Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 225 The Coming of Silence (90): After the Mist

At first, Wright's vision was completely shrouded in yellow sand. The suffocating air and the constant blowing of particles on his face made him temporarily helpless.

Fortunately, after a few minutes, the power of the yellow sand began to weaken, gradually letting in the full daylight above the head.

But the area in front of him was still dim, as if covered with a layer of khaki plastic film, making it impossible for him to distinguish any direction around him.

Until, he saw a huge, gorgeous crystal that emitted psychedelic colorful light spots.

"Crystal? There are crystals in the yellow sand? Do you mean you have reached the next destination? I remember... before the camp in Donusk Area B, I encountered the oval steel meteorite that was easy to ignore, written in caramel color of poetry.”

"It seems that the one mentioned at the beginning is the 'Feiyue Arena' that he just worked so hard to come out, and what follows is..." Wright unconsciously held his chin with his blood-stained right hand, trying to mobilize the chaos in his brain that was as messy as glass residue. memory, recalling:

"It should be 'Silver Moon Temple', 'Messy Yellow Sand', 'Chaotic Quicksand', and then 'Silent Lake'. Yes, that meteorite also mentioned 'Underground Laputa' at the end. If I remember correctly In other words... the name Laputa is related to the sky. Brett seems to have mentioned the 'Floating Divine Realm', which is a derivative of the ruins when the young emperor of the Fire Empire summoned the dragon clan. In this way, the divine realm of the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element' Do you still have a strong connection with the Dragon Clan?”

"Dragon Clan...Dragon Clan...Ordered Gods and Dragon Clan obviously belong to two systems, or two species. Logically speaking, Dragon Clan is lower than the gods and is controlled and ruled by the gods. The power of the two can be produced to a certain extent. If it resonates, it's nothing more than using the magic power to fight... Wait, the Diary of the Decider, the Lost Swamp mentioned in 527-MB-01, and the red magic power summoned by the ritual are closely related to the Dragon Clan. Related. Brett also said that the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element' is an artificial god of the Crusted Empire. In this case, either the dragons participated in the creation of the gods. After all, it is said that a dragon entered their royal family; or it was the creation of the gods. The gods themselves joined the dragon clan's power... If the latter is true, it may be an extremely cruel history."

While he was thinking about it, Wright suddenly heard the ethereal, melodious, and beautiful church bells ringing in the distance.

It seems as if a wooden stick is beating the bronze bell, which brings a feeling of extreme inner peace.

Looking up, Wright was surprised to find that the yellow sand that was constantly blowing around him quickly rotated around him, forming an earthy yellow disk.

The yellow sand intersects and condenses at high speed, forming a disk that seems to absorb all the surrounding sand.

As the inexplicable water vapor gathered around Wright, when the huge yellow sand disk wrapped around Wright's body, almost completely blocking the sun, leaving him only a claustrophobic area that gradually dimmed, the water vapor turned into scorching steam. Join the yellow sand.


There was a dull sound, and the yellow sand really formed a roulette wheel like a relic from a desert country ruins buried by wind and sand. It crashed to the ground, sending up puffs of dust like explosions.

Immediately afterwards, Wright suddenly realized that the sky was no longer filled with yellow sand, but a "clear" space.

He shook his head vigorously, patted the sand off his robe, and looked around.

The middle and far areas of the field of vision still belong to the desert and Gobi like most areas in the Silent Highlands, either gravel or yellow sand, lifeless.

But in front of him was a pool in the desert, neither big nor small, about the size of an ordinary farm pond in the plains.

Under the sun's rays, the pond glowed with a little spiritual light.

Stepping on the soft black soil on the ground, Wright adjusted his angle and saw that the pool was actually blue. He couldn't see the bottom clearly, and it was naturally impossible to judge whether there were traces of living things inside.

In contrast are the plants around the pool.

Wright saw several poplar trees and white birch trees standing not far away, like guards guarding the pure water source in the center of the yellow sand.

The red branches and leaves combined with the white branches have a unique style.

But the weirdest thing is the vines growing around the pool. They are dark green, winding, and intertwined like twisted human beings.

There is even a section where Leite looks like a haggard man with his mouth open and screaming, and his body is twisted like a drunken painting by a well-known abstract artist from the Putoa Federation.

While walking and observing, Wright noticed that many vines were flowing out with sticky, bright red liquid. He reached out and dipped a little bit into his mouth to taste. A strong fishy smell filled his mouth, making him unable to stop. He broke into a dry cough, then quickly bent over and vomited.

"This is blood... it should be blood." Wright speculated:

"That's right, this should be the next place leading to the 'Daughter of Mechanical Element' divine domain. But, is it a temple, quicksand, or lake? Or is it the mysterious 'Underground Laputa'? But... here Apart from this pool, I didn’t see any other buildings. Could it be that the water here is ‘Vita Water’?”

Thinking like this, Wright surged with red magic power, pulled the vines with his bare hands, and walked towards the pool.

With the burning ability brought by the power of the red magic source, any vines that came into contact with Wright's hands were burned and instantly turned into charcoal. Wisps of black smoke rose into the air, quickly decomposing and disappearing under the incandescent sun.

Within a few minutes, Wright used the red magic power to tear out a simple path in the area where the vines spread.

Suddenly, Wright looked at the lake, then turned around and glanced at the "man-made trail" in surprise. A proverb he heard in the previous world appeared in his mind:

"There was no road in the world, but when more people walked on it, it became a road."

Thinking of this, Wright sneered, immediately turned around, squatted down, stretched out his hands to hold a piece of "blue water", and put it into his nasal cavity.

