Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 188 The Coming of Silence (54): Justification (Please subscribe, collect, and vote monthly)


Facing "Blood Wind"'s "Sword of Ashes", Thayer let out a low, beastly whimper. He waved his bat-like wings, raised his lizard-like head, and his eyes exuded an inexplicable sharpness. The muscles in its hind legs tightened, and it jumped up like a spring, opened a row of sharp fangs and a scarlet mouth, and pounced forward.


The sound of metal clashing came from in front of "Blood Wind", and his vigorous slashing was stopped midway by Thayer's steel-strong teeth.

At the same time, his strong and sharp "Ashes Sword" was bitten by Thayer. Not only could he not go any further for a while, he could not even withdraw it.

During the confrontation, the eyes of "Blood Wind" that were slightly glowing with green light due to the surging force of the violent wind magic source met Se Ye's pure black eyes. Suddenly, anger, panic, depression, and a feeling like a young creature The involuntary reverence and fear of seeing a powerful beast emerged from the depths of his spirit.

For a moment, his throat involuntarily let out low screams and whimpers, and he fell into a momentary trance.

But he didn't want to give in immediately, not only because of the task of taking Luo Nie away, but more importantly, the vampires had been deprived of the characteristics of beasts by the dragons. With the blessing of such historical and racial factors, he hoped that he would become the breakthrough person. People who are bound by "characteristics".

He is a noble vampire, a lost person who has the qualifications to touch the gods. He is not as cowardly as most simple vampires, afraid of the sun and holy objects, at least in the Zine Empire, in the Silent Highlands, among the other lost people. In the Church of Hope, he needs to prove:

The Lost Ones who were "accidentally" created by "some mysterious and extraordinary force" are not inferior to any other species. Cooperation with the Dragon Clan is dangerous and unworthy.

The Lost cannot repeat the mistakes of Eventrai and the Empire of Fire. Melinal should not be Kyle, the Pope of Hope, nor the notorious "mad woman" Queen Lelita.

"Bloodwind", which had already surged with the power of the violent wind demon, suddenly had an idea of ​​the dilemma in front of it.

Seeing Thayer bite the "Sword of Ashes" with all his might, "Bloodwind" was not in a hurry to attack, or withdrew the sword.

He poured the magic power into the sword body, causing a sharp, stinging wind to blow like a blade. At the same time, the power of "ash" and "ember" surged outward, causing " "The Sword of Ashes" not only exudes a strong and disgusting smell of putrefaction and blood, but also flows out red and white viscous liquid, and raises a cloud of dust that makes people want to sneeze.

In an instant, his power had an incredible effect.

It has only been a few days since Seye was born. In addition to clean meat and clean water, his food is sweet and delicious candied dates, mulberries, and some apricots.

He had never been exposed to corruptible things, nor had he tried to smell those irritating substances.

Immediately, he gagged and let out a long sneeze.

Although the saliva splashed all over "Xue Feng" and made him a little embarrassed, at least he regained the initiative in this little fight.

"I want to use some magic, Ms. Melinal. This young dragon must not have been trained in magic power. His size and strength are his advantages, and his natural immunity to magic is his characteristic, but it does not Without your teaching, it is just a tool you use to satisfy your desires. Therefore, he may have 'wisdom', but he does not possess 'intelligence'." "Xue Feng" analyzed rationally.

But in Melina's view, this was a naked mockery and provocation to her. She could not tolerate the "fruits of labor" that "Bloodwind" had treated her over the past few days, carefully raising this powerful, legendary "dragon". "Trampled.

Briefly, she lost her mind and ordered in a low tone, but as sharp as the cold wind in winter:

"Thurye, listen to mother, attack, attack fearlessly. Kill him, this... man in front of you."

"Woo - chirp - woo, roar!"

Seye's low groan showed his incomprehension at first, but then, his natural wisdom made him quickly make a gesture that was consistent with the order.

With the last arrogant roar, his front paws slightly grabbed the ground, and his back paws retreated half a step, tightening all the muscles in his body and concentrating his strength on a point at the core of his body.

Immediately afterwards, he flapped his wings, his pure black eyes glowed with a rich white glow, and the black gem-like scales on his body trembled with rhythm and rhythm. He opened his mouth, exposed all his fangs, and faced the "bloody beast". "Wind" bit away at the seemingly soft and white neck.

"Fell into a trap!" "Bloodwind" declared in a low voice while suppressing his excitement.

He waved the "Sword of Ashes" and faced Seye's huge body, as if he was a fully armed guarding the country, a fearless warrior of the "Knights of Slifer" recruited by the legendary Ptoia Empire in the second era. Standing still, waiting to get closer to the "dragon".

