come into contact with them. My body, and I have experienced the feeling of being immersed in blood and the smell of 'special meat' many times. But brother Wright..." Feng's tone became firm, and he patted his chest and promised:

"Since we are now companions, I promise not to touch those 'weird' foods again. I have secretly made up my mind before I entered the big restaurant with you. I decided to abandon the lost part of my body and take it seriously. The human part. I... no longer intend to be a half-lost person, I want to be a human being, a real human being with powers."

"That's good, Feng, humans will always welcome you. And, I believe..." Wright suddenly stopped and looked up at the blue sky with a few strange-shaped white clouds floating in it, and suddenly recalled it in his mind Brett's conversation in Chekavsk.

He thought of Brett's ideals:

"All races will usher in a day of peaceful coexistence. Regional and racial differences will always disappear. No one rules, no one is ruled, no one discriminates, no one is discriminated against. All 'people' are on this continent Peaceful coexistence and orderly existence.”

"Wind." Thinking of this, Wright blurted out:

"I believe that mankind can completely eliminate the influence of the 'virus' of the unintentional people, and usher in the day when order is restored and a new world is built. Human beings, superpowers, the lost, and all intelligent creatures should coexist peacefully. I I don’t want any more wars in this world. This world should be peaceful, beautiful, and full of hope, right?”

"Yes." Feng agreed.

Then, he tilted his head, half-lidded his eyes, and showed an extremely cute smile.

He read something in Wright's tone that he couldn't fully understand for the time being. It was full of sadness and loneliness, but also full of hope and idealism.

He also understood that the world should never be like this, full of wasteland and the atmosphere of war.

This world should be beautiful, it should be full of hope, peace and tranquility, full of blue skies and verdant mountains, as well as people who are busy but working hard for a happy life, and people of all races "peacefully coexist" "people".

"Brother Wright, I am willing to help you." Feng continued in a slightly immature teenage voice.

"What can you help me with?" Wright asked knowingly, showing a smile full of kindness and expectation.

"Realize the ideas in your heart, restore order to the world, and build a peaceful, beautiful, and hopeful new world." Feng said.

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