Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 173 The Coming of Silence (39): Encounter with the Giant (Part 2)

"That's right, it's here. The Giant Church used to occupy our old camp in the front area. Judging from the situation inside, the legion [soldiers] who entered the battlefield earlier than us are probably either in a hard fight or have all been killed. Like what we see now." Wendek deliberately lowered his voice and said. He squatted half-crouched and pointed with the barrel of his gun at the bodies on the ground that smelled of burning and blood.

"Attack?" Wright asked, standing behind Windecker, holding the "Imperial Z-01" rifle and observing the surroundings in full alert.

"Caution, slowness and knowing are the true ways of doing things in the wasteland. Wright, if we attack now, what do you think we have accomplished?" Wendek suddenly turned his head and asked in a rich voice. .

"At least it's prudent. Besides..." Wright pursed his dry lips, swallowed, kept squatting on one knee, and replied:

"The general launch...the general offensive has begun. Time is life. Moreover, the development of the situation on the battlefield in five minutes can affect the entire battle situation. Sometimes just a small decision or an ambiguous judgment can destroy a country, so , it can’t be done even if it’s slow.”

"Yes, I have some insights." Wendek nodded in approval, "Continue."

"It is known that we have done it, at least for you, captain. You got here earlier than me, and you have more information than I do, including the layout and situation of the front camp, as well as the aftermath of being bombarded by the 'Thermite's Final Silence' Where the flames will burn, and where the lost ones may flee, this should have formed a complete chain of information in your mind."

"In other words, all you need is your order and I will carry it out." Wright's tone revealed a firmness that looked down upon death.

It was an emotion hidden deep in his consciousness and spiritual realm, condensed in every fragment of his spirit.

It is also the responsibility and courage brought by the years of education as a member of the Guards and an Imperial Legion soldier!

"I don't shy away from certain things in front of you and my brothers." Wen Deke raised his voice a few degrees.

Even so, under the attack of the scorching air waves and the flames mixed with black and red substances rising from time to time, there were crackling sounds in the air, sporadic explosions of artillery shells, the sound of bullets shooting from firearms, and the sounds of people who were gradually becoming manic. , the sound of the wind blowing violently basically formed a "natural" barrier.

The voice of Wendek discussing combat was suppressed within a small space, allowing him to analyze and command "unscrupulously".

"I have secretly arranged the tasks for the brothers in the other half of the team in the morning. I talked to them alone, so you didn't know about it until now. It's not that I don't trust my brothers, it's just that many of the Lost ones know how to 'seduce' 'With abilities related to 'charm', you will fall into an illusion without knowing it."

As Wendek spoke, he deliberately tapped the metal barrel of the rifle in his hand ten times in a row. While making a crisp sound, he read out the numbers from "10" to "1" in the common language of the West Continent in sequence as he tapped.






"It's over. At least from what I can tell, none of us are in hallucinations."

Wright clearly heard a sense of relaxation in Windecker's tone. Windeke himself didn't even notice that after reading the numbers, he breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously and took the rifle back into his hand. He explained:

"This is the method I learned not long ago from the lost people of the captive Hope Church, the Tenin sect. The 'cautious, slow and known' I just mentioned is the motto they often talk about. The lost person told I, the patriarch of their sect, am a professional on the front line of [Seducer] and [Deceiver], good at manipulating targets, causing them to hallucinate, and inducing individuals and groups to act in accordance with their predetermined goals."

"The sound of striking metal is similar to that of church bells. This sound goes deep into the heart and spirit, and can produce a kind of 'autonomous guidance'. With the guidance of the countdown, one can quickly concentrate and get out of the majority of the crowd. An illusion. In addition, some actions in the illusion will affect reality."

"Well, captain, since we are no longer in hallucinations, let's arrange the mission. You know, we get excited as soon as we enter the battlefield. Waiting for orders and training in the camp some time ago suffocated us. We are not afraid of death, so Afraid of doing nothing and living in confusion." One of the team members, fully armed and even wearing a pure black mask, with a tall and strong body and a slightly high-pitched tone of voice, urged.

"Of course, let's talk now." Wendek glanced at him, slightly angry.

"The actual mission of the first half of the people is to sneak into the back door of the old camp in the front area. There are several underground experimental sites there, which were used for some secret biology and occult experiments during the empire's control. They serve as a 'sharp dagger' , need to sneak in and rescue an outstanding cadre of the 'Lone Wolf Society', a superpower user of the upper-level professional [Sacrifice].

