Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 2 The Land of Domes

Dragging his sore and tired body, Haibo walked around the dim streets relying on Wright's remaining memories.

During this period, he met seven or eight people he was not very familiar with. They were wearing black multi-pocket leather jackets or dark blue workers' uniforms, with masks and leggings on their lower bodies. They had a strong European cyberpunk style.

After questioning them, Haibo finally found the location of the Scola City Library mentioned by Ward.

After all, it is a residual memory, and it is still not enough. But if we can get more information from Mr. George, then this trip will not be in vain.

However, the uncle Ward said that Wright had just performed a mission, so there was a high probability that Wright was not assassinated. Just like the previous consideration, if it was suicide or other factors, the probability of me encountering danger in this world would be greatly reduced.

Haibo thought with a long sigh of relief.

The detour he took to find the Sogra City Library just now made him feel a little dizzy again. After resting in an inconspicuous place for a few minutes, he still dragged his tired body to the reception desk on the first floor of this magnificent building.

Sitting there was an old man with half-glasses, black and white hair and a not-so-neat suit, which was in line with the temperament of a library.


"Wright. Wright Sugar."

"what's the matter?"

"Looking for someone, uh, making an appointment." Haibo added.

"Oh, who are you looking for? What's the matter?" the old man asked.

"Oh, I just completed, uh, a mission. I came back after completing the mission. Find Mr. George and bring him some gifts." Haibo said, lifting the black box in his hand twice and showing it to the old man.

"Well, let me check, there should be an appointment, right? Oh, I found it, Mr. Wright Sugla. Mr. George is waiting for you on the top floor. He asked me to tell you that you just came back from the outer area of ​​Sugla, and you want Pay attention to rest." The old man said in a sharp voice.

After nodding his thanks, Haibo slowly walked up the stairs to the top floor. He needs information, and the layout of this library will also give him some key things.

The library is extremely empty. Compared with the city covered by domes, the style here highlights the unprecedented atmosphere.

The furnishings on the first floor are very neat, and even the railings of the handrails are silvery white that is frequently cleaned.

The copper windows are exceptionally clean, and the surface of each one is covered with a sun pattern outlined with simple lines.

Minimalist style, maybe some kind of logo, or a coat of arms belonging to the library?

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a patio in the library. Each floor is an independent entity, and each floor is clearly distinguishable.

While climbing the stairs to the second and third floors, Haibo felt extremely exhausted again.

His withered face seemed to be more frail. Haibo was breathing heavily while leaning on the rusty and mottled armrest.

Did the owner of this body, Wright, empty his body before his death? Or did his "suicide" act actually cause all the blood in his body to be lost?

It seems that after meeting George, I should go back and eat something to replenish myself. Wright's body is probably extremely weak. If his body does not get food to replenish his body, I am afraid he will have to travel again before the danger comes.

Besides, a lot of basic information has been collected now. Now I just need to find an excuse to borrow some historical information about this world from George.

Thinking of this, Haibo speeded up his pace unconsciously.

The collection of identity information and the curiosity about the mission mentioned by Ward and the old man downstairs made Haibo ignore some things.

He rushed straight to the innermost room on the third floor of the library. Guided by Wright's remaining memory, he bent three fingers and knocked on the door three times.

"Dang, Dang, Dang."

"Please come in." A middle-aged man's rich voice came from inside the door.

After cautiously opening the wooden door, Haibo recognized the man sitting on the cowhide sofa at a glance.

He wears a standard military green Socra army uniform, with badges such as "Long Sword and Hammer", "Hero of Socra City" and so on on his chest.

His hair was half black and half white, and his wrinkled face revealed a resolute look. His lean figure and upright sitting posture all reflect that he is a [soldier] who has been on the front line all year round.

George Sugla was one of Haibo's bosses, but Wright's memory didn't tell him anything else.

"Right, right? Although you just completed the mission and I shouldn't treat you like this, you made a mistake, and now you need to correct it and repent."

George scolded Haibo with a gloomy look. He stood up slowly, took off the white gloves on his hands and pulled Haibo directly out of the room.

Is Mr. George the murderer of Wright? Or does he have anything to do with Wright's death?

