Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 339 A moment of promotion perception

"Then what are you going to do..." Marco made a few random gestures with his right hand, struggling, and finally a few words burst out from the corner of his mouth:

"To fight it off?"

"There is no other way. Since strictly speaking, his power does not belong to my creator, the 'Lord of Machines', then I will not have any restrictions on using the power he gave me. Since this dragon chooses to use The 'pre-set dispersal field' traps us, which means that he is eager to see blood. In this case, I will satisfy him." Luo Nie said loudly:

"Marco, he is indeed a dragon. The 'Shang' in his body cannot deceive me. However, humans have never been afraid of them since the first era!"

Taking a deep breath, holding his breath and concentrating for less than a second, Luo Nie tried his best to surge up the still abundant magic power in his body, starting from the heart and brain, and pumping it to every corner of the body as the blood flowed. Every cell.

Suddenly, the pure green radiance that symbolized nature and cleanliness spread out with limited radiance, dispersing the surrounding bloody fog that symbolized violence and death.

Quickly, the vigorous magic source power, accompanied by a strong and powerful heartbeat, condensed pieces of light into short-lived "rune"-like energy and imprinted it on Luo Nie's body, forming a highly technological sense on the surface of the body. pure green totem.

Yes, this is the power that Luo Nie has never used, and it is also the limitation of the "principle" that the "Lord of Mechanics" instilled in his body and mind.

"Having never heard the dragon's angry gasp, never seen the dragon's blood-colored gaze, you cannot have such dangerous power. If both are present, this 'reason' will collapse. The stronger the enemy, the more you can carry." Mechanical principle'."

The ethereal words of the "Lord of Machinery" echoing in his mind gave Luo Nie ultimate confidence. Countless "runes" and totems appeared one after another and complemented each other, giving him clear thinking and spiritual joy filled with power.

When the pure green light that emerged briefly disappeared, the tiny, bright, and impressive "rune" belonging to the "Lord of Machinery" appeared on his forehead out of thin air.

As Luo Nie poured power into the Crazy Bear pistol in his hand, the huge dragon-shaped creature in front of him was also affected. He began to feel the pain that penetrated deep into his spinal cord and soul, and began to slowly break away from the "reason" attached to the "limitation of the device". "obedient" state.

After all, in the history of sequential gods, the "Machine Master" has always been an enemy of the "Master of Machines", but has never truly defeated him.

The power of both belongs to machinery, and they also have the ability to control the construction of machinery and its "reason", but there will always be conflicts.

However, the outcome of the conflict is often beneficial to those who believe in the "Lord of the Machine". In the struggle of strength, the creatures who always believe in or accept the power of the "Machinist" feel pain and find it difficult to devote themselves to the battle.

Therefore, over thousands of years, after several eras have changed, especially the entire steam era, even if steam civilization has become the mainstream, any future era must be based on this development, but the "Lord of Machinery" is regarded as the supreme The followers of Zhili grew larger and larger, and the admirers of "The Machine Man" gradually fell silent.

It wasn't until the sudden arrival of the "Careless Man" virus and the Wasteland Era, and the brief revival of magic, that the viral spread of "mechanics" was curbed.

Although the history attached to Luo Nie's mind by the temporary "Lord of Machinery" emerged with the collapse of the "reason" given by the "Lord of Machinery", it did not restrict any of his actions at all.

During this period, he tightened his calf muscles and pressed his whole body to the ground. With the help of the reaction force, his body suddenly jumped up like a spring and jumped into the air. When he was parallel to the eyes of the huge dragon-shaped creature, he pulled the trigger. The trigger of the "Crazy Bear" pistol.



After the initial flames dissipated near the muzzle, a bright green laser shot out from the muzzle, heading straight for the head wrapped in scales like black gems and puss like rancid tofu.

The continuous infusion of power caused the battle between one man and one dragon to be temporarily stagnant in mid-air.

From the perspective of Marco looking up, Luo Nie and the pistol he was holding seemed to be frozen in mid-air. Although the huge dragon-shaped creature continued to struggle, the power belonging to the "Lord of Machinery" seemed to release the anesthesia effect, making the dragon statue It was struggling like an electrocuted human being, but it was unable to move its hands and wings to provide even the slightest protection from the attack.

As Luo Nie's power gradually suppressed the magic power of the huge dragon-shaped creature, the "restricted space" created by the surrounding "pre-dispelling field" began to disappear.

The frightening crimson thick fog gradually began to recede with the abandoned theater as the center, and the sky gradually began to move from depression to the softness brought by the light.

Finally, as the last bit of power was released, Luo Nie lowered his pistol and quickly fell from the air to the ground.

When he stood up from a half-crouched position, the power of the "Master of Machinery" and the power of the "Machine Master" in the giant dragon-shaped creature reached its peak.


After a dull sound, the dragon head, which had been eroded by corruption and had a disgusting aura attached to it, suddenly exploded like an exploding stone, turning into a pile of useless metal fragments and falling to the ground, smashing out several pieces of various sizes. Shallow pit.

"Phew, just like that, easily... eliminated him?" Marco exclaimed.

"I'm not sure." Luo Nie shook his head and stared cautiously at the huge dragon-shaped creature in front of him that had lost its head and was no longer moving.

