Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 4 Scarlet Intruder

De's words were unusually heavy, as if his body and spirit had already merged into this dark place at the edge of Socra.

Since the task of inspecting the underground sewers of the Sogra Guard was assigned directly to Haibo and De, the black-haired young man who was the driver of the mechanical chariot was not qualified to enter together.

Therefore, he threw Haibo and the two of them at the entrance of a huge cave built with steel bars. After bowing to De, the squad leader of the escort team, he drove the mechanical chariot and left here without looking back.

Now, only Haibo and De were left, as well as the dark field surrounding them that was gradually dimming.

"You can only walk ahead, Wright. You have just been transferred from the outer area. I have to explain some things clearly to you." De raised his head slightly and stared at him with his blue eyes that could see some clues in the dim light. Looking at Haibo, he said to Haibo like a guardian of the dark realm.

"I don't know what the regulations are in the outer zone, but if you want to survive in Socra, the first thing you need to do is abide by the rules. And the ultimate purpose of abiding by the rules is to maintain order."

"Order?" Haibo asked doubtfully.

Information, this is important information. Every city and federation in the wasteland should have its own rules, and order should be the rules of the city Sogra.

Getting this information is crucial, I don't want to lose my life because I unintentionally broke a rule.

"Yes, order. The most important thing for human beings to survive in this ruin is order. Of course, this is what my father told me. I am a native of Sucra, and my father is one of the senior generals of the Sucra army, so I can get more education. You know, it is a problem for ordinary people to survive in this wasteland world, let alone education." De said, proud and proud emotions flowed out of his words unconsciously.

Is he really a kid from a rich family? Or is it the second generation who has no ability? If I go on a mission with him, will I have to travel through time again?

Haibo complained in his heart, but on the surface he nodded frequently to show respect for the guard captain in front of him.

"Am I a little off topic?" De said with a sheepish smile, scratching his head playfully in order to ease the tense atmosphere.

You also know that you are off topic? Haibo continued to complain in his heart, but when his words came to his mouth, they were like sewage filtered by seven or eight layers of sand, becoming ordinary.

"Ah, no. You just said order, yes, and I agree. Order is very important in the wasteland." Haibo agreed.

"It's good that you know. Here, especially the underground of Socra is the most orderly place. Let's put it this way, if you fail the mission because you abide by the rules and order, the disposal facility under the command of Socra's military can't Whatever happens to you, it will be a slight punishment at most. And once you violate the order, you should know what the consequences will be." De said, staring at Haibo for a few seconds with cold and cold eyes that were not suitable for his age.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the "Bingyu" pistol he was wearing from the top of his neat silver-white guard captain's trousers, and waved it in front of Haibo.

After Haibo nodded thoughtfully, the two began to walk along the dim tunnel that was covered with dirt and metal pipes and led to Sogra's underground.

The dark environment mixed with the unique smell of dust made Haibo feel a sense of oppression condensed to the extreme.

As he continued to move deeper into the tunnel, the pungent smell of dust began to mix with the sour smell of food and rotting animal bodies, beginning to erode his sense of smell and taste buds.

It was dim and pitch-black here, and except for the dim kerosene lamps hung at regular intervals on the walls, there was no light source that could shine in here.

Originally, the entire holy city of Sogra was shrouded under a dome that was sometimes dark and sometimes had some light coming through. As for the tunnels leading underground from the edge of the city of Sogra, there was no chance of seeing any sunlight.

Walking into the long and narrow tunnel leading underground, Haibo actually felt like he was in a strange dream a few days ago.

The scene in the dream was also so dim, also pitch black with a putrid smell.

The old voice in his dream last night seemed to be echoing in his ears again.

"Underground!" "Underground!"

"We're here!" De's voice pulled Haibo out of his memories.

Unknowingly, the two of them had arrived at the Sogra Underground Area A Hall, which was rarely brightly lit in a dark and humid space.

Haibo looked around. The furnishings here were slightly different from those on the edge of the city, but in terms of environment, there were only a few more gas lamps than outside.

But the Socratic city coat of arms with a double-headed eagle hanging in the center declares the sovereignty of this place.

Directly in front of the hall is a man-made passage. Compared with the one they just walked through outside, this is the difference between the "wonderful craftsmanship" of nature and the "meticulous craftsmanship" of humans.

"Hello, ID!"

While the Hyperthinkers were trying to collect more information that belonged to this place, a tall and muscular man wearing a brown mask, whose age was estimated to be in his 30s from the sound of his voice, blocked them.

His name is Hit, and he is the inspector of the underground entrance guard of Socra. Although they are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Socra Guards, they are actually led by the Socra Committee.

The highest body in charge of all affairs in the city of Socra.

At this time, Hit's whole body was wrapped in mechanical armor made of special materials, and he even wore special silver-gray glasses accurately.

Because they live and work here all year round, they must take absolute protection against the "unintentional virus" and "extraordinary power" that are always present here.

"Well, here you go." De skillfully took out the Sogra city resident certificate that still smelled of ink from his pocket, as well as the Sogra Guard member certificate.

"Oh, here... here you go." Haibo rummaged through several coat pockets of his silver uniform for a long time before he found the ID he first saw.

This turns out to be called the Sogra Resident Certificate. No wonder it contains the time of issuance, the name of the certificate owner, and the location where the certificate is located. If he wants to completely become Wright and keep his secrets secret, I am afraid that these small details cannot be ignored. At least in his daily life, he cannot reveal any clues.

"There's no problem with the resident card, but where's the membership card?" Hit asked in a rich voice, his eyes becoming sharp.

"I..." Haibo didn't know how to explain.

