Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 227 The advent of silence (92): Battle between temples (Part 1)

"Cardinal 'Bloodwind'? He is a strong man in the Church of Dark Night just like Feng. They are both extremely powerful beings among the three major churches... Why would he sacrifice for you?" Wright scratched his hair subconsciously. , asked puzzledly.

"To be precise... it's for a goal, an ideal." Sai stopped sobbing, twitched, and replied.

"Yes, Feng...'Xue Mu' is also a child with ideals. If it were in the past, I would have thought that the Lost and humans were completely hostile races, two beings destined to fight to the death and fight until the world was destroyed. But now , I believe that they are actually 'blessed' by gods. Perhaps their existence is to ask humans to reflect on themselves and obtain salvation." Wright suddenly had an epiphany, and as he spoke, he looked up at the blue half of the sky. Gazing melancholy at the clouds that were torn apart like marshmallows.

"Brother Wright, do you believe in fate?" Sai changed the topic, tilted his head and squinted at Wright, squeezed out a "cute" smile, and asked.

"Of course." Wright nodded, "But humans cannot drive destiny, humans are always driven by destiny. Even once humans are ready to resist destiny, they... no, we are often destroyed to pieces and bruised, and we get fragmentary products with real value. "

"Yes." Sai raised his head, lowered his fists wearing four-color wristbands, stretched them out, and sent a friendly signal.

"The ideal of 'Bloodwind' is to stop the war and establish a United Nations... at least within the Zine Empire. The Lost and humans are races with the same origin, and there are also us semi-Lost. However, He is a slightly crazy person, he likes strong and strong men, and he will fight at all costs to achieve his goal. But for his goal and his love, he can give everything, as he has mentioned many times That 'polar bear'-like imperial sergeant is called Brett." Sai said with regret, and it was not difficult for Wright to notice that there were always tears in his eyes.

However, Say mentioned Brett. Could it be that... he knew what happened to Brett before he was captured by Vladimirski? If true, perhaps a way to cure Brett can be pieced together from the information. Although now... he may be left outside the yellow sand, or in the "Blood Bright" castle, or even worse, he may be further than the area I am entering now, in the splendid and holy palace of the god. . Therefore, let’s follow this question and ask Sai, the child in front of us who calls himself a semi-lost person.

Thinking like this, Wright moved his dry lips a few times, suppressing the heat, dryness and bitterness in his throat, and asked:

"Cardinal Bloodwind...has he met Brett? I mean, did he stay with Brett before going to the Dark Night Church Castle?"

"I heard it was like this, but Bloodwind didn't elaborate. He just said that he regretted using the 'Pre-Dispelling Field' in the 'Twilight Forest', forcing Brett to swallow the 'Mithril Blood Drops' '. It is true that humans and 'divines' can temporarily use the power of monsters to strengthen themselves, but the price paid is their souls." Sai explained.

"Soul? Isn't that something that does not exist? The body exists when the mind exists, and the mind disappears when the body is annihilated. The soul cannot exist independently of the body, let alone disappear when the body exists. This is an eternal truth. After all, with Soul communication and resurrecting the dead are magic… or technology that does not exist,” Wright countered with years of materialistic beliefs.

"Well... In the words of sister Melinaer, the soul can be understood as consciousness, or the central core that controls a machine. After the battle in the bloody wind, the 'bloody wind' took the 'polar bear' The big guy Brett carried it to his exclusive laboratory on the fifth floor underground. He brought several inscriptions he had collected, including the 'ling' inscription purchased from the royal family of the Eastern Flame Empire, and the homemade 'Blood Wind' The inscription 'Crush, release the power and pour it into Brett's brain. But this can only make him stop unconscious vomiting, repair the broken bones, and maintain his fragile life. He even used the 'Blood Wind' Blood Crystal Tears'."

"What is 'Blood Crystal Tears'?" Wright asked curiously. This was the first time he heard the term.