"Cough cough! Cough cough... cough... uh... cough cough cough!" A violent cough mixed with trills and sharp sounds came from Wright's throat, "This is not 'Vita's Water', this is ordinary Lake water.”

Wright complained, blowing out the irritating "pool of water" that entered his nose.

But immediately, his pupils shrank violently, he stood up instantly, took half a step back, and looked towards the pool.

The biting coldness, like the chill in the ice fields of Crusted's extreme cold field, instantly sprang out and enveloped Wright, causing him to shiver.

Immediately afterwards, the surface of the blue lake quickly froze, and soon it turned into a pure white.

A few seconds later, a dense purple fog covered all the distant scenery in his sight.

Dimly, he seemed to see a cluster of low, looming buildings.

But before he could observe carefully, the mist spread with the sudden heavy rain and penetrated into Wright's nasal cavity, making him temporarily confused and unconscious, and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the red magic power in his body quickly overflowed from his skin and covered it, forming a thin film to resist the attack of the purple mist.

"If I remember correctly, this mist should be related to the miasma that arises in the Lost Swamp and some dense forests in the Northern District. It should be toxic or acidic. When it comes into contact with the skin, it will quickly corrode the skin, exposing the victim's bones. . If inhaled, if not treated in time, you will feel dizzy, confused, impaired cardiopulmonary function, or inhibit respiratory enzymes, leading to suffocation and death." Wright's common sense observation is that the purple miasma still maintains its original state of smoke and dense fog in heavy rain. , inferred:

"That should be true. Generally, the imperial army will wear specially made gas masks and armor introduced from the Crusted Empire in the early years when they encounter miasma when performing missions or fighting against the Heartless and the Lost. Although Miasma has nothing to do with the 'Heartless Man Virus', but wherever there is miasma, there must be them, or the Lost, which is very strange."

Relying on the defense of the red magic source power, Wright did not think deeply. After all, this knowledge was theoretically described in the journals "Imperial Military" and "Imperial Medicine", but Wright's real character is to continue to move forward, find the location of the divine domain, and uncover the Uncover all secrets and prevent the disaster of the "Blood Night Ritual" from happening. If possible, stop the war and usher in peace.

Thinking of this, Wright turned around and wanted to look back to see if there was another way.

But unfortunately, the road he had just burned with the power of the red magic source was quickly occupied by scarlet vines. Because they were new, their "bodies" were covered with a layer of bloody "biological dye", and they were particularly lush, as if Just to prevent him from returning.

In desperation, Wright had no choice but to take out the "Wild Bear" pistol from his waist, cautiously stretched out his right foot, and tentatively stepped on the temporarily formed ice.

Only when the solid touch came, Wright dared to move forward with confidence.

After walking aimlessly along the white ice for a minute, Wright suddenly noticed that the purple miasma around him was replaced by pure white fog.

Subconsciously lowering his head, he saw a crooked arrow pointing forward drawn on the ice, and a piece of Zine Empire language written in a childish style:

"Go forward, after the ice and snow is the silver moon, and the mechanical body is waiting for the 'lover' in the temple."

"Lover?" A strange smile appeared at the corner of Wright's mouth, "But the Silver Moon Temple appears in this passage, so if you keep going, if you don't stop, you will be the destination."

Once you have a goal, everything will be easier.

Taking rhythmic and well-spaced steps, Wright walked through the mist with an unusually calm mind.

Woo! Woo!

The sound of the whistle reached Wright's ears, and the endless thick fog began to ripple.

Wright held the pistol in both hands and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

But what he didn't expect was that his feet actually emitted a mixture of blue and deep purple light.

Before he could move around in time, blue and purple palms stretched out from the ground and grabbed his ankles, making him unable to move.

Suddenly, Wright realized that at some point, he had entered a magic circle area engraved with dragon patterns, layers of rings, and strange hieroglyphs.

Before he had time to react, the thick fog around Wright instantly transformed into a layer of holy light and a layer of black "silk" with a sense of decadence.

The pure white light also broke through the dark clouds overhead at this moment, shining on Wright's body from a small area.

This scene is like a devout believer receiving the baptism of God!

Immediately, the outline of a towering building gradually emerged not far in front of Wright, and a vague dome seemed to be emitting the light spots of crimson stars.

The rhythmic flashing reminded Wright of the team code that Brett explained to him when he went to Kofu Station, which was similar to Morse code.

Before he had time to think about it, Wright discovered that the dense fog and light around him began to rotate rapidly. The lights intertwined and hurricanes blew. Countless fog condensed into white ice crystals and adhered to Wright's body.

The heavy pressure made Wright's legs weak, but the palms prevented him from falling down.

After torturing for a long time, all the palms became dry and disintegrated, the messy sounds and breaths became calm, and everything around him became silent. Only then did Wright realize that the magic circle under his feet had disappeared. The sudden rain in the sky, the surrounding thick fog, The falling ice crystals and the holy light disappeared, as if they had never arrived.

Wright rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at himself.

The black magician's robe turned into a silver-white imperial-style tactical armor, with a compact structure, clear layers, and a strong sense of technology.

Even the heart is covered with a double-headed eagle "emblem" outlined by tiny entangled tentacles, glowing with a reddish halo.

Ignoring his own changes, Wright glanced at the ground that had turned into bluestone bricks and looked up. At some point, an oriental-style wall came into view.

In the middle of the wall is a dark red wooden door with eaves, more than two meters high and three to four meters wide. The door lock is covered with a pair of metal plates with a male lion pattern.

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