Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 376 Under

June 13th, 557th year of the New Era, Crusted Federation, Extreme Cold Special Zone, Old Water Valley District, Karnosk, "Hongtai".

"It's a little dark here, please be careful. "Fu Bing" sir, Mr. Adaloni." "Xu Ling", who was still "fully armed" and wrapped himself tightly, was walking in front of the three people. Guide the road to the lower level of "Hongtai".

This building with futuristic technology built in Ivan XXV of the old empire has experienced changes in different eras, but the general internal structure has never been damaged and has been relatively well preserved.

In addition to being far away from the political and economic center of Crusted, which is the ring area dominated by Binglin City, this place has been relocated long ago, and the internal structure is quite complex. People without accurate information can easily get lost after entering, etc. , allowing this "Construction of Important Federal Strongholds" operation to be carried out smoothly, almost restoring the original size of the town in a very short period of time, and continuing to expand outwards.

After all, a macro platform can safely accommodate all the administrative and military management personnel of the Federation here, plus the military personnel used to maintain law and order in the city. Even the "Northern Ice and Snow" who came from the capital and Xinfeng Town a few days ago The team of scientists headed by the "Research Team" also settled in smoothly and began to study the dusty secrets, especially the [Core to the Future].

Taking the semi-enclosed elevator, several people slowly descended along the residential area that had only been developed on three floors.

From a God's perspective, after several floors of residential areas, there is a large open area. From the data, almost thirty floors have indeed been used for some "rocket" experiments related to the old empire and the universe. It is the so-called "Empire Future Laboratory".

But it was now almost pitch black, with only the occasional flash of searchlights shining through, revealing ghostly filth and abominations.

At this location, the elevator is replaced by a fully enclosed translucent metal pipe that goes vertically down.

If the huge experimental space is like a cage that imprisons the unknown, then the few people in the narrow space are more like being in a cage within a cage, trying to pry into the mysteries of the cage outside the larger cage.

A few minutes later, the small elevator cage finally landed. With the help of a row of temporary electric lights, several people first entered a large iron gate at the bottom of the large experimental site, and then walked past a building where the sound of rushing water below could be heard. Through the hollow iron bridge, one enters a medium-sized room with a structure and furnishing similar to that of an office.

"Sir Fu Bing, Mr. Adaloni, we are here. This is the temporary office that Mr. Igor once used privately. After we took over this place, with the approval of the Kanos Committee, we transformed it into 'Kanos'. Gram Experiment No. 1 Headquarters." "Xu Ling" introduced to the two captains and deputy captains of the "official expedition team" who came all the way from Binglin Province.

"Although I want to know more about core things, these are not the focus of our trip to the north this time. Mr. Igor, who will arrive in two days, is more interested in this [Core to the Future]. He is an expert and has more say in research and revelation." "Fu Bing" slightly arranged his hair that was covered with a lot of industrial dust, took off the dirty cloak, wrapped it around his arm, and used it to become The calm voice that did not have a boyish appearance asked:

"We are more concerned about the current search of the 'Man-Made Lake' and the 'Brudging Relics'. I heard the team over there send a message saying that the 'Chaos Group' and the lost people of the 'Comprehension Sect' took the lead and set up camp not far to the east. , our people had no choice but to gather further to the west. So now, has our joint team of the 'Order Society' and the Federation already clashed with the 'Chaos Group' group?"

After a few seconds of silence, he dismissed the security personnel behind him. "Xu Ling" closed the iron door of "No. 1 Headquarters", walked up to "Fu Bing", and looked directly at his blue pair of eyes that exuded pressure. With colored pupils, he replied calmly:

"Not yet. It's strange. Maybe it's the official arrangement, maybe it's the local... people from the 'Order Society' who are restricting us. In short, no one wants to find the last chip that represents 'Device Limit: Perception Concealment'." conflict.

"Since the goals of both parties are temporarily unified, there will always be people communicating with each other to promote the progress of the mission."

"So, you are doubting one of your own, 'Xu Ling'?" "Fu Bing" asked in a weird tone.

Immediately afterwards, his face suddenly darkened, his head lowered, he snorted coldly, and after letting out a horrifying laugh that seemed to come from the underworld, he suddenly waved his left fist, flashing a faint blue light, and hit "Xu Ling" in the abdomen. .

At the same time, "Fu Bing" suddenly stretched out his right hand shining with light blue "water flames", grabbed "Xu Ling"'s chin, and effortlessly lifted his taller and stronger body straight up.

