Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 44 Gray Dream (please collect and recommend)

"Uh... now? Going to meet that Lone Wolf boy? If I remember correctly, Brett told me his name two days ago, Ivan Ross, which is very similar to the common names in the old Crusted Empire. ." Wright crossed his hands and placed them on the white medical quilt, thinking about something in his mind.

"This is normal. The Crusted Empire was once a great country. It was once synonymous with strength and power. I really miss that era. If you claim to be a citizen of Crusted, I'm afraid anyone will be high. Take a look at you." The red face recalled leisurely.

"Crusted Empire? Crusted Empire?" Wright repeated this word that sounded very familiar to him, even a little inexplicably boring.

Moros had mentioned her inadvertently, and Brett had been praising her strength more often. Even when listening to the sound of dripping fluids in the ward these two days, the name of this country was constantly changing from those The words of the defeated soldiers on the front line came from the mouths and lingered in Wright's ears.

This seems to be a powerful empire.

Wright compared it in his mind with a similar empire in the world before he traveled.

Crusted Empire.

She had a prosperous culture, and during the Third Age of Steam, her radiation power could even reach the southernmost tip of the Western Continent. The Ptoia Empire, a sea power at that time, and even the Zine Empire's cultural roots were inseparable from this empire.

She possesses powerful military power. In the battle with the Aventrai Empire, even though she was facing repeated blows from the fire of punishment, she still relied on the torrent of steel to crush everything in the icy land and defeated the ambitious man. s country.

Even at the end of that era, the Krusted Empire had five or six huge cities with a population of tens of millions, as well as millions of magicians and hundreds of thousands of mystics who claimed to be extraordinary people.

Her industrial capacity accounted for more than 50% of the continent at that time. Except for the fragmented Flame Empire in the east and the Putoa Empire that focused on sea power, no country could compare with her.

Even the "Sequence Cards" and "Tarot Cards" used in divination were born and gradually developed in the territory controlled by this country during the Second Era thousands of years ago.

Unfortunately, it was destroyed by a sudden mysterious virus and the growing power of monsters. Until today.

"Are you thinking about history? Wright, I don't approve of your behavior." The red face interrupted Wright's thoughts and said:

"Human beings in the wasteland will fall into confusion when they think about history, leading to self-destruction. And we are destined to think about the future. Don't you want to explore the truth of this wasteland world? Don't you want to find those sequential gods? About yourself Yes, aren’t you willing to try to ascend to the throne of demigods and gods? Also, there are so many secrets in you. Including me.”

"Ugh... you're right, I was distracted." Wright breathed a sigh of relief and said apologetically:

"But I don't want to see Ivan for the time being, not because of fear, but mainly because of the telegram."

Wright said, placing the copy on the bedside table that had been deliberately replaced with milky white paint, and picked up the handwritten version of the telegram that Moros had brought a few days ago.

Immediately afterwards, he narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his slightly heavy head vigorously a few times, and said:

"In addition to the arrangements for the follow-up battle, the content of the message also deliberately mentioned the Lone Wolf Society, a group formed voluntarily by people with superpowers, right now, people with superpowers should be called people with superpowers. But the name of Mr. George is mentioned in the message. In addition to mentioning me, Moros and Brett, Ivan and the leader of the Lone Wolf Society, the ‘Wolf of Odyssey’, were also deliberately mentioned.”

"What can be deduced from these?" The red-faced man seemed to understand what Wright meant and asked.

"This message was sent in the name of General George of the Sugla Guards. It is not surprising that a few of us were sent. After all, there are currently only a few of us members of the Sugla Guards who fled to Migov. Most of the others returned by the same route. To the Silent Highland Outpost, or the Holy City of Sugla. In my memory, the Sugla Guards and the Lone Wolf Society did not have much cooperation, or had no intersection. This time they suddenly mentioned it, and also mentioned Ivan accurately? No. Is it weird?" Wright "deduced".

