Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 217 The Coming of Silence (83): Crimson Arena (Part 2) (Please vote for me and subscribe)

"Help me...Wright...help me..." The dying Shamon turned his head and called for help to Wright.

Looking down, Wright noticed that Shamon, who was lying on the ground, had eyes wide open, his face was twisted and twitching, his breathing was rapid, and black and red blood was pouring out of his mouth. He was already dying, barely breathing, and about to die.

After hesitating for a second, suppressing the scarlet color on the ground and the vomiting sensation caused by the smell of blood and stench in the air, Wright held the "Crazy Bear" pistol at his waist and asked tentatively:

"you know me?"

"Of course, your highness, Evante, and Aaron... that old man, Aaron, all have your information. You... you are a human being, a... human being, so... save me." Meng said, supporting the cold ground with both arms, trying to stand up.

"Okay, since you know Aaron and His Highness, I can save you. But, what should I do?" Wright asked, looking at Shamon blankly, looking at a loss.

"It's easy...very easy. I have accepted the power of the 'Desire of the Old False God...'. As long as the conditions...are right, it will reconstruct my...body that is on the verge of collapse. Wright...you, come close I...I don't have the strength to take the...things on me now." Sha Meng said breathlessly, and there was an intriguing look of pleading in his twisted and weird eyes.

"Okay, got it." Wright agreed.

Facing Shamon, this obviously human [warrior], Wright couldn't help but feel pity for his fellow humans.

His broken memory still retains the empire's moral education for soldiers, that is, "For fellow human beings, the [soldier's] responsibility is to protect and save, unless it is no longer human."

This sense of responsibility drove him to step forward quickly, stepping through the frost and blood-colored dirt that was so sticky that it almost stuck to his shoes. He half-crouched next to Shamon's body, stretched out his hand to open the jacket wearing the "Sun White Dove" Legion emblem, and revealed many things inside. Fumbling around in the pockets of his coat.

"Lite..." Shamon suddenly interrupted him, struggled to sit up slightly, and said:

"Come closer and I'll tell you...where it is."

"Oh." Wright agreed and moved his body closer to Shamon.


Before Shamon could finish his words, four silk-like tentacles stretched out from his throat and rushed towards Wright's mouth.

The instant sneak attack left Wright with no time to react, let alone the red magic source power.

Seeing that Sha Meng's attack was about to succeed, an ice hammer the size of his head rushed from his side and penetrated Sha Meng's head.

Before Wright could react, the ice hammer suddenly shattered, turning Shamon's ugly, twisted face into a pile of worthless "pieces".

"Wind?" Wright said in panic.

He held his chest, took a big breath, and slowly looked back, only to see Feng with his palms open, facing forward.

Obviously, the ice hammer just now was the product of his power.

"Brother Wright." He said in a low voice:

"He was manipulated by the statue of 'The Desire of the Old False Gods' and is no longer human at all."

"Not considered human? Why?" Wright moved a few steps back, distanced himself from Shamon's broken body, and asked in surprise.

"The old gods in the statues are just 'false gods' that deceive people. They have no entity and are just energy bodies living in illusions. Judging from the state just now, Shamon may be able to perfectly suppress the power given to him by the 'false gods' The darkness in my heart. But His Majesty the Dark Night Pope's all-out attack just now has killed him. Shamon who still has the strength to speak is nothing more than the power of the 'false god' manipulating him and trying to use him to come to the world." Feng Zhenzhen Explained:

"Brother Wright, I know you have a lot of doubts. When the war is over and peace comes, I will tell you slowly, but not now. The melodious whistle not only summons the soul, but also drives away the yellow sand. I can I feel that Shamon's 'Storm-527' uses various types of ores mined from the 'Silent Ore Pit' and has been tempered."

"What consequences will this have?" Wright read Feng's voiceover and asked directly.

"Disperse the yellow sand and open the road to the center of the Silent Highlands. Brother, look, the 'Crimson Waning Moon' pattern is proof." Feng said, pointing in the direction of Shamon.

Wright took advantage of the situation and looked towards the waning moon, which was made up of pure scarlet blood and exuded a rich and strange aura.

Looking closely, the waning moon seems to be glowing with starlight, like stars in the universe, and the blood spreading outward in a limited manner around it looks like tentacles or fluff.

Just as Wright was concentrating, a thick male whimper came from behind him.

He and Feng looked back at the same time. Brett, who had been lying aside during the battle just now, sat up strangely and straightly.

Before Wright could suppress his inner joy of truly being reunited with his friend and was about to speak, Brett's eyes quickly changed from the "blood and silver" state of eyes to green, and then to red in an instant.

Two or three seconds later, he strangely did not support the ground with his hands. He stretched his legs as if being supported by an invisible force, stood up directly, and slowly and stiffly moved a few steps towards the "Crimson Waning Moon" before muttering in his mouth. road:

"It's...opened...the first level of the god...god...realm. The horn...the arena."

