Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 305 The beast-turned-alien

The "Rock Brand" mechanical chariot that Dak and Wofya were riding was driving on the still hard dirt road. Spring had just begun, and the ground temperature was not too high. Even at the end of February, at the Crusted Ice Land Province, the maximum temperature will not exceed 10 degrees.

They knew that in 15 days the land would begin to melt, and by then all the roads would be muddy, making it difficult to walk on foot, let alone drive an armored vehicle forward.

They must reach Xinfeng Town as soon as possible in these two days to replenish weapons, equipment, food, medicine and other supplies, complete them within a week, and then set off north.

After all, the ice and snow in the extremely cold zone will not melt much even in the summer of June.

Going north before the muddy period arrives will not only avoid more time delays, but also get a head start before the Federal Council and the "Order" go to the area where "Plamini" is located.

Needless to say, the Federal Council's tedious meetings, discussions, and arrangements will consume a lot of energy and cause them to miss many opportunities. Wovya found out that the "Order Council" is not monolithic within, but more like a confederation.

The 12 leaders manage the members of the 12 divisions within the organization. The leaders have strict hierarchical distinctions in name, but in fact, some of them will form alliances with each other, and some will attack each other.

Until now, some time had passed since the killing of "Yin Ming" in Usener Prison, and Wofya still had an indescribable feeling of being taken advantage of.

The members of the "Order Society" in Binglin City were originally controlled by "Yin Min", "Cran Wen" and "Lei Ye". Now that "Lei Ye" has taken action, "Yin Min" and "Cuan Wen" died unexpectedly. Naturally, it was the original The sole supreme leader, the current No. 1 leader, the "New God", has reappeared, taking over from the previous leaders of Light and Darkness. He manages the organization while communicating with the top brass of the Federal Council.

This is the simple signal tower that Wofya set up last night through a simple vehicle-mounted radio. The new commander in Xinfeng Town, the handsome and boyish Crusad strategic group commander, the former capital security captain, was temporarily promoted to Information obtained from Morun's message in Dark Star 1.

This is very crucial. It proves that the power of the "Order Society" in Xinfeng Town has begun to weaken. After all, he and Dak killed "Yin Min", an important leader of the "Order Society" in the capital, and they have forged a hatred. .

There is no shortage of violence, anger and killing in the oppressive wasteland environment, and naturally there is also vast soil for breeding hatred. In an era when [order] is collapsing, there are more ways to resolve hatred and it is easier to operate.

After driving the chariot for about fifteen minutes, sparse wild trees began to appear on both sides of the road. Since it was winter, everything was in a chaotic sleep. The dry trunks without branches and leaves were covered with a layer of pitch black, like oil. A terrifying substance exuding the aura of death from the underworld.

Moving forward, a pool of water left by the initial melting of the snow appeared on the right side of the road, which made Wulfya notice something strange.

Even if it was a mild winter in previous years, unless a heating device was set up underneath for scientific research, the surface would not form a lake-like landscape. As far as he knew, most of the scientific research sites in Xinfeng Town were in military "trials" in or around the town. Fields", suburbs are plains, usually used for agricultural production when there is no "wave of careless people".

This made him feel uneasy.

As this uneasy feeling gradually took root, sprouted, and grew to "luxury," he finally stopped the car near a dozen "unintentional people" wandering sluggishly on the dirt road.

"Duck, there are a few 'unintentional people' standing in front of us. They seem to belong to the category of 'alien'. If we rush past them forcefully, they will definitely damage the tank. I don't want to waste time in Xinfeng Town and be in debt at the same time.

"Now take up arms and fight!" Wulfya half roared and threw a federal semi-new weapon, the "Violet" semi-automatic rifle, to Dak in the back seat, hoping that he would reduce the consumption of magic power while participating in the battle.

Shaking his head and taking the rifle with a smile, Dak felt the heaviness of metal.

However, a few seconds later, as he silently recited the soul-binding spell and continued to fill up with magic power, he could feel the weight of the rifle rapidly reducing until his arms could easily lift it.

After closing the car door, the two walked along the dirt road for dozens of meters before arriving at a location less than 20 meters away from these "unintentional people".

But what surprised the two of them was that when the "unintentional people" saw humans in the past, they were like wolves seeing hares, eager to pounce on them and bite them, devouring flesh and blood to gain energy.

For some reason, these "unintentional people" were slowly swaying forward, as if they didn't get any information about the two of them from their senses.

Wulfya was sure that these "careless people" were not in a state of fullness. After all, they were all in ragged clothes and had many wounds on their bodies that were leaking red liquid and unpleasant, smelly yellow substances. .

It takes energy to repair wounds and energy to resist the cold. They should maintain a more prominent offensive nature.

