Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 397 Deep Sorrow (6): Gleb’s Battle (Part 2)

"This is impossible! This is completely impossible!" Gleb roared, his lips trembling unconsciously, and the deep purple in his eyes suddenly dissipated, turning back to the brown color of a normal lost person.

In other words, the dark magic power and the power of the ancient gods in his body have dissipated.

"What have you done? Could it be that you have sequential monsters in your hands that offset my power?" Gleb took half a step back unconsciously, with a look of shock on his face.

"It seems that the god you believe in personally vetoed his support for you, G... Gleb, right?" Dak sneered and took half a step forward:

"Whether it is the overlord who symbolizes death who sleeps in the moist deep sea that you believe in, or the 'darkness and collaborator' Dipser who is respected and even supported by many lost people, or the 'easiest to contact' The Darkness of Deep Dream and the Darkness of Darkness, they all have to follow the more supreme will of the Creator who created this world."

"What do you mean?" Gleb asked, condensing the negligible power of dark magic in his hands, intending to attack at any time.

But several people, including Gleb, knew that with Abena's constantly shaking arms and the ridiculous amount of magic power that had lost its suppressive power, he had already lost it before using more mysterious power. the ability to threaten.

Facing Gleb's pretense of tough questioning, Dak didn't save him any face at all and said directly:

"I saw the power of the ancient gods when I was in the 'Special Task Group' in Mayan City. I learned from a magician who claimed to be 'the connection between man and the dark god' that our world is a terrible nightmare of the Creator. As long as he Wake up, and the world will escape into eternal silence.

"And the continent we are on is His most proud creation. He created the most spiritual human beings with His own face, and gave us the core of 'wisdom'. In other words, humans are the species closest to gods. Human beings are also the great medium through which God and the Creator observe themselves.

"Even if you think that the radical ideas you uphold belong to justice, the ancient gods also recognized this existence in your angry wails, but you should not forget that there are gods above human beings, and above the gods there is the Creator and the 'reason' created by him. .As long as the target you target is a human being, you will offend the Creator and issue a 'rebuke' to the gods, thus erasing your power from higher dimensions."

"I have never heard of this view. You made it up, just like the strategy adopted by 'Future' when I fought against 'Wind Mine' that day. With a little...a little bit of mistakes in my operations, yes, The operation was wrong... and he used verbal attacks to try to disrupt my thinking and lead me to collapse. I will not be fooled!" Gleb roared.

"You can choose to believe, or you can be stubborn. Bishop Wei's classic "Old Dark Scriptures" says: God is the only one who is feared by all living beings. He blesses his only messenger, human beings. He saves one person and saves all people. If he is an enemy of man, he will be an enemy of God. As an enemy." Duck further explained:

"When you say the words to destroy us, and you happen to use the power of the gods, the Creator will wake up briefly and punish you! Regardless of Vasily, we normal humans do not regard the lost and the supernatural as As a hostile race. On the contrary, in a broad sense, you are also part of the human race, but you have experienced more unbearable painful experiences.

"In this wasteland era, on this continent filled with the thick fog of death and annihilation, we are all a group of poor people who are forced to fight. The manuscript of the 'Church of Hope' mentioned that even the 'Evil God' The 'Echoers' all hope that humans and the lost will live in peace and build a paradise-like, peaceful future era."

"It was you who started the war!" Gleb roared hysterically. In his excitement, he didn't even notice the semi-thick dark red saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"There is never a right or wrong in war. The only thing we can do is to avoid war as much as possible. This is the purpose of His Excellency Vasily, the radical among mankind, to find the 'Evolution Platform'. We are looking for the 'Echoer' and 'Pula' The same is the purpose of Mini'. Only when [Order] returns to the world, this terrible era will end." This time, the speaker was Abena, the "leader" of the "Order Society".

His gaze was firm, and his eyes were piercingly staring at Gleb, who had almost lost his human posture, and his body was turned outwards and twisted due to the power of the dark magic source.

After a brief glance, Abena ignored Wofya's obstruction, walked slowly and forcefully to Gleb, looked directly into his eyes, and whispered:

"You should know me, Gleb. You and I met in Xinfeng Town before our 'Order Society' cooperated with humans. However, the dark power in your body will remove some human memories from time to time. Make you forget about me.

"It doesn't matter, after all, we are now on a hostile stance. But, do you know? The Dak in front of you was killed by one of the leaders of your 'Chaos Group', Lei Ye, just four or five months ago. 'Madam, I have been recognized through the divination of the sequence cards and have been promoted to the upper-level [Chaos-Inducer] profession.

"I think that the young man Luo Ka who has been staring at him did not have time to tell you all this, and you were washed away by the anger of revenge and lost your mind. Now you are not controlling this body. A rational and powerful person , one of the leaders of the 'Chaos Group', turned out to be a crazy, hysterical, and dehumanized 'monster'."

