Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 229 The advent of silence (94): Battle between temples (Part 2)

"Is it an earthquake? Or...is there a monster?" Wright asked. When the vibration stopped, he put Sai down smoothly.

But what he didn't realize was that there was a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

That smile mixed with greed, impulsiveness, desire and a strong "sorrow" made Say feel temporarily uncomfortable, but then he showed an even more unpredictable and weird smile, retreated sideways, away from Wright, replied:

"It's a god...a god, a god!"

"God?" Wright asked in confusion, looking ahead blankly, his expression instantly returned to normal.

"Brother Wright, you must have met Sister Natasha, the only lost person with 'love' among the three major churches, the [God of Love] blessed by kindness and beauty. It's a pity that you didn't open the door at that time, full of The door of hope and future." Sai raised his head, stared at the crystal chandelier that was still shaking, pulled out the dagger reflecting the red light, and smiled bitterly:

"Behind the door is not hell, nor a lava-filled abyss, nor a trap laid by Imperial [soldiers], just us innocents destroyed by the Urban Happiness Act."

"I know, but I can't help it. I just arrived in this world at that time..." Wright tried to defend, but was immediately interrupted by Say.

"You're not a devil, right, brother Wright?" Sai asked abruptly.

"Of course not." Wright shook his head.

"Then you are not an apostle of God, right?" Sai continued to ask.

He shifted his vision from the top of the hall to Wright, and looked into his black eyes, eager to get an honest answer.

"No." Wright's tone was firm and decisive, but mixed with a sigh.

The scene when he woke up from Socra for the first time inexplicably flashed through his mind, the closed and dark cabin, the dusty glass windows, the noise of machinery, the nearly broken fireplace, and the not-so-elegant look of the landlady. Voice.

After a few seconds, his thoughts were recovered. Wright unconsciously twisted his head up and down, shook his head violently, and added after careful consideration:

"I am human, but I do not belong to this world. I think Natasha must know this. General George...it is impossible not to know this."

"So, if you had pushed open that old iron door, you would have noticed me hiding behind the door. I...I deceived Sister Natasha at that time. I told her that I was going to the military camp to help those soldiers. You make money by shining shoes, but Brother Yatuo speculates that you will definitely go there and let me eavesdrop on your conversation."

"If you had chosen the world of magic power at that time, we would have known each other earlier. You would have accepted the 'new tomorrow' that Sister Natasha is going to tell you and relied on deeper magic to advance. I will be your Under the subordinates, Sister Natasha will assist you so that you will not be abandoned by General George so quickly and face the fate of death. Brother Yato will not risk everything and go to Kefu Station alone to detonate the 'Fire of God's Punishment'. Become a monster. And you will always receive our guidance and will not be confused."

"A butterfly in the 'New World' flaps its wings, and a hurricane blows up in the federal capital of Putoa. Sometimes, a single decision can cause disaster after disaster. A bill can lead to the fall of a great empire, as in "City Happiness" Act", which forced a generation of children to wander, either lying on the streets and waiting quietly for death, or identifying with the identity of the lost and becoming enemies of the empire."

Sai said, slowly raising the dagger, with the tip facing upwards, holding it vertically, and the magic power of fire surged in his body.

Immediately, the dagger shone with a soft, dazzling flame like a flower blooming in an instant.

The main body made of jet black material is engraved with the pattern of "a square wrapped with a six-pointed star". Under the tempering of the flames, a blue ghost-like shimmer actually oozes out.

"Brother Wright." Sai suddenly said in a decisive tone, as if an imperial soldier was giving instructions before going to the battlefield:

"You are a human being chosen by Sister Natasha. She does know that your soul comes from a distant world and that you are related to the call of the apostles of gods, but you have 'love' in your heart, so when you step into She chose you when you were in her divination room. She retained a trace of 'love in her mind' for you, but of course, she was sorry for being born in this era."

"The wasteland era is just an insignificant moment in the long process of the universe, and you and I are just a speck of dust in this endless desert. However, even if we are as small as ants, sister Natasha said that we still have to abide by the creation of the Creator. 'reason'. She collected 50 Singapore dollars from you at that time. It was for me, for us wandering orphans. I... don't have the money to pay you back, brother Wright, but I... am willing to use my life to help you. Open the next 'door'."

Sai said, suddenly grabbing the dagger with both hands and stabbing it towards his heart.

Wright, whose reflexes had been improved, quickly discovered clues from Say's previous movements. Without thinking, he grabbed the dagger and stopped it less than five centimeters from Say's heart.

"What are you going to do? Sai." Wright yelled:

"I do feel guilty and regretful about Natasha, including the fight with Yato. The 50 Singapore dollars didn't belong to me in the first place, and I don't need you to return it. I...I have already experienced death, and I don't want to More people have died for that stupid god, for this stupid war, for this stupid era, especially you, a child."

