Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 386 Duel on the Earth (Part 2) (4K large chapter)

"It's not...'courage', but a...call...'mission'." "Red Armor" replied while adjusting the decrease in physical strength caused by excessive consumption of magic power in a short period of time.

"'Mission'?" "Ice Blade"'s face suddenly darkened. He took half a step forward, almost pouring the magic power into his feet, and stepped on the ground hard. On the one hand, he tried to destroy "Red Armor" as much as possible with earth-based magic. On the one hand, Yuanli vented his anger on the temporarily transformed terrain and said:

"So, your 'mission' is to kill as many of us lost ones as possible by all means. Now that you have been recognized by the 'Guardian' sequence card, at least in your opinion, I, and even the poor and suffering people in our entire 'Chaotic Group' are all evil people to the fullest, the Satan among the Lords, the demons and monsters among the Taoists, right?"

"This is original sin." "Red Armor" raised his head high and defended:

"Poor people must be hateful, and no amount of suffering can eliminate the sins given by God. If you don't choose to cooperate with mankind to restore [order] and eliminate sins as much as possible, then there will inevitably be one after another like me.' The Knights of Justice are here to punish you."


"Bullshit?" "Chi Jia" laughed indulgently:

"Hahaha, hahaha. Fighting against humans, continuing to create 'chaos' and 'disorder', madly infecting humans and turning them into 'heartless people' with only steel hearts and 'burning liquid', this kind of sin is even for the Lord You cannot be saved by being there in person. Satan in hell will only use human greed and desire to guide you. You are more like the devil among devils than the evil, ugly, selfish, and cunning King of Devils."

"According to your understanding, are those children also the sons of the devil?" "Ice Blade" asked sternly:

"Those half-lost children do not have the right to choose to live. Whether it is the Zine Empire in the south or our Crusted Federation, these children will be completely divided into the most primitive attributes of existence from birth. The nature of half-lost children Being inferior to others, they are doomed to experience poverty, war, suffering, hunger and hatred. Children who live in big cities controlled by humans are often protected by the so-called "Successor Protection Ordinance".

"'Red Armor', even if you are a 'secret agent' inserted into us by the Federal Council, you have at least lived with those children for a few years. Many of them are not evil, and have not even harmed any human beings with their own hands. Their status determines their lives.

"The title of a semi-lost person can suppress them for life. Unless they reach the status of the 'leader of the Order', they can gain recognition as a superpower through cooperation with the federation. 'Red Armor' , I don’t think it’s reasonable, nor do I think it’s ridiculous, I just think it’s sad.”

"'The worst is not pathetic, nor will it receive mercy.' These are the words of inspiration that Ivan XXII, the great emperor had on his deathbed. 'Ice Blade', you should know that we [Guardian] Once the direction of justice is determined, the direction we insist on will not change." "Red Armor" surged the magic power in his body and said:

"You are the chief culprit in the confrontation with the Federation, the person behind the countless 'waves of careless people', and the biggest obstacle to Master Vasily obtaining the 'Evolution Platform' and restoring order. Continuing to talk nonsense with you has no effect, let the fist decide Everything!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an hourglass-shaped light yellow airflow spread up and down from around the body of "Red Armor".

As he slammed his fist onto the ground, three lightning-like cracks spread in the direction of the "ice blade".

The speed of the crack was not too fast. The "Ice Blade" just jumped up gently and landed in a safe corner with a backflip.

However, after he stood firm, he discovered that hot magma with boiling bubbles was rising inside the earth-yellow cracks in the ground.

"'Earth Melt Movement'? 'Red Armor', do you want to risk your life to fight me to the death?" "Ice Blade" roared.

"It's good to know. As an 'old friend', 'Ice Blade', I can allow you to have a decent, painless death. As long as you jump down, everything will be over." "Red Armor" stood up straight, He pointed at the embarrassed "ice blade" and then pointed at the magma that slightly overflowed the surface.