"'Blood Crystal Tears', as the name suggests, is related to the Vampire Clan. It is a manufacturing material that can be used to create weapons that seal long-lasting souls. It is also a key item that can replenish the Vampire Clan's strength and make potions that are exclusive to the Vampire Clan for advancement. It is a stone that can The crystal that emits red light is made from the blood of the ancestor-level figure of the Vampire Clan. It is said that Vladimirski is a complete psychopath. He imprisoned the ancestor who was originally in charge of the power of the Vampire Clan and protected the weak Vampire Clan, and specially planned for them. ', seizing part of the power worth using from their bodies. It is said that the 'blood crystal tears' used by Brett came from the blood tears of an old ancestor. Catalyzed by the high temperature and high pressure of the magic source power, they quickly condensed, combining heat and The energy solidified in it and turned into what the empire called an 'energy battery'." Sai explained, then he murmured his lips, looked up at the increasingly gray half of the sky, and said slightly hastily:

"But even after using the 'Blood Crystal Tears' and infusing more than half of the magic power of the 'Blood Wind', Brett after waking up was said to be just a walking corpse. In fact, for Brett, the man with 'divine nature', 'Blood Wind' felt very guilty. He originally wanted to take revenge for the 'Crazy Body', after all, Brett destroyed his 'Wolf Body'. But later, he was actually attracted by Brett's body and temperament; In order to get Brett, he turned him into the Lost One and fought together, but unfortunately, things reached an irreversible point."

"For selfish desires, 'Bloodwind' is committing evil. If he is still alive, I will kill him at all costs." Wright said angrily, clenching his fists with both hands, clenching his teeth, and staring angrily ahead.

"Brother Wright, I don't know your relationship with Brett, but 'Bloodwind' has confessed to the Lord and atones for his sins. He opened the 'Blood Pillar' by sacrificing himself...that is, at the cost of death, which means pouring all his blood into it. , magic source power and sequence core power from the sky, perhaps the light beams summoned from the stars in the universe dispersed the yellow sand, opened a gap for Brett and me, and built a 'jump array'. His appearance before death was very He was scary, covered in blood spots, and looked haggard like a zombie. His face definitely didn’t look like a living thing. I’m sure there was only a piece of skin left. But he finally summoned up the energy to mention you, brother Wright. ." Sayi retracted his gaze and said.

"Me?" Wright pointed at himself with his index finger, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Of course." Sai nodded, letting the sudden strong wind blow his golden curly hair and slap it on his face, but still said calmly:

"He knows that the Church of Hope wants to use your red magic source power to find the gods, and he also divined that you will enter here through the sequence of cards, so he hopes that Brother Luo Nie will help you find the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element', so that you can ask The gods ask for what you want, and brother Luonie can accept his blessing and transform from a mechanical body into a real human being."

"Actually, I don't need to explain the situation in Silent Highlands. Brother Wright, you also know how complicated it is. The Church of Hope, the Church of Dark Night and the Church of Giants are ostensibly allies. In fact, they all hope that their lost people will receive blessings from the gods first. What's more, Quickly advance to the rank, thereby suppressing the other two parties in the post-war imperial structure. Needless to say, the empire, Evante is not interested in gods on the surface, but Crusted's technology can also maintain the power of 'mechanical element' He needs the mechanical core of female power, or the mechanical heart. He wants the empire to be completely unified, to disperse as many unruly lost people as possible, to eliminate all the unintentional people, and to lead the empire into a new era. Of course, The Socratic Committee within the empire is still thinking about their 'Blood Night Ritual', this artificial illusion created by the nobles, the so-called 'paradise' that guides people into through the 'Raleye's Dream'. But that is stupid enough. , is the ultimate expression of flatness. Just like what you just said, brother Wright, what’s the point of losing the spirit of physical existence? "

After listening to Sai's series of very accurate analyses, Wright felt a deep admiration for the young man in front of him, Sai.

From Sai's age and status as a semi-Lost, Wright deduced that he could not receive much education. If it was the information told to him by the Church of the Lost, then his memory and understanding would have surpassed most humans on the frontline battlefield.

