Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 29 Migov Hospital (please collect)

"Am I... am I dead? Is it in heaven? Or... in the void?" Wright murmured, staring at the white field of vision that was barely stained with a trace of ashes. His eyes seemed to be marked with countless streaks of bright but harmless white. Burning light.

As the psychedelic feeling in his consciousness and the vague long-pitched whistle in his ears gradually subsided, Wright tentatively moved his fingers slowly.

Immediately afterwards, as the familiar feeling of tingling and soreness spread throughout his body, he gradually regained control of his body.

"Wright? Are you awake?" Brett's unique rich voice came from Wright's ears.

Wright reluctantly suppressed the pain and turned his head.

Brett's hands were wrapped in gauze, and he was wearing simple military green underwear. His trousers had a long and narrow slit. At some point, his shirt was changed from a silver guard uniform to a military green Socra army uniform.

Seeing this, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was about to purse his lips and say something, but the burning sensation and tearing sting in his throat made him just make a "hoarse" sound similar to the crow of a crow.

Brett quickly stretched out his bandaged left hand and motioned for Wright to continue lying down.

"Wright, don't speak in a hurry. You were injured. When we brought you here after we evacuated from the Kefu battlefield, there was almost no intact skin on your body. I'm sure you have lost more than 50% of your blood. But thank God , the goddess of light and the lord of the night bless you, the hospital in Migov Town has sufficient blood supply, which can bring you back from the brink of death."

"Where...am...this...is...?" Wright asked in a hoarse voice with all his strength.

"As I just said, it's the hospital in Migov Town. Well, it should be the Migov Temporary Military Hospital. This used to be part of the Migov Church, and it was used to house homeless people, like homeless people. Han, orphans, etc. However, because the war has gradually spread here in the past few years, it has been changed to military use. But there is no way. This Socra Committee has changed many of its past policies. Now we don’t want to hide in the city stronghold. , I want to give it a try. But now, the battle situation is very pessimistic."

Brett inadvertently turned his head to the side when he was talking about the battle. Wright glanced at Brett through the gap in the gauze wrapped around his forehead and found that there seemed to be tears hanging from the corners of his eyes.

"Is someone... dead?"

It felt like it was very difficult to explain, so Wright simply used the shortest language to express the most complex meaning.

"Death? If you really die, it will be a relief. You don't have to suffer in the wasteland world. As a human being, sometimes I really want to give up my identity and simply inject an injection of caustic fluid. I can still get away with it. The lost ones bet. You think, with superpowers, you can summon meteorites or rain down fire from the sky, you can do whatever you want. But, "

Brett got up from the white-painted stool made of simple scrap iron, walked slowly along the marble floor to the window sill, and fumbled for an iron plate with the words "Eternal Life Plaque" printed in the Zine Empire language. From the box, a cigarette made of flowers with a yellow sponge holder was taken out.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a matchbox produced by the "Xinyuan" factory from his arms, lit it with trembling bandaged hands, put it in his mouth and started to puff.

"Huh." Brett highlighted a complete eye circle that seemed to be drawn with a compass. After taking a long breath, he flicked the ashes into the ashtray made of scrap iron boxes beside him, and pulled off the military uniform he was wearing. The green Socra army coat said:

"We failed. The counterattack on Kofu Station failed. A total of 20,000 outstanding soldiers from the empire's five or six legions died on the battlefield. You are right, Wright. The Lost One named Yato has indeed activated The fire of divine punishment. As a member of Sogra's extraordinary investigation team, Moros told me many details."

Brett took another deep breath of the essence smoke of the inner curled flower, trying to use the power of the sequence monster to calm down as much as possible his inner feelings of anger, helplessness, sadness, and melancholy.

At least he needed to maintain some composure in front of Wright, a twenty-year-old man whose whole body was covered with bandages and who could barely insert the needle during the infusion.