Haibo's brain was running rapidly, and he was thinking about the current situation through observation from the corner of his eye.

However, George's next move made him temporarily relax. At least, George was not hostile to him.

"You forgot to salute the heroes, Wright. I have warned you more than once that in the Holy City of Sugra, whenever we see the statues of heroes set up by the committee, as members of the army, we must salute.

No matter it's me, an old guy with the title of general, or you, a newcomer to the escort team who was recently transferred from outside the area, we can't forget it.

If we forget our heroes, we have forgotten the Zine Empire, and we have betrayed our city. Do you still need me to teach you this? " George scolded sternly.

Am I part of the convoy? Urban? Or national? What structure does it belong to? But even this is important information.

Before Heibo could think more, George's stern voice came again.

"Watch, Wright, I'll teach you one more time. I won't punish you just a few days after you arrived in the Holy City of Sugra, but you won't be so lucky next time!"

Under the guidance of George, Haibo came to the center of the city library, where there was a statue made of copper. It seemed that the sculptures were of five human beings, but their backgrounds were dim. It was unclear whether the material was old or deliberate.

Everyone's clothing, such as the guard uniforms with the "Long Sword and Hammer" medal, the consul's robes covered with medals, or the uniform army uniforms are all clearly engraved.

But without exception, the faces became blurred, and the facial features seemed to be blended together.

Haibo took off the silver-white uniform worn daily by the escort, and wore a hat of the Order of the City of Socrates in the middle.

He followed George in bowing to the five statues erected in the center of the third floor of the library, and shouted words such as "I salute you.", trying to begin to understand the background of the city.

"This is the unsung hero. He has no name, but in the early days of the virus, it was he who detonated the gunpowder on the road to the old Cruzeid Empire, providing time for the evacuation of people and the construction of shelters in our country. If it had been If it's a day or two later, it's hard to say whether the city of Socra existed." George pointed to the first statue standing with a bow.

Immediately afterwards, George pointed to the second statue standing upright with his right hand pointing into the distance and said:

"He was the first administrator of the Zine Empire after the outbreak of the 'Heartless Man Virus'. When humans continued to mutate and become lost, it was he who proposed defensive strategic points, fought for communication lines, and gave up the overall defensive policy. Let our Zine Empire retain dozens of city strongholds, large and small, in the wasteland.

The holy city of Socra is not only our capital, but also the only existing city with a complete structure.

I estimate that we are the only country in the entire western continent that has such a city.

So he is a pioneer in our city and country, and we should pay tribute to him. "

Haibo followed George's example and bowed deeply to the second hero.

"Now, Wright, do you realize your mistake?" George asked with some reproach after standing up.

"Uh, I, understand. I should always respect the heroes. Without them, there would be no future for us." Haibo rarely replied from the heart.

He is a realistic person, but he is never "realistic" when it comes to meeting heroes.

Just when Haibo was about to bow to the subsequent statues, George waved his hand to signal him to stop.

Immediately afterwards, he sighed, shook his head slightly, and pulled Haibo back into the room.

After briefly explaining his purpose, George pulled up a black copper chair and sat down, but Haibo did not receive such treatment.

Seeing Haibo's cautious look, George did not maintain his previous seriousness and anger. Instead, his expression softened and he took the gift that Uncle Ward entrusted Haibo to bring with a smile.

After all, it is a mechanical gadget built by a well-known craftsman, and there are not many people in this steam city who dislike him. Even the gift itself, few people can resist.

Haibo and George didn't talk much next, except for briefly chatting about previous tasks and upcoming arrangements.

In addition, he borrowed a thick red book, "The General History of Socrates", and a small bag of "daily necessities" that George brought to him.

Without much chatting, Haibo wandered back to the small, dark and closed room after thanking George.

"It's better to have a small house." Haibo sighed while lying on the small bed.

Looking at the dim environment outside, Wright's memory told him that this was the prelude to night.

Information, still information. I have obtained some basic information about myself and the world from George, and the rest should be hidden in this history book.

I must understand all of this, otherwise at the beginning I would still be able to explain away the past by saying that the past is not good. If the secret is revealed over time, and if it is known that I am a time traveler, I still don’t know how I will be treated here.

