Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 354 Torture

Crusted Federation, west of the Extreme Cold Zone, Area W (Old Water Valley Area), "Chaos Group" external base, inside the abandoned cathedral.

Having been imprisoned for many days, "Wind Mine" can no longer tell whether it is day or night outside, or in other words, there is no difference between day and night in this chaotic world filled with "unintentional people".

It's very dark here, but it's not a deep darkness that makes it impossible to see everything, but a darkness that is mixed with a dry and cold atmosphere, but a little bit of light can penetrate into the subtleties.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! …

The dull bells in the darkness swayed from all directions, and seemed to be blocked by invisible barriers and kept repeating until the thirteenth time.

It's like a cry from heaven, more like a cry from hell.

Indeed, that day in the abandoned village settlement, just one word from "Future" caused the Gleb boy to fall into self-doubt. In a state of insanity, he was successfully attacked by "Wind Mine" and lost his combat effectiveness.

But he did not expect that in the endless ice fields like the extreme cold zone, past experience often brings wrong guidance.

In this vast, cold, desolate world filled with the smell of death, neither the Federal Council nor the members of the "Order" in the stronghold can accurately grasp the information here.

Although the "independent armed forces", the lost group and the "unintentional people" are not densely distributed, the situation caused by fighting with each other is very complicated.

Originally, according to his past experience with "Future", this extension of the abandoned road originally did not belong to any group, and it was difficult to encounter any enemies who were also lost people while driving along it.

But in fact, after only one or two years, the relationship between the Lost Organization and the "independent armed forces" here quickly became ambiguous. With mutual "help", they had occupied many federal and former empires that could not be maintained and had no choice but to abandon them. settlements, and there is a tendency to become large-scale.

Naturally, they do have reasons for being hated by other Lost Ones, but what is even more fatal is that the abandoned stronghold happens to be an area that the Lost Ones of the "Chaos Group" and "Comprehension Sect" are planning to seize the opportunity to regain and expand their sphere of influence.

The short stay of "Wind Mine" and "Future" is undoubtedly an invasion of their so-called "territory", and arresting the betrayers is just a tried and tested name and excuse.

After defeating Gleb a few days ago, members of the "Chaos Group" who came with reinforcements immediately captured him. He still had a way to deal with the power of the magic source, but faced with a group of lost people who were armed with live ammunition, even children, he couldn't. There was no room for resistance, so he had no choice but to surrender.

"Feng Mining" who had been imprisoned up to this point was on the verge of collapse. He couldn't remember exactly how many days had passed. It was about three days, maybe five.

But during this period, no one gave him a morsel of food except a little water.

The Lost Ones here didn't bother to do much more to him than routine taunting, whipping, and torture.

bump! bump!

The electric lights were turned on, the ventilation fan was turned on, and the strong light staggered and condensed, making the crowded, messy, and huge space, with his body as the boundary, form two distinct parts.

Stimulated by the light, "Wind Mine" subconsciously licked his painful and cracked lips, making the lingering smell of blood in his mouth even stronger.

As the blond boy slowly walked in from the door, "Feng Mine" forcefully opened his heavy eyelids and slowly raised his slovenly, dirty, weak and sluggish head.

It is indeed very dirty and messy here, and the space filled with clutter is filled with lingering dust that makes people cough. There are many plants outside the window that have grown into the hall and are already withered.

The space of this abandoned church is filled with the rotting bodies of "careless people", as well as the bones and decayed objects discarded by some of the lost people after eating meat.

The air was filled with a disgusting rotten stench, and the smell of blood that made the Lost delirious.

Pushing aside several groups of tattered tables and chairs that had collapsed, the blond boy stepped forward cautiously, holding "Wind Mine"'s unshaven chin with one hand, and turning on the flashlight with the other to check his eyes and mouth.

After looking at it carefully for a while, he turned off the flashlight with an unhappy look on his face.

"What's going on? Is your willpower really so strong? It's been almost a week. Other lost people would have collapsed a long time ago, but you can still persist until now, and you don't even look like you're going crazy." The young man shook his head helplessly, walked aside, sat on the broken iron bench, took off his mask, and looked at it carefully.

At this time, "Feng Mine" was tied to a cross made of strange black metal. A steel spike was driven into each of his hands, ankles, and right chest. Thick blood flowed under the influence of the magic source. of liquid with a blue shimmer.

According to the "Chaos Group", this cross is called the "Chaos-Causing Fork" and can be traced back to the second era, when the Rurik family controlled the old empire.

Originally, there were two families who usurped the throne of Rus and established the Crusted Empire. In addition to Rurik, there was also the Romanuk family.

When fighting against dragons, using the "Ice Chanting Pestle", a sealed artifact, requires infusion of blood with pure fire-based magic power.

For the common goal of mankind, Romanouk, who was the lord of the family at the time and was known as the "Herald of Sacrifice", drained his own blood and absorbed it together with his body into the holy weapon. This gave Enolos the opportunity to fight the dragons. .