"This is a threat, an evil threat." "Ice Blade" said angrily:

"You clearly know that the 'Earth Migration' will transfer the lava inside the continent to a limited battlefield through the jump array, and once the magic source power is out of control, the lava will also be out of control, and they will pour out like a flood, burning everything. Even in the coldest extreme cold zone, it will pollute land the size of at least two towns.

"Not only you and me, but also the once homeless children in the camp will die. Is this your 'mission', the justice you uphold as a [Guardian]?"

"I said it." "Red Armor" retorted:

"The lost are not human beings. You are all evil and ugly monsters. Your disappearance can end the chaotic era and usher in a new future."

"'Future'? That's just a child wrapped in darkness. When steam machinery flooded almost every corner of the continent, the ancient emperor still firmly controlled the decaying empire. Even if he was a god, he could not break one after another. A thick chain that binds the slave's body." "Ice Blade" spat and refuted:

"There is no difference between the Federation and the Empire. This is why the Crusaders clearly have an absolute advantage and a chance to completely end the crisis, but they still allow us, the Lost, to exist."

"This is sophistry." "Red Armor" criticized impatiently.

This cowardly debating behavior made "Bingren" shake his head, showing a helpless and bitter smile:

"You clearly know everything, but you dare not say it openly, and you are even less willing to believe it. Therefore, you can only lead to destruction and destruction in the wrong actions that you admit. The chief executive Vasily you are loyal to is just a sanctimonious selfish man. The clown is a profiteer, and the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform' is just a prop used to create a deeper crisis with the help of solar energy."


"Nonsense? No no." "Ice Blade" explained to himself:

"The best way to eliminate a disaster is to destroy it together. Only by completely annihilating everything with a more profound disaster can Vasily and the others build their own future on brand new ruins. This is not my opinion. , but the views that our seniors of the 'Chaos Group' who tried to assassinate Ivan XXII heard before they died.

"As the leader of the 'Chaos Group', I can tell you a secret, a secret that belongs exclusively to our leader."

"What is that?" "Ice Blade" successfully aroused "Red Armor"'s curiosity.

"Do you know what the real source of pain is for the [chaos starters] of the 'Chaos Group'? It's memory, an unforgettable memory of 'Eternal Inheritance', their... painful memories before death." "Bing "Blade" raised his head, suppressing the pain and replied:

"When 'Northland' grabbed my heart, I seemed to have experienced the pain of death. Some of their heads were chopped off, some of their hearts were punctured, some of their brains were penetrated by bullets, and some were vaporized in an instant. .I immediately understood why the "North Country" went crazy, and also understood the reason why the leader of the "Chaos Group" became more and more powerful, but his survival time became shorter and shorter after becoming the leader.

"Pain... it will make people wake up, and it will make people remember our real enemies and fight them to the end. Even though the 'Order Society' and the 'Comprehension Sect' have been used by the Federal Council and become their minions, but' The Chaos Group has never cooperated with the Federation. Regardless of whether we are the Lost or not, we are destined to be eternal enemies since the old empire.

"'Red Armor'." "Ice Blade" said, looking at the "Red Armor" wrapped in a pale yellow glow, reflected in the red glow of the lava, and continued:

"Whether I am a supporter of evil or not, or whether I am shackles by the identity of the lost, a few years from now, I and the previous leaders will be heroic existences. We can save more people who are suffering, no matter how short the resources are. , we will not plunder like the "Strategic Resource Control Regulations" issued by the Federal Council.

"And you will only have a few words in the Federal Council's strategic report. As an 'agent', you will not be made public. The story that will be circulated in the future is nothing more than that the 'Red Armor' tried to betray the 'Chaos Group' and was killed by the leader." The Ice Blade just killed it with my own hands.

"Your name will be hidden in the endless river of history, no matter how sorrow and joy affect the world. And I may become the eternal legend belonging to the lost."

"You're talking nonsense!" "Chi Jia" roared.

"Bing Blade"'s remarks successfully touched the sore spot of "Red Armor" and angered him.

After all, in addition to the inherent justice of being a [Guardian], "Red Armor" has private messages lurking in the "Chaos Group".

