Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 366 The Destiny of Reincarnation (Part 1)

"With me...?" Dak turned his head and looked at "Xu Ling" in confusion.

"Yes, I have communicated with Captain Wulfya just now, and he said he has no objection. I know that you have been with him all the way. To a certain extent, he is like your big brother. "Xu Ling" said, while making a gesture of invitation and closing the door of the conference room.

When Dak sat on the sofa with some anxiety and doubts for the city's upper echelons, especially those "managers" appointed by the Federal Council, he heard the footsteps of Wovya leaving, and "Void Zero" spoke with an expression that was difficult to fully understand. The gentleness and subtlety described in words replaced the seriousness and complete politeness just now, and he turned his back to Duck and said:

"Duck, before I formally communicate with you, I would like to introduce you to the origin of my 'code name'. From the time you entered the door to now, haven't you become interested in my 'code name' for a person who has no name?"

"Of course." Faced with the somewhat pretentious "Xu Ling", Dak wanted to choose a straightforward communication method.

After all, on the surface, after canceling the wanted order and being promoted, Dak looks more like a party valued by the Federal Council and should be relatively strong.

Moreover, any sudden avoidance of other people's conversations has an ulterior purpose behind it. Dak hopes to create a "no fear" attitude by breaking through the subtle art of language and directly cutting into the subject to filter out meaningless complexity. information, forcing the other party to be as candid as possible.

After thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly raised his head, a trace of redness that he had not noticed flashed in his gray eyes, and responded in a deep voice:

"Of course I'm interested. As far as I know, only those Lost Ones who are hostile to the Federation and try to destroy humanity from both the light and the dark side are accustomed to abandoning their names and choosing code names.

"Moreover, I have met six of the 'twelve' leaders of the Order, and killed two of them together with Wulfya. There are two more who have learned about them, and three have known about them. However, there is only one person, and the 'Order Society' deliberately concealed his existence. Not only can no official information be found, there is not even a widely popular legend.

"You, the captain of Kanosk's strategic planning team, deliberately raising this topic here, isn't it already a very strong hint?"

"Xu Ling" was shocked at first, and then subconsciously covered his chest with his hands. Fortunately, because his whole body was covered in technological equipment, his slightly surprised and panic expression was easily covered up.

After coughing twice, "Xu Ling" did not directly answer Dak's rhetorical question. Instead, he turned around, stared into Dak's eyes through the goggles and said:

"The world we live in is not eternal and unchanging, but on the contrary, it is under the influence of the Creator's eternal reincarnation. The original universe came from the void, and there was no void. Then, the void produced some unobservable negative effects. substance.

"These substances continued to gather, and finally broke the original 'Supreme Principle', and an unprecedented explosion occurred. The moment of the explosion was the beginning of 'zero'."

"The beginning of 'zero'? Is it an interpretation of yourself? But I'm sorry, to be honest, cosmology is too profound, and I rarely try to understand them properly." Dark said.

"It is indeed a hint about my existence, but it is also related to you. Please listen to what I have to say." "Xu Ling"'s tone suddenly softened, and he waved his hand downwards, signaling Dak to listen carefully.

"After the explosion, matter was born, power was born, gods were born, and the Creator also moved from a state of near nothingness to reality. Through this scientific explanation of the birth of the universe, my leader, the 'New God', I got this 'code name'."

"'New God'? So you are indeed the 'leader' of the 'Order Society'?" Dak asked, crossing his hands on his thighs and turning to glance sideways at "Void Ling".

"That's right." Speaking of this, "Xu Ling" no longer concealed or expressed the need to express his identity in a subtle way, and directly admitted:

"Although Wind Mine was forced to flee due to the conspiracy of the Federal Council, Master Vasily did not end his cooperation with us. If his plan of 'Global Energy Evolution Platform' is to be realized, the most critical steps can only be achieved by Our 'order will' be done.

"In order to avoid loss of control and catastrophe after receiving the energy of the sun, the leader of the 'Order Society', the 'New God' who 'created' other rulers will choose to 'fall' himself. At that time, his skin will become a fire-containing vessel. Tools and spirits will become tools to fight against 'Pramini'. When painful experiences and cycles come to an end and the world is gently restarted, we can start a new era and move towards the future."

"I feel like you have been brainwashed by Vasily." Dak said bluntly:

"I still agree with what Wovya told me recently. The 'Evolution Platform' has been a conspiracy from beginning to end. It is destined to bring disaster and destruction. But we have also agreed that this time we will go north just to find 'Plamy' Ni' and the evil god 'Echoer', no one else wants to be involved. If Wulfya and I are really asked to find the whereabouts of the 'Evolution Platform', then I refuse."

"Sure enough, you are still the same person I am familiar with." "Xu Ling" sighed.