In one second, it seemed like fifteen long minutes to "Xue Feng" whose brain was running at high speed. He cut the "Sword of Ashes" into Seye's hard body with its bright red, incandescent and silver-white blade. The gap between the scales is close to the dragon's heart.


In an instant, the outcome of the game was decided!

Thayer's claws were less than one centimeter away from "Bloodwind"'s eyeballs, but the stinging sensation, the spurt of blood, and the rapid loss of physical strength made him stop attacking.

His body suddenly became stiff, his mouth opened, his wings stopped flapping, and he fell on his back in front of "Blood Wind".

Under the cover of the dust flying up when the heavy object hit the ground, "Xue Feng" stepped back quickly, barely keeping his body steady.

He withdrew all the magic power, including the power of "Ash" and "Jin" that were associated with "Shang". He gasped for breath, and his right arm hung down as if it had lost all its strength, while his left arm and left fingertips instantly Become numb and stiff.

Immediately afterwards, bright red blood began to flow from his nostrils, dripping on the tiles at his feet, and the converging pattern was like a twisted "flower from the other side" that was about to wither.

After closing his eyes tightly and briefly dispelling the overwhelming sense of depression brought by the "dragon" to him through meditation, he subconsciously pinched his own throat with his hands.

After a moment, under Melina's horrified and surprised gaze, he regained control of his right hand, inserted the "Sword of Ashes" directly into the tiles and the cement floor below, supported his body, and slowly said:

"'Dragon' I didn't kill it completely, I just gave it a... a small lesson. After all, the Church of Dark Night has no objection to your hope that the church will cooperate with the city of Sugra. This weak and young child The threat that dragons pose to us is really limited. If the outcome of the war in Silent Highlands tilts in our favor, then the 'dragon' will be the 'dragon', and you can handle it as you wish."

Seeing Melinaer's mouth moving, but surprisingly not making a sound, "Bloodwind" smiled, suppressing his pride, excitement, and inexplicable throbbing, and continued to speak:

"If my memory is not wrong, I remember that you just asked me why I took away Luonie and Sai. Of course I can tell you this, but it shows that you hope that the church has not paid attention to the life and death of its own people. It's really Complete scum."

"I... don't allow you to slander us!" Melinaer finally retorted. Her eyes quickly became clear, but they no longer had the elegance they had just now, instead showing a tired look.

But this rebuttal is also very powerful, with a sense of hysteria after the truth is revealed.

"He is indeed a scum." "Bloodwind" glanced at Melinaer with contemptuous eyes and cursed in a low voice. Then, he said in a low but slightly feminine, gloomy and hoarse tone:

"Do you still remember who the leader, or manager, of your subordinate Tenyin Sect is? You don't need to answer this, because the Tenyin Sect came to us last year."

"So what, even if you forget, so what? There are many subordinate sects of the Church of Hope. Those lost people who are not willing to associate with the empire and are not willing to be bullied by other churches alone will always affiliate their groups under our name. This is Trust in the Church of Hope." Melinaer explained with some reluctance.

"But the elders of the Tein sect are not simple. [Goddess of Love] Natasha, a descendant of a lost noble family, an upper-class professional, you hope that the church should at least have a high-level status. And Sai is hers Apprentice, deeply influenced by her teachings and positive influence, is a child with great potential. Moreover, Natasha called you for help some time before she died, and also asked us for help. But you ignored her cry for help and strictly This message has been blocked.”

"When our people rushed to Sugra, they had already been executed. There was also Yato. The dark magic source power he controlled originally belonged to the dark night. We invited him to join us several times. He controlled the unintentional people and infected them. Humanity's abilities are outstanding, but when he fell into the real darkness and was transformed by the mad scientist John into a monster like an old god, the Church of Hope still did not take action."

"That's enough!" Melinal roared, pulled out the revolver in her hand, and pulled the trigger toward "Bloodwind"'s heart.


The bullet did penetrate Bloodwind's black tuxedo, but when it hit his strong heart, it encountered resistance and collapsed together, turning into a ball of flat metal "biscuits" that were bounced away and fell. above the ground.

"Xue Feng" just gracefully smoothed the wrinkled dress chest with his left hand and said in a reproachful tone:

"I have to go find a tailor again. This dress, no matter how glamorous it looks on the outside, the hidden patches inside are invisible to normal people. Just like you hope to teach, what a beautiful heart is hidden under the sanctimony. Dirty hearts, and that Aaron, the patriarch of the Tenyin sect, your top-grade purple-robed cardinal, have they been abandoned now, right?"