He hopes that he can successfully kill the "Ice Blade" and be recognized as a hero after defeating the "Chaos Group". But when "Ice Blade" revealed the possible fact that he least wanted to believe, his rational defense suddenly collapsed.

With a roar, under the blessing of the [Guardian]'s power to change the terrain, countless yellow dust mixed with lava gathered into his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, "Red Armor" suddenly jumped up and punched "Ice Blade".

Since this attack contained the anger of "Red Armor", its strength and speed were naturally enhanced to the extreme. The "Ice Blade" had no time to react and hurriedly stretched out its "Ice Blue Bone Blade" to resist...


A crisp cracking sound came from the wrist of the "Ice Blade". The "Red Armor" punch broke the "Ice Blue Bone Blade", and at the same time, the broken part was forcefully inserted into the heart of the "Ice Blade".

Fortunately, the high agility and reflexes allowed "Ice Blade" to make the correct judgment. He quickly activated his concealment ability by taking advantage of the moment of attack, and relied on the short second when "Red Armor" lost the target. He flashed his body to the position where "Red Armor" originally stood, stopped the formation of magic source power, and slowly pulled out the heart of the rapidly disappearing "Ice Blue Bone Blade".

Fortunately, while the rapidly generated ice covered half of "Ice Blade"'s chest and left shoulder, the surrounding yellow ground was rapidly fading away from its disturbing color and turning back into concrete ground, and those who were about to The lava that spewed out also disappeared in an instant.

Looking up in confusion, "Ice Blade" discovered that the magic power in "Red Armor"'s body seemed to have left his body in an instant. The heavy oppression brought by the [Guardian] and the earth magic power, Nothing remains.

Moreover, as if he had received some kind of punishment, "Red Armor"'s left hand turned into dirt. Just as he stared at the hand that had lost all feeling in confusion, his left hand detached from his wrist with a "bang" , fell to the ground, leaving a wound oozing with red blood, with a distorted and dirty surface, as if it had been licked by a devil.

"Why? What... situation?" "Red Armor" stared at himself in horror, and then looked at "Ice Blade" who was spitting out black and red blood from his mouth, showing his bloody teeth, and staring at him with a smile. Anger, panic and confusion.

A few seconds later, "Ice Blade" realized the reason and explained:

"[Guardians] have extremely high requirements for justice, and usually need to be selfless people. Indeed, you have been practicing for your justice. However, just now, when the result I said touched your selfish desires At that time, you still used the power of [Guardian] to attack me.

"Humph, the 'Earth Melt Movement' is about borrowing power from the gods. You ignored true justice, chose selfish behavior, and were justly judged by the gods. Now, your remaining magic power has been plundered by the gods, and you also paid a price. Only one arm as punishment, and you have to wait at least a day for replenishment. Obviously, neither you nor I have won this battle."

"Victory? Of course... it belongs to... me." "Red Armor" stared at "Ice Blade", with a manic and angry look in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the federal standard "Northern Bear = Kai" brand pistol with a wide waist, pointed it at the head of "Ice Blade", and pulled the trigger.


The first bullet was barely dodged by "Ice Blade", but it also scratched his thigh, making him unable to stand and falling to the ground.

Just when "Red Armor" was about to fire a second shot to kill the "Ice Blade" who was temporarily incapacitated, the small door of the "A" factory building was suddenly pushed open.

"Ice Blade" and "Red Armor" looked up and saw that it was Luo Ka who pushed open the door. In desperation, in order to ensure that he and Luo Ka could no longer be harmed, "Ice Blade" shouted without having time to think too much. :

"'Red Armor' is an 'agent' of the Federation and wants to kill us. Lorca, kill him. He can no longer use the magic power. Use your dagger to kill him!"

Luo Ka, who understood the meaning, didn't say much and just nodded silently.

Immediately afterwards, he dropped the "Ice Rose" standard sniper rifle on the ground, and while the "Red Armor" was shaking and raised the "Northern Bear - Kai" pistol again to shoot, he dodged and jumped close to the "Red Armor" In front of him, he pulled out the dagger he carried and stabbed him in the throat.

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