Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 38 Sunida Telegraph Station

The town of Sunida is located on the edge of the old Uko province of the Zine Empire and belongs to the no-care zone of the Zine Empire. At the end of the Steam Age, the old Crusted Empire once relied on tanks to attack the city and briefly occupied the entire Uko province.

However, due to its reliance on the dangerous zone from the Green Forest to the Silent Highlands, the strategic value of Sunida Town is extremely inconsistent with the strategic benefits. Therefore, even in the New Wasteland Era, the town has still formed a community that eliminates the unintentional, the lost, and the adventurous. Outside the home, a place that no formal force wants to touch.

Moreover, the residents here are constantly exposed to the invasion of viruses and extraordinary powers brought by the Unintentional and the Lost, and even some people from the steam world occasionally break in, making their average life span only about 35 years.

And every one year they have to inject the eyeballs of the "Luca" sequence monster, the essence of involution and tranquilizing grass, the condensate of burning liquid, the grinding matter of some [dark] ores, plus some occasional unintentional Potion No. 15 composed of human blood.

Until the local residents here become careless people due to infection and mutation, or evolve into lost people and superpowers, otherwise they will be completely unable to leave the No. 15 potion from birth to death.

After driving the cheap "classic car" that was about to be scrapped into the town of Sunida, Luo Nie simply moved forward slowly along the dilapidated and occasionally cracked concrete streets on the edge of the town.

Until the steam-style cement, small high-rise buildings, street shops, and pubs were completely gone, replaced by stone brick floors and sporadic factory areas in suburban locations. He chose to find a small mechanical repair station with low fees. After paying 6 SGD, he took Sayi straight to the "Zhenxin Street" in the center of the town, which is a mixed-use residential area in the commercial area.

Moreover, the Zine Empire army has recently made frequent military operations to try to open Route 65 in order to regain the Silent Highlands occupied by Wuxin and part of the Church of the Lost.

However, the operation of the five imperial armies to recapture the Kefu Station in the middle of the highway failed because Yato risked his life to summon MB-079 Heavenly Punishment Fire, which caused some of the legions supported by Silent Highland Outposts A and B to retreat to Sogra. The corps supported by Zhnetsk and Chekavsk retreated in the direction of Migov and Chekavsk.

Naturally, some of the soldiers who were still capable of fighting in the legion originally supported by Donusk chose to stay briefly in the town of Sunida.

Although Sunida Town is considered the smallest town in the Three No matter Zone, it is small and well-equipped with all the internal organs. In addition to large factories, there are also small hospitals, churches, hotels, restaurants, weapons sales departments, Explorers Association, and even imitated... Small, pure white-style office buildings built in Sokra and Zhinetsk, as well as underground markets selling all kinds of goods, are all available.

After all, when there is demand, there will be supply. The balanced operation of demand and supply realizes the long-term semi-transit station style of Sunida Town.

Especially after Highway 65 is completely blocked, the only way to go to Silent Highlands is through the Highway 62-Sunida-Lvjing Forest line.

Luo Nie, who was carrying a light blue travel backpack, wore a long black and red robe and cotton coat that was stained by mud and blood, and a pair of black cotton trousers. He deliberately covered the gauze on his arms under the heavy cotton coat. Along the edge of the slightly damp cement road, he held a crumpled piece of paper with the words "Sunida No. 25" written in pencil in his hand, and kept looking up.

But even though all the attention was focused on the busy streets and the noisy semi-commercial area filled with people of all races wearing different clothes and slightly different shapes, Luo Nie's left hand was holding Sai's fair hand tightly. The right hand with the weird patterned wristband dare not relax.

After all, the purpose of their trip was not only to rest for a few days at Sunida, a short transit stop, but also to care about the upcoming auction and to find people from the Tenin sect related to Sai and Natasha.

Moreover, in the past hundred years of living in various parts of the Zine Empire, Luo Nie has never dared to have too close contact with others. After all, the less people know about his mechanical identity, the better for him.

If he was forced to show off his mechanical power and take risks because of his negligence towards the Half-Lost Say, it would always be a loss more than the gain.

At the end of the Steam Era of the Zine Empire, Ivan XII, known as the "Sleeper", had a wise saying before his death: "Red apples do not have any original sin, but they cannot resist the curious and the greedy."

After searching for almost half an hour, Luo Nie stopped in front of a door intertwined with glass and metal. Looking at the mottled and slightly dirty sign with the words "Sunida Telegraph Station" above, Luo Nie finally He wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Say, we're here." Luo Nie said softly.

The noisy telegraph station is the busiest place in the town of Sunida. Due to the wandering of the unintentional and the occasional attacks by the Lost, people from all over the place need to send messages to friends and relatives in other cities in the empire.

After receiving a waiting sign with "No. 28" printed in Zine Empire language at the front desk at the door, Ronie took Sayi to rest on a fixed metal chair in the corner, waiting for the call in the busy office area.

The layout of the Sunida Telegraph Office is no different from that of telegraph offices or post offices in other imperial cities. The staff in the office area mainly record the content of guests' messages and collect fees at the window. The upper floors are equipped with signaling devices and telegraph machines. to send messages to various cities controlled by the empire.