"So what?" Melinaer asked without showing any signs of weakness.

"How? After he recognized his current situation, he turned around and threw himself into the arms of the empire as the emperor's crown prince teacher and the ruler of Chekavsk. Also surrendering were many of the 'superpowers' he could control. , of course, and our vampire child Miyou. Do you think I don’t know? You have his scent on your body, and you have definitely met him."

"I may make mistakes in judging anyone's scent, but I will definitely not judge the scent of a vampire. Although I am not a 'blood clan' at the ancestor level, after Vladimirski was arrested, I am the second-highest vampire. Come to think of it, I still have this ability to identify my own people. Moreover, judging from the smell, Miyu must still be alive, so I am not anxious. I am waiting for him to lead the imperial army, holding the latest rifle developed by the empire, Through your head, Lady Melinal."

"You are really crazy, crazy, crazy, hysterical, you are crazy, you do not deserve to live in this world. Of course, you can also kill me, but I will 'pray' to the old gods to let you be forever Tortured, summoned and destroyed by the ancient gods of the deep sea, life is worse than death!" Melinaer said angrily and as if she had lost her mind.

"Old gods, gods of the past? Sorry, I believe in them too. In addition to the Lord of the Night, the common belief of our church, I have also listened to the whispers of the ancient gods."

"He told me: What rises may sink, and what sinks may rise. Abominations wait and sleep in the abyss, while the tottering ones sow hope in the wasteland. One age will end, another will be born. But we cannot observe, ponder or think, we can only humbly welcome the arrival of the wave of the times."

"That's enough, Ms. Melinal." "Bloodwind" said, pulling out the "Sword of Ashes" from the ground, slowly walking towards Luo Nie, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground observing all this, and touched it with the sword. He held his mechanical chest and said:

"Let Luo Nie and Sai follow me. Luo Nie, follow me. I promise to take you to see the 'Daughter of Mechanical Element'. I know your purpose. There is no need to doubt the ability of the Church of Dark Night to obtain information. Besides, , I have more trump cards than Melinaer, how about that?"

Looking at "Xue Feng" who said "sincerely" and tilted her head to look at him with a boyish smile, Luo Nie nodded without hesitation.

Seeing Luo Nie's statement, "Blood Wind" turned the "Sword of Ashes" back into the iron chain before. As the colorful light shone, the iron chain disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

When he pulled Luonie and Sai and tried to forcefully walk out of the dirty and dilapidated palace, a figure about two and a half meters tall wearing a black cloak stopped him.

Immediately, the oppressive body that blocked the light took out a two-meter-long brand-new rocket launcher with ammunition from his back, put it on his shoulder, and aimed it at "Xue Feng"'s body.

"This is the new Gallic cannon, 'Bloodwind'. I think you, with your magic power almost exhausted now, will definitely not be able to withstand a mixed blow of magic and technology, right?" A rich, beast-like voice came from came from the tall body in front of him.

"Yes, that's right." "Xue Feng" nodded and said, without any excuse, he directly expressed his approval.

"That's good." The rich voice expressed satisfaction, "I heard your conversation just now, and I also saw the battle between you and the young dragon. As expected, it has to be you, Cardinal 'Blood Wind', who can There is such a powerful force. You know, I am not used to talking nonsense. I only have one request, keep Sai and take away the mechanical body Luo Nie. We also need Sai's trump card, which can at least contain the traitor Aaron. "

"Haha, 'Crazy Body', it's not your style to take advantage of others' danger." "Xue Feng" instantly read the identity of the person from the characteristics of his voice, and half-mockingly said:

"I understand. You are very weak now and can only adopt this despicable method. Therefore, you dare not show your true face. Then I tell you, I accept your proposal. Right now, I use the 'Leap Technique' 'Take Luonie away. However, I only need you to agree to a small request of mine."

With that said, "Xue Feng" let go of Sai's hand and tightened his hold on Luo's arm.

"Tell me about it?" "Crazy Body" nodded.

"Don't let this child get hurt again, otherwise [Goddess of Love] Natasha will cry to the Lord." "Bloodwind" suggested gently.

A few seconds later, he pulled Luo Nie and walked straight past "Crazy Body" and walked out of the gate of the ruined palace.

Amidst the sound of a new round of artillery fire, he once again used the "leap technique" to open a "door" glowing with chaotic light.

Immediately afterwards, he and Luo walked into it without looking back and disappeared.

The next chapter takes an imperial perspective.

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