After saying that, he slumped aside and fell into a coma.

"Brett!" With tears in his eyes, Wright quickly stepped forward and hugged Brett, calling:

"Wake up, wake up! You are my first friend in this world. You can't die. You have to teach me how to shoot. You promised me. That time in Chekavsk I I know you were drunk and didn’t teach me properly, so I want you to teach me again!”

"No need to call him. The Pope said that he was invaded by the neurotoxin of the 'Blood Ink Squid' and his soul was overdrawn by the 'Mithril Blood Drops'. His body remained intact because of His Majesty the Pope's blood, but his soul It’s broken.”

"Just now, the vampire power hidden in his body made him resonate with the 'Crimson Waning Moon'. To be honest, I felt it too.' The blood twilight has fallen, the yellow sand will be dispersed, the formation is about to be opened, and the gods are waiting to trace the source .''The door is about to open. Brother Wright, if you want to save the big man Brett, want to stop the 'Blood Night Ritual' and end the war, the only way is to enter the divine realm and see the god 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element'."

"To save Brett, stop the 'Blood Night Ritual', and usher in peace, the only way to meet the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element' is? Okay, I want to see Him, and I still have many things to ask Him." Wright said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, Wright noticed that a faint blood-colored wind began to blow around him.

The strong wind began to spiral inwards from the edge of the hall, and wherever it went, all human and lost bodies were swept into it.

At the same time, Wright heard low whimpers, high pitched screams, angry curses, and the sound of gurgling water.

Not long after, the final sizzling sound of electricity "slit" his eardrums, causing him to have a brief tinnitus. After the strong wind disappeared, the "crimson waning moon" not far in front of him actually emitted a bright brilliance. .

After a few seconds, the light became more intense and turned into a bright and incandescent magic circle.

"It should be right, this is the 'jump formation' produced by the power of the ore." Feng Kepu said.

"Is it a teleportation array? After entering, is it the central area of ​​the highlands?" Wright asked.

"Yes." Feng nodded and said, "Leap, as the name suggests, means migration across time and space. But I don't know whether it was created by humans, ore spontaneously, or whether it was done deliberately by gods. If it is used carelessly, , our bodies may only be partially transmitted.”

"However, it is worth trying. Also, I also heard that the Church of Hope has secretly cooperated with the Socra Committee to ensure the smooth progress of the 'Blood Night Ritual' and 'Raleye's Dream.' Let's go, Brother Wright, I guess the Giant Church , and humans are about to find a way to enter the center of the highlands, and we have to get ahead of them."

"Okay," Wright licked his dry lips with a slight fishy smell, and unexpectedly easily picked up the large and not tiring questions, and said, "It's worth trying."

Immediately, the two looked at each other, nodded solemnly to each other, and stepped into the "jump formation" together.

"Time, space, past, future."

"Time, space, past, future."

After entering the "Jump Formation", Wright felt an incomparable sense of relief, as if every part and atom in his body had been broken up, washed away from the extreme depression that enveloped it, and then reorganized.

Colorful bright lights appeared in front of him. They were intertwined and changing, from clear to chaotic, and from chaotic to clear.

It wasn't until everything escaped into pure black that Wright felt the extreme and rapid feeling of falling.


The dull sound of his body hitting hard objects reached Wright's ears, and he felt pain and soreness all over his body.

Feeling it? Could it be said that the transmission is completed?

Wright thought to himself and tried to open his eyes.

Fortunately, the surrounding tone is mainly dark, like the dusk before the sun sets.

The half-golden, half-orange light splashed into every corner of his field of vision. Since his eyes still stung a little and were filled with tears, Wright's eyes were still blurry. He simply chose to wait for a while, and then observe his surroundings after his eyes returned to normal. environment.

Just now... Feng said that the "jump formation" may only send part of the body back. If so... I have to check it carefully.

Wright thought, anxiously trying to move his body.

My arms are normal, and I can feel that not a single finger is missing; my legs are normal, and I am still standing steadily; my body should not be missing anything, and I can feel everything that should be there, and it should not affect my future life.

So...it should have been teleported perfectly.

No, it’s still missing.

Wright suddenly thought of something, rubbed his eyes hard, and looked to the side.

Feng and Brett didn't teleport with him. Could it be said that they failed? Already died during the transmission?

Wright thought about the current situation anxiously, turning his body in circles, trying to search for Feng and Brett in the unfamiliar environment.

Fortunately for him, as a psychedelic light flashed, a few seconds later, the familiar and excited voice of a young man came from behind him:

"Brother Wright, we're here, we're here. Look, this is the 'Crimson Moon Arena' that humans call it, and it's also the 'Crimson Arena' described in the Determinator's Diary that we interpreted."

Shamoon is dead

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