Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 302: Pious “Prayer” (Part 1)

Hearing such a light and childish voice, instead of feeling cute at all, "Feng Mine" knelt down on one knee with a solemn expression, lowered his head, and said in a very pious and frightened voice:

"Old leader, my subordinate 'Feng Mine' has come to pay you a visit."

As soon as "Wind Mine" finished speaking, "Elf"'s body made a terrifying "gurgling" sound.

Immediately, as if it had received some mysterious impact, it was instantly dispersed, sending out a faint green ripple, turning into countless spark particles and disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of "squeaking" came. "Feng Mine" looked up again and found that the red light on the door had dimmed. In just a second or two, the door was fully opened, revealing the chaos, darkness, and A confusing area.

It was only then that "Feng Mine" showed a relieved smile on his face, stood up neatly, and walked inside skillfully.

After walking for about ten minutes, the endless thick fog surrounded him again, with dark "glow" passing through it from time to time, mixed with the sounds of countless human cries of pain.

This is a field close to the survival of the undead. The space created by the "leap technique" sometimes connects many dangerous fields. Confused, confused, painful, and helpless souls will be close to each other between the actions of the lost and the users of magic source power. them.

But these souls seem to be in the darkest, most hidden, most helpless, and most unattended corners of the universe. The limited vision of extraordinary people is not enough to kill their appearance.

"Wind Mine", who was already walking on a single-plank bridge, didn't dare to think, let alone turn his gaze away. With his strength at the lower level of Level 4, it was not enough to curb the instinct, fear, and trembling caused by observing them. roars and groans.

The kind of pain that goes deep into the spirit will be the best weapon to torture people. Painful thinking, depressive questioning, and helpless shouting will lead people to the abyss that is irreversible.

Walking there, "Wind Mine" felt like he was in a cemetery where the crimson moon hung high and the gleam of the pale moonlight was tilted. He also felt that this was a dream surrounded by a confusing thick fog, until he noticed that there was a gram with a gram above his head. Everything around him gradually became brighter when he saw the clock with the flavor of Rust's palace and listened to the crisp, soul-awakening sound it made when it reached the hour.

After his mind experienced an unspeakable feeling of chaos, he found himself in a warm cabin.

The feeling of confusion and panic just now disappeared, except for a square Western-style fireplace on the left hand side, which was burning brightly and exuding sparks like ghosts.

Seeing that he had arrived at his destination, "Feng Mine" did not act rashly without seeing the "old leader". Instead, he stood upright on the spot and quietly observed the surrounding furnishings.

This room is not too big, twice as spacious as the reception room of the Federal Council where he stayed when he went to Binglin City. In the center of the room is a glass coffee table, with an hourglass that has not yet been activated and a badge related to Crusted from the Ancient Era placed on it.

On both sides of the coffee table are two rows of brown sofas covered with animal leather. At the edge of the room is a row of bookshelves. "Feng Mine" observed that the names of the books on them are mostly written in the Fire Empire script. Judging from the titles, most of them are about history. material.

"The Khitanris are indeed a people who love history. They will always preserve the details of what has happened through writing for future reference. Unfortunately, for thousands of years, the only zero they have come up with is still The despairing conclusion is, 'The only thing mankind has learned from history is that it is impossible for mankind to avoid history repeating itself.'" "Wind Mine" smiled and sneered.

Shifting his gaze slightly, "Feng Mine" also observed that an extremely rare dress was placed on the hanger in the corner of the room.

Its background color was white, with a pattern of sunflowers embroidered on it with golden silk thread. It was a long robe coat, but the part that was dragged to the ground was sewn with a layer of black wolf fur.

If the memory is correct, "Feng Mine" remembers that it was an orthodox cardinal's robe that had been improved by Ivan XXII. It not only incorporates Ivan XXII's strong personal style, but also retains the original sense of sanctity.

After waiting for about four or five minutes, "Feng Mine" noticed that although the room of "Old Leader" was not brightly lit, it was still incandescent and bright.

But what was strange was that, even though the white light that illuminated the room was not as bright as the sun, under his observation, he did not find any source of light.

In other words, if this is not a dream or an alien plane, then it is the house itself that shines.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and a spirited old man slowly walked into the center of the room, sat down on the leather sofa with a gentle gesture, and then said:

"What's wrong, my child, is he finally in trouble?"

"Yes, old leader. Ever since you temporarily handed over the 'Order Society' to my control twenty years ago, I have felt more and more difficult in the world. I feel more and more like we are chess pieces thrown away by the gods. Creation is more like an unintentional mistake by the Creator." "Feng Mine" nodded.

