Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 391 The rescued Luo Nie (Part 2)

"u.ue selike, din shikmis endished (Chinese language)" Luo Nie repeated, showing a happy smile, looking up at the connected universe behind the sky, as if staring at the gods, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"This is the Chinese language, right? The kind of writing that has always been favored by soothsayers, magicians and occult researchers, right? Although...huh...although I don't understand this kind of mysterious and extraordinary writing, but only The content related to the Lord of Machinery and his 'reason' has been translated into all languages ​​known to mankind and copied into my 'brain' since the time I was born."

"So, Luo Nie, you know the meaning of this sentence, right?" Abena showed a subtle smile, walked behind Luo Nie, and said with his back to him.

"Of course." Feeling that his physical strength had recovered slightly, Luo Nie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said without hesitation:

"The 'Principle' of the Master of Mechanics, Part Three: My believers, when the power of life passes away and the body is on the verge of annihilation, you can pray with all your mechanical strength, and all the 'Principles' and 'Cause and Effect' will run, and the destiny will be fulfilled." The wheel will also turn here.

"So, the 'Lord of Mechanics' in the dark heard my prayer just now and blessed me, so he arranged this seemingly coincidental encounter to save my life. Abena, Dark, Wolf Ya, I think that even if you know something about my identity, you would never know that I would appear here at this moment, let alone come here to save me, right?"

"That's true, but Luonie, if you don't encounter everything, it's okay. Since we meet here, you have to follow us back." Wovya spoke in a low, extremely thick voice, like a thousand layers of rocks. The voice said, pressing Luo Nie's shoulders hard and exerting pressure, almost making him unable to move.

Enduring the pain, Ronai glanced at Wovya with a slightly angry look and asked:

"Why? You just saved me, are you going to kidnap me? Just because... I have a relationship with Wright... no, the 'Echoer'?"

"Yes and no." This time it was Dak's turn to respond.

"Oh?" Luo Nie looked at Dak doubtfully and asked the guess in his mind:

"You are saying that you want to see the Echoer, right?"

"Indeed." Dak nodded and said:

"I want to see his true self, I want to find him and rescue him from the frozen purgatory. In the 'Grey Dream', the realm created by the gods, I saw the 'Echoer' with a disguise superimposed on it. He gave me gifts, an 'old-time radio', a guide to enter a high-level career, and... the power to see His true core, which is the 'touch of darkness' that brings about the resistance to filth and evil. and the power of spiritual resistance against extraordinary monsters.

"In exchange, I must reach the depths of the ice and snow in the 'Extreme Cold Zone', which is roughly a ruin under the ice near the 'No. 1 Ice Creek' in the 'Belunai Region'. Over the past few months I have learned enough information from many people in the Lost Ones organization and the Federation Council to confirm that as long as there is a way to break through the ice wall that binds there, I will get the key to the area where the Echoes are imprisoned."

"Mission." After listening to Dak's narration, Luo Nie blurted out:

"The mission brought about by the mission, the 'Echoer' accepted a mission that did not belong to him, and now you have accepted a mission that does not belong to you, hahaha, fate, reincarnation..." Luo Nie forcibly broke away from Wolf He took a few steps back, leaning against the charred oak that had gone through the battle just now. He endured the unpleasant and choking smell of smoke and thought about the two days since he walked out of the base of the "Wildness Tourist Group". The hardships of a nearly homeless life for the past few months, coupled with the "stamina" to escape from death, he laughed wildly and said:

"It's just that the old and immortal George Socra who was a member of the Socra Committee of the Zine Empire at that time sacrificed his illegitimate son, Wright Socra, for his own selfish desires to create the so-called 'Paradise'. That's you. The 'Echoer' in his mouth summoned the 'monsters' from an alien plane, as well as the mysterious 'red magic power'. He was forced to accept missions, create evil, and even kill gods. And I am with you, Dark Tillis saw almost the same fate in his eyes."

"Do you resist death?" Abena asked, standing behind Luo Nie.

"No, but I don't want to see death anymore. Since acquiring [personality], I have completely lost the absolute rationality and indifference when I was a machine. I have begun to exist as a human being. I know that I want to completely To integrate into the human circle, you must abandon non-standard appearance, habits, language, and even ways of thinking. I slowly began to no longer accept death, precisely because I knew that the end of the wasteland world is all death, so I just promised Igor to help him find the evolution platform representing 'Tianji' located here." Luo Nie answered honestly:

"My purpose is the same as that of the army here, which is to seize time with the Lost Ones, enter beneath the 'Suffering Deep Ruins', and obtain the 'Weapon Limit' device. The power of the 'Machine Master' has destroyed six of them. The 'limited devices' created by the 'Master of Machines' erased their existence.

