Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 344 The Lost One

Crusted Federation, Area S in the southern part of the Extreme Cold Zone, abandoned city point, "Ice Noble Theater" ruins hall.

"Hahaha... We meet again, the stupid, weak and ignorant 'gold diggers'. Oh, by the way, they should be the 'wilderness tourist group'." The man with a crimson mask in front of him stood on the top of the theater , the position of the gap formed during the battle just now, he said condescendingly.

The echo of the empty hall environment amplified his voice several times. Even if the distance was not too close, Ronai, Marco and Thalia could hear the disdain in the masked man's tone.

"You rat, 'Yan Xi'..." Thalia shouted angrily at the masked man:

"I've never seen you come out openly under the sun. What's wrong? You want to taste my twin guns again this time?"

"That's not true. After experiencing it once, I don't want to experience it a second time. A philosopher in the ancient Middle Empire said: 'Human beings cannot step into the same river twice.' Since you call me a mouse, Then I am a mouse, and it is our instinct not to fight the cat head-on." said the masked man known as "Yan Xi".

While the two were talking, Luo Nie looked up. The appearance of the lost person named "Yan Xi" who was mentioned many times by Marco and Thalia was very ordinary. There was nothing special about him, except for the mask on his face. .

Luo Nie estimated that "Yan Xi" might only be 1.6 meters tall, and he definitely could not be called strong. His body shape was more like that of an ordinary weak human being who was good at running, without adding any cover for extraordinary strength.

The ordinary body surface is covered with a set of light black, "scarred" tattered cotton clothes, and he wears a mask engraved with complex geometric patterns, forming a rich technological pattern. These are unlike anything Luo Nie has ever encountered. Many of them are specially designed. The Lost One who packages himself as a magician of old.

In Luo Nie's view, such a thin, slovenly, and ordinary-dressed lost person would not attract anyone's attention at all, let alone a sparsely populated semi-abandoned settlement in the big city of Crusted. Worthy of the contemptuous nickname "rat".

But from the analysis of the calm and slightly thick voice, "Yan Xi" is not a child or a teenager. If he is not deliberately pretending, he must be at least thirty years old.

"I think violence cannot solve the problem, Ms. Thalia." After a moment of silence, seeing that Thalia had no immediate intention to take action, "Yan Xi" said:

"I was ordered to recover a set of devices called 'Instruments' jointly built by the 'Machine Master' and his enemy 'The Machine Master' in the wilderness. Of course, I do not disdain to use their extraordinary abilities, but they Core."

"What are you going to do?" Luo Nie, who was standing by and listening, couldn't help but ask.

"Young man, who are you? Oh, don't say it first, let me guess based on your breath." Yan Xi deliberately lowered his tone and said in a distorted tone, as if he was intoxicated by some kind of addictive substance:

"I smelled the magic source power. It's from vegetation. Not bad, boy. You look young, but you've already reached the fifth level. You're only one step away from breaking through to 'Hope'. I also saw your soul... …Very, very powerful.”

"Soul?" Luo Nie looked at himself and asked subconsciously.

"Yes, soul, a pure soul that has never been polluted. If you are not an 'unintentional person' who has gone through all kinds of hardships to become a human being again, then you are a rare thing. In the depressing wasteland In the world, except for humans who have received federal education since childhood, there has never been anyone like you, living in an ice field full of dangers, but not contaminated by greed, self-interest, evil, cunning, deception and arrogance." "Yan Xi" responded:

"I have only smelled such a pure breath outside that wind wall, but I don't have the power to match the gods, so I can only feel sad and leave in despair. Oh, by the way, I also sensed a strong sense of 'mechanism' from you. Breath, this lost dragon has been knocked down by you. You must be at least the inheritor of the power of the 'Lord of Machines'... or the 'apostle'."

"How did you know? Have you been eavesdropping just now?" Luo Nie shouted.

"No, no, no, that's not the case." "Yan Xi" said with a smile:

"Thalia should have told you just now. I am a [Stealer]. I can hide in any shadow and steal your treasures by surprise. Every time I succeed, I can feel a joy embedded in my soul. . Of course, if you want to win in the shadows, obtaining 'information' is the key."

"Are all [thieves] crazy like you?" Thalia snorted coldly.

"Of course... yes." "Yan Xi" continued with a strange tone:

"We have the power given by the Creator, gods and sequence cards. He can give us a sense of omniscience and omnipotence. As long as the order level of the person opposite me is the same as mine or lower than mine, then I can obtain information about them.

"Of course not everything. God has not given me godhead yet. I can only obtain the opponent's strength and brief identity information. Demonic power is the easiest combat power to perceive and quantify. If it is a pure human [warrior], it will take a little longer to analyze. Take some effort.”

"Rely on the eyes? Or the magic source?" Luo Nie asked.

"Of course it's the eyes and the mind. Any tiny habits, fighting movements, and information revealed, including body shape, can be calculated through complex calculations to figure out what [soldiers] are good at and which aspects are powerful. And identity information, especially What is related to the gods is the unique and indescribable perception given to me by my profession." Yan Xi's tone was particularly confident, even arrogant.

