Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 361 The Angry Ancient Beast (Part 2) (Kneel down, collect, subscribe, recommend, and vote mo

"'Core Ancient Beast'? Is it the 'monster' that Marco and Valvav mentioned?" Luo Nie asked tentatively, but his eyes did not dare to fall on that unsettling look. The extremely uncomfortable spherical body, as well as the terrifying organ that can be called a "mouth" for the time being.

He was not sure whether the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" that made a child's voice in front of him was aggressive to him, so he had to choose to turn his body sideways and use his peripheral vision to ensure the safety of his surroundings.

However, the "monster" didn't pay attention to Luo Nie's actions, either unable to understand or dismissive. After a brief pause, he continued:

"Brother, I feel so tired...so helpless...so lonely. I...have been here for a long, long time, except for a handsome and strong uncle who visited me a few times. It seems like a long, long time ago, He often chats with me and tells me stories. It’s just a pity that he hasn’t been here for a long time..."

"Do you still remember that when you were imprisoned here... no, what did that 'uncle' look like when you were there? Was he good to you?" Luo Nie leaned on a rusty steel pillar next to him and spoke with He asked in a soft, patient tone like talking to a real child.

Of course, first of all, he didn't know whether the "Ancient Beast" that could communicate in front of him knew about the backup elevator leaving the base. Directly asking questions might not yield results.

Judging from past experience, this type of monster with low intelligence does not have the rationality to match humans or the lost. In other words, they do not really understand the meaning of communicating with humans. As long as there is a misunderstanding or misunderstanding, they will be angry and resentful, and they will directly use force, magic or extraordinary power without any disguise.

Secondly, when dealing with children, it will be much easier to talk with them after gaining their trust. Empathy is a good way to communicate with such monsters.

After a minute or two of silence, the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" opened and closed its mouth again and replied:

"That uncle, he is very tall, much taller than you, and much taller than the uncles and sisters who have seen me. And he is too strong. A long time ago, he often came here to give me alive meat to eat. "

"Living meat? Are you referring to the 'Heartless Man'? The guy whose heart becomes a machine and flows with red, high-temperature 'burning fluid'?" Luo Nie asked.

"Not really."

Immediately, he was denied by the "Ancient Yan Core Beast", "The heart of the meat is...well...it's blue, and it's very beautiful. It seems that the meat was still beating when the uncle brought it. He's saying something I don't understand.

"But, uncle broke off the meat, and they stopped making noise. The meat was really delicious, and I didn't feel sleepy after eating it. It's just that uncle stopped coming over recently, and it took a long time to eat that meat. , they are all small and not moving at all.”

"That's it." Luo Nie smiled bitterly and cursed softly:

"Sure enough, those Lost claim to be something more advanced than human beings, a product of evolution, and many of them are pretentious, but their fate is the same as ours. Our compatriots are eaten by the 'unintentional people' and the Lost. And the lost ones were devoured by more powerful and supreme monsters and gods.

"Human beings, the most spiritual among the original eighteen races, the one with the last laugh, whether it is itself or other derived races, will experience the original sin called suffering. Perhaps this is not what many bards chanted. The "beautiful world" is indeed the "purgatory" that the bishops and Orthodox believers claim."

After finishing his emotion, Luo Nie turned his head, formally looked at the "Ancient Yan Core Beast", and said with a smile:

"I probably know what you call meat. They, or rather they, are the lost ones. They have strong physical fitness, mental strength, and can freely use magic. They are the one-in-a-million strong ones. The blue heart is them The iconic feature, the jumping before being eaten by you is the struggle of survival instinct.

"But I heard that this base is about to be relocated. If it weren't for the many Lost people coming up, Marco and Thalia might take you away when they come back. They told me that the new base will be a A city, a city, will be illuminated by a lot of sunlight, and it cannot be as dark as underground."

"Sunshine, what is that? Is it beautiful? I seem to have never seen it or heard of it." The red eyes of the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" unconsciously made an upward movement, exuding a famous For the breath of "expectation" and "longing".

"Then you are very pitiful. Perhaps it is also the fate of our generation in the wasteland era." Luo Nie sighed and continued:

"Sunshine... is the antonym of darkness. All the feelings that darkness brings to us can have the opposite feeling when we are under the sun. Let's put it this way, it is dark here, and there is bright; here it is cold, and there is darkness. Warmth; damp here, dry there; despair here, hope there. It’s a pity that so far, I have seen countless hypocritical and unreal lights, but I have never seen the purest, most essential and most real light. 'Sunlight'."

"Big brother." "Ancient Yan Core Beast" interrupted Luo Nie's sadness and sigh and said:

"Your tone is quite similar to that of uncle. Although you are younger than him, I always feel that if you meet him, you will not be so young. Uncle also often tells me that he hopes to see the real 'light'. One day. For that, he is willing to bring me more meat, and I am willing to stay here and work for him.”

"Work?" Luo Nie looked at the "Ancient Core-Beast" curiously, guessing that those channels with energy flow were part of the work.

And the next words of "Ancient Beast Yan Core" also confirm this point:

"Yes, after he connected these tubes to my body, he told me that although it would be very painful, it would ensure that the base here would not be damaged. Actually, big brother, these tubes don't hurt that much, but they often feel very painful. I’m tired, but I won’t feel tired until my uncle comes to see me.”