"Perhaps there are some arrangements in the capital. Didn't the man named George also give you the task of going to Silent Highlands? And there is no cancellation in the message, which means that your mission is still to go to Silent Highlands first. And Ivan from the Lone Wolf Club happens to be It's you who saved me again, so it should be a natural thing to force you to form a team." The red face said, and the lines that formed the pattern of his face were also slightly converging inward, indicating that he was also thinking about something seriously.

"It was inevitable that I met Ivan. Less than two hours after Moros reported to Sugra via telegram, the capital sent accurate mission information. This coincidence is too great, and it is even deliberate. And," Wright turned his black eyes and analyzed:

"The operation to open up Route 65 lasted for more than a year, but this time they invested nearly half of the people in Sogra city in the recovery of Kofu Station. But the target was a lost person, that Yato, and There are thousands of careless people. Most of the time, the Imperial Parliament will not pass such a thing that is not proportional to the input and output, but this time it issued an order to recover. Moreover, we were accidentally bombarded by the fire of sub-level punishment, causing our casualties to be close to Half. Such a strategic move that obviously leads to death is extremely bizarre.”

"You mean, someone deliberately launched this war that is obviously going to fail, for a certain purpose?" the red-faced voice said slightly distorted.

"Two possibilities," Wright stretched out his gauze-wrapped finger and made a "two" sign, saying:

"First, Yato is very important to the empire. The empire hopes to eliminate him at all costs or arrest him. Secondly, there may be someone behind the scenes who planned this battle. His purpose is not only to attack the empire. In addition to the military power, maybe he has already made contact with the Church of the Lost. There may be some kind of deal."

"The transaction... is interesting." The red-faced man's eyes widened quickly and he looked at Wright with excitement.

"Think about it, who will gain the most from the loss of the Empire? Naturally, it is the Church of the Lost. And Moros said that most of the Church of the Lost are currently stationed in the Silent Highlands. Perhaps it is a deal. Yato may be a traitor to the Lost. After all, He may have violated some rules and came to me again and again." Wright held his chin, imitating the tone of a well-known character in the animation of the previous world, and said:

"Then, there is only one truth! Since the purpose of opening up Route 65 is the Silent Highlands, there are sequence gods. If the behind-the-scenes controller, or the traitor, wants to obtain the cooperation or recognition of the Lost Ones to pursue him, he will naturally weaken the human federation. We must reach a compromise with the Lost Ones based on their strength. Even the war is simply a cover, and the coming of the Fire of Punishment may also be a sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" The red face asked in confusion.

"Perhaps that god needs to sense a lot of death in order to wake up. That female god with a confused singing voice, I... seemed to have met her in a dream... uh, a substitute, she claimed to be... What's coming?"

Wright tried hard to think about the clues in his dream and kept searching in the depths of his memory. Although he did not record his dreams in time and kept a good habit of writing a diary, after a pain in his brain that was like stirring a spoon, his memory fragments A clear name seems to have emerged.

"The daughter of the Mechanical Yuan. Yes, she is the daughter of the Mechanical Yuan. She should be some kind of god related to the Lord of Machinery. If she has some kind of transcendent power and can even change the structure of the wasteland world, then The Imperial Parliament passed a resolution that exchanging a failed war for a permanent peace in the future is of equal value." Wright continued his analysis.

His eyes moved upward unconsciously, looking slightly hollow on the white but reddish wall that had been stained by red light, and he tried his best to think about the possible answers to the "derivation".

"How about trying to enter the gray dream?" The red face suddenly proposed a seemingly feasible plan.

"Now?" Wright lowered his head and asked with some uncertainty.

"You are born with the upper-level profession [Order], and will retain almost all memories after the Gray Dream ends. If there are other lost ones at this moment, or the owner of the magic source power also activates the Gray Dream , whether active or passive, you can try to communicate with them and obtain some information." The red face advised.

"Is it possible that they are paying attention to the daughter of Tool Yuan?" Wright asked directly.

"It's possible. If the Lost need to obtain the Sequence Core, they must contact the gods in order to be promoted. The Lost who have the ability to enter the Gray Dream are more powerful, and their need to gain power is more obvious. So, you can try. Next , you just need to follow me and recite the spell, and since you are an upper-level professional, you will be able to enter and exit the gray dream more freely. Give it a try?" the red face asked with a seductive tone.

