Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 171 The advent of silence (37): Light! A new journey! (Please collect and subscribe)

It seemed as if he had slept for a long night, as if there had been silence for an entire era.

In the messy, blurry, and chaotic dream, Wright only felt that he was experiencing reincarnation one after another. He rolled back and forth in the psychedelic and historical stories, observing from a third-party perspective. experience.

Until the cold breath lingered around his body again, eroding his consciousness again.

After rolling back and forth at hallucinatory speed, Wright suddenly found himself in a vast sea of ​​stars.

This is not the vast universe, planetary space, or the bright galaxy that he often saw in science fiction short films and pictures in the previous world.

Here, it seems like the universe was born.

There was complete silence and endless darkness shrouding his consciousness.

Staring carefully into the darkness, Wright tried to find some clues in the dream, a little bit away from this dream that made people feel lonely, lonely, and even a kind of spiritual dissipation.

Suddenly, he saw a point.

His intuition and subconscious memory of astronomy and occult knowledge told him that this was the starting point.

The nascent universe.

It is a product created by the Creator in the early stages of his sleep. It seems that the Creator's spirit was not perfect at that time. After entering this nightmare for unknown reasons, He did not figure out how to create it or set it up.

Until a small "inspiration" shines through the nightmare.

In the eyes of the Creator, "inspiration" is too precious, too psychedelic, and too difficult to capture.

But after he carefully "read" and "experienced" the content about "inspiration", he felt a sense of spiritual enlightenment.

Therefore, in Wright's eyes, the point of origin began to expand and become hot, until the endless fireworks of destruction burst out, extended, and finally completely enveloped him.

"Explosion?" Wright muttered.

He suddenly found that his spirit seemed to be disconnected from his body. He could feel the existence of his body, but he was still unable to control him or control him. He did not even make any basic postures to prevent the invasion of fire.


The endless splendid fireworks did not bring a hot invasion like a regional abyss, but instead brought an icy coldness like a wasteland in an extremely cold field.

This reminded him of the words from "The Ancient World" that he had read somewhere or when:

"Dragon Word 1: The Dragon Clan was born from hot lava, born from endless anger. But they will always be accompanied by the cold and the dark night. According to legend, the boy who came to save the Dragon Clan eventually fell into an eternal sleep. The era of dragons has passed and will never be repeated again."

Just as Wright was carefully comprehending this sentence and trying to decipher the implications it brought while half asleep, he suddenly realized that all the blazing incandescent flames had turned into countless glowing white crystals at some point. of ice and snow.

It was quickly turning into countless icy tentacles, starting from his limbs and ending all over his body, wrapping around him and enveloping him.

A few seconds later, a woman wearing a blue and white palace dress appeared in front of him, with a fair and delicate face and a girlish body.

He actually showed an extremely cute smile when facing Wright.

Immediately afterwards, He gently raised his right hand, stretched out two fingers, and made a gesture of victory in the "Victoria" era of the Ptoia Empire.

Just when Wright was puzzled and moved his lips, ready to ask, the "girl" spoke first, speaking in a sharp, childish, but extremely cold voice:

"My believer, Wright Sukra. You are getting closer and closer to the truth of your secret. [Order], you are still a rare [Order]. In this era where everyone believes in the Lord of the Night, you have made a great appearance. It is an ideal career, but I am afraid that you will become a tragedy."

"Tragedy...tragedy?" Wright asked doubtfully, his eyes fixed on the pure black eyes of the "girl" in front of him.

"The light is receding and the dark nightclub is invading. The place where you and I have been in silence will eventually usher in the light of day. Wright, you are about to officially start contacting a god! Are you excited? Are you excited?" "Girl" His body was floating up and down in the vast sea of ​​stars, and he asked with a pure smile on his face.

"I'm not excited, and I'm not excited either." Wright shook his head a few times and replied:

"The closer I get to my secrets, as well as the inhumane 'Blood Night Ritual' and 'Raleye's Dream,' the more I feel heavy, lost, and even an inexplicable fear. I don't know how close I am to the gods and the truth. What will happen to me that day, but the only thing worthy of certainty is that I may go crazy or crazy. Maybe I will become a monster, or even a devil. I think, if it were not in a dream, this feeling in my heart I don’t necessarily share my thoughts with anyone.”