"Being tired is actually the reason why energy has been extracted and stripped away, but as long as the energy output is less than the energy produced, it doesn't matter." Luo Nie explained from a popular science perspective.

"Well, it was always like this before. When you were tired, you would sleep for a while, and you would not be so tired when you woke up. My uncle told me that most people nowadays are 'broken'. Only the base here is not 'broken'. Only then can he 'repair' more people, and allow those who have 'recovered' to 'repair' more people.

"At that time, the 'broken' world will be repaired, 'darkness' will no longer exist, and 'light' will take over everything." "Yanhe Ancient Beast" said.

"It's... quite idealistic." Luo Nie commented:

"The uncle you call, if my guess is correct, must be the 'Big Brother' that Marco and Talia mentioned to me many times. However, judging from history, the ending of such people will not be good. For example Ivan XXII, even though he was great enough, was scolded for more than two hundred years because of some tyranny before the New Yuan Dynasty.

"But having said that, it's very chaotic up there now. Maybe your uncle and other members of the Wilderness Tourist Group are too late to pick you up. The Lost Ones found this place just now, just a little bit above. I... I also lost a friend I just met in the battle just now.

"Even if we have defeated the 'Fire' that persecuted us, the lost life will never come back. After all, I also long for 'Light' and have some keys to contact 'Light'. However, if I want to get it completely, I have to It was a long time ago.

"Listen, I heard..." Luo Nie swallowed and then asked about his purpose:

"There is a spare elevator going up here. It should be the passage where your 'uncle' often goes up and down to deliver...meat to you, right? Can you tell me the direction? I want to...leave here and find your uncle when I get out. .”

"Yes, I know." The body of the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" swayed up and down and nodded:

"Brother, I feel less tired when I'm around you. Just now... when you didn't come, I felt sleepy to the limit, and I just wanted to sleep all the time and never wake up again. I know... you are a good person, Since you want to leave to find uncle, it means that you are the enemy of those meats and our friend.

"The elevator, my uncle said, is right behind me. After walking for dozens of minutes, you will see a door. After opening it, you can go up. But he deliberately set up many side roads and made wrong signs, including cement The ground can mislead those bad people.

"You are a good person, big brother. Just keep moving forward. I feel so sleepy and tired. I'm afraid... I won't be able to see my uncle again..."

"Then, let's sleep for a while." Luo Nie said softly:

"Even if the 'Wilderness Tourist Group' used your monster to extract energy for so long, until it produced enough 'Shang' to die, you didn't resent them. Their 'Big Brother' is indeed a mysterious enough man."

As the surrounding pipes no longer conveyed energy, the eyes as red as the scarlet moon of the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" slowly closed. Just as Luo Nie sighed and was about to leave, there was a series of landing sounds. Just now The lost ones following "Yan Xi" who were chasing them appeared behind Luo Nie.

As soon as they saw him and the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" in front of them, they all raised their guns and loaded their guns.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Nie quickly surged with the power of the plant-based magic source in his body. As his eyes emitted a faint blue-green light, he held down the "Crazy Bear" pistol on his waist, turned around, and spoke with a fierce tone. road:

"It's not enough for you to kill Varvaf, you've all come here to chase me. Are you... going to fight me?"

After a slight pause for a few seconds, one of them took off his mask, revealing blond hair and a standard Crusted human face covered with small scars.

With a slight wave of his hand, the other lost people behind him collectively put down their weapons. Then, he took half a step forward and introduced himself:

"You must be Mr. Ronai who followed Mr. Igor in Xinfeng Town some time ago. I am Alexey Vladimir. Don't get me wrong, we have no intention of fighting. We are directly under the Strategic Group of the Federation Council. The 'Special Mission Undercover Group', we are not the Lost, but superhuman beings recognized by the Federal Council.

"We have been lurking in the 'Comprehension Sect' five years ago and have recently come under the jurisdiction of 'Yan Xi'. We are here to destroy the 'Wilderness Tourist Group's Base'. Some time ago, General Molun and Mr. Igor contacted us and requested We will get in touch with you and help you if necessary."

"I don't need help now." Luo Jie refused angrily:

"If you had taken action just now, Varvaf would not have died."

"He is a lost member of the Wilderness Tourist Group. According to the threat level to the Federation, he will be executed after being arrested. Therefore, it is a good thing for you and the Federation that he and Yan Xi die together." Kshey Vladimir explains.

"In this case, we have nothing to talk about. I have found the exit from here, and I want to leave here now. Moreover, I don't want you to follow me." Luo Nie said bluntly.

"Of course." Alexey said:

"But not now. The Federal Council ordered us to recover the sequence monsters here, which is the 'MB-012: Core Ancient Beast' in front of you. If it cannot be recovered, it needs to be destroyed. Later, according to Mr. Igor's request, General Morun's order is that you need to follow us for a period of time until the location of the 'Evolution Platform' belonging to 'Tianshu' is determined."

"That 'monster' is dying. Its energy is about to be exhausted. You shouldn't be able to take it away." Luo Nie said in a cold tone.

"The only option is to destroy it. Please give way, Mr. Luo Nie."

As soon as Alexei finished speaking, a "cannonball" wrapped in flames was blasted out from the "Sundial" portable quasi-artillery beside him, and directly grazed Luo Nie's cheek, leaving a small burn mark at the same time. , hitting the "mouth" of the "Ancient Yan Core Beast" in front of him.

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