Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 399 Deep Sorrow (8): Death of Abena

"Abena...is he awake?" Wulfya asked with concern.

"It seems that he is awake, but his condition is very bad. I guess..." Dak was a little confused.

"What do you think?" Wofya's tone sounded a little anxious, and she directly picked up Abena to check the injury.

"It is estimated that we may not be able to reach the end with us. I am afraid we have to rely on ourselves for the rest of the journey." Dak replied with a sigh.

"That's it..." Wulfya took a deep breath, but still chose to ask Dak for gauze, and continued to bandage Abena without saying a word.

Even though half of Abena's neck has lost its skin and has become a semi-mechanical state that oozes oil, his heart has completely changed from emitting a light blue light to a red, blazing red light.

Even though the gauze he had just put on was instantly contaminated with black sticky substance and blood, Wulfya did not consider the risk of infection to herself and mechanically bandaged it until the white sacred things that helped heal the wound were completely covered. The filth and abomination that embodies "sorrow".

After the bandage was completed, Wovya discovered that strands of bright green lines like oriental silk poured out from Abena's wounds, mouth, nostrils, etc., floated into the air and were quickly swallowed by "sorrow" and disappeared.

Soon, the last bit of energy to sustain life was activated, and Abena's heart began to emit a pure green light that was sad but also contained the breath of life. With the beating of the heart, this gentle energy was transported to his whole body through the blood vessels. .

"His life is about to end." Luo Nie stared at these gentle green lights that were incompatible with the surroundings and said:

"Those who have the power of magic, whether they are lost people or magicians among humans, will activate it for the last time before death to maintain the final battle, or to leave it to those close to them to say goodbye. This...maybe it is for the Creator. The only tenderness left by those who are qualified to contact God.

"Wulfya, once he enters the state of life aura stimulation, he will inevitably die. This state is not reversible. It is the function of the 'reason' set by the Creator. For the 'reason', even the Creator himself cannot violate it. "

"Cough cough cough..." A slight cough came from Abena's mouth. Indeed, under the influence of the spiritual energy of life, Abena slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

"Luo Nie... He is right. That wound... was probably caused by a rock infected with 'Shang'. It may have completely destroyed my body's self-healing ability." Abena comforted Wolf. Yahedak said:

"Originally, as long as I don't continue to be hurt, even if the 'sorrow' around me is still strong, my magic source power can be maintained until we... we escape from here. However, the smoke created by 'Bizuni's Tears', plus the smoke just now The escaped part of the ancient divine power run by Gleb invaded my blood without any defense.

"Wulfya, Dak, you know, even if you are a god, you have to rely on all the 'divine power' and 'divinity' to compete with these powers. I am not a god, let alone a human being blessed by the creator. I He's just a 'cursed' person who still can't find his way after experiencing pain."

"But you are a lost person who is willing to cooperate with humans to restore [order], and that is enough. At this point, your efforts are enough to erase all evil." Dak choked and comforted with tears.

"No, I'm not that pure." Abena shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"The 'Order Society' is actually not that pure. Our twelve 'leaders' do not represent those mysterious...mysterious things. On the contrary, we represent positions ranging from radical to peaceful to loyal.

"'Fu Bing' and 'Yin Min' represent the faction that is absolutely loyal to the Federation and cooperates with humans. 'Po Jun' and 'Xu Ling' are against the Federation and stand on the side of the Lost to resist to the end. And the leader and I The 'New God' is a party that strives for the interests of the lost in cooperation.

"We, not only us, but also you humans. After... experiencing the baptism of hundreds of years in the Wasteland Era, those stupid, selfish, violent and greedy people have long been marginalized. We... are all... Think about the problem from the most rational perspective and come up with the best and only answer under the current conditions, but...as far as I can see in the future, [order] is still far away, and the war still has no end."

"This is not your mistake, nor ours, but an indescribable and unavoidable sad thing that has existed in the world since the birth of mankind, that is - 'human nature'." Dak comforted Abe. NaDao:

“Even if we are not selfish, as long as we add a little bit of ‘self-consideration’ to the framework of ‘current conditions’, the direction will start to deviate.

“The Patriarch of Mayang City once told me this widely circulated warning from the Lord in a dream:

Human beings are not trustworthy, gods are abhorrent to them, and the Creator spreads suffering just to provide a little ridiculous ripple to the fleeting dream of eternity. "

"Dake... if you blaspheme the Creator, you will be punished by 'reason'." Abena said with a bitter smile.