"Give it a try, yes, give it a try." Wright nodded his head with messy black short hair and said.

"First surge your red magic source power and find the feeling of using it the first two times. First recognize its existence from the depths of your heart, and then detect its surge through your spirit." The human face prompted.

"Surge." Wright muttered silently.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his hands wide and then closed them into palms, trying his best to sense and mobilize the mysterious magic power in his body.

For a moment, the words "nature", "human beings", "world", "magic" and "dream" flashed through his mind.

These words then turned into several corresponding intentions, creating a somewhat soft scene in his spiritual world.

This is the first time that he has officially "spiritually bound" on his own initiative with the right guidance.

Before he traveled to this wasteland, he did not belong to any category of magic enthusiasts, and Wright's body was never willing to come into contact with mysterious powers such as magic source power.

But he is different now. Ever since he saw the destroyed note, and met Aaron who used magic power and induced him repeatedly, and the executed Nata who answered his questions about the magic field. Sha, and now the strange human face that appears inexplicably due to the power of the red magic source.

These thoughts and memories constantly emerged before his eyes, forming his own spiritual power.

Then, a red glow emerged from his hands, like the light from the sun at sunset.

Those rays of light formed countless red threads and sparks bursting out as he turned his hands slightly, gradually wrapping around his body.

"Lite, read after me." The red face said, moving from near his arms to the intersection of his neck and shoulders.

"I pray to the goddess of light for guidance."

"I pray to the goddess of light for guidance."

"I ask for the Night Lord's approval."

"I ask for the Night Lord's approval."

"Please give me the power to open my dreams."

"Please give me the power to open my dreams."

"Let me see the truth."

"Let me see the truth."

When Wright followed the red face and chanted the last spell in a deep voice, he suddenly felt a sensation that shook the world, like an earthquake.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his body was sitting in a roller-like object, spinning continuously.

When the dizziness and sense of loss reached the extreme, he felt that his spiritual world suddenly became clear and transparent.

After all the discomfort dissipated, Wright slowly opened his heavy eyes and looked around.

The originally white ward no longer existed at this time. Instead, it seemed that he was surrounded by the endless universe and the eternal stars.

There are countless nebulae glowing with strange light, and a planet that is gradually becoming brighter, as if it is glowing after a gas lamp is lit.

And, at this moment, Wright was suspended among the stars, but did not feel any sense of loss of control.

"This is the origin of the world. You will encounter it when you first enter the Gray Dream. Perhaps the inventor who designed this ritual wanted to pay tribute to the Creator. But Wright, now gather all your spiritual power and imagine that you are We are in a thick fog." The red face reminded him again.

"I'll try." Wright agreed.

Then, he imagined in his mind the several extreme fog moments he encountered in the previous world.

After a period of chaotic whispers, he suddenly felt a touch of real ground beneath his feet.

When he opened his eyes again, the world around him had turned into a realm of silence and thick fog.

"Now reach out and try to peel it off." The red-faced voice came to Wright's ears again.

After Wright nodded and printed, he stretched out his hands, which were so white that they seemed to be inconsistent, and made an outward motion of peeling them off.

Surprisingly, the fog around him seemed to be controlled by some kind of power from Wright, and it actually spread out in the direction pointed by his hands and became darker.

Immediately afterwards, Wright looked around and found that he was already in an extremely fantasy realm.

The ground here is covered with green moss, and the sky is extremely blue, which is very different from the domes above the city of Sogra.

Looking up, several mottled white stone pillars stood at the end of the field of view. On the right side of the field of view, Wright saw an extremely majestic castle that was made up of a variety of regional styles.

Its top is in the style of staggered domes, and its middle seems to have been deliberately painted with red paint, showing the style of the Empire of Fire.

Its bottom is made of obsidian-like material. If you look closely, you can see that a giant door made of metal that is almost five meters high and engraved with obvious double-headed eagle patterns and "Bridge and Sea" patterns has opened. Some gaps.

The huge dark red door reveals a faint dim yellow light inside, waiting for the intervenor who enters the "grey dream" and pushes it forward.

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