Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 180 The advent of silence (46):

"Be careful, Wright!" Ivan warned in a slightly sharp, boyish voice.

In desperation, he pulled out the pure black dagger that looked like a young dragon hanging from his waist. For the first time in more than a month, as a pure human being, the part of the demonic power belonging to the vegetation in his body surged. .


A huge collision sound came from right in front of Wright, and the strong air flow spread outwards and rushed out, making Wright unsteady for a while.

He also tried his best to surge up the remaining red magic power in his body, crossed his hands in front of his body, and tried to summon the "Red Kite Eagle Shield" to resist the impact of "madness".

However, there was only a tiny, flickering light in front of his arm, like the light from a lamp with insufficient power.

After flashing two or three times, the red magic source power seemed to be on the verge of exhaustion in this intense, adrenaline-fueled battle where the magic source power was used all the time.

Unable to resist the power of the red magic source, and relying only on the not-so-strong strength of his arms to resist, Wright took a few steps back.

One of them failed to stand firm, his right foot flew into the air, and he stomped randomly with his left foot and lost his balance. He fell to the ground and rolled back several somersaults under the impact of the airflow.

Just like the [clowns] who perform in the circus and the acrobats who live around the empire relying on meager "rewards" to survive!

After nearly a minute, as the air flow weakened, Wright managed to stand up with support on his swaying body, which felt like he might fall down at any time.

After wiping away the bright red blood that was stained on the corner of his mouth and flowing on his face with an inexplicable "intoxication", he picked up the "Crazy Bear" pistol that had just fallen to the ground and focused his eyes forward.

Consistent with his immediate guess, the lost man in front of him wearing a torn black robe, with long, fair and unadorned arms holding a "huge drill" was none other than "Ning Wish".

Fortunately, the "giant drill" that could knock out the relatively powerful semi-lost man with the power of water magic source, Feng Yi, was currently being restrained by Ivan's black dagger.

Looking carefully, the dagger was firmly inserted into the middle of the "giant drill", and with the blessing of the magical power of vegetation, several pure emerald green vines stained with mud were tightly inserted from several directions. Wrapped up "most" of the bit.

Since Ivan had just returned to his human form, some of the human magic power was still sufficient.

As for "Condensing Wish", at this time, as described in the proverb of the Eastern Flame Empire, "the powerful arrow has reached its end, and even the cheapest cloth cannot penetrate".

Therefore, even though the order of "Wish Condensation" has reached "Hope", the dual upper-level magic source power of light and darkness can always suppress any lower-level basic magic source power most of the time.

But the two surprisingly maintained a balanced confrontation.

They all stared at each other with hostile and angry eyes, their lips were twitching, and their bodies were shaking due to the exertion, but no one could retreat or dare to retreat.

The two of them could only continue to infuse the magic source power as much as possible until either party was exhausted.

"Hey, what's up? Are you feeling proud of having just defeated a huge evil soul of mine? He actually felt like fighting with me, the great and powerful Cardinal Ning Wish. And he used all his strength from the very beginning? I think you are the oldest... the most... well, no more than 15 years old, right? Has the current empire... fallen to the point where children are allowed to participate in battles everywhere?" "Ning Yuan" said with an evil twisted smile. , challenged Ivan.

"You are attacking Wright and saving my big brother. I can't stand idly by, do you understand? Even if you are...the pope and...a god, I have to stand up. This is a promise!" Ivan yelled, Show a trustworthy and firm expression.

"Interesting, so interesting. Hahahahahahaha..." "Ningyuan" gave out a sharp smile, like a crazy woman.

Immediately, a ripple appeared in his sapphire-like eyes. After his eyes rolled around, he said mockingly:

"In the wasteland... in the wasteland world, promises are the cheapest things. As long as the [soldiers] of the empire are willing to keep them. None of you can truly become a 'windmill chaser', and neither can I." It goes against everything arranged by the goddess of fate. However, it is obvious that you should have lost the qualification to fall into the 'Sea of ​​Desires' from the moment you completely made up your mind to serve the empire. I did not notice it. This was a miscalculation on my part. ."