"Do you know the "Book of Dragons"? It tells about the history, culture, and combat skills of the Dragon Clan. It even mentions at the end that the era was very new, such as divination, astrology, smelting, mechanics, etc. It is now used Placed in the royal palace of the soon-to-be-abandoned Crusted Federation, it can tell you how to spy on the gods, how to obtain dragon power, how to make magic potions, and how to interact with gods through extraordinary power, magic power, and so on. A way to get in touch and advance to Order Level 4 or above. I think if you want to truly become an [Order] and use the abilities of this profession, you need to go to the north." "Girl" prompted.

"North? The Crusted Federation in the icy realm?" Wright rolled his eyes and suddenly made a very pessimistic guess:

“So, in the eyes of your gods, ‘The Coming of Silence’ will definitely fail, or will I definitely be destined to break away from the Zine Empire?”

"Yes, not entirely right." The "girl" said ambiguously:

"The entire world, including the universe, is moving from order to disorder. If humans who are favored by 'wisdom' do not continuously input energy, everything in the nightmare of the Creator will move towards entropy increase, towards heat death, and become like It's like a desert. Speaking of Wright, I never told you my identity, how did you guess that I was a god?"

Seeing the girl tilting her head and asking with an innocent smile, Wright also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a knowing smile, and explained:

"There are very few people in the entire Socra, or rather in the entire empire, who believe in the goddess of light. Just now you said that I am your believer, my lady goddess. Isn't this clear?"

"'Wisdom', you really have 'wisdom', Wright. That will be easy." The "Goddess of Light" paused and continued:

"I know you are tired, but I still entered your dream according to some ancient instructions. This is the first time, maybe this is the last time. Just this time, I want to give you two tips, I hope you can use them ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Inspiration’ for understanding.”

"Please speak." Wright said with respect.

"First, stay awake, no matter how noisy the whispers are, no matter how strong the breath of the past is, no matter how lonely the silence of the night is, no matter how charming the gorgeous temptations are. Sobriety is the only and inevitable necessity for your survival."

"Second, gain as much power as possible. The outbreak of war is an endless collision of power. Here, especially in a situation filled with strong 'sorrow', there must be endless and fascinating power. Find it, get in touch with it , don't let it go.

All tragedies come from the lack of power of the parties concerned, whether it is mechanical, steam, magic, lost, or divine power. As long as you grasp it, you will be closer to the truth, although there will be some cruel truths. . "

"Sobriety, strength..." Wright nodded and said:

"I remember!"

"So Wright." "The Goddess of Light" bowed slightly, was friendly to Wright, and said with a little respect:

"Although the meeting between you and me will be a long process, maybe a thousand years later, maybe ten thousand years later. But I want to wait for you. I want to wait for someone who expects light, believes in light, and longs for light to come to my divine realm. Please remember..."

I don't know whether it is because the power to maintain the dream gradually dissipates, or the "signal" of the connection between the "Goddess of Light" and Wright in the dream begins to weaken. Her voice becomes more ethereal and fainter in Wright's ears.

"The light never recedes, and the dark night will eventually go away. The gods in the wasteland will eventually send blessings, and the wasteland in the long night will usher in the dawn. Wright, I am waiting for you..."

"Light...goddess." Wright murmured:

"Number 13...Light...goddess?"


"Brother Wright, are you having nightmares again?"

"Nightmare? Yes, it seems like I'm dreaming again." Wright gasped for air, threw away the cotton quilt covering himself, stood up from the bed, and looked at the surrounding rooms.

Fortunately, it was still the living area of ​​Camp B, the two-person room on the 4th floor.

He wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead with his clean right hand. After staring ahead in a daze for a few seconds, he turned to look at Feng who had just spoken to him.

"What time is it now? How long have I been asleep?" Wright asked.

