Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 314 A subtle encounter

After sitting down, in order not to attract too much attention, the two imitated the actions of those around them, closed their eyes tightly, and began to clench their fists and pray.

The solemn and quiet atmosphere lasted for about half a minute. When the surrounding candles began to extinguish one by one, until half of the darkness fell on the temple again, with a cry from Patriarch Onufu, everyone opened their eyes at the same time. , and place your hands on your knees.

After a brief trance, the believers present felt that their bodies and hearts were gradually occupied by an emotion called "struggle".

Gradually, their inner fear of fighting and desperate "unintentional people" began to disappear, and the hope of survival and fighting began to fill the spiritual realm again.

Everyone, except "Feng Kuang" and Dak, felt that their bodies were full of illusory power, as if they had been given a shot of stimulant, and their minds were filled with longing for the future, but they maintained a rare sense of stability and stability. Calmness to combat throbbing emotions.

This is the main purpose of Onufu's acceptance of the Socratic Committee. As a loyal believer and cleric of the Orthodox Bishop, he cannot and cannot manipulate others to satisfy the desires of some people.

Therefore, he does not want to turn the believers who accept semi-hypnotic guidance into fanatical and energetic production machines. On the contrary, while giving them hope, he also hopes that they will become a new generation in the dark, long, mysterious, and desperate night. The existence of normal people before the Yuan Dynasty.

However, when Duck opened his eyes again, he "saw" a strange brilliance from Onufu's body.

At first, there was an illusion-like change of light and shadow, and then, there was a hazy, dream-like veil-like light clinging to the Patriarch's eyebrows.

This was a bright red light. As he gazed at it, Duck realized that it was rapidly collapsing into a mark composed of two curves showing an axial symmetry.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but just a second later, the light and mark were gone.

When he was completely separated from the emotions of doubt and surprise, the entire hall of Pashain Temple was already empty except for the three "Wind Mine" people who were still in the front row.

As the noon time passed quietly and lost direct sunlight, the area where the temple was located once again became like a dilapidated tomb area outside the road. It was dim and dark, with only ghostly shadows swaying in it, and full of very uncomfortable atmosphere. Deep and depressing.

"You can go." Wulfya's deep voice came from the side, followed by a broad and thick palm that "severely" slapped the pain in his lower back.

"Oh." Duck, who was wrapped in a trance and confusion, instantly became very clear-headed and responded in a low voice:

"It seems that the intuition of [the troublemaker] is sometimes not accurate, or maybe I am not yet proficient in using the power of the upper-level profession. When I passed near the old K-12 highway just now, I clearly saw a stream of light blue smoke. Floating up, it was near this temple, but now it seems that it was either caused by the magic source power in the body of the orthodox patriarch, or someone had used sequential monsters here.

"Perhaps the piece of beast called 'Metamorphosis' and the 'Eternal Cold Heart' filled with ice power are not here. I feel... although this prayer has indeed reduced the 'sadness' in my mind. However, it seems that we should not try to find them through detective behavior. It is better to... use the power of those in power to find them most conveniently and cost-effectively."

"Thank God, my Dak." Wulfya breathed a sigh of relief, his expression turned relaxed and he said:

"You finally understand an important truth about being a human being. Yes, humans are social animals and have the social attribute of cooperative living. If you are always doing things alone, you might as well be a beast."

Immediately afterwards, he leaned into Dak's ear and lowered his voice:

"Since you have completely chosen to become a human, you must abide by the laws among humans. Since you and I both believe that human civilization will never disappear, then you will one day live in a peaceful era, right?"

"So, let's go into Xinfeng Town now to find your friend...the newly appointed chief Mo Lun?" Dak asked in a daze.

"Since the Federal Council has chosen to cooperate now, it must have almost complete information about them. When he is sent to such a delicate place, the bald commander of the strategic group will definitely give him everything he needs. He is reluctant to part with his hard work The good seedlings we cultivated went back in despair before they could make any contribution to the Federation." Wulfya put her arm around Dak's shoulders, stood up and said:

"Let's go, I think you're hungry too, go get something to eat. Staying hungry for a long time is not good for you or me."

Just as the two stood up and prepared to leave this oppressive place, the immature voice of "Future" came from behind them:

"Are you two federal [soldiers] here to perform a mission?"

"Us?" Dak turned around and pointed at himself in confusion.

"Besides you, are there any other [Fighters] here?" "Future" asked.

Dak did not continue to answer, but slowly walked up to the two "leaders" of the Order. After just one second of looking at each other, he smelled the strong smell of blood and the unique magic source power from the three of them. breath.