Maybe he could do some weird experiments.

Thinking of this, Haibo took off his guard uniform and put on a simple linen shirt.

Immediately afterwards, he sat at the short black metal mechanical table, opened the red cover of the heavy book with the title written in the Zine Empire language, and began to obtain information from the history book.

According to legend, this world was built by a great creator. He is mysterious and unpredictable, and ordinary people cannot spy on his existence through any means, otherwise he will punish that person and annihilate him.

The Creator created sequential gods. According to both legend and reality, there are more than 230 gods in total, and each god is numbered.

Due to a habit I don't know where I got it from, gods can only be addressed by their titles and not by their names. Including the Lord of the Night, the God of Dragons, the Goddess of Light, the Decider, and more.

If ordinary people master mystery and magic, they may be promoted to demigods, while those born as demigods may be promoted to gods.

It is now the year 527 of the New Era. Before the start of the New Era, an unknown mysterious virus was born due to the war between the two empires in the northernmost and easternmost parts of the continent.

Some people call it a "virus", while others who have been in contact with the magic source power of the previous era call it "some mysterious and extraordinary power".

Anyone infected with this "virus" will have their heart devoured by the power of the dark night and become a type of careless person.

The original heart mutated into a mechanical thing, and their bodies also degenerated into bloodthirsty beasts.

If normal humans are bitten by unintentional people or contaminated with contaminated blood, they will also join their ranks.

In addition to the unintentional people, there is also a type of monsters wandering on the continent that are enemies of humans. They are called the Lost.

Compared with the unintentional people, they retain a certain degree of consciousness and will choose whether to hunt humans according to their own needs.

Before the mutation, they were usually "extraordinary people" or magicians who had come into contact with magical power such as magic source power. Therefore, under the erosion of the "virus", they can still maintain basic sanity.

Due to the continuous encroaching attacks of the Lost and the Unintentional, the Zine Empire established more than twenty strongholds of varying sizes in the west of the continent, the largest of which was the holy city of Sugra.

Since this place is fully functional and has a huge dome to isolate the "virus" and unknown filth, it has become a "paradise" under the wasteland.

The city was ruled by the Zine Empire, and in addition to the Socra City Council, they were also managed by the city army and guards.

The owner of the body that Haibo currently occupies, Wright Sugra, is a member of the City Guards and is the lowest-ranking person among the prominent people in the entire city.

He learned through the remaining memory fragments that Wright was born in a border town called Sundream Town in the western part of the Zine Empire.

He has no memory of his parents. He is a believer in the goddess of light. In order to obtain the guidance of the gods, he has always been alone, and is used to exploring and fighting in the wasteland world.

He has few friends, and has almost no connections except for a few comrades he met in several battles in the Lost Swamp and the ruins of cities in the northern reaches of the empire.

But even so, he still put in a lot of effort, relying on many life-and-death battles with Wuxin and the Lost, in exchange for a ticket to enter the capital.

It’s not easy, in this wasteland world.

Haibo sighed. After sorting out these complicated and huge materials, Haibo suddenly felt dizzy like exhaustion.

After placing the borrowed books on the corner of the dark table, he rubbed his injured chest habitually.

Fortunately, he didn't see any blood this time. It must have been that Wright's body and some kind of power that allowed him to travel through time had completely repaired the wounds caused by the gunshot.

After feeling relieved, Haibo held on to the old window sill and lay down on the bed wearing a linen shirt, regardless of whether the open window might attract thieves.

Drowsily, he heard the crisp sound of liquid dripping. Although there was still darkness in front of him, he could feel that there was an invisible and transparent tentacle quietly groping in the darkness.

Slowly, it wrapped around Haibo's body and gradually exerted pressure, as if it was trying to squeeze out the new soul residing in it.

Brothers, the contract for this new book has been signed, and investment is welcome. It is guaranteed that the series will not be interrupted and updates will be guaranteed to be 6k-1w per day after it is put on the shelves. The foreshadowing and world view will fill in the pits, so you can enter the pit with confidence. (ps: Never an Eunuch, more than two million copies completed)

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