"It's good that you know, 'Ning Yuan'." Wright interrupted, pointed the "Crazy Bear" pistol at "Ning Yuan's" half-exposed, white chest, and said:

"You don't want to die together, and you don't want to suffer irreparable losses. Now you have used magic power, magic wands, vines, 'melting' abilities, 'deception' abilities, a huge 'evil soul', and Even with the 'giant drill' in your hand and so many abilities, you can't completely defeat us. I think you are at the end of your rope. Even if you still hide some unknown and unexpected power, I'm afraid you Isn’t the magic source power in the body not enough to support it anymore?”

"So what? You want me to admit failure and be taken away by the empire, or be brainwashed into a superpower, and work as an empire worker with no freedom, being locked up in an area, working day and night, and not having any time of my own. Human'? Or like the boy in front of you who just turned from a wolf back to a human... and became an experimental subject and went through painful research? As far as I know, many of the lost people in our three major churches have experienced such misery destiny." "Ning Yuan" roared as if it was about to collapse.

"If you lie again, it will be difficult to enter the empire's legions. They are all selected at different levels. This is what the laws of the empire stipulate." Wright defended subconsciously.

"Lying? This is exclusive to human beings. Human beings...human beings are evil, cunning, deceitful, hypocritical and boring creatures. As long as disaster strikes, the sins of human nature will be infinitely magnified. Those who follow the Tao and are full of justice are sinners. After all, human beings...human beings will call for, praise, and sing whatever they lack!"

"So what?" Ivan scolded impatiently.

"How? I remember the soldiers of your empire said that since the new calendar was opened, not a single soldier has surrendered. Then I have to tell you that the 'right cardinal' of the church will not surrender, even if he is Die in battle!" "Ning Yuan" roared.

At this moment, he looked like an arrogant, tragic, and decent supporting character about to die with a sense of justice in the novel, showing a righteous and awe-inspiring expression.

Immediately afterwards, the strength in his hand increased a bit, so that Ivan had to take a few steps back. Half of his right foot had even sunk into the soft foot covered with grass and weeds. In the dirt.

"I am not a real warrior of the empire, so I don't want to bind you and me with the morality of the empire. To be precise, I am a stranger. I am just an ordinary person who entered here because of a series of conspiracies and confusion. So, I want to make peace, you and Ivan remove the magic source power at the same time, and we leave here peacefully."

"After all, we are all exhausted, and the Imperial soldiers and you Lost Ones have either died here or fled here. No one will record the sins of our private peace negotiations, and neither the Imperial Military Institute nor the Church of the Lost Ones will judge us. Isn’t it beautiful for you and me?” Wright suggested.

"Interesting, haha, really interesting." "Ningyuan" laughed unbridled and said:

"A foreigner? A foreigner with red magic power? A foreigner with the [Order] profession? A foreigner with the tentacles of the ancient god of the deep sea? Don't be ridiculous, do you think I don't know you? Your information is in It is not a secret among the upper echelons of the three major churches. But I am not interested in making peace. Of course, it is not for other reasons, but for an unspeakable reason."

"What?" A bad feeling flashed through Wright's mind.

It was awkward, but he couldn't explain it clearly, until "Ning Yuan" showed him a slightly confused look, full of strange emotions.

"because I like you."

"From the first time I saw you, I have developed the most noble and ordinary emotions that belong to you humans. As for emotions, I am not willing to part ways with you here. As for the church, you You should have heard that our three major churches have always regarded 'inviting' you as an important task." "Ning Yuan" said, showing a greedy smile.

Let Wright feel creepy and shocked!

After a few seconds of silence, Wright said after careful consideration:

"I hate all enemies, 'Ning Yuan', aren't you afraid of death?"

As he spoke, Wright stared at Ning Yuan's eyeballs emitting light blue light with his pure black eyes, and said seriously, with a stern look like ice in the dark night:

"I'm more afraid of the lack of 'love' than death. The only [Goddess of Love] in the three major churches, Ms. Natasha, has died. Those children of the lost and semi-lost who were forced to live in the human world have already died or are Wandering, or forced to join the Imperial Army."

"Every individual intelligent creature has the right to pursue its own happiness. Moreover, many of them have not harmed any human beings like the 'unintentional people'. I know that the empire's general offensive has begun, and the aluminum bomb attack is only the first One wave, and soon there will be more violent artillery attacks.

