Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 192 The advent of silence (58): Confirmation (Part 1) (Third update)

"Maybe I should wait outside the door, or maybe I should knock on the door immediately. But I didn't hear the Crown Prince's voice, and the blue light inside was so weird. I heard that John's apprentice Shamon was testing a monster. ——New human being ‘Sinais’, should I knock on the door and enter?”

The blue light made Ulchko's head a little confused. As an imperial soldier, it is the most basic ability to keep a clear mind at all times, but now he hesitated, he hesitated, and his two bent fingers " "Suspended" in mid-air, still daring not to attack the steel door that was as solid as diamond.

Suddenly, the space with only the faint light emitted by the swaying burning gas lamps flickered suddenly. A few seconds later, the roar of thunder was accompanied by more violent showers, forming a messy, chaotic and feeling scene. Crazy music.

Shaking his slightly faded red head, Ulchko took three deep breaths in a row. After the blue light inside weakened a little, he mustered up the courage to knock on the door and half-shouted in a high-pitched tone:

"Report! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! Ulchiko is here to see you."

"Come in!" Evante's unique confident tone came out in the room.

Immediately, there was the sound of metal clashing, mixed with the sound of the surrounding chains moving, and the iron door in front of Ulchiko was slowly opened.

Just like a sleeping god of the past opening its huge snoring mouth, Ulchiko discovered that when he peered in from the outside, he could not see any light, and naturally he could not see anything other than pure black.

Except for the rapidly dimming blue light, there was a dark gray world in front of him, a picture that was twisting chaotically and weirdly.

After almost three or four minutes, everything in front of him turned into incandescent light when all the electric lights were turned on, which was an earth-shaking change from the previous dim situation.

Even, suddenly, he thought that he had just had some fatal hallucination composed of a [tempter] or a deceiver.

"Ulchiko, right?" The prince's voice came from the room again.

Only this time it was a low, ghostly sound of malaise.

It echoed continuously in the empty room, forming a long, low, and reverberating "classical movement."

"Yes, yes, Your Highness. In accordance with your and the Marshal's orders, I brought the 'Electromagnetic Pulse Gun' that was copied by our 'Old Technology Research Team' a few days ago. By the way, Your Highness, I will send it to you now...send it to you?" ?" Ulchiko replied.

He looked at the space in front of him, searching for traces of Ivant in his field of vision.

He suddenly discovered that Ivant was sitting on a throne made of black iron swords in the center of the empty room, wearing a purple robe embroidered with a silver double-headed eagle, and a golden hat inlaid with Crown of various colored gemstones.

But it seems that judging from the visual distance, Ulchiko is a bit far away from Ivante, almost a hundred meters away.

However, he has seen the architectural drawings of the "Silent Steel Heart". The length of the internal space of the auxiliary building is generally no more than 30 meters, and it is an attached office area. However, it looks abrupt and weird here, like a science fiction novel about the old Crusad Empire. The "different-dimensional space" described by the author is general.

"Put it there." Evante, who had been silent for a long time, wriggled his lips and said:

"I invited two bishops, the bishop and the bishop, to perform the confirmation ceremony for me. Originally, I wanted the bishop to perform the ceremony for me in the back garden of the 'Heritage of Pusius' palace in Chekavsk. But Vladimirski is too ignorant. He knows that I do not agree with the view that 'magic is the future', and he tried to forcefully change my form to make me surrender."

"He doesn't know the power of the 'Empire Core' pistol. It is a legacy of the imperial royal family. It is a product that has been transformed by condensing the craftsmanship of the past generations and continuously infused with magic power. I don't know the power of magic. Can I not know the power of magic? What a joke!" Ifant grinned, revealing a sarcastic smile with a hint of teasing and fun.

"Yes, Your Highness, Vladimirski, his thinking has lagged behind the times. He is a remnant of the old era. After his spirit was violated by the 25th god 'Curse Red Lord', he can no longer be rational. I can't blame him for thinking about the problem." Urchko agreed, picking up the heavy plastic suitcase with weapons inside and getting ready.

"So, I thought about it for a long time, and finally agreed with him to end the curse of eternal life. My 'Time Wheel Watch' froze time, and I accepted the power of the statue of 'The Desire of the Old False Gods', the newly lost Zheshamon used his new jointed tentacles to finish him off with one blow."

"The vitality of the vampires is indeed very tenacious, Ulchiko. If it is just a minor injury, the wound will heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. So I ordered Shamon to configure the 'Corruption Condensate', a very powerful Corrosive magic potion."

"Magic source potion? I'm sorry, Your Highness, I can't understand why you participated in the production of such an extraordinary thing. As you said before, you should focus on the military." Ulchiko reminded in a cryptic and kind manner.