He would never give any human or lost person an additional positive or negative impression based on their appearance. Even though "Feng Mine" in a tuxedo showed a decent aristocratic atmosphere, "Future" had a delicate, With a cute, childish and delicate face, Mirren has the unique and beautiful face of the vampire family.

On the contrary, in an era when crises are rife and mankind is suffocated by the haze of war, the nobler, more handsome, the more confident, and the more unique a person is, the more dangerous he is.

Ordinary human beings are busy with production and fighting, and are highly stressed physically and mentally. They cannot have the opportunity to put on makeup, dress up, or take care of themselves. Many people are unable to nourish themselves for a long time, and there will always be a trace of fatigue and anxiety on their faces, and their bodies will exude various kinds of diseases all year round. An unexpected smell.

Therefore, with just one glance, he concluded that the people in front of him were all lost people, and the level of the demon source was not low, and they probably belonged to some kind of powerful organization.

After looking at "Future" with gray eyes for about half a minute, Dark coughed lightly and said:

"It must be the Lost One."

"That's right." "Future" nodded and said:

"But we are not hostile. As you know, the 'Order Society' is now in a cooperative relationship with the Federation, and we will be needed for future military operations. What about you? Are you here from the capital to perform tasks?"

"People from the 'Order Society'." Dak said angrily:

"Even if it's a mission, there's no reason for us to tell you."

He has not seen "Future" and "Wind Mine", nor has he heard their voices completely clearly.

However, the unbeatable voice did remind him of the "future" that was briefly in a cooperative state in the morning, but the fatigue for most of the day prevented him from thinking about that aspect for the time being.

The disgust brought to him by the "Lost One" and the nervousness caused by killing "Yin Ming" and "Ruwen" made him unwilling to stay here for even one more minute.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

"Wait." "Future" stopped him, which shocked him. His right hand subconsciously touched his waist, where the weapon was stored.

However, his worries were obviously unnecessary. The young man with dark purple curly hair just said lightly with a friendly smile:

"You smell like a 'monster' on your body. I think you must be one of the 'special personnel' in the city guard who deal with dangerous extraordinary monsters or 'alien heartless people'."

Before Dak could answer, the tall Wulfya quickly walked over and stood in front of the "future", staring down at him like a huge polar bear looking down at its petite fish prey, using his trademark voice as thick as a rock. said:

"I also smelled from you the scent of beasts that are afraid to see people and hide in the dark. You know, after fighting and training with him, I always like to go hunting large beasts in the wild. Fighting them will make me The blood is gushing and the excitement is immense. Of course, beasts are rational creatures after all, and they will run away when facing powerful enemies.

"However, the 'Alien Heartless Man' does not do that. Instead, it will rise to the challenge or set a trap, hoping to kill the hunter."

"Oh?" "Future" didn't feel any panic when faced with the difference in body size. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stared at Wofya with interest, and said with a strange smile:

"However, hunters are not always able to defeat all prey. Similarly, the plans of the 'Xenogeneic Heartless Man' will not always be successful. On the contrary, if the hunter cooperates with the 'Xenogeneic Heartless Man', a wonderful chemical reaction may be produced."

"But such cooperation should be paid, isn't it? Ice and fire complement each other to achieve a win-win situation, so that potential collaborators are not offended and what you call cross-species cooperation can be achieved, isn't it?" Wofya also revealed An intriguing smile.

At this point, he has completely guessed the identity of the person in front of him. The aura of magic power escaping from the body, coupled with the person's clothing and self-proclaimed "Order Society" identity, he can generally determine the person next to him in the "future" It's a "wind mine".

However, he did not break this layer of window paper. On this journey to pursue "Plamini", he and Dak needed friends more than potential enemies with uncertain attitudes. Like warriors climbing a cliff, more Pay attention to the safety of the rope, rather than thinking about hunting animals to satisfy hunger halfway.

After looking up at Wulfya's huge and strong body for a few seconds, "Future" suddenly sneered a few times, sighed, and said with a slight smile:

"Integrity is the virtue that the Khitanris long for. Compared with us Westerners, who pay more attention to strength and the law of the jungle, they are more rational and possess a rare spirit of contract. The Federal Council has been emphasizing the reconstruction of human [order] in recent years. Law, our 'order will' desire more people to abide by the 'spirit of the contract'.

"I think that if I am lucky enough to cooperate with a powerful hunter one day, I will benefit more from abiding by the agreement than cheating."

"That's good, we have to go to the town first. My old friend is still waiting for me." Wulfya nodded slightly, pulled Dak and walked straight out. When he approached the brand new door, he heard "Future" A clear-toned shout:

"We will meet again, hunter."

After the two left, "Feng Mine" standing at the back asked doubtfully:

"You... know each other?"

"Maybe, maybe... I met him in a cold place." "Future" pretended to recall.

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