"Abena... Abena..." Gleb repeatedly chanted the name of the young man in front of him who was the "master". He began to feel a little dazed, but he still held on to his body and maintained his standing posture.

"Whether your 'guidance' or 'temptation', as a [tempter], it is not enough to control us. Perhaps, the Creator's rebuke will be expressed through a seemingly reasonable path. After all, as long as His With just one thought, all things will disappear and all things will grow.”

"What do you want to express?" Gleb asked, grinning.

"Although I only have level 5 magic source power, I can control the dual magic source power of earth and fire. You know, those who can comprehend two or more magic source powers are those chosen by the gods. Plus I am the lost one, and it is difficult for you to control my spirit. This is also the capital that allows me to stand firm as the 'ruler'." Abena pointed at the people behind him and continued:

"Dake, the upper-level profession [Chaos-Inducer], is slowly adjusting to his abilities and does not have too many superpowers for the time being, but the rules are the rules. Mid-level professionals cannot control the upper-level professions. And he, Luo Nie, formerly known as ' "Mechanical body" received the blessing of the "Daughter of Mechanical Element" and was given [personality] to have the same identity as us. People who are gifted by God cannot be controlled by you.

"As for the big man, he is indeed very strong and his strength is astonishing. Although I can't explain the reason, when the body is strengthened to a certain extent, the spirit will be extremely strong. Moreover, he is a veteran of the Federation. [Warrior], how could it be manipulated?

"So, Gleb, give up your prejudices and think seriously about your future. In this way, you and we are not necessarily enemies. From our point of view, except for Ronai, we do not support Master Vasily. Operation 'Global Energy Evolution Platform'. The technology of the old empire is a mysterious and dangerous thing. Once the brilliance of the sun melts away all the ice, a flood disaster will come."

"So, you... Abena, after saying... so much, what is the purpose?" Gleb asked, his distorted face seemed to be relieved a little.

"I said, we are not enemies. Humanity and the Lost are not absolute enemies. Tell us the direction to leave here and take us out of here. I promise to swear to the Creator in the name of the 'leader of the Society of Order' to You return to your camp, and at the same time tell Yaroslav Rurik, who is about to take over as the commander-in-chief of the army near the 'man-made lake', to ask him to transfer from the Aerospace Forces. You know, we don't have much to keep the 'Giant Bird' flying freely. Fuel." Abena laid out his side's terms.

After a few seconds of silence, Gleb suddenly twisted his head abnormally at 360 degrees, his eyes widened, and he let out a whimper, a roar, or a scary smile.

Immediately afterwards, veins popped up on his head, he withdrew the unsustainable dark magic power in his hand, clenched his fist, and punched Abena in the stomach, causing him to draw an imperfect arc in the air. Behind the line, he reluctantly fell into Wulfya's arms.

"Gleb, do you want to die here with us?" Wofya put Abena on the ground and asked, raised the gun again, put his hand on the trigger, and pointed it at Gleb again.

"Hahaha... Hahaha... Ivan... Ivan 22, that great emperor is right... people... always think about deception and compromise. That's why he... is here In the middle of the steam age...the seed of 'unintentional' was planted." As Gleb spoke, his body turned outwards uncontrollably, and relying on abnormal strength, he slowly rose into the air:

"He had long hoped that human beings could achieve a wave of universal evolution, so he slept here, without ever setting foot in the heaven and underworld where he could abandon the shackles of fatigue and sleep peacefully. Since I was lucky enough to listen to the call of that great emperor , then it is no longer possible for my destiny to go the way you humans expect.

"I, Gleb Dacris, will not choose to cooperate with the Federation, let alone you humans. This is not a war between the Lost and humans, but a war that belongs to me, Gleb Dacris. fighting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gleb had floated to a position of about ten meters in the air. Behind him was the "mechanical dog-headed" monster that Dak and the others had just seen. However, at this moment, those semi-mechanical monsters had been killed by Gleb. started.

Their eyes were emitting a terrifying red light, and mechanical arms stretched out from their heads to restrain Gleb.

Immediately afterwards, beyond the understanding of Wulfya, Dak, Abena and Ronai, these "mechanical dog-headed" monsters actually emitted more dazzling red lasers simultaneously, forming the ancient Crusaders. The "Gun Bear Totem" was only briefly used in the era of Ivan XXII, a simple drawing of a bear staring at a small hand cannon designed by the great emperor.

The violent flashing light made several people unable to open their eyes. After a few short seconds, they discovered that Gleb's body was slowly pulled in by the mechanical arm and fused together to form a structure nearly fifteen meters high. Inside the body of the "Mechanical Bear".

In other words, in order to fight, Gleb completely gave up the body of the Lost One and merged with the old cyborg body that guarded the "Bitter Relics".

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