After sending another eyeball into the top of the white ward, Brett sat back on the white painted stool and continued:

"Yato may have used his own life to activate the MB-079 Fire of Punishment, but it was Class A inferior. According to the classification of the Sequential Monster Foundation, Class A inferior power is only one-tenth of the original. And The number will be changed to MB-079-A, which means the difference in materials or activation power has been reduced. Well, the specific content will have to wait until Moros comes. But I can still analyze some of the battlefield situations for you. After all, I am Kusha City. Graduated from the Military Academy. The paper on the principle of adhering to the point of defense published in the Zine Empire's core journal "Imperial Military" was recognized by the Imperial Parliament."

Seeing Brett patting his chest with his hand pretending to be proud, Wright complained in his heart:

Brett, this big guy, is really good at bragging. If I hadn't been lying here now, covered in bandages and unable to move, I would have complained about him in the morning. But he has research on military affairs? Then maybe in the future, after he has mastered the essence of red magic source power and extraordinary power, he will be a perfect partner for him.

By the way, red magic source power? In the dream just now, if the extraordinary red magic power in his body could work, his bruised body might recover faster.

The town of Migov mentioned by Brett just now seems to be a town that has not been affected by the war for the time being. If we can relax here for a few days and try to use some methods to stimulate the potential of the red magic source in the body, we may be able to contact the god in the dream. .

"Daughter of Mechanical Element"? It seems to be a meaningful name. I should ask Moros about the concept of sequence core that she told me in her dream. If I can maintain the identity of steam while being exposed to extraordinary things like magic source power, I can perfectly roam around. Between two worlds. At the same time, he comes into contact with and controls the characters of the two forces, thus becoming a superpower and a lost person. Coupled with his identity as the Socra Guard, maybe he can really make a difference in the apocalypse?

Human beings are not driven by fate, but humans can drive fate. Yes, drive destiny. After traveling to this world before, I never thought about how I should live, how I should actively explore and master some extraordinary powers.

And he actually backed down from that crazy woman Natasha. If he had chosen to walk into that weird iron gate, he might have been able to get the right guidance and become an extraordinary person who controlled the power of the red magic source, even if he was just an alien from the human camp. Those who are capable. No, it’s okay to become a lost person in the enemy camp.

During this period of time, I have only passively accepted some information and tasks, and have never taken the initiative. That's why he was sent to a dangerous situation by George, used as a tool by Yato to lure out the red magic power, and used the strange red magic power to fight Yato, which turned him into the bruised appearance he is now.

Lying on the white hospital bed, Wright vaguely felt that he had an extraordinary, extraordinary and glorious side. Now that he has been trapped in the endless whirlpool of the wasteland world, and has been reminded in dreams and reality that he possesses the legendary and powerful red magic power, he has fallen into a fate that is beyond his control.

Then it is better to take the initiative to get in touch, understand your own power, and use it to make him proficient. And then continue to improve the professional level in the steam world, the magic source level in the magic world, and become a being who controls everything.

Demi god? more than! God, not enough! He should become the master of the entire wasteland and the echoer of the wasteland!

If I can become a savior, perhaps in the future, when humans write me on wooden boards, they will mention:

"That's Wright Sugra, the ruler of the Crimson Wasteland world, the controller of the Extraordinary Gray Mist, the controller of the scarlet magic source, the owner of the Sune Empire, the protector of the human world, and the founder of the Fifth Era. .”

Looking forward to the "beautiful" future, Wright couldn't help but laugh. The hoarse throat coupled with the "gurgling" sound that seemed to Brett to be unexplained seemed extremely weird and terrifying.

"Wright, why are you laughing?" Brett said, frowning under a dark red scar:

"Although your attending doctor just said that you are not infected by unintentional people, if you are laughing for no reason like this, I really go to the nearby Migov church to find the priest who likes extraordinary things. But then again, humans are in the wasteland Zhongke is really insignificant, like a wretch. This is reflected in our war. If the situation is serious, we may not be able to return to Sokra."

"Aren't you going back?" Wright asked anxiously.

He suddenly realized that the burning sensation in his throat seemed to have lessened, and it was no longer so hoarse.

The human body may not be able to repair damaged tissue so quickly and recover to this point. It seems that the red magic source power activated by Yatuo's ritual has begun its work and demonstrated its repair ability.