But people only remembered the glamorous and seemingly extremely great "Krusid I" Enoros, but they quickly forgot about the Romanuks after the victory in the war, and the new empire continued to suppress them after they deified the emperor. and the final bloody shuffle. In the Third Era, not many people remembered this family that had contributed everything.

However, if the contributions of blood and fire are not remembered, darkness and hatred will quickly take root. On the eve of the family's demise, the last extremely talented young man known as the "Hidden Wind" made a masterpiece with blood and fury. This "fork that causes chaos".

Of course, this extraordinary item, like the family that made it, was quickly forgotten and was buried under the ice fields in the extreme cold field for thousands of years. It was not long ago that it was accidentally discovered by the adventurers of the "Chaos Group" and the "Enlightenment Sect" Search.

After briefly recalling this period of history, the blond boy suppressed his anxiety and entanglement, stood up straight, and said in a slightly mocking tone:

"Master Feng Kuang, the famous member of the 'Order Society', do you know me, a little kid?"

"Little... child... child?" "Feng Mine" tried his best to say in a trembling and hoarse voice:

"No...not interested."

"I know that you are arrogant and don't bother to talk to us little people, but there is no need. Anyway, you are even 'smaller' than us now." The blond boy smiled, and his blue eyes exuded a murderous meaning, "Betrayed. The 'Lost' gap, the traitor, is destined to a humble, painful end. However, I don't mind an ugly person like you introducing yourself.

"I am a member of the 'Chaos Group', you can call me Lorca. I don't have a last name because the Federation has never looked at us."

Seeing that "Wind Mine" just glanced at him arrogantly without making any response, Luo Ka suddenly felt an unknown anger igniting in his heart.

His eyes seemed to be oozing a little crimson. He gritted his teeth, walked up to him, drilled and pressed hard on the two steel nails that pierced "Feng Mining"'s palms, and hit his abdomen with his knees until his hands and the corners of his mouth. The bleeding blood turns red.

"Huh." As if his anger had been vented, Luo Ka straightened his messy blond hair and sat back down.

"For us, even if you choose to surrender now, it doesn't make any sense. Brother 'Ice Blade' told me this morning that you should have been completely abandoned by both sides."

Hearing "abandon", "Feng Mine" suddenly raised his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he was about to reveal a bitter and helpless smile. But his body was really weak, and he was only halfway through, and his head had to hang down.

"It seems that you care about the Order and the Federation." Lorca said disdainfully:

"Then, you should serve those stupid humans wholeheartedly and completely eliminate the organization established by our compatriots. But you actually betrayed them. If you fall to this point, it must be the 'Goddess of Light' and the 'Light of the Night' The Lord has jointly punished them."

Luo Ka said, stretched out his right hand, stuck out his tongue and licked the bright red blood belonging to the "Wind Mine" on it.

He closed his eyes slightly and his head shook involuntarily, as if he had fallen into a "delicious intoxication".

It wasn't until his right hand became white again, revealing his tender skin, that he stopped and said slowly:

"The Federal Council... they said they don't want to see you anymore. They also paid us a batch of guns and rocket launchers and asked to see your dead body. As for the 'Council of Order', they seem to have adjusted the 'controller' The list, excluding the two dead ones, now consists of eight people, and even 'Yan Xi', a guy who is recognized as a two-faced man, is on the list.

"Of course, they also said they don't want to see you anymore, and we can do whatever we want. No, Brother 'Ice Blade' thought of this extraordinary item. You are a rare lost person who possesses the power of upper-level magic sources, the power of 'Gust Wind', Even in that era when steam machinery was budding, it was enough to create a powerful mage and sage.

"However, now, you can still play your unique role."

Seeing that "Wind Mine" had not replied, Luo Ka stepped forward and pinched his chin, forced his head up, and continued to say with a terrifying smile:

"You know, the 'Chaos-Causing Fork' condenses the sorrow and anger of a family. It is a 'thing of resentment' made under extreme pain and despair. Many people believe in the philosophy of 'shang'. In fact, we plan to use you to Your magic source power and body guide the energy in this extraordinary item, pour it into your body, and turn it into an extremely crazy puppet for our use.

"Confining you in a dark, claustrophobic space and constantly torturing you with hunger and pain is just the first step of accumulation of 'suffering'. Soon, when your consciousness reaches the level of 'crazy', the upper-level demons The source power will resonate with the painful power of the 'Chaos-Causing Fork' body.

"At that time, as long as you 'weaken your remaining cognition', your body will remember these pains and quickly 'transform into a beast'. However, the 'Ice Blade' brother will lock and control some of the animal nature you have liberated. To As far as we are concerned, we have an extra puppet like a puppet on strings."

As he spoke, Luo Ka actually hit "Wind Mine" on the chin so hard that his blood vessels ruptured and blood spurted out.

Rubbing the bright red, sticky substance that splashed onto their faces, Luo Ka showed a twisted, twitching, weird, exaggerated, but slightly intoxicating smile, and then said:

"And for you, there may be a chance to transcend 'fighting', 'abandonment' and 'confusion' and gain the strength of a demigod."

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