Any divination shows that we will suffer catastrophe unless we can enter the center of the highland before you and ask for strength from the 'Daughter of Tool Yuan'. But you should...should think about this question. "

"What's the problem?" Wright seemed a little shaken by "Ning Yuan". Inadvertently, his hand holding the pistol began to feel tired and trembled slightly.

"Even if the humans in the empire are redeemed, what about the Lost? We [Warriors] of the Lost are indeed responsible for the war, but what about those children? Who will redeem them? The Lord? Or the True Lord? Or rather, the Creator ?”

"Just because of a 'mysterious and extraordinary power', we are forced to become two hostile races. This is inherently unfair!"

"Ning Yuan" roared, and his sapphire-like eyes quickly turned into a red existence, like a gargoyle.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly surged all the remaining strength in his body and poured it all into the "giant drill".

With a powerful blow, the vines wrapped around the "drill" were instantly shattered and turned into a pool of green viscous liquid.

His strength was almost exhausted, and Ivan, who had no time to use other means, was ejected straight away and fell to the ground.

Immediately, Ning Yuan, who quickly stepped forward, held his throat again, losing the possibility of continuing to fight.

"Wright! Huh, huh." The panting "Ningyuan" stepped on Ivan's chest with his foot, looked back at Wright and said:

"Follow me to the 'Church of Giants'. If you are willing, go to the 'Bloodlight' Castle of the 'Dark Night Church', or the 'Silent Star Castle' of the Church of Hope. I need you to open the realm of gods, you The red magic source power is the crucial 'key'!"

"What if I refuse? 'Ning Yuan', your strength has been exhausted, I can easily end your life!" Wright changed the direction of the "Bear Bear" pistol and kept aiming at the chest of "Ning Yuan" action.

However, the next second, he felt an extreme coldness approaching his body.

"Don't move!" Feng's voice came from Wright's back.

At some point, Feng woke up. At this moment, he was holding an awl made of ice, dripping with tiny drops of water, covered with a layer of snow, and pressed it against his neck.

"What are you going to do, Feng?" Wright reacted immediately and asked.

"Do you still remember our agreement? Brother Wright? Restore the order of the world and build a peaceful and beautiful new world full of hope, right? Without the blessing of divine power, if people of all races cannot coexist peacefully, one party will be affected by If one party is oppressed and one party enjoys benefits, how can this world be considered a beautiful world?" Feng Qing coughed and continued in a low tone:

"Brother Wright, come with us. If you don't want to go to the Church of Giants with that lunatic 'Ning Yuan' who 'likes' you, then follow me to the Church of Dark Night. I listened to what 'Ning Yuan' just said When you arrive, I will help you meet Brother Brett. I have this power."

"Why did you lie to me?" Wright asked with confusion and trembling in his tone.

"I seem to have had a long dream, brother Wright. The attack of 'Wish Ning' just now reminded me of my own identity. It's true that I am Feng, and I am a semi-lost person, but 'Wind' is just a code name. It's not even a name. My real identity is 'Xue Mu', the cardinal of the Church of the Dark Night who controls 'water' and 'snow'. The old man was right, I have always smelled of 'snow'! "

"So, you have to coerce... coerce me into joining the Lost Ones and betraying the empire?" Wright asked angrily.

"It's not coercion or betrayal, it's an invitation. Let's go to the Lake of Silence together, go to the arena and temple there, and after finding the area where the 'Vita Water' is located, we will go to the realm of gods together to find out about the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element' .This is also your goal, isn’t it?”

"You're right." Wright responded, showing his helplessness.

"Actually, our castle was originally built underground near the Lake of Silence. We have been trying to use the ore to truly find the location of the gods' domain. Follow me and go to our Church of Dark Night. You will be closer to the gods and the truth here. .Lite…brother!”

Listening to Feng, no, "Xue Mu"'s boyish requesting voice, Wright sighed slightly.

Looking up at the occasionally twinkling stars and the "Crimson Moon" hanging high in the sky in dark blue tones, feeling the breeze mixed with the fishy and burning smell, he began to close his eyes and think.

A few seconds passed, and he chose to put down the "Crazy Bear" pistol, and the hand holding the gun hung down on the right side of his body.

After nodding slightly, he opened his eyes and stared blankly at the "night world" that seemed to be so long that it belonged to eternity.

The next chapter begins with the three major churches.

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