After casting an approving look at Say, Wright confirmed that he was a friend rather than an enemy. With this in mind, Wright stepped forward and started talking about business:

"This is the 'Silver Moon Temple', right?"

"Yes, brother Luonie told me with certainty that he saw this place in his dream when he listened to the instructions of the Lord of Machinery and the 'Daughter of Machinery Yuan'." Sai gave an affirmative answer.

"Then... how can we get out of here?" Wright immediately asked a key question.

"I don't know." Sai shook his head, like a rattle, "Brother Luonie said, maybe you have to worship the gods here first and get instructions. But this place is very close to the 'Vita Water', I remember sister Natasha came up with this verse after trying to decipher the Diary of the Decider."

"Tell me about it?" Wright was obviously more interested in the Diary of the Decider, but when he heard Natasha's name, there was still a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"The mechanical gods accept worship in temples, and the ancient gods' magical machines will devote all their strength. When a crack appears in the interactive half of the two universes, and when the quantum superposition situation is finally revealed, the 'door' will open." Sayi Reciting it aloud, it was obvious that he was completely unable to understand the meaning from the forced recitation.

Instead, Wright paced around thoughtfully and tried to analyze:

"Our universe is half of the interaction between two universes on different planes. This can refer to our real world, or it can represent the core area of ​​this semi-real and semi-illusory highland."

"The second half of the sentence is very similar to the content of quantum mechanics. Is this the research result of scientists from the Crusted Empire? If there had been such a scientific trend in the north five hundred years ago, the Crusted Empire might be far away from the Star Era. It’s not far away.”

"However, the second half can be understood this way: after everything has settled and everything has changed from random distribution to certainty, the 'door' to the next area, or the realm of gods, will be opened. Then the first half Duan...the mechanical gods enshrined in the temple also have the 'Ancient God Demonic Machine', right? I've heard of this sequential monster...could it be that we are asked to pray to the mechanical gods and then drive this monster to fight?"

"Brother Wright, I think your guess is not unreasonable. Brother Luonie is in the temple above now, why don't we go and talk to him? It's been almost half a day since we came in, although he asked me to wait for the 'guest' at the bottom of the steps. , I have been exploring it for a long time, but after such a long time, I should finally have some results." Sai suggested.

Immediately, he clenched his fists with both hands again and collided the four-color wristbands worn on both hands with each other four times, making a crisp and sweet sound, like melodious palace music.

Then, he surged up the full power of flame magic in his body, and said plausibly:

"I pray to the Night Lord for permission."

"I pray to listen to the guidance of the flame."

"The blue core and the six-pointed star dissipate your power."

"Shadow, please return to your true form!"

After Sai finished reciting the spell, Wright felt a shadow swaying behind him.

A few seconds later, several black phantoms rushed towards Sai like silk threads along the stairs. Countless tiny particles of sparks flew in all directions, and emitted small explosions in the air, scattering like fireworks.

As the black shadow and Sayi merged into one, Wright realized that the original Sayi had no shadow!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of a metal product falling to the ground came from behind him. He looked back and picked up a black style "Federal 01" pistol used by legionnaire officers.

"It was your shadow who used this pistol against me just now, but if I remember correctly, it can only be used by imperial officers with a red soil level of 1 or above. Did you... capture this?" Wright showed a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry. asked.

"Ang, that's right." Sai said, reaching out to touch the wristbands worn on both hands. After all the light dissipated and dimmed, he raised his head, approached Wright and said:

"In order to follow my brother Luonie who was tortured by the 'Replacement Eye' to the point where he almost lost his remaining 'human characteristics', I took advantage of the advent of the crimson moon and escaped from the 'Silent Palace' protected by the magic shield during the human artillery bombardment. Castle of Stars. Fortunately, humans no longer use 'Thermite's Final Silence', but they still want to capture me halfway, isn't that right?" Sai shook the wristband in his hand, showing a child's pride. The expression said:

"I used the 'Shadow Time Bracer' to make clones, deceived and killed them, and then followed the connection induction established with Brother Luonie in advance and found him near the diffuse and flying yellow sand barrier."

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