"Listen to me first. This is indeed related to the military." Ivant smiled with a smile on his face and did not blame Urchko. He raised his head and looked around at the surrounding electric lights that were emitting incandescent light. said:

"'Corruption Condensation', it is added with the burning fluid of the Heartless, the despairing blood of the Lost, the ashes left after the sequential monsters lose their activity, as well as strong acid, the 'Wuxin' sunflower, and the last material ——The heart of a loyal [Warrior]. These materials are mixed, squeezed, boiled, and finally dried, and then combined with the power of the magic source to add their medicinal properties to Shamon's tentacles, forming an extreme product exclusive to the vampires and the lost. A product of restraint.”

"Experiments have proven that even a person at the level of a vampire leader will lose all recovery ability as long as he is injured by a tentacle contaminated with 'corruption condensate'. Speaking of that man, Vladimirski is a perseverant person. He He was very strong and had the legacy of the old Crusted Empire. Unfortunately, after all the blood flowed out, the blue color on his body became more obvious, and he ushered in the fate of death."

"I know that the remaining vampires will hate me, but I don't care so much. The final battle of the empire is here. Success and failure, victory and death, are all in this gamble.

Ulchiko, you have to understand that it is not easy to control the crumbling ship of the empire. You may be lost in power and money, and you may be confused by endless failures. However, what you have done Every decision is a big gamble, but sometimes you have enough chips, and sometimes you have to use all your chips. "

"Yes, Your Highness." Ulchiko immediately responded with military courtesy.

"It's good to know." A gratified smile appeared on Evante's face. His face that had a sense of vicissitudes and a royal aura was a little more mature, as if he had gone through most of the formal adult rituals.

"Two bishops, go ahead. I have already paid the Lord new coins to buy the 'talisman' for atonement. He will forgive my killing behavior, right?" Ivant suddenly said to the air beside him.

"That's right, Your Highness."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Two old voices came out, and Ulchico felt that the space in front of him was distorted for a while, as if a fire was igniting on a hot summer day and the air was distorted.

Immediately afterwards, two similarly dressed bishops appeared directly in front of Evante's sight.

They were all dressed in white robes, holding golden scepters, and hanging from their chests were gold crosses studded with diamonds.

The only difference is that the bishop on the left is mainly in a simple style, while the bishop on the right is in a classical, traditional and heavy style.

Immediately afterwards, both bishops took off their white gloves and threw them aside.

At the same time, they put their right hands into the brass basin that suddenly appeared, and touched the front and back a few times. Then, one to the left and the other to the right, they placed it on Evante's slightly yellowed forehead, and muttered:

"The radiance of the Lord shines/The rays of the true Lord shine, the great Creator built the entire world in his sleep, and the magnificent sequential gods maintain the hard-won order. The radiance of the spirit knot constantly awakens your 'divinity' , the swaying of your soul continues to strengthen your faith."

"Please look up at the vast stars, and please look down at the ravaged wasteland. The profound 'wisdom' has already been with you, the endless 'inspiration' will be at your fingertips, and the 'pain' will not erase you." Ambition, 'hope' will take you to the end, 'fight' is the way you cannot avoid, 'abandonment' will make you make a choice, but no matter what, please respect 'confusion' and spend the hard years Finally, the throne of the demigods will beckon to you."

Immediately afterwards, the two bishops lowered their hands from Evante's forehead, and turned to holding the scepter in both hands, circling and pacing around him and the throne, and each of them said something in the order of the "sequencing cards". Alternately express expectations for Evante.

"Please uphold [love]."

"Please persist in [dedication]."

"Please keep [understanding]."

"Please respect [order]."

"Please look forward to [the adventure]."

“Please keep [praying] going.”

"Please [protect] your ideals."

“Don’t create [chaos].”

“Please do not [rebuke] unreasonably.”

"Don't indulge in [killing]."

“Do not allow [theft].”

“Please do not [defraud] others.”

"Don't show [anger] to others."

"Don't get [fear]."

"Please respect [the prophecy]."

After the sixteen prefaces were narrated, the two bishops took small steps and walked directly in front of Ivant, knelt down on their knees devoutly, broke the scepter straight away, and said in the most noble tone:

"Your Highness, please recognize the false and the true, and retain respect for the Creator and nature. The future of steam is not simple plunder, but symbiosis, but coexistence. A bright future is becoming eternity. Please leave your immaturity and move toward the flames." and a bright future.”

"I will." Evante said decisively, stood up straight, looked up at the metal-colored ceiling and whispered.

Today's 10,000-word update has been completed.

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