Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 329 Completely blooming under the flames

Quiet, still, eerily silent.

After the first round of devastating bombing, the temporary trenches that were filled with the smell of scorched earth, blood and engine oil were surrounded by flames that were still burning like ghosts. There was only a pool of coke and semi-liquid metal. The broken body of the "Heartless Man" and a small amount of military metal that had not completely exploded.

It was as if everything just now was a slideshow played in another time and space, seemingly unrelated to reality.

In fact, the initiator of this small battle, the mayor of Xinfeng Town, Mo Lun, and Wulfya and Dak behind him all understood that the "thermite incendiary bombs" that exploded violently like fireworks had completely eliminated the people just now. The "unintentional person" who launched the attack.

In just an instant, when no one was fully mentally prepared, the terrifying technological products of the old empire announced the initial victory of this battle like a god in charge of fire.

Dak, who was standing behind the two men, did not feel the joy and excitement of destroying the enemy. On the contrary, strong fear and panic instantly occupied his entire mind.

The memory that emerged suddenly like a storm and lurked in the deepest part like a seed suddenly filled his mind and body.

The bright scroll flashing past was like a sharp knife cutting open his skull, stirring the "already turbid" brain tissue inside in the most brutal way. When the terrifying perception reached its peak, Dark found himself in a sea of Near the pond, which was infected by the red viscous liquid, behind were majestic mountains that seemed to be rushing into the clouds.

The "Military Observation Tower" at the top of the "Lin Tower" quickly rose up in Duck's eyes, as if it instantly blended with his body. He lowered his head and looked at his body. The parts related to humans had long disappeared, replaced by a tower that was ten meters high. monster-like body.

A pair of sharp claws that grew out of a tomb, thighs that were very slender wrapped in rock-colored bones, a pair of plump metal chest muscles that seemed to contain endless energy, plus a pair of fine hairs, connected to each other, but like the old empire A square tail like a solid geometric block drawn by the most famous mathematician.

There is no doubt that Dak "saw" his true form when he was a "alien monster", like a pieced together evil ghost, more like a strange hybrid walking from hell.

For a short time, the unbearable memories of the past washed away his brain, causing him to briefly fall into a terrible mental stagnation.

Until he saw human-set artillery and missile launchers rising into the sky one after another around him, and like meteors carrying unbearable heat and shock towards his violently beating blue heart. Coming!




"Dak?" A sudden voice as thick as a rock completely pulled him out of dangerous memories, and immediately after, everything around him returned to calm.

"Are you okay?" Wulfya asked with concern.

With a slight smile, Dak shook his head and replied:

"It's okay, but I'm just not used to such explosions."

"It's almost over." Morun's voice came from in front of them, "90% of the enemies in the open have been eliminated, and the enemies in the dark have to be defeated by the Hyacinth Cannon reproduced by the people of the 'Order Society' A blow. I have to say that Feng Kuang is a qualified leader, and his cooperation with the Order Society is not worthless."

"I have already seen those 'unintentional people' lurking under the ground, hiding their figures. From the analysis of a large number of recent battle data, 'Xizhi' is not a boy who gives up easily. He has extraordinary courage, Perseverance and fearlessness. This can certainly bring him rewards, but if it goes in the wrong direction, it can be a disaster."

Molun said, picked up the phone and delivered the final order:

"'X-01' position, 'X-02' position at six o'clock, 'X front' position at nine o'clock, bombard the three enemies' secret assembly points!"

Less than half a minute after the order was issued, the 50-kilogram shells fired from the 150-mm gun barrel hit the three positions like raindrops.

After a short period of splendor, the "clouds" mixed with rich black smoke spread out like mushrooms, and the bodies of countless "unintentional people" experienced the ultimate "freedom" that could never be achieved in a few seconds.

This time, Molun did not give them any chance to shout or wail. The bombardment that lasted for nearly half an hour removed almost everything except the land near the position, leaving behind walls that looked like they were covered with moldy spots from a height. .

As the brilliance of the flames gradually weakened, the dark clouds hanging overhead gradually disappeared. A young man threw away the Fire Empire-style devil mask that was split in two, pressed hard on the broken arm wound, and turned to the battlefield with a look of resentment. direction to escape.

Seeing that the federal army had won the battle without any close contact with the enemy, Duck asked Moran in disbelief:

"Brother Morun, are you a professional? Speaking of which, those lurking 'unintentional people' just now were difficult to detect even for level 4 superpowers, but you actually accurately sensed their existence, eliminating all possibility of the enemy's counterattack. .”

"Not really." Mo Lun shook his head, smiled and patted Dak's shoulder and explained:

"This is the intuition of an experienced [soldier]. When you fully understand everything about your enemy, including combat habits, strategic deployment, battlefield situations, and even people's mentality, you can predict in advance several possible aspects of his enemy. By paying attention to the points, coupled with the experience and feeling that can only be understood but cannot be expressed, it will be easy to observe the details and then determine the enemy's disguise.

"Dak... I learned about your unbearable past from Wofya. Your experience as a 'monster' will make you place too much trust in the so-called extraordinary power. But you have to remember..." Molun cleared his throat. , said in the most solemn tone:

"Human beings are the most spiritual race in the universe. Our wisdom and inspiration are enough to support us in creating any tool that surpasses gods and creators. Even if we encounter setbacks for a short time, we will rely on our innate spirituality to gain insight into the universe. of all things.

"So, explore more of your spirituality, kid!"

Xinfeng Town, an old neighborhood in the center of the town, on the top floor of Fengzhen Military Hospital.

With a tired look on his face, "Feng Mine" yawned and walked quickly in the dim, old-style hospital corridor that was almost deserted.