"No matter who did it, it is an unforgivable sin. They can use 'Pray to the Gods' to destroy the elaborate work of the 'Lord of Machines'. Naturally, I can also 'Shout to the Machines' and erase the 'Machine Master' 's 'masterpiece'. 'Qiqi', as an old shareholder of the last era, it's time to disappear."

"Luo Nie." Abena walked up to Luo Nie, bit her lip, raised her head and stared at Luo Nie's sapphire-like eyes, her voice turned gentle and said:

"In the world known to mankind, there are rituals that represent evil, and there are naturally rituals that guard justice. However, our continent, or the entire universe, is an unknown world with endless horizons. There is death here. There is rebirth; there is killing, there is redemption; there is shadow, there is sunshine; there are degenerate, miserable people, and there are those who evolve painfully along a trajectory set by some god.

"But I believe that those sincere and beautiful emotions in human beings will never pass over the long river of time. Death is just the inevitable end of a gorgeous life. When you are tremblingly knocked down by it, you have already walked in the opposite direction. The direction is moving forward.

"Vasili's 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform' plan will not bring about restart and rebirth, but will only usher in a wave of profound disasters and more deaths. If you can accept this point of view, I think you will jump out The shackles brought about by the dross of belief in authority, look further in the direction.”

"Further... direction?" Luo Nie asked, then shook his head and said with a wry smile: "'Echoer'?"

"More than that." Abena replied:

"There is also 'Plamini' who is very close to the location of the ruins of his existence, that is, the god 'Lord of Eternal Red'. You should know that now, whether it is the organization of the lost, independent armed forces, or living in the ice world None of the third parties support the 'Evolution Platform' plan. If you have contacted them, they must have advised you.

“For humans, true wisdom is not about making the most correct choice when faced with a choice, but about avoiding the choice before you get into trouble.

"If you can admit that the 'Evolution Platform' cannot bring real peace and future, why don't you look for the 'Responder'? Aren't you and Him friends? Otherwise, why are you wearing a belt on your waist? The 'Wild Bear' pistol that once belonged to Him?"

"You..." Luo Nie was surprised, subconsciously holding the "Crazy Bear" pistol at his waist and asked:

"How do you know?"

"We poor people in the wasteland world are followed and recorded all the time. They may be well-intentioned or malicious, but they can always leave some clues of this era for those who come after us. Written by Melinaer The manuscript of 'Church of Hope' describes you in enough detail that you can naturally get the correct results." Abena replied:

"Originally, these contents were planned to be told to you after we found you, a former machine body closely related to the Echoes. I know that you are very weak now, and perhaps the damage caused by the battle will affect your judgment. But there’s no problem, Dak will take you to the tent where the Federation Legion [soldiers] live here, eat something and have a night’s rest. I believe you will make the right choice.”

Before Abena could finish speaking and Luonie could respond, Wofya strode forward and hugged Luonie, preparing to forcefully take him back to the camp near the "man-made lake".

However, the broken body of the "mechanical dog-headed" monster that had just been knocked down by a group of people was emitting a dazzling red light.

Under the gaze of several people, the red color evolved into a phantom-like color, and then quickly collapsed inward.

Soon, the body of the "mechanical dog-headed" monster transformed into a red cannonball, rushed vertically into the sky, and exploded.

Suddenly, rich colors repeatedly overlapped and overlapped against the dark sky, intertwining and changing rapidly. Red, green, yellow, and purple kept turning, and splashing sparks splashed uncontrollably toward the ground.

Soon, before a few people had recovered, they seemed to be summoned by the "mechanical dog-headed" monster. Seven or eight huge octopus-like tentacles jumped out from the ground, like old demons in the deep valley. It was dancing and swaying wantonly, causing violent vibrations that made people unsteady.

Immediately afterwards, as the body of the "mechanical dog-headed" monster completely disappeared, a black-purple light pillar descended from the sky. With another tentacle emerging from the four people's feet, several people instantly rose into the air, "elegantly" in the air. After rolling several times on the ground, it fell towards the eastern part of the lake and the ancient-style giant cave entrance at the end of the woods.

The next chapter enters the high-energy chapters of Volume 2.

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