"This world is a nightmare of the Creator. This is an undisputed truth. As long as he wakes up, everything will quickly fall apart and disappear. However, this nightmare is so long that the 'seven epochs' plus four Today after the Era, He still shows no sign of waking up." The old leader smiled and said:

"This is indeed painful. Human beings, 'unintentional people', lost people, gods, any individual with a little consciousness and poor thinking ability will want to end the suffering. I am very glad that you, 'Wind Mine', do not You can feel the pain of being completely swallowed up by "sorrow". From your tone, I can read your urgency to change this.

"You have not been paralyzed by the painful world, and you still retain your sanity. This is why I asked you to temporarily take over as the actual leader of the 'Order Society'. You remember, humans and the suffering we have experienced in the Wasteland Era will never Worthy of praise, no need to praise.

"Suffering is suffering. It will only consume the will of a strong man in endless failure and torture, causing him to degenerate and become passive and unknown. Only those who are in good times can achieve outstanding achievements, and what we are doing now , what we insist on is so that future children can be born in a country shrouded in light, with highly developed productivity and high moral standards.

"Everyone can do a suitable job based on their own intelligence and ideals, and everyone will perform their duties and show their talents. The children at that time will find that the Fire Empire produces high-quality food for them, and Crusted The Federation produces all kinds of mechanical products, the Putoa Federation provides exquisite clothing and drinks, and the Central Empire continuously provides energy."

"It sounds... very great, like a heaven created by gods. I remember that at the end of the Third Era, some radicals in the "Island Province" of the Putoa Federation imagined that the divine realm led by the "Supreme Creator" would be like this. But ...This is too much like a religious trick to deceive people, or an unrealistic fantasy." "Wind Mine" commented.

"This is the future, a prophecy made by a god who traveled in the Krusted Empire a thousand years ago." The old leader retorted with a positive tone:

"At that time, the old empire suffered a disastrous defeat at the Battle of Nebusk, and the activities of the 'Chaos Group' were rampant. The god who claimed to be the 'Head of the Dragon Clan' told me that the world after the Star Era should be like this. Human beings will go through three extreme stages of pain. , after spending it, you will enter the wonderful world of 'what you need, you will have'."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old leader stood up straight away, moved towards the bookshelf, and said emotionally:

"I remember that at the 'Order Analysis' meeting more than 150 years ago, we designated 12 leaders. At that time, the 'Wuxin' we controlled were instigated by mysterious forces to rebel and turn against each other. And the Human Empire and The federation also launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against us.

"It was an extremely difficult time. In order to ensure that [order] could survive and wait for our true leader to come, I had to break up the organization and divide it into twelve regions for independent development. Logically speaking, I stole the information from 'No. 1 Leader: The position of "New God" did not completely unite the organization. Instead, it relied on the strategy of cooperation with humans adopted by you and "Yin Min" to slowly unite it. When it comes to wisdom and decision-making, I am far inferior. you."

"Old leader..." "Feng Mine"'s voice suddenly choked up, "'Yin Min' died in Sener Prison, and 'Feng Wen' also died in their National Library. "

"Oh?" "New God"'s voice was obviously trembling, and he froze for a moment. Immediately, he took out a glass bottle and two glass cups hidden behind the books in the middle of the bookshelf, and placed them on the glass coffee table. Go up and ask "Wind Mine" to sit down.

"I think it's so late that you must be hungry. When I rescued you from the 'Xenogeneic Heartless' in the Waters Province two hundred years ago, do you still remember that the first thing you said to me was 'hungry'?" '. But, after so many years, you are so good at eating, but you never gain weight.

"It's definitely too late to find someone to cook for you now, but this glass of 'blood wine' is enough to make you feel full. 'Wind Mine', you have to remember that no matter how difficult things are, you must do it first It cannot affect your life. All decisions must be made when you are physically strong." "New God" warned.

As he spoke, he opened the cork of the glass bottle and poured out the liquid that exuded an aura that made the Lost feel intoxicated.

As the red substance was poured into the glass and a small vortex spun inside, "Wind Mine" felt a little calmer inside.

Taking a shallow breath, he looked up at the "New God".

That wrinkled face reveals the unyielding will of a leader, with a tall nose, reddish eyes, and a thick beard. This is a very Krusted person. Gene's appearance had the kindness of Putoa or an old man from the Fire Empire, which completely eliminated most of his nervousness.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the "blood wine" on the table and drank it in one gulp.

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