It is said that a few days ago, when they secretly moved to the 'Silent City Ancient City' and the 'Silent Steel Heart' headquarters along the peripheral road, they temporarily stopped at the old camp in the front area here, they 'happened' to be discovered and attacked by the Church of Giants. The boy who didn't have time to evacuate.

His name is Ivan Ross. It is said that he participated in the 'Battle of Kosev' more than a month ago. He was injured at the time and has been recuperating in the imperial city of Chekavsk. "

"They are going to...rescue people, so is our mission to eliminate the Lost?" Wright asked with a slightly urgent tone.

He observed that it seemed that except for them, there were no other vehicles coming from the Area B camp. In other words, the imperial army currently located here may only have a few people besides their team.

At present, no living enemies have been seen at the entrance of the camp except for the sign of the Church of Giants. This shows that when the vacuum period occurs, the power of the Lost has also been greatly lost. If we attack now, the benefits will outweigh the risks.

After all, after more than ten minutes of artillery raids, the magic power of the lost people in this camp to build defenses has been exhausted, and the strategy will definitely turn to passive defense. As long as they do not enter some strange and unfamiliar places and be ambushed. The probability will be very low.

"We." Wendek continued to issue orders in a rich voice:

"Now enter this camp, find the headquarters of the Church of Giants stationed here, and take it away. If you encounter the Lost Ones on the way, execute them as much as possible to consume their vitality. Be careful, no matter how the Lost People beg us , no matter how you behave like a human being, you can’t show mercy. There are no human beings who can be here and not wear the imperial insignia.”

"Yes, Captain!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Wright and the team members behind him agreed at the same time.

After cautiously observing the surroundings with guns, Wendek, Wright and others arrived at the iron gate that was filled with mottled, burnt, and sticky scarlet substances.

After kicking the iron door open, Wendek looked at the various barracks around him, pointed his gun in the surrounding direction, and continued to order:

"Seven or eight of you, cross this burning street and go to the three-story building in the center. It used to be the command office of the old camp in the front area. The Lost Ones of the Giant Church may use them. Go quickly."

"Yes, Captain."

The seven or eight soldiers held standard rifles and trotted towards the end of the street filled with flames.

Immediately afterwards, Wendek turned his head and whispered to Wright and the remaining six people:

"These tent camps are obviously temporarily arranged by the Giant Church. I think it may also be their command post or the residence of important people. If the shelling and fighting just now caused them to dodge, flee or even escape here, , we should be able to find some of their documents and valuable items left behind. This will be very helpful in the subsequent battles.

Brothers, slow down and approach the big tent in front of you. Wait and see my gesture, then rush in! "

"Yes." Wright and others nodded.

Slowly, holding loaded rifles, several people stepped on the solid ground, which was covered with dark, weird and twisted semi-burnt substances with a special fragrance left after the plants were burnt.

A minute later, they finally arrived at the "gate" of the large tent that looked the largest from the outside, almost twenty times the size of a daily bedroom, or equivalent to the space occupied by five or six tin-board houses.

Looking at the "gate" which was made of a metal frame and whose main body was skillfully covered and stitched with leather, hanging the large emblem of the Church of Giants as "a giant holding an ax and slashing at the stars", Wendek paused for a moment.

Then, he took out a white lump from his pocket, put it into his mouth, and whispered:

"Each person takes a mouthful of candy. In addition to replenishing physical strength, it also reduces hunger as much as possible. After this place was occupied by the Church of Giants, I can feel the smell of the 'Heartless Man' burning liquid filling the air. It is already half polluted. District.

Even after injecting the No. 15 potion, we have to ensure that we are not attacked by hunger and lose our minds, and we must remain cautious. "

After the reminder, Wendek looked at the six people behind him, including Wright, Feng and others, holding or swallowing candy bars before waving his hand to break open the door and rush in.


Da da da!

Da da da!

Da da da!

After violently pushing the "door" open, Wright and others did not immediately rush in under the command of Windecker. Instead, they fired almost half of the bullets from the barrel inside. After seeing that there was really not much movement inside, they fired Under the leadership of Wendek, we rushed into it.

There was darkness and silence.

What penetrated outside the door, under the dim sky shrouded in dark clouds, was some faint fiery red light produced by burning, which only illuminated a corner of the door.

