Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 184 The advent of silence (50): The original sin of machinery (Part 2) (Second update)

"What happens next?" Sai asked urgently in a childish voice.

For children, as long as it is a fairy tale, even if it is a little unreasonable, it cannot stop their strong interest and curiosity in the story.

"After that, things got interesting." Melinaer smiled, pinched a layer of skin on Sai's slightly bony face with her hands, patted it gently, and continued to talk. :

"It wandered outside the farm. It first went to a smaller farmer, but was driven away by the hostess with a broom. Then it went to a magnificent villa garden. This time it was lucky. The big wolf dog in the garden The male owner and I didn't find it. It can even eat a lot of leftovers, such as clams, abalone, crayfish, and tea leaves transported from the Fire Empire. When chewing them, the 'little monster' can feel the refreshing fragrance."

"This experience made him intoxicated here, and he never wanted to leave again, until the man's throat was bitten by a wolf dog, and the woman was taken away by the Ptoia Empire police."

"Later, after a long journey, it walked through a Gobi desert, near a gate-like building made of rocks to pray to the gods. It listened to the gods' unintelligible words. It could not understand the profound and obscure words. Unintelligible 'words of enlightenment', it has no choice but to move on."

"Finally, it came to a market. A prosperous trading place where everything competes for sale." Melinar recounted, suddenly realizing that the corners of her mouth were a little dry. She pursed her lips and felt a bitter feeling.

A few seconds later, her originally transparent mental realm felt a sense of unreal confusion, and she looked around warily.

Except for the blazing sun that burned the stone tile floor through the magic shield and sent waves of heat that could distort the air, there were no traces of the lost or human beings around.

Then, she sorted out her slightly messy thoughts and continued:

“Everything about the market surprised it, the shops selling beer, the snack stalls, the many carriages with the emblems of the Ptoia Empire coming and going, and even the heavily armed soldiers patrolling, and the people walking through the streets. There was a gentleman in a black dress on the concrete floor. This made him realize that this market was not in a small place, a township, or a county town, but a real metropolis."

"It doesn't know how long it walked under the hurried and messy feet, until black clouds filled the sky and rumbling thunder filled his ears. In panic, he tried to find a place to take shelter from the rain, but accidentally entered an abandoned building. middle."

"Is this building the last stop of his wanderings? Miss Melinal, from the story you told me, I found that the human gathering areas where this...'little monster' came are more and more prosperous. , each stronghold he entered was more spacious and larger than the last one." Luo Nie stretched out his hands, first made fists, and then quickly spread his fingers to the side, making an "expanding" motion.

"Your guess is correct, and it is also the implicit message that the writer of the Putoa Federation wants to convey." Melinal held her chin with one hand and put the other on her chest and said:

"Let's continue talking about the 'little monster'. In fact, the abandoned building is not all filled with shabby furniture, mottled walls, or some exposed and rusty steel bars, but a swimming pool. The water inside is emitting It smells like chlorine, but the water is as blue as the ocean, which makes the 'little monster' fascinated for a while."

"With inexplicable throbbing in its heart, it flapped its wings that seemed to have begun to have some effect, spread out its short legs and fluttered forward, stepping into the water. Suddenly, it felt unprecedented comfort and happiness. Just like every part of its body Every pore was soaked in honey and milk, it was sweet and comfortable, bringing him an unprecedented feeling."

"It was the warmth that the farm animals who didn't know how to care about could not give it. It was intoxicated and deeply immersed in it. Unknowingly, all its dark hair fell off, revealing its flesh-colored body, but it was then whitened again. New hair without any impurities was quickly covered. Its body doubled in length, its duck paws turned into a pair of eagle-like claws, its neck stretched a lot, and his wings completely changed. It became white, as if it were a sharp dagger made by a well-known craftsman."

"It has become more elegant and powerful than ever before. Except for its tail, it has become a beautiful 'white swan'. With an angel-like posture and pure white makeup, it gives people a sense of holiness. a feeling of."

"It seemed to have grown and evolved with the passage of time and in this abandoned building filled with the smell of 'sad'. Only then did he realize that he was an elegant white swan, not the so-called 'ugly duckling' '. The nobility contained in genes will not be wiped out by any external factors. It only needs to take risks and wait for the opportunity to grow."

After Melina finished speaking, she looked at Luo Nie with an expression mixed with hope and sigh, and did not continue to speak any words for a long time.

Until Luo Jie couldn't help but ask:

"Is the story over?"

"No. The 'White Swan' also got a card in the abandoned building that changed his destiny again. It's very interesting. Maybe the writer is an extraordinary person, or he has come into contact with some unknown things. Information about sequential monsters. The card is called 'Grabbing', and after a few days of painful shaping, 'White Swan' turned into a human!"

"Human!" Luo Nie exclaimed, his mouth wide open and unable to close for a long time.

Rather than being shocked by the story Melina told him, it was the fact of "transforming into a human" that made him unexpectedly fascinated.

For more than a hundred years, whether he was wandering in the human world or in a mechanical dormant state, he had never found a way other than gods to turn non-human "ignorant" species into humans.

If the sequence monster described by Melinaer, that is, the information on this card, is true, then this "machine body" like myself can find a way to become a human without touching the gods.

That "wisdom" sequence core can truly descend on his body, which will collapse at some point.