However, in fact, they seemed to be controlled remotely by some super-natural force. Their slightly bony legs actually walked towards a ruins piled with bricks, rubble and cement fragments on the southeast side.

After about ten seconds, the "Wuxinless" who were in a state of lack of energy still noticed the two of them. The group of "Wuxinless" finally stopped and raised their hands together, revealing their bloody arms covered with scars. He raised his head forty-five degrees, looked up, and performed a cult-like behavior of "praising the sun." At the same time, he let out a low roar from his throat.

"Woo——, Wu——."

This sound is like the whistle of a ship, more like the perfunctory response of a disappointed beast when faced with the call of the leader.

But in the end, they seemed to have reached a consensus with the "controller" who had established contact through some kind of radio waves. At the same moment they collectively lowered their hands, their eyes turned red and they rushed towards the two of them.

"That's right, that's how you agree with the enemy." Wulfya roared excitedly.

For a Federation [soldier] like him who is tall, strong and as strong as a polar bear, there is almost nothing else that can excite him except war.

As long as he stands in front of an enemy, even if he is dozens of times taller than him, he can still feel his blood rushing, his adrenaline soaring, and his whole body being unbearably hot. He urgently needs an all-out fight to consume them.

"Ha——!" Wulfya also burst out with a roar that was almost hoarse.

He rushed forward so quickly that he left footprints half the depth of a shoe sole wherever he passed. When he was within one meter of these "unintentional people", he suddenly stretched out his left fist and hit their lips with all his strength. jaw.

Under the infusion of power, four or five "unintentional people" were suddenly knocked five or six meters away, and each received a new, broken mechanical heart from the bullets fired from the "Northern Bear" pistol.

In the continuous one-sided venting and crushing situation, more than a dozen "unintentional people" died one after another, turning into a body with red burning fluid flowing and no longer the breath of life.

Dark, who observed all this with wide eyes, was amazed at the pure power bursting out of Wulfa's human body. In previous battles, he was always accustomed to relying on magic power to subdue or kill his opponents. Pure violence was the thing he despised the most, but today he was given a solid lesson in "military theory and combat skills". ".

When Dak's consciousness woke up from the shock, Wulfya was already standing in front of him.

He discovered that when this one-sided massacre paused, Wulfya was not exhausted. On the contrary, he could feel that more than half of the strength in his body remained.

Under the rays of the sun, Dark felt more and more that Wulfya's tall back like a polar bear could give him a sense of security beyond all else. Perhaps Wulfya was one of the few who did not rely on the power of magic, but used the power of the human body. A "talented person" who simply maximizes his abilities.

"Huh, it's not cool enough. These 'unintentional people' are too weak." Wulfya clenched her fists tightly and said through gritted teeth.

Dak did not respond, but breathed a long sigh of relief, walked to Wulfya and looked forward.

Indeed, most of the "unintentional people" had fallen to the ground, and the various liquids scattered made the ground dirty.

Dak knew very well that these "careless people" were ordinary types, and they might even have been mutated by a lost person with the ability to "seduce" who temporarily infected the isolated villagers in the wilderness settlement.

But there is one exception.

With a slight sense of the magic source, he discovered that a much taller "Wuxinren" standing a little further behind this group of "Wuxinren" belonged to the category of alien species, and was probably the captain of this group of advance team "Wuxinren" , little leader.

In Dak's impression, this "Heartless Man" belongs to the category of "Beastized Alien Heartless Man", which is either a failed product of the federal experiment, a private fighting force cultivated by the Lost, or a mutated human who devours certain animals. .

To them, this "unintentional man" looked like a direct piece of animal body parts.

It has red, messy hair scattered around its head like a mop that has been used many times.

Its eyes glowed red like a wolf, and its ears were covered with black hair, like a cat.

It has a sharp, sickle-sharp wolf beak. It opens its mouth slightly, and a pair of blood-stained yellowish fangs stick out straight out.

The front of its upper body is covered with black hair, the back is yellowish fur with tiger stripes and colors, and the attachments on the lower body are half like a direwolf and half like a snow leopard.

It has the biceps and back of a tiger, providing it with superior upper body strength. It has a chest like a cow and an abdomen like a fish, giving it greater strength and a graceful and agile body.

A pair of legs intertwined between a leopard and a wolf, coupled with the developed quadriceps and cannonball-like calves that belong exclusively to the "Wuxin Man", give it powerful jumping ability and temporary explosive power.

Fighting against this "unintentional man" was equivalent to fighting against the four or five species of alien beasts that had a tacit cooperation and tacit understanding that pervaded the continent during the first to second eras.

But now is the fourth era, the wasteland era after the steam era. This is not the ancient era known for its cold weapons, but a new era where hot weapons are widely used.

Thinking of this, Dak picked up the "Violet" rifle, injected a bit of magic power, and pulled the trigger toward the head and chest of the "Heartless Man".

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