Wright only left this. If he could have left a little more guidance, even if the remaining memory fragments were not so hazy and chaotic, I would be able to deal with the task more easily and not look embarrassed. It's a pity.

Seeing Haibo lowering his head in embarrassment, De explained to Hit with a smile:

"He has just been transferred from another area, and the documents are still being processed. This time the task is more urgent, and now we are the only two people there. Brother Hit, you have heard about it, right? The Socra Committee This time we pay special attention to the safety of underground waterways. If the Blood Night ritual cannot be carried out as usual in two months, you should know how angry those 'meat-eating' people will be."

After hearing the words "Blood Night Ritual", the information revealed in Hit's eyes instantly changed from severe to a mixture of understanding and fear.

"Oh, yes." Hit nodded and made a sound, moving two steps to the side to get out of the way.

Although it was impossible to see his expression clearly through the thick brown mask, Haibo could clearly understand his emotional changes from his almost subconscious answers.

Sure enough, after saying the words "Blood Night Ritual", Haibo and De's passage became unimpeded. The other inspectors guarding the entrance guard did not continue to check their identities.

The subsequent entry turned out to be surprisingly smooth.

After taking the simple elevator that officially led to Sogra's underground, De's expression finally softened a lot. The elevators built by Sugra City naturally do not have many quality problems, but there are not many lights inside, and the overall external structure is like a cage to imprison wild beasts, as if they are afraid that they will break free and rush out to bite people.

The vertical distance from the entrance guard of the inspection office to the lobby of Area A under Sogra is more than 20 meters. In other words, at such a slow descent speed, Haibo and De will still be "trapped" in this small, cage-like place for at least twenty minutes.

"Wright, Wright?" In the solemn atmosphere where only the sound of the machine could be heard, De said suddenly.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Haibo came back to his senses from the brief trance caused by thinking and hurriedly responded.

You can't reveal your secret now. The more you are in the darkness where it is easy to get lost, the more you have to stay absolutely awake!

"I heard that you just came back from a mission in the outer area. It must have been very difficult. It seems that you are the only one in your team who survived." De casually chatted, trying to ease the depressing atmosphere.

Task? Does he understand the mission? George, Ward, and De were all talking about Wright's mission repeatedly. What mission was he involved in? Was it the mission in the outer area that led to his death? Or did you find something extraordinary that shouldn't be touched during the mission? Finally chose suicide?

Haibo's brain was running rapidly, and he was trying to analyze as much as possible without exposing himself.

"Have you heard of the red magic source power?" De suddenly asked in a deep voice.

In the slowly descending elevator in a narrow space, De's voice seemed like a beast growing from the deep sea, dark and dark, and what was more worthy of his attention was the "red magic source power".

Red magic source power? Red magic source power! That was what Wright left unfinished on the note. It seems that he used his last bit of strength to record these words of disappointment. It seems that this was the only message he left to the world before he suffered a mental breakdown and committed suicide with a "Crazy Bear" pistol.

But just in time, the time traveler Haibo replaced the body and read it.

The starting point of everything is Wright's cry of mystery and despair.

"We will all fall into darkness, and no one will be saved. Except, the red magic source power."

"Red magic source power? Do you know the red magic source power?" Haibo asked inexplicably and frantically.

That was Wright's dying cry, and he needed De to provide him with this vital information.

Unfortunately, De just tilted his head and glanced at Haibo's ridiculous panic, laughed twice, and then said leisurely:

"I don't know, I just want to ease the tension. I don't know where I heard this word, maybe in a dream. Haha. Are you so concerned about this?"

"Oh, no, I'm just asking casually." Haibo quickly explained, regretting that he did something strange driven by his emotions.

When the constant feeling of weightlessness and the movement of the surrounding walls stopped, the cage-like elevator finally made a dull clanking sound.

After moving his somewhat stiff body in place for a few times, De skillfully opened the elevator door and entered a large space that was equally dim but appeared to be very spacious.

"This is Sogra Underground Area A, which is half a polluted area, almost as big as the two streets above.

Our task is to inspect No. 26-27 among the 40 waterways.

Some of the waterways here are industrial water that enters the city of Sogra after treatment, and some are residential water. So they cannot show any trace of infection. Otherwise, we must report to the superiors in time.

As I told you just now, the 'Blood Night Ritual' will begin in two months. If it goes well, the power of the Lord of the Night and the Goddess of Light will purify the entire city, including the water sources we drink.

With these powers, we can gain another forty years of largely carefree life. Oh, by the way, Wright," De picked up the "Bingyu" pistol, turned his back and said to Haibo:

"The people who checked other waterways in front have already arrived, and we are the last ones. We need to pass through waterways 24 and 25 before we can go there. Let's go, maybe we can meet the people who came in front and ask them for some needed equipment. Woolen cloth."

Following Zhe De's footsteps and actions, Haibo also took out the "Crazy Bear" pistol from his waist, held it tightly with his hands wearing tactical gloves, and followed.

But the strange thing is that with every step he takes towards the depths of the dim hall ahead, Haibo can feel the increasingly strong smell of blood and stench in his nasal cavity, and the feeling of being invaded and disturbed by some mysterious force in his mind also disappears. Gradually increasing.

It seemed as if there were some kind of ancient creatures living in the dark underground in front of them, their mouths wide open, waiting for lost humans to stray into their territory.

Finally, when the familiar number "25" in the common language of the Western Continent appeared on the brown rusty mottled pipe above Haibo Hede's head, the smell of rot and blood was also developed to the extreme.

When the twisted body, contaminated blood, and the slightly beating but already glowing red metal chest with splashes of high-temperature liquid appeared in front of him, De's heart sank:

"The unintentional person is here!"

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