"April 16, 527 New Year Calendar, 9:30 in the morning. You slept for almost 16 hours, brother Wright. But I can't blame you, after all, these two days have been too long, and we have done a lot of things, right? Right." Feng responded softly in a boyish voice.

"Yes, these two days have been too long. From the time I met you and pulled you to the camp, I saw the meteorite and the old 'magician', and had my first dream on the jeep. After that, I went to the Sogra Committee Peter had a very annoying breakfast, and then he came to the 'New Wind Team' non-stop. Then before he had time to rest, he fought with him again and was beaten up by him. I was really tired, Feng. ." Wright yawned and said with a smile.

"But Brother Wright, I'm afraid we will be busier starting today. In other words, the time will become longer." Feng said with a slightly depressed expression.

"Has the war officially begun?" Wright speculated.

Feng did not answer immediately, but nodded in affirmation.

While in Chekavsk, Brett went to him alone several times to convey the orders of the Socratic Council, including matters related to the "Silence Advent" campaign.

At that time, the empire's orders to middle- and lower-level officers and [soldiers] mentioned that once the soldiers, supplies, machinery, and weapons in Silent Highlands were transported, Crown Prince Ivant would immediately launch a general attack on the three major churches at the appropriate time.

At that time, the south and north will be the key directions of attack. His Royal Highness will conduct direct military command through the radio and some newly interpreted new products developed by the technology of the old Crusted Empire.

Commonly known as "micromanagement".

Wright estimated in his heart that he would launch a general offensive in the next two days. However, because the "Zhixin-03" railway line that originally led to the camp in Area B of the Donusk ruins was blocked by a wolf with a wolf tail and a white leopard head. The unintentional people destroyed it, including the soldiers stationed in the camp that extended to the north of Silent Highlands. It was not large in scale and could not undertake the main combat tasks. Most of them were probably auxiliary or defensive counterattack.

I remember that Brett gave him a piece of data before. The targets stationed in the camp in Area B are the legionnaires, escort [soldiers], and members of the "security team" who participated in the Battle of Silent Highlands, including scattered explorers and adventurers from various places. Inside, there were no more than 10,000 people.

For the Church of the Lost who can control the "Heartless Men" to fight, without relying on heavy weapons, the strength of these people is a drop in the bucket, and there is no possibility of launching an active attack.

Thinking of this, Wright slowly rubbed his still dizzy head, stood up, turned around and asked Feng:

"Is there a new combat mission?"

"Yes. This morning, the general launch of Evante's 'Dawn of Erysia', that is, the general offensive order, has been passed to all legions and combat organizations. The tall, thin brother who was entrusted by the captain just now told us that at 12 o'clock You must go to the garage behind the living area to gather beforehand. As the 'vanguard team', we must carry out a combat mission against the Giant Church." Feng quickly switched to a serious expression and said.

"What specific mission is it? I see that you have put on your new uniform and even your helmet." Wright stroked the new military green helmet that Feng received and continued to ask.

"I heard that more than half a month ago, several front camps built south of the B area camp along the temporary road and water source were occupied by the Giant Church. As the first order issued to our 'New Wind Team' after the general launch, , is to cooperate with other vanguard troops to quickly enter the old camp, fight against the Lost Ones, and recapture it. And I also heard yesterday that a strong wolf-shaped beast seems to be imprisoned there." Feng continued to narrate calmly in a teenage voice. .

But it was not difficult for Wright to notice that there seemed to be a kind of expectation hidden in his light green eyes, as well as a faint frightening aura.

Before he could think carefully, a huge explosion sound reached his ears.

Quickly pushing open the door, pulling the wind, Wright looked towards the sky outside.

The dark sky shrouded in mist and dark clouds is not entirely a dark and gloomy scene.

As the successive slightly lower explosion sounds came out, Wright realized that the dense incandescent shells were emitting a dazzling bright brilliance, as if they were "born" from deep in the clouds.

They pulled their tails burning with red brilliance, leaving a dazzling white "scratch" in the air, heading south, falling and attacking farther away!

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