Because his voice was very soft, Dak subconsciously asked:

"What...did you just say?"

"Ah, it's nothing." "Xu Ling" changed the subject and said:

"By the way, do you know how many technological products the old empire left behind in Karnosk?"

"I've heard about this. I heard that there are many new weapons and some conceptually powerful equipment. However, judging from the current technology, the Federal Council cannot reproduce it." Dark replied.

"That's right." "Xu Ling" nodded and said:

"Even this 'Hongtai' is a technological product of the old empire. What I want to tell you is that although we have only settled in Hongtai for a short time, we have learned almost all the secrets here from existing data and field investigations.

"It was built during the time of Ivan XXV of the old empire, that is, the era when the Krusted Empire was called the 'Twilight Sunset'. It was used to build 'rockets' that could break through the constraints of the sky and atmosphere and rush into the universe." said It is very ironic. Until now, we humans have not been able to prove that the earth is round and cannot sail around the world. But in that era, it was really rare for the old empire to have such grand ideas.

"However, because it was too whimsical, this project was quickly abandoned, leaving only an empty 'Macro Terrace' and the 'Empire Future Laboratory' where the data is stored at the bottom. And, after our scientist Mr. Igor Confirmation, the machinery and data stored in the deepest part here can help us unlock the secret of a newly discovered 'core'."

"Core?" Dak asked confused, "New core?"

"That's right." "Xu Ling" replied:

"This core is called [Core to the Future]. It is said that after activation, it can make people become ethereal, bound in the space created by the core, and wake up one day in the future. Unfortunately, this core was found in the Waters Province The team of the local legion of the core said that the core was found underground in a flooded old empire-style palace, and there were no abnormal magic fluctuations around it.

"Perhaps this is just a record that is difficult to achieve, or those people went to an alien space that we cannot detect. By the way, the era it represents is the 'Era of Germination of Lava', according to Igor's It is speculated that it should represent the 'Tianji Evolution Platform', the third star in the Big Dipper.

"In other words, in the culture of Khitan Reese, the Big Dipper guides the absolute direction. Perhaps the 'Evolution Platform' also guides some direction that I have not yet learned about."

"These cores and 'evolution platforms' are indeed magical, and have enough value for federal research for centuries. But I said, I don't want to care about these, and I don't want to fall into some unknown fate because of the 'evolution platform'." Dark emphasized again.

"I can understand and feel the same way." "Xu Ling" lowered his head and said:

"But do you know? The 'Wind Mine' that you defeated has been induced by the enemies of the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Comprehension Sect' to become a giant man-eating monster. "The Poem of Inducing Chaos" has completely destroyed his Rationally, only by finding all the clues of the 'Evolution Stage' first, can the Federation cancel his 'Wanted Order' and we can let go and save him."

"What does this have to do with me?" Duck asked, his tone very disdainful.

"I know that you defeated him with your own hands, so you will definitely not save him easily. But among these people who know that you were once a 'alien monster', there are not many people who can completely solve the restless and restless power in your body. , 'Wind Mine' and 'Future' are one of them.

"And whether you believe in fate and reincarnation or not, they have really existed and are happening now."

As soon as "Xu Ling" finished speaking, along with the green spots spreading outward in his hands, Dak discovered that the world around him quickly turned into a chaotic blackness, and his heart beat violently, almost tens of thousands of times. After the beat, scenes began to flash through his eyes like a revolving lantern.

In the first scene, the first reincarnation, a giant beast more than ten meters tall, covered in mud-stained rock armor, wakes up in a wet swamp. This may be the southern swamp of the Waters Province, but the giant beast is surrounded by various boulders carved with symbols related to fire.

Not far away stood a group of heavily armed soldiers holding rocket launchers. Under the orders of their superiors, they all fired at the behemoth's head covered with tentacles and beards.

Then, the boulders were activated by the power of the magic source. Countless flame haloes enveloped the giant beasts and slowly gathered inward. The melodious music belonging to Crusted and "Confusion" was activated at the same time, and countless musical sounds turned into physical notes. In conjunction with the artillery attack.

Soon, the surface of the giant beast was covered with a layer of hard ice and snow. After a huge scream and roar, the boulder shattered. The soldiers, officers and rocket launchers turned into ice cubes and then shattered immediately.

After a huge "mushroom cloud" made of ice and snow rose, the swamps turned into ice, hail fell from the sky, and half of the swamps in the southern region became like an extremely cold field.

Accompanied by the sound of the clock running, the giant beast kept walking forward until the "Ghost Castle" appeared, until the wind wall was forcibly broken by the giant beast, until all the ice layers broke.

Until...the magnificent ruins of the temple belonging to the god "Plamini" appeared.

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