Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 168 The Coming of Silence (34): Fighting Training (Combat Chapter)

Stepping on the solid concrete floor that seems to have not been cleaned many times, I endure the smell of dust in the air, the faint smell of gunpowder smoke, and a vague smell that seems to be emanating from the spirit of animals. Smelling the rancid smell of feces, Wright slowly stepped forward and walked to the center of the warehouse room.

"Start training now, Captain?" Wright asked.

In just a moment, a relatively "skilled" part of his memory was suddenly activated, and a simple fighting technique that did not belong to the category of extraordinary power and was not mixed with any magic power appeared in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes suddenly became cautious, and he began to abandon all the surrounding furnishings, poor decorations, and the team members watching the training under the dim lights.

His mind was completely focused on the opponent in front of him, his captain Windeke.

"I think there is no problem, but I still have to make a statement in advance. Regarding this fighting training, it actually belongs to the most essential tradition of our 'Wind Team'.

The specific cause cannot be verified, but it has become our tradition since at least a few decades after the New Year, around the time of Karl III, and it can be regarded as a test for newcomers. "Wendeke said "pre-war explanation" in a rich voice.

"A test for newcomers?"

Wright was confused at first, and then a bitter smile appeared on his lips, as if he was facing a long dark night.

Peter, the [scholar], has indeed transferred himself to a good place. Such a responsible team and captain are probably rare everywhere.

After all, if it is a clerical position, you can simply wear formal clothes and a tie and walk for an interview with dignity and you will be on the job immediately.

There is a shortage of talents in the wasteland world, and the empire has been fighting against the "Heartless" and the "Lost". If you join the legion and become a front-line [soldier], most of the physical examinations will be omitted. If you have special powers, Even better, after a small display of magic power or extraordinary power, they will be sent directly to the front line and immediately carry out combat missions.

Only a very small number of responsible corps or officers, such as the Zhnetsk Corps, Sokra Guards and Corps, will have a small number of captains and generals to conduct combat capability tests, or "pre-job training."

"A test, yes, is a test. This is a rule, and this is the rule of the 'New Wind Team' and even our Zhnetsk Army. We usually find an excuse to 'train' for new players." , if there is no excuse, then you need to create one.

You must not feel aggrieved about this. After all, the ‘unintentional person’ appears without any sign or reason. And once they and the ‘Lost Ones’ want to attack you or devour your body, they usually don’t look for any justifiable reasons. Understand! "

Wendek said, trying hard to raise the corners of his mouth. Combined with his weathered face and cold eyes, Wright felt like a wild beast watching his easy prey.

Humans have the aura of humans, and beasts have the aura of beasts. When the aura of one party is revealed and the vision is poured into the spirit of the other party, it will usually cause the weaker party to collapse.

This is the most important thing that Wright has memorized in his mind, second only to the autosuggestive words recited in the "Safety Code" of the Socratic Guards and the Guards Regulations when resisting mental attacks.

The "pre-war explanation" between the two sides came to an abrupt end when Windecker and Wright stood face to face in the center of the room.

As Wendek bowed slightly and Wright gave a half-bow, the two sides stared at each other silently at a distance of five meters and did not immediately launch an attack.

Instead, both of them murmured their own soul-binding spells, and slowly and gradually began to surge the still abundant magic power in their bodies, preparing to end the battle in one blow and gain the advantage of this "training". victory.

The powerful magic power formed an aura that was not tangible and completely invisible to the naked eye, making the already cold underground space around it look even colder, giving the surrounding team members a feeling of being in winter. The feeling of being in the Crusted Icefield or the Evertray Icefield.

In fact, in addition to the sharp aura of violence and slaughter, the disheveled team members just now felt a faint sense of air, surrounding this dark and depressing atmosphere.

"It seems that this boy is not bad. If it were us, if the captain stood there and the magic power surged a little, we would have to pee our pants, or even worse, we would have to cry and beg for mercy. After all, mentally, The suppressive power is too strong, and the captain has experienced many life and death tests." One of the team members whispered.

"That's right..." Another team member echoed in a low voice, and even covered half of his mouth with his hand, trying not to let the beast-like Wendek, who was full of killing aura, notice him.

"This is still a fighting training for us. If there are [soldiers] and superpowers from other legions who are not afraid of death, or even the lost ones from the 'Giant Church' who challenged us last time, the captain will twist their necks with just one blow. It broke, and even made his crotch wet and emitted a foul odor."

"Yes, this boy is unusual. No wonder he was arranged last night to report today. If the empire only had talents like the captain and this boy, let alone the Lost Ones, even the legendary sequential gods, I'm afraid The empire will also look down upon it.”

The whispers of other members of the "New Wind Team" did not affect the two people at the center, relying on the power of the magic source to engage in a mental power game.

In the non-entity game, Wendek's dark gray left eye suddenly observed that a very abnormal red color flashed across Wright's eyes.

Just like the bloodthirsty vampire leader Vladimirski he had seen, just like the "careless bats" with red eyes he encountered when he was in the northern border of the empire.

Even as the magic source power gradually filled up, a faint red glow appeared around Wright's body.

Wendek subconsciously realized that it was not a blazing flame, but scarlet, the color of blood exuding intoxication and fishy smell.

After observing this, Wendek felt that the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. His body suddenly felt as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he made a sudden and imperceptible shudder.

Even beads of sweat the size of soybeans began to leak out from his forehead covered by short hair, flowing along the dark brown scars, along the weathered and angular cheeks, to his chin, and then dripping unconsciously on his butt. On top of a prosthetic left hand delicately made of steel and other alloys.

Tick! Tick! Tick!

The sound of water drops not only reached Wendek's ears, affecting his spirit, but also affected Wright at the same time.