I just don’t know if using too much will cause mental damage, or will it be a lack of mana?

"It's possible." Brett's rich voice pulled Wright back from his longing.

"The five major armies were all wiped out. Fortunately, a few of us retreated early. Moreover, General Kayigu, who directed this war, is missing. Currently, more than half of Highway 65 has been destroyed by burning liquid. Due to the losses, all parties cannot spare manpower. And in the past few days when we suffered a disastrous defeat, the Wuxin people captured Silent Outposts A and B.

The "Church of the Dark Night", a group of lost people, mobilized unintentional people to surround Chekavsk. Not even a bird could fly there except for telegraph signals. We are not far from Silent Highlands and Chekavsk. According to my analysis of the battle situation over the years, we will have to retreat to Donusk in almost half a month. So Wright, you should still have enough time to recuperate. "

Brett said, pointing to the printed version of the message that had been parsed through telegraph signals that morning lying on Wright's bedside.

"By the way, I'm going to see the boy from the 'Lone Wolf Society' named Ivan Ross. But he is in the isolation ward and may be infected by the caustic fluid."

Brett said, throwing the cigarette in his hand on the ground and crushing it several times with his feet wearing cotton slippers.

Immediately afterwards, he barely supported the steel handrail next to him and stood up, moving slowly outside Wright's single ward.


After the heavy wooden door collided with metal, he was the only one left in the empty and quiet room.

After reluctantly getting up from the hospital bed with his aching body, Wright looked around and took a preliminary look at the surrounding environment.

This is a hospital converted from a church in the small town of Migov. The white walls have black traces of shell explosions. Two portraits hang on the top of the opposite wall.

One of them, shown in the memory fragments, should be the current leader of the Socra Committee, the Prime Minister of the Zine Empire, Holly Clay. His bloated figure made Wright unable to help but feel nauseous.

The other is an oil painting of a European with a high nose bridge and white facial features, plus a colorful outfit and a cross with ornate decoration on the back.

The person in the painting should be the "image of God" painted based on legends and imagination by people who believed in the Protestant religion before the New Era.

Apart from the ticking clock and the infusion tube, there is only a dead tree extending from the old glass window in this ward.

"I don't know if there is a Creator and an Old God of Order. It would be great if someone who has seen them can draw it. But then again, what is my red magic source power and the profession that I have always been called [Order]? It remains to be understood. If fate is kind, maybe I will meet the right person in the next few days."

"But maybe, I can try to drive the red magic source power. Use what the girl in the dream mentioned, uh, 'spirit formation'. For 'spirit formation', it should be driven by spiritual power. Well, let's give it a try. ?" Wright raised his head and thought to himself.

Mantras, some mantras should be recited.

It seems that I have read some occult books in my memory fragments. Also, as a senior otaku and keyboard warrior in the previous world, I have also read a lot of fantasy novels.

Looks like you can try it?

Borrowing spells from anime and novels?

After merging as many complex spell combinations as possible from the memory fragments in his brain, Wright concentrated his mental strength, tried his best to use the "spiritual knotting" method instructed in the dream, and muttered in the ancient language of the Zine Empire:

"I pray to the goddess of light."

"I pray to the Lord of the Night."

“I accept revelation from the Creator.”

"Free me from my confusion!"

When he felt that his spiritual power seemed to break through the shackles of some kind of animal-like cocoon, he felt a burning and tingling sensation in his chest.

Immediately afterwards, a crimson thread gradually emerged from his heavily bandaged hands. Those threads seemed to have been randomly arranged and combined by a painter who was proficient in abstract art, and actually formed a picture in front of Wright. A strange bright red face.

Wright did not open his eyes, letting his face squirm and change, and then murmured as if from his spiritual world:

"Silent Heights, find that woman! Find that woman!"


Under the impact of the magic source power and inexplicable spiritual power, Wright quickly withdrew the red magic source power, held his head in his hands, ignored the burning pain in his throat, and roared like a wild beast out of control.

Brothers are welcome to continue to support. The world view of this article is very large and will be gradually expanded.

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