"Will Vasily, who sacrificed 40,000 people through the 'Fireworks of the Past', be sanctioned? Will David Rurik, who hindered Crusted from destroying the 'Heartless' and reestablishing order, be sanctioned? Control' Will the 'Chaos Group' and the 'Enlightenment Sect' who continue the war unintentionally be punished?" Dark asked and answered:

"Maybe they will, but they probably won't. In that case, I won't either. What we will do is to find the 'Device Limit' chip in the 'Bitter Relics' before the Federal Council and the Lost Organization do, and destroy it; yes What they want is to break through the shackles of the wind wall in the 'Beslunai region' and awaken the 'Resounders'; what they know is to find the god behind 'Pramini', get his guidance and strength, and eliminate the wandering and gathering ones one by one. 'Heartless', restore the poor [order] that belongs to mankind... and the lost."

"Duck, cough...I think, I want to repent." Abena looked up calmly and said:

"In the early days when I was freed from the influence of the 'Wuxin Man' identity and became a lost person, I did attack... your compatriots in order to calm down my inner restlessness and desire for food. In the past few years, under the arrangement of the leader, in order to facilitate In cooperation with the Federal Council, I assassinated the director of the Urban Happiness Group, the commander of the Krusted Guards, and Vasily's opponent, the former general of the Krusted Army, Vanilov Rurik.

"From the beginning to the end, I have been indifferent to life and have never been in awe of it. Dak, Wofya, you said that after my life passes, I will fall into purgatory or even hell to taste the endless and eternal fire of karma to wash away my sins. ?"

"I don't think so." Wulfya said decisively:

"When the [order] of the human world collapses, the order of heaven and hell will also collapse. Without humans, where would the gods be? Since the beginning of our war with the 'Heartless Man', those nerds who are overly reverent of life have not appeared again. pass.

"In this world, regardless of your ideas or positions, only your fists and pure power can support your survival. Absolute force can only bring absolute [order]. When has the power of peace and [order] taken over?" Only by gaining the upper hand can we truly destroy the 'Heartless Man' and return to the world before New Yuan."

"Power? According to... According to the words of the Khitanris, it is an absolute 'concept of heavenly evolution'. Wofya..." Abena said, his eyes began to widen, and the blood flowing between the heart and blood vessels The green radiance emitted by the life aura has also reached its brightest stage.

"I saw the light." Abena murmured softly:

"The light is coming, the light is seen, the light is emitting a melodious and ethereal chant."

"There is no light here, and those searchlights... exploded when Gleb disappeared just now." Dak whispered, even though the Abena in front of him belongs to the lost, even though he has known him for not too long, he is still As a collaborator, Dak was unwilling to lose his pitiful and dangerous sympathy and pity when facing Abena's death.

Moreover, at least during the time they were together, Abena did nothing wrong.

However, soon, Abena's eyes began to change from wide-open to semi-dark.

In front of him appeared several ethereal, indistinct ladies in pure white robes, seemingly tangible, yet more invisible.

Those green and holy whites were instantly upgraded to several levels in his eyes, as if they contained endless spirituality that transcended cognition, consciousness, knowledge, body and spirit, and was enough to get rid of all fatigue, pain, sorrow and disaster.

Abena felt that his body was being pulled upwards by a familiar yet unfamiliar mysterious force. Soon, he broke away from the shackles of the complicated rocks, the black clouds, and the planet's atmosphere in the "Bitter Relics" and came to the supreme universe where the Creator slept.

There was endless, boundless darkness here, but in front of him appeared the great sun that brought light and heat to life, the moon that exuded a white, pure, and tranquil atmosphere, and the twinkling stars that hinted at endless life. There are bright, brilliant, complex, and rippling nebulae in the distance.

He noticed that the black, sticky vomit that had just flowed on his neck was quickly dissipating, turning into shining star powder.

From the dancing light, he saw the "Hongtai" standing in the extremely cold special zone, the "future industrial zone" that was almost endless in the steam era, and the tender "Wind Town" filled with ancient winds. There are also the brave and strong free dragons flying in the sky who ruled the world before the Crusted civilization was established.

As a lost person, he chose to cooperate with humans to restore [order]. At this moment, he was redeemed.

When the last ray of green light belonging to the aura of life rose into the air, exploding and blooming like fireworks, a smile appeared on Abena's calm and pale face.

"Death is a common occurrence for human beings in this era, but expectations for the future make people no longer feel fearful and lonely."

Silently reciting the fragmentary pages of poems left by Gur Ji, after a violent shaking, Dak stood up and found out.

At the end of this huge, arena-like space, between the brick structures similar to the walls of a castle, an "ancient" passage paved with bluestones has appeared, leading to the deeper parts of the "Brudging Ruins".

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