After all, the moment the head was broken, the "sadness" lingering in the surrounding environment did not diminish much. The mechanical part of the huge dragon-shaped creature's body still existed and did not disappear.

He even had a feeling that the power of "Device Limit 12: Reciprocating Circulation Device" had not been activated.

The facts also confirmed his judgment from the side. Even though most of the crimson fog has dissipated, the bloody space has become much calmer, and even the feeling that confused the mind just now is no longer so strong, but the "pre-set dispersion field" is composed of a huge dragon. The "forbidden space" constructed by the biological creatures has not disappeared.

The Crusaders all believe in this saying spread from the Fire Empire:

"If the form exists, the power it carries will exist; if the carrier disappears, the power will also die."

Since there is no sign of loss of power, even if this dragon's head is broken, the central part that controls his body has not been traumatized.

In other words, he has not lost his ability to fight.

Luo Nie, who realized this, quickly walked towards Marco's body, surging the remaining magic power while protecting him in front of him.

The restraints of "reason" triggered by Marco's desire for safety and prayer for survival have not disappeared from Ronai. In other words, before the danger is completely eliminated, he must protect Marco until he reaches the "wilderness tourist group" A safe zone of control.

Fortunately, during the battle just now, one of the "reason" restrictions set by the "Lord of Machinery" was lifted, allowing Luo Nie to surge more dusty and hidden power.

His power achieved a breakthrough of some practical significance during the fight with the huge dragon-shaped creature. After mobilizing the power belonging to the category of "mechanical spirit" at an unprecedented speed, Luo Nie faintly discovered:

Even though he was not in a state of death, had not seen the gods with his own eyes or received direct instructions from them, he could vaguely feel that a new demon source sequence core belonging to "hope" was being generated in his body. The previous strong demon source sequence core The restraints caused by the steps were actually loosened, and it seemed to be leading him to a higher and more powerful realm.

With this moment of wonderful feeling, Luo Nie quickly poured the energy of "Mechanical Spirit" into his whole body, completely replacing the green magic power that had just emerged.

At the same time, the "rune" belonging to the "Lord of Mechanics" on his forehead became brighter, as if the dark room had cut through the wall connecting to the bright hall of the outside world, revealing some holy gaps.

The "runes" also began to quickly become clear from a state of chaos, confusion, and imperceptibility, forming a simple "nut" pattern.

That's right, that's a totem exclusive to the "Lord of Machinery"!

At the same time, the huge dragon-shaped creature with blue, dark, and deep light all over its body also struggled to move its body again as Luo Nie expected.

Immediately afterwards, the chains wrapped around the dragon's body began to tighten rapidly, and they continued to operate like a machine for several weeks. With the shining of the ultimate light group, the dragon's body returned to the way it was when the battle began, including the head.

"Sure enough, this is the power of the 'reciprocating ring device'." Luo pinched the corner of his mouth and raised a subtle smile, and continued to explain in a low voice:

"Sometimes the artifact is named after its appearance, but sometimes it is its function. As the name suggests, the 'reciprocating looper' will cause the time around the user to flow back for a limited time, returning it to the original state of the battle. Then, even if it suffers fatal injuries, It will not cause the user to die, nor will it leave any painful memories."

"Then, if it's so powerful, what should we... do?" Marco asked anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, the weapon's limited power can only support one activation in a short period of time. As long as it can kill with one blow this time."

However, as soon as Luo Nie finished speaking, a huge sound of air flow came from above his head.

The steel tail belonging to the huge dragon-shaped creature slammed down from the air toward his head!

"Mechanical Spirit...Light of Mechanical Spirit!" Luo Nie shouted.

Suddenly, a huge sci-fi mechanical wind shield was generated from between his crossed fists.

In the flash of lightning, Luo Nie quickly raised it above his head with his supernatural reflexes. He withstood the blow forcefully.

But this time, the dragon who reacted clearly suppressed the pain caused by the "limitation of the weapon", leaned down, swung his tail and continued to accelerate towards the shield.

The attack just now clearly angered him completely, and Luo Nie, who was completely suppressed, had no chance to fight back.

Marco, who was protected by a shield, didn't even dare to show his head, let alone raise a gun to fight back.

Gradually, a crack began to appear on the shield constructed by the "Light of the Mechanical Spirit", and it tended to become deeper and deeper, while the surrounding crimson thick fog quietly condensed, responding to the dragon that was gradually reaching its peak state.

"What should we do, Luo Nie?" Marco shouted forcefully as he was almost knocked unconscious by the violent tremors.

But Luo Nie couldn't free his hands at all. He was fierce from the front. The physical strength gap between humans and dragons was too big, and there wasn't much chance.

Just as they were becoming more and more desperate, two pure red light balls fell from the top of the abandoned theater, hitting the dragon's heart and the hexagonal metal device at the core of the "Reciprocator".

The huge dragon-shaped creature first stopped attacking and was stunned for a second. With a crisp cracking sound, his body suddenly fell down. After struggling for a few times, he collapsed completely and no longer had the strength to get up.

At the same time, accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, a voice belonging to a mature woman came from the top of the abandoned theater:

"Old guy, are you still alive?"

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