"This is fate, sister Natasha said!" Sai also roared angrily, increasing his strength with trembling hands, trying to push the dagger further towards his heart.

But Wright also strengthened his strength and pulled out the dagger with one hand. As he held the sharp point, a stream of dark blood flowed along the tip of the dagger to the ground, and a white smoke appeared, like acid bottoming out.

With the blessing of the red magic source, and after being catalyzed by the banquet, Wright is no less powerful than Say, who is at the fifth level: pain level, but after all, the heartbreaking pain always invades him in this power game. While trembling, Wright gradually felt that his strength was running low.

Until, a huge explosion came!

The ground shook uncontrollably again, and the Crusted church began to rapidly collapse from the top.

First the swaying crystal chandelier finally stopped swaying. Instead, it fell with the bricks on top and fell into pieces, turning into a pool of glass debris.

The skylights at the top were all squeezed and twisted, turning into a messy, twisted metal frame.

Then, the roof of the hall collapsed completely, and countless rubble, bricks, reinforced concrete were scattered on the ground.

A few minutes later, the surrounding stone pillars collapsed one after another, and the faint "silver moon" light poured down from the heads of Wright and Sai.

The two people who were barely injured while moving left and right in the sudden collapse accident didn't even bother to gasp for air. Wright suddenly realized that not far in front of him, the messy and terrifying statues that had been enshrined just now were visible. The machine disappeared unexpectedly, and was replaced by a twenty-meter-tall, larger existence.

The head, cannon holes, hand cannons, blowholes and tail are exactly the same as the graffiti in the magic circle that Wright saw just now!

So, the pattern just now is a foreshadowing? Or is it a mechanical monster summoned by the temple itself?

Mechanical monster... Mechanical monster... Could it be related to the mechanical Luo Nie? Or is this the result of his devout prayers?

Before he could speak, Say confirmed his suspicion:

"This is 'MB-010: Ancient God's Magical Machine'. Brother Bloodwind said that Cardinal Jota of the Giant Church sacrificed himself and turned into a crystal man that activated the machine. This is one of their It was an adventure and a final struggle, but the result seemed quite satisfactory.

Humph, the Imperial Crown Prince Evante never expected that the 'Ancient God's Magical Machinery' could break through howitzers, rockets, and the key bombings of the Crusaders-style aerospace army, and go straight through the Imperial Chekaf In response to the blockade of the Sk Legion, they broke into the 'Ancient City of Silence', broke into Ivante's command post 'Heart of Silence', and almost kidnapped their Cardinal Fansuo of the Church of the Dark Night. It's a pity that Ulchko, the commander-in-chief of the Empire's "New Silent Legion", activated the "enhanced electromagnetic gun" at the cost of his life, and "Sinais" controlled by Shamon and the monster Yato teamed up to traumatize it, making our The attack fell short. Actually, Brother Wright..."

"Huh?" Wright had an ominous premonition, but there were two insurmountable collapsed red pillars between him and Sai in front of him, so he could only watch Sai's movements dryly.

"I hid something just now, just to let you come in to participate in the possible battle." Sai said, picked up the dagger again, and slowly inserted it into the heart:

"Brother Luonie said before praying to the gods that if you hear the roar of machinery, it means that the 'Metamorphosis' has accepted our prayers, and the 'door' leading deeper will appear in the railing; if' If the Fusion One rejects us, a song will appear, praising our courage for the more difficult battle. I haven't seen Brother Luo Nie since I came in. I guess that he is the one who controls the Ancient God Demonic Machine now, otherwise , it has already launched an attack."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gleam of heraldry flashed across Sai's right chest, and the dagger inserted into his left chest was swallowed.

His expression began to distort, his blond hair instantly turned red, and his upper body twisted strangely, as if he had been electrocuted.

Immediately afterwards, he began to vomit violently, first with yellowish stomach acid, then blood, and finally vomited out balls of animal hair and squirming pieces of meat.

In the end, he spit out a piece of eyeball the size of an adult's fist!

The eyeball was extremely elastic, bouncing on the spot like a rubber ball, then landed on the red pillar, and finally rolled to Wright's feet.

Wright looked down curiously. The outer skin of the eyeball was purple, and the eyes were pure black, but there were two.

Its entire body was covered with lifeless fluff, and in a slightly dim environment, it actually emitted a subtle green fluorescence.

What's this? Is it also a sequential monster? The eyeball...is it related to the "replacement eye" that De mentioned?

Shocked, Wright subconsciously reached out and touched his eyeballs. However, when his fingers touched the dark eyes, the eyeballs instantly split open and were wrapped in rich green mist, turning into a pile of worthless mechanical parts in an instant.

Then, as a dazzling light flashed by, Wright looked up and saw Sai rising into the air, wrapped in flames, and rushing straight towards the "Ancient God Demonic Machine" like a cannonball.

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