After all, he has been unable to find "wisdom", and not being able to truly have emotions is the "original sin of machinery". He wants to be redeemed, and he has always wanted to become a real human being!

Thinking of this, Luo Nie suddenly became excited. He held on to the statue of the "Metamorphosis" and struggled, "sliding" on the ground in an attempt to stand up.

However, his words seemed to be frozen in his throat, and his body was pulled by an inexplicable "rope". After struggling a few times, he gasped and gave up getting up. With Sai's help, he sat back down again. in situ.

"Listen to me finishing this story." Melinaer sighed softly, turned around slowly, and walked back and forth:

"MB-66: Seduction. One of the first sequence monsters discovered by a banned foundation. An S-level 'item' monster. It prohibits ordinary humans from contacting extraordinary people and those with magic source power. People must wear special gloves, otherwise all the strength in the body will be drained and it will take a long time to recover."

"For ordinary people, he will not react in the first few seconds when he comes into contact with a monster. After one minute, he will have some hallucinations. It will take up to five minutes before he can no longer control his body. In less than ten minutes , the human soul will be completely absorbed by the 'grabbing lure', and within fifteen minutes at most, the body that has lost its soul will also lose its human 'core', leaving only a worthless layer of skin, which will dry up and change over time. Turn into a pile of powder."

"At the same time, there will be a very small human bust on the surface of the card of 'Grabbing'. Once a non-human living creature touches it, the souls and bodies of the two living creatures will merge and become a new human existence. . As for the current orientation of this monster, only the popes of the three major churches know. Besides, Luo Nie," Melinal stopped, turned her head and said seriously:

"Don't think about using powers other than gods. They are not reliable. In this battle, the empire's military deployment is very thorough. 'Crazy Body' said that he has not seen such a talented imperial general for a long time. He knows , Ivante, the crown prince who is only interested in science and politics, and who is best at micro-managing the military, must not be able to make such an arrangement. There must be someone who knows each other between us and human beings, who is proficient in military affairs and is very capable of obtaining There are generals he trusts. The empire’s desperate campaign is destined to bring us disaster, especially now, going out means dying!"

"Okay, miss, I'll listen to you. Also, tell me the ending of the story." Luo Nie nodded in approval.

"The white swan turned into a strong young man. He was wearing a dress made of pure white fabric, but his eyes were dark, and the pair of angel-like wings on his back that seemed to be made of machinery were dark. . In the end, he did not stop in this abandoned building, did not return to the market, did not pass by the gate-shaped building, nor did he pass by the farmer and the villa garden. He returned to the original farm and got a lot of With the money, he signed a contract with the owner of the farm and bought the entire farm.”

"That night, he drank with the former owner of the farm and got him drunk. Finally, he removed a sharp feather from his wings, slit his throat, and used the power of the fire magic source to annihilate him before morning. His body."

"Then, he started a happy 'food festival'. The first day was horse meat, the second day was cat meat, and then dog meat, beef and chicken. He learned the most wonderful cooking methods from the Fire Empire , on the last day, he made the 'Yancheng Roast Duck', which is world-famous in the East, to satisfy his last desire."

"Then, he burped, flew into the sky, and left this extremely unpleasant place. A few years later, the demigod promoted from the white swan entered the realm of gods."

After telling the "fairy tale", Luo Nie was deeply touched in his heart. He couldn't believe it was a fairy tale. Or, if it were a child reading it, would he be exposed to such real cruelty too early?

After a long time, he slowly said:

"This... is like a fairy tale written for adults."

"Who said it wasn't the case?" Melinaer showed a sly smile.

Standing there, carefully savoring the aftertaste of the story, Melinal suddenly felt that the sky around her had dimmed.

With the faint, not very obvious sound of artillery fire, Melinal felt a strong wind blowing around her, and she felt freezing cold for an instant.

She looked outside the palace. At some point, the sky outside was covered with a red "gauze". As the wind became more obvious and violent, the red color became more intense.

"Brother Luonie, sister Melinaer, what is that? It's so scary!" Sai hid behind Luonie like a child.

Even though he was also a lost person at the level of Sequence 5: Pain, the pressure that filled the air made him frightened, panicked, and even suppressed and breathless.

Although Luonie also felt the sense of oppression that penetrated deep into his soul, Melinal did not react at all. He just stood gracefully at the door, as if waiting for something.

After a few minutes, the red sky gradually dissipated, and the strong wind turned into a slight air current. With the sound of "ta da" footsteps, a slender man appeared in front of Melina, wearing a black tuxedo with a knot tied around his neck. A lost person with a bright red bow, an oval face, a pointed chin, and a pale face.

He looked at Melinaer, covered his chest, and bowed. Then, a sick smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a weak and artificial voice:

"My Miss Merlinal, are you okay? I went through all the trouble to get here this time, but how many important pieces of information did I bring you? I think you should thank me after listening to what I have to say. Thank me."

"'Bloodwind'?" Melinaer said in the unique deep voice of a mature woman:

"Why did you come to me first? I'm more than a little weaker than you, and I'm not the type of man you like. If you are also a cardinal, shouldn't you go find that big guy 'Crazy Body'? By the way, He recently changed into a 'Desert Brown Bear' body."

Melinal's fairy tale tells the story of Wright's experience and also hints at his future.

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