After taking four or five steps forward slowly, everything around him was still very chaotic and unclear against the dim backdrop.

But in addition, some special smells clearly stimulated the nasal cavities of Wright, Wendek and others, making them feel confused.

"It's flowers, the fragrance of flowers, the fishy smell of blood, and even the smell of scorched earth that is somewhat different from the outside. It seems to be the smell of these flowers after they are burned out." Wright analyzed in a low voice.

"There is also the smell of burning liquid. I am very familiar with this smell, and it is very strong. There is such a smell in their barracks. Is it possible that they are also doing experiments on their own people?" Wendek said in a rich voice. doubted.

Just as Wright took out the pistol that Brett had given to him at the Donusk ruins from his military backpack, he was not disturbed by the battle with the "Mad Body" and Melinal, or the series of things that happened after falling into the lake. He lost the "Yongguang" brand flashlight and was about to turn on the light when he suddenly heard a shrill scream from the team member behind him.

"Ah! Ah!"

After two shouts, the shouts suddenly stopped, as if they were attacked by some kind of monster hiding in the darkness.

"Be alert!" Wendek ordered.

However, screams came from behind again.

This time it became much lower, like the murmur of a resentful person in the long night, more like a low groan when doing "great things belonging to mankind".

Immediately afterwards, after a dull sound of sharp objects piercing flesh, Wright, Feng and Wendek simultaneously felt the fishy-smelling liquid splashing.

Wright subconsciously wiped it on his face, rubbed the liquid a few times, put it near his nose and sniffed it. He suddenly realized that this was blood, blood without the scent of the Lost One or the Magic Source!

"Attack!" Wright shouted, turning on his flashlight and looking back.

The "door" of the big tent, which originally let in a slight amount of light, seemed to have been completely closed, with no light coming in even though it passed through the gap.

In the narrow circular area hit by the halo of light from the flashlight, Wright saw that the four purely human team members who had just followed him and did not have magic power had fallen to the ground.

Holding the rifle, he took a half step back to check.

Two of the team members were pierced through the chest by a dark, slender stick-like object covered with red eyeballs.

A transparent substance mixed with scarlet blood was still oozing from the stick-like object, along with the smoke coming out of the combat uniforms and chests of the two soldiers, and an inexplicable sour smell that increased in the air.

Wright analyzed that this should be because some kind of acid in the stick-shaped object had a paralyzing effect, making their strong bodies unable to make more calls for help and died with just one blow.

Similar to the effect of "sealing one's throat upon seeing blood".

Continuing to look, the other two soldiers stared directly upward with "angry eyes". Their necks were tightly bound by a circle of white, twisting and wriggling ring-shaped creatures.

The two soldiers seemed to have died because their necks were violently "snapped" and then fell into a state of suffocation.

The ring-shaped creature seemed to be some kind of snake, but it was more like an elongated and thickened version of maggots. It was twisting and squirming on the bodies of the two fallen soldiers, and you could even see the calves scratching randomly underneath. There are also several tubular villi protruding from the small mouthparts for sucking the blood of the "dead".

When Wright raised the flashlight upward, trying to observe more information through the light, a pure purple flower blooming under the incandescent light actually appeared in the center of the flashlight.

"Violet?" Wright guessed after sniffing the scent.

Immediately afterwards, amid the sound of mechanical gears and switches running around, the gas lights connected to the metal pipes on the walls of the big tent were turned on one after another.

Wright suddenly realized that a few meters in front of him was standing a lost man in a black robe, about 1.7 meters tall, and looked like a seventeen-year-old youth.

Seeing that the surrounding environment became brighter, he stared at Wright rather resentfully with his sapphire-like eyes on his fair, unadorned, beautiful face.

Two seconds later, he stretched out his fair and slender right hand from the cuff of his robe, and with a slight surge of magic power, a blue, faintly swaying flame suddenly appeared directly above his palm.

"'Ning Yuan'! Enemy! 'Ning Yuan', the chief cardinal of the Church of Giants."

A childish voice came from behind Wright. What surprised him and Wendek was that the person speaking was not the other party, but Wright's nominal brother Feng.

At this time, he was glaring at the young man's face with light green eyes that looked like a "silent lone wolf". He held a standard rifle with an angry look and looked directly at the "lost young man" in front of him.

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