Of course, the fees here are not cheap. Luo Nie looked up at the price list painted with gold paint on the mahogany wood, and for a moment he felt that the new coins in his hand were a little stretched.

"In the big cities of the empire, Zhnetsk and Sokra, the message is 1 yuan and two characters of the new currency. For the small cities, the message is 2 yuan and the two characters of the new currency. It is simply a money grab!" Luo Nie curled his lips, sighed, and whispered. complained.

"Brother, are you short of money?"

A thick sound came from the left side of Luo Nie's body.

Turning his head to look, he saw a man with a strong and burly build, resembling a brown bear, standing almost two meters tall, wearing a green uniform of the Soviet Army, wearing a brown mask, and holding a one-meter-and-five-meter-long weapon called "Suzhou." GRA A-01" rifle for men.

Judging from his clothes and aura, he was definitely a soldier who had been on the battlefield for a long time, and from his behavior and the breath flowing out, Luo Nie could feel the strong presence of "sorrow".

"Of course I'm short of money. Why, can you help me make money?" Luo Nie turned her head and asked helplessly.

"Haha, of course not, but I can introduce you to a good place to make money in a small town. Although this town is an area beyond the jurisdiction of the laws of the Zine Empire, it is one of the best among the imperial cities for money. Yo, Brother, you are still taking your child with you. In this wasteland world, it is better for children to stay in big cities or villages to learn and grow up. It is best not for children to do adventurous things. Let me meet you, my name is Hit. Members of the Socratic Army.”

The man named Hit held out his black-gloved right hand in a friendly gesture.

"Hello, Luo Nie. He is from Socra. His name is Sai. If you treat him as a child, I'm afraid you will suffer a loss." Luo Nie also stretched out his white right hand and shook hands with Hit briefly.

"But by the way, Mr. Hit. You just said you introduced places to make money, right? I have just arrived in this town. Although the first purpose is not to make money, but judging from your tone, I should have been here for a while. I want to inquire about something." Luo Nie said, changing the topic.

"Haha, you don't need to call me sir. Since you are also from Sogra, we are fellow villagers. If you don't mind, how about calling me brother? It's not a big brother, it's an old brother." Hit said with a smile, even though we were separated from each other Wearing a brown mask, Luo Nie could still feel Hit's enthusiasm and helpfulness in front of him.

I just don’t know if it’s for some ulterior purpose.

"Hit... Brother, I want to inquire about the auction here. I heard that there will be an auction here in the next two days, and is it related to extraordinary things?" Luo Nie sat up slightly and asked.

This was the most marginalized issue among the issues he urgently needed to know. Even if someone learned the relevant information, it would be harmless and would not affect subsequent schedule arrangements.

And you can also use this to test whether the "fellow fellows and brothers" in the Socratic city in front of you are really reliable.

"I have heard that the auction should be an underground venue. After all, there is a mixture of good and bad people here. If it is in an open place or a place like a church, security problems will inevitably arise. I heard that some medicines, ores, etc. are being auctioned. Also, Half an old mask. This should be a highlight of this auction." Hit said seriously.

"Mask?" Luo Nie was shocked, and his hands subconsciously moved the light blue travel backpack he was carrying. After all, the only trophy after fighting the unknown "hair ball" monster just now was also half a Crusted style. mask.

Perhaps there is some indescribable connection between the two?

"Perhaps it is a kind of sequential monster. But most people in the city of Socra believe in science, including me, and are not interested in mysterious things. We in the army only know how to obey the orders of the committee and defeat every unintentional and lost person. . However, if you want to know more information, you can go to the 'Lost Tavern' near the central street, or the 'Sunida Explorers Association'." Hitt explained.

"Well, that's right." Luo Nie pretended to think of something on the spur of the moment, and asked Hit in a green voice:

"If we go to the Green Forest and Silent Highlands, is it possible for Sunida to form a team here?"

"Let me think about forming a team." Hit said after being silent for a few seconds:

"Let's take a look at the Explorers Association, but I suggest you get enough information and try to find people related to the Imperial Army. You probably don't know much about it. People in the Imperial Army generally receive moral education regularly and have a bottom line. After all, If the empire wants to restore the overall order, the army must have high quality and education. But I have my own mission, brother, see you again by fate. Fellow Sugra." Hit said with a smile in his rich voice.

Then, holding the "Sugra A-01" rifle, he briefly waved goodbye to Luo Nie, and walked straight out of the noisy Sunida Telegraph Station with steady steps.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Nie heard a strange cry that was sweet but mixed with a bird-like sharp voice:

"Number 28!"

"Here we come!" Luo Nie shouted, pulling Sai, who looked confused, straight to the noisy and slightly dim telegraph office window in the center.

Then, he did not bother to focus on the beautiful female staff member, who was about 30 years old, wearing cheap foundation, dark red lipstick, heavy makeup, and a black work uniform and tie, but her fair skin was slightly exposed.

Instead, he directly handed over a brand-new piece of paper with three simple handwritten words in Zine Empire written in pencil: "Arrival, Say, get ready." and two old banknotes totaling 15 New Zealand dollars.

Please collect it

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