Today, he put on an expensive black tuxedo, deliberately trimmed his hair, washed his cheeks, and used some hard-to-obtain materials to make up his face.

From the end of last year to February this year, as the haze of war began to touch this near-peaceful land, the military hospital here began to operate and admitted a small number of injured officers on the front line. But in fact, except for some minor injuries and illnesses of some residents of this town, there are few patients here.

Caressing the dimmed golden surface of the "Cruzder Warrior" medal that was awarded by Mendolev Vik personally many years ago, "Wind Mine" looked gloomily as he passed through the strange and hazy atmosphere. The corridor, which seemed to be covered with a lingering haze, stopped in front of a small white door that was deliberately painted.

After stopping for half a minute, "Feng Mine" closed his eyes slightly, trying his best to relieve his sleepiness and inner irritability. After taking a long breath, he opened the door.

"Master 'Wind Mine'?" Sofia, who was lying on the white hospital bed, shouted in surprise. Her arms were still bandaged. She stood up and jumped down, opening her arms to fall into the arms of "Wind Mine".

Unfortunately, before her feet even touched the ground, she felt a sharp pain and fell down.

"Be careful." "Wind Mine" hurriedly stepped forward to pick up Sophia and put her back on the hospital bed.

"Sophia." "Wind Mine"'s voice was very soft and gentle, but the content of what he said was as heavy as a rock and as dark as the deep sea. "You have overdrawn the power given to you by the gods in the past. Now your body is very weak and you must not be affected by it." Hurt and stimulate, otherwise you will be swallowed up by the power of the ancient god, go completely crazy, and go to death."

"I understand." Sophia bit her lip and nodded slightly.

She was not ignorant of the powers within her, nor was she accustomed to abusing them. She only used them at critical moments during a few battles with Wind Mine.

Once at the edge of a lake in the Water Province, when faced with a huge ugly monster ten meters high, he summoned tentacles containing the power of the deep sea to escape from trouble; and once near the Bingyang North of the industrial city "Magic City" in the north of the extreme cold zone , used "Zi Min" when searching for a sequential monster with the ability to control time.

Originally, careful use of power would not cause serious and fatal mental damage, but power, especially those related to the old god system, in addition to having a complete extraordinary ability "without any mental control", as long as it is used once, will continue to receive the influence of their ever-so-faint calls at all times.

The accumulation of little by little, coupled with the "sorrow" that continues to escape from the bodies of the lost and "unintentional people", is like weak sparks falling into her flesh and skin, constantly eroding the existing sparks that set a prairie fire. potential.

Only the magic power of Level 5: Pain was not enough for her to resist the continuous erosion of the old gods, and her physical characteristics determined that she could coexist peacefully with them physically, which led to her eventual death in Luo Nie. An explosion of nervous breakdown before him.

One release will lead to a faster accumulation of mental damage in the future. In this case, there must be either a demigod human who is willing to accept the call of the old gods, or a [Chaos Inducer] of at least Order 3 or [The Deceiver] relies on his own endurance of continuous torture or the "power of seduction" similar to hypnosis to forcefully absorb the "erosive substances" and then slowly dissolve them for her. The emblems refined by human power alone or the potions made by technology Nothing can be done.

The two sat and stared at each other for a long time in the spacious, white, and holy ward, and then "Feng Mine" slowly spoke:

"How about heading north, to the extreme cold zone, to the castle, or under the glacier to look for the 'Evil God Echoer'. The manuscript of the 'Church of Hope' clearly records his 'red magic source power' , Moreover, He has also killed the gods created by the old empire. If you can cooperate with Him under certain conditions, he may be able to cure you completely."

"Then Mr. Wind Mine, what should we do here? And that Dak, we haven't avenged those two 'masters' yet." Sophia said, secretly clenching her fists.

"It's no longer necessary. We are drifting away from the Federal Council." "Wind Mine" sighed:

"The old leader has agreed to my strategy. Human beings may no longer trust us, and we will no longer be dependent on humans, but I don't want to be an enemy of them.

"We are looking for the 'Echoer', and then find the 'Plamini' beside him. Just last week, not long after the 'half-dragon' Adaroni left the Sener Prison for the first time, another incident occurred in the north. There is a 'red stagnation' visible to the naked eye. There is not much time left for us, and there is not much time left for you."

"Feng Mine" said, stood up and turned his back to Sophia, adjusted his slightly wrinkled tuxedo, and continued:

"The information we have now has confirmed that Luo Nie has an extremely deep connection with the Echoers. I want to try to cooperate with him and go north together. In the evening, the new town administrator Molun will invite me and 'Future' to go Participate in the banquet celebrating the great victory over the 'Si Chi'.

"The fact that he brought the army to Xinfeng Town is enough to illustrate the attitude of the Federal Council and the Strategic Group. I will... completely hand over everything here to him, and then I will ask Luo Nie about his attitude."

"If... Mr. Wind Mine, if he doesn't agree, will you kidnap him and go north with us?" Sophia asked worriedly.

"Maybe not." "Wind Mine" shook his head and replied in a deep voice:

"I can conclude that the power given by the Lord of Mechanics contained in his body has been strengthened by the daughter of Mechanical Yuan. Even if a few of us join forces, we may not be able to completely subdue him under the threat of the 'Light of Mechanical Spirit'.

"Besides, I have entrusted Igor to study the core matters. I will no longer be exposed to anything related to the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform'. I was overly enthusiastic before, I have to admit, but since the death of 'Yin Ming' Finally, I saw everything clearly.

"Sofia, I actually want to go north to find an answer in the ice and snow, an answer that is not mixed with any blood."

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