Since "Fu Bing" had an experience as an underground boxer in the Third District of the Far East, he mastered the strength of this punch quite well, not only breaking "Xu Ling's" "equipment" but also injuring his abdominal muscles.

This caused "Xu Ling" to still try hard to curl up inward unconsciously in the state of being lifted, trying to relieve the pain. But his suspended body would involuntarily struggle to unfold as much as possible, making it difficult to stay curled up. This created a rather comical feeling, like a live prawn that had been deliberately strung up with a skewer.

This state lasted for a few seconds until Adaloni coughed impatiently from behind "Fu Bing". He then dropped "Xu Ling" with a look of disgust and reprimanded:

"Remember, 'Xu Ling', no matter you have any dissatisfaction with me, the 'New God', or the 'Order Society', we can tolerate it. But now, all the unrest and rebellion in the organization have been eliminated. After the Factor, we are completely loyal to the Crusad Federation.

"Now we have long discarded the dirty, terrifying, and disgusting elements of the Lost. As officially recognized superpowers, we are part of the committee's strategic group and belong to the Federation and humanity. We cannot and will not appear. The traitors who communicate with the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Enlightenment Sect' are a matter of principle of life and death.

"Only humans have the tendency to rebel. We, the 'Order Society', can only be loyal to the Federation and her great leader, Lord Vasily Voliganov. This is a matter of life and death, do you understand?"

"I...understand, 'Fu Bing'...sir." "Xu Ling" struggled and curled up in place and said.

It wasn't until several minutes later that the physical pain subsided slightly that he slowly stood up with his desk in hand, walked to the wall beside him, and took off the white cloth covering it.

Facing "Fu Bing" who showed his force and was at the peak of Sequence 4: Hope level, he didn't want to have any more conflicts for a moment.

Originally, he wanted to set off immediately after meeting Dak and showing him the two reincarnations of his destiny. However, both the Federal Strategic Group and the Kanosk Committee issued orders for him to receive the "official expedition team" that would arrive here in two weeks. ", he had to stay here.

After all, apart from the team of scientists who have not yet arrived, he is the person here who knows the most about the macro platform, the "core" and the "evolution platform", and is the most trustworthy person.

After coughing twice, "Xu Ling" turned on the desk lamp hanging on the wall. Under the brighter light, he showed a particularly standard hand-drawn map to "Fu Bing" and Adaloni. .

"Sir Fu Bing, Mr. Adaloni, please look here." "Xu Ling" said as he began to introduce the entire map, saying:

"This is a handwritten map found in the materials left by the scientists responsible for the space research 'rocket' and other projects in the old empire. It has very detailed markings on some old places, such as towns, test sites, etc. However, hanging here This picture has been carefully checked and investigated by the army here, and it is quite detailed. Please take a look..."

"Xu Ling" said, pointing to the location marked with the city of Kanosk. After tapping twice, he moved his finger across an empty area with almost no markings, pointing to the location of a lake.

"This is the 'man-made lake'. In fact, it is far away from Karnosk, but not too far. Due to the Mercator projection, the distance between the two places is actually only Binglincheng to Choigrad Distance." "Virtual Zero" further explained.

"In that case, driving day and night, in such bad road conditions, it only takes a day and a half to get there, right?" "Fu Bing" estimated.

"Indeed. Moreover, your 'official expedition team' can replenish the required supplies at any time in Kanosk. In addition, the independent armed forces mainly composed of the 'wilderness tourist group' were attacked by the 'chaos group' and the 'enlightenment cult'. ', now he is hiding in several strongholds named after planets, temporarily shrinking." "Void Zero" replied:

"Furthermore, Commander Fu Bing, aren't you interested in the history of the 'Man-Made Lake'? It is said that understanding the origin of that place will be of unexpected help in the future when you truly come into contact with the deepest parts of the ruins. .”

Seeing that "Fu Bing" was silent and just staring at the map in silence, Adaloni finally spoke and said in a gentle tone:

"I heard that there were no lakes here originally. Everything was formed as a result of the old empire's pursuit of extreme force. 'Void Zero', is that true?"

"Yes, he indeed comes from the old empire's undying ambition, desire and violence." "Xu Ling" nodded and said:

"Before explaining its origin, I would like to explain one thing in advance. Among the many sequential monsters, MB-079: Fire of Punishment is a rare powerful killing weapon that can be artificially made and put into use repeatedly. The old empire once There is an experimental result, that is - using only technology and not relying on any magic power, a more powerful and more destructive 'Artificial Fire of Heaven's Punishment' was created."

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