However, immediately afterwards, a bullet erupted from the barrel of the "Red Rose" scratched his cheek, making his pride cast a layer of pathetic stupidity.

Feeling the burning pain on his face, "Yan Xi" looked particularly angry and his tone became much more urgent.

Popping out the dagger-like bone blade on his wrist, he half-shouted:

"Ta-li-ya, you stupid woman."

"What? "Rat", are you still not convinced? A traitor who repeatedly jumps between various Lost organizations, do you dare to fight with me in front of me?" Thalia said, taking a few steps forward, but with her back behind her But his left hand quietly gave an instruction to Marco to retreat.

She knew very well that after experiencing the battle with the dragon in front of her, Luo Nie and Marco's physical strength, especially Luo Nie's magic power, had been almost exhausted, and they were unable to bear any battle.

If you don't use the pride of your old rival "Yan Xi" to delay time and allow them to recover their physical strength as much as possible, even if you fight head-on, you won't panic at all. With the ability given by the [Stealer] profession and the size of "Yan Xi" himself, , agility and flexibility, it can severely damage two people who are almost defenseless in an instant.

But now, she has taken advantage of the weakness of the arrogant character to anger "Yan Xi". As long as his target is Thalia herself, or waits for the follow-up "Wild Tourist Group" teammates to arrive, "Yan Xi" will retreat obediently , our side can also successfully retreat from this abandoned city point.

In order to completely stimulate "Yan Xi", Thalia stepped forward quickly and pulled the triggers of the "Red Rose" guns at the same time. With the help of the huge body of the fallen dragon, she gracefully rose into the air and fought with "Yan Xi" "When approaching the same horizontal position, pull the trigger rhythmically and fire 12 bullets in succession.

Incompatible with the derogatory name of "rat", "Yan Xi" did not run away. In anger, he surged with magic power and attached flames to the surface of his body, using his height and body temperature to increase his speed.

He just ran a few steps along the edge of the gap, then jumped up. While deftly twisting his body in mid-air to avoid other bullets, he was able to rush directly to Thalia, lengthening the bone blade as if using a dagger. Towards her neck.

Whoosh! Whoosh!


The sound of rushing air was followed by the crisp sound of collision with metal. Thalia was worthy of being a seasoned female warrior and the second person in the "wilderness tourist group". After the bullet was fired, her body rose in the last moment due to inertia. , she quickly adjusted her attack posture to defense. Not only did she successfully predict the attack path of "Yan Xi", she also fired another shot in the extremely short gap after raising her gun for the last time to resist the bone blade.

When the two landed on the ground and the surrounding ring-shaped mixture of dust and smoke dispersed, the two people standing on the top of the abandoned theater turned around at the same time, but the one who screamed in pain was "Yan Xi" ".

"Ah." Although his mask did not fall off due to the battle, Thalia could already "see" the struggling, twisted, sweat-stained ugly face from his shout.

The bullet just now mixed with the crimson halo has penetrated "Yan Xi"'s right hand. His bone blade has been broken at the waist, and an obvious blood hole has formed from his wrist and poured out uncontrollably. Blood. But it seemed that the bullet was quenched with some kind of toxin, causing him to feel abnormal, extreme pain from the nerves, and the wound on his arm began to turn black abnormally.

Fortunately, he is a lost person, a "powerful" lost person with extraordinary strength and a higher level. With his strong recovery ability, the blood flow is gradually becoming weaker, and a little bit of white granulation is beginning to close the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thalia." "Yan Xi" gritted his teeth and said:

"Strong woman, smart woman, pathetic woman. I can't sense the type and intensity of the magic power in your body, but you must be as strong as Level 3. I really can't see through you. That time in Mayan City So, now, on the roof of this 'Ice Nobility' theater ruins, I still haven't seen through you.

"Are you... a human being 'forgotten' by the gods, or an apostle who is good at disguising himself?"

"You can guess and analyze. Of course, if you can betray your organization's 'Chaos Group', 'Order Society' and 'Comprehension Sect' and join the 'Wilderness Tourist Group', maybe 'Big Brother' will tell you My secret." Thalia said with a victor's attitude, and raised the "Red Rose" double guns again, aiming at "Yan Xi"'s head.

"Haha, do you think you have won?" "Yan Xi" suppressed the pain and said:

"The crushing of middle-level professionals by upper-level professionals goes beyond the level of the source of magic. [Stealer] is not just as simple as being good at discerning information!"

"Yan Xi" said, and actually took out an injection that emitted a faint blue light and inserted it into his heart. The smoke and dust rolled down, and after only a second or two, he had disappeared.

"Not good." Thalia was secretly alert. She took half a step forward and looked down. The hexagonal metal device that was tied to the back of the huge dragon-shaped creature just now, "Device Limit 12: Reciprocating Ring Device" has been destroyed. , its chip also disappeared.

At the same time, Thalia's team members, seven or eight members of the "Wild Tourist Group", happened to enter the abandoned theater and ran quickly behind Marco.

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