Ever since he stood on the spot and faced off with the magic source power surging, he felt that the space around him seemed to have become a lot darker.

The dim glow of the gas lamp became duller and duller, as if the fuel inside was beginning to be gradually exhausted.

Although the surrounding space appears cold, it is very dry and there is no possibility of water droplets forming.

Wright thought, he could feel that there seemed to be some mysterious forces around him that could not be discerned by the naked eye. Perhaps it was pure magic power, or perhaps it was some kind of entity that was difficult to spy on.

Although his spiritual power has always been inexplicably strong, it is difficult to be affected by any fantasy and weird things.

But because of the unknown type of magic power emitted from Wen Deke's body, and the dim and depressing environment around him, he and Wen Deke realized a problem at the same time.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Thinking of this, Wright and Wendek smiled knowingly at the same time.

But in the eyes of Feng and other team members around them, the faces of the two men, half-reflected by the dim light, looked so weird, as if they were devils in the abyss, showing weird smiles, waiting for humans who strayed into it.

However, just a few seconds later, the two of them were half-crouching at the same time, with their hands clenched and placed in front of their chests in a fighting posture, their eyes sharply and cautiously watching every subtle movement of the other's body.

Trying to find possible flaws in the clues exposed on the other party's body.


The first person to lose his balance was Windecker, whose mental strength was obviously more affected than that of Wright.

After all, he had no way of knowing that there was a special red magic power in Wright's body, a power that was beyond the knowledge of most magicians, lost people, and people with supernatural abilities.

He needs to rely on his strong physical fitness to achieve the very important "first advantage" mentioned in any fighting technique.

Thinking of this, he quickly tightened the muscles of his left leg and poured a little magic power belonging to the plants into his right leg.

Then, he stretched out his left arm as thick as a tree trunk, clenched his fist, and rushed toward Wright with heavy steps like a 10,000-ton mechanical behemoth.




Wright naturally did not choose to be tough. After all, judging from the comparison of size and strength, his body was like a flexible cat.

Windek, on the other hand, is more like a strong desert wolf, or even a forest tiger or a huge, legendary dragon with a huge body.

Therefore, he adopted the tactic of avoiding attacks as much as possible and looking for gaps and flaws to counterattack.

Every time he waved his fist, Wendek injected some magic power as an auxiliary, causing the fists in Wright's field of vision to be filled with a flickering and erratic halo.

Windecker's mountain-like body still gave Wright a sense of oppression deep in his subconscious.

After dodging seven or eight heavy and powerful punch attacks, that strong, helmet-sized fist still focused heavily on his heart.


A dull sound, as if it had been struck on a thick steel plate, came from Wright's chest, even mixed with a hint of indescribable ethereal feeling.

But to Wright's surprise, the powerful blow did not bring him any pain, or even any feeling of being impacted in his internal organs.

That fist did not cause much substantial damage to Wright's body. Instead, it was instantly triggered by Wright's relatively strong body and the red magic source power in his body, covering the body with the "Red Kite". "Tail Shield" resisted, dissipating all the strength.

"Opportunity!" A weird smile appeared on Wright's lips, and he secretly rejoiced inwardly.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and lowered his body as low as possible. At the same time, he quickly made a fist with his right hand, as if pouring all his strength into his right arm.

He waved his fist and delivered the most powerful punch since traveling to this world.

At the bottom of Wendek's angular face, there were still a few uncut stubbles on the chin.


A strange noise came out.

Different from the sound of Wendek's bombardment of Wright, the sound of Wright's counterattack sounded like it hit a real body. It had a soft feeling and did not sound like it hit a bone.

In shock, Wright seemed to have temporarily forgotten a relatively important point in fighting, and also a very critical point in the game of magic source power.

That is, don't hesitate in an urgent battle, you need to be decisive and courageous, and make the most beneficial judgment in the shortest time.

But Wendek is, after all, a mature [Fighter] and a seasoned psychic.

In just 0.3 seconds, his brain quickly informed him that Wright's attack was embarrassing. After only 0.2 seconds of thinking, he quickly extended his mechanical prosthetic left arm and punched Wright's abdomen, instantly breaking the attack. The "shield" built by his red magic source power.

Staggering, Wright quickly took seven or eight steps back. It wasn't until the force of Wendek's attack was relieved by the distance that he gained a few precious seconds, breathing heavily to relieve himself.

After the initial numbness, Wright suddenly felt a sharp pain and dizziness. The pain came from the abdomen, a shock-like pain, and the dizziness came from the head, as if he was having a nightmare from which he could not wake up. He was half asleep and half awake, between clarity and consciousness. Under chaos.

He shook his head vigorously to try to wake up, but then he found that the vision in his right eye suddenly turned blood red, and his nose suddenly felt like it was exploding. With a swipe of his hand, a trace of bright red liquid suddenly appeared on the skin of his index finger.

It's bleeding, Wendek is very cruel, wait, it's not just nosebleeds!

Looking at his right hand, Wright suddenly realized that the part of the tactical glove he was wearing had been pierced by a fang-like object, leaving five small holes with traces of blood gushing out.

Half of the glove has been stained dark red, but there is a strange numbness in the right hand, and no pain is noticed.

In surprise, Wright suddenly looked up. From the left and right sides of Windecker's neck, at some point, two cyan blood vessels, covered with suckers and tiny eyeballs, stretched out.

At the end of each blood vessel, there are actually two terrifying shark-like heads connected!

They floated up and down right in front of Wendek's chest, with their mouths full of sharp teeth wide open, and their tiny tongues that wriggled like snakes, licking the pure black edge of the head wantonly. of vine-like "thick" hair.

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