Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 459 Deep Sorrow (68): Krusted Dishes (Part 2)

"Speaking of Wulfya, recently... I seem to have started dreaming about the 'Echoers' again." Dark said.

Wulfya was startled at first. The knife he was using to chop the "Iceland Rooster" stopped for a second. After a brief daze, he quickly returned to his normal cooking rhythm, pretending not to care, and asked in a relaxed tone:

"He...what information did he tell you again?"

"No." Duck shook his head, sat back on the chair, stepped on the edge of the seat with one foot, hugged his knees with his hands, and said:

"I just saw that the tree that had always thrived in the 'Grey Dream' collapsed. In the heavy snow, the 'Echoer' was leaning against the ruins of the wall like a lonely child. His eyes looked at me painfully and helplessly, and his mouth moved up and down, but never made any sound.

"I feel like He didn't have the strength to continue talking because of the ice."

After hearing this, Wovya did not immediately respond to Duck. Instead, he skillfully removed and hollowed out the claws, chicken wings, internal organs and bones of the "Iceland Rooster", placed them in an aluminum bowl aside for later use, and then removed the chicken breasts. A large piece of meat was cut and wrapped in a layer of bread crumbs that had been prepared.

Then, he mixed the seasonings including salt, pepper, etc., poured in soy sauce and olive oil. After the mixing was completed, he sprinkled in a handful of white sugar that was included in the "Cruzder Military Strategic Materials List", stirred it thoroughly, and added the chicken Put the pieces in and marinate quietly.

After doing all this, he took out the bear meat sausage with satisfaction, cut it into uniformly sized pieces with an extremely slow but extremely precise step, put it into a steamer that had been wiped clean and poured in clean water, and turned on the gas. The valve of the tank is turned on and steamed.

After a few minutes, I looked at the steam smoke gradually rising from the small hollows, and the chicken pieces "lying" in the brown seasoning, like immersed in abandoned ruins, and in the lake water stained red with blood. , looking at them slowly squirming and twisting, like ghostly meat wandering in the abandoned field, Wulfya finally responded:

"He may be delivering the last message to you. He is very anxious now and is looking forward to your arrival. I estimate that He must have learned your location through some method. When you are closer to Him, that kind of The feeling of longing to be rescued will become stronger.

"This is instinct, out of the instinct of life. Perhaps the consciousness of the 'Echoer' did not convey any information, but that instinct has always been looking forward to your arrival."

"That's why we should go north as soon as possible instead of staying here and waiting to die." Dak muttered, lowering his head slightly and said angrily.

"I said, we don't have to worry at all, Dak." Wulfya said in a particularly calm tone:

"Some things do require making decisions quickly to seize the opportunity. But more things require understanding information, accumulating resources, choosing methods, and then making 'satisfactory decisions' and finally putting them into practice. Slowly Operate and achieve success.

"Although, I can't stand the peacefulness of the Khitanris people. Their intellectuals always speak slowly, formally, and philosophically, but they are always elusive and incomprehensible. However, I appreciate it very much. One of their perspectives.”

"What's your opinion?" Duck asked, looking away from the food and looking at Wulfya's wide, dark blue eyes, the tall nose bridge, and the broad, muscular figure unique to the Crusaders. .

"'When things are urgent, it will be difficult to deal with them, and once the development of things slows down, there is room for change.' This is the philosophical wisdom exclusive to the Khitanris people, and is often called 'the golden mean' by their own people. "Tao'." Wofya sat on the clean dining table, raised his head, looked out the window at the dormitory building and the sky, and continued:

"This is the core of all philosophical views held by the Khitanris. They are neither overly flamboyant, pursuing speed and extreme power, nor are they willing to be overly weak and give up all possible opportunities, so they have created something between the two. unique cultures.

"I think this is why the Khitanris have been able to survive this 'New Yuan Crisis' that has lasted for hundreds of years. They have not suffered any major losses and can still protect the [order] of half of the territory. But it is also The 'moderate' philosophical view prevents them from further concentrating resources and manpower to expand the area of ​​control, regain the fallen strongholds, take over the almost ruined Aventale area, or even move westward to rescue the Uhata area and conquer the Maybe it’s because of the eastern part of Lusted.”

"But being too... uh... 'moderate' will cause us to miss opportunities." Duck analyzed:

"Now, the 'Chaos Group' and several other organizations in the north are still posing a threat to our 'Man-made Lake' camp. I heard that the independent armed forces in the south, especially the 'Wilderness Tourist Group', whose leader is known as 'Big Brother' The man has already led more than a thousand people to approach us. If the 'Chaos Group' releases the tens of thousands of frozen 'unintentional people' again, under a multi-line attack, our advantageous situation will be wiped out. live.

"Judging from the deployment of this 'Suffering of Sorrow' battle, most of the [soldiers] sent by Chief Vasily are elites, but the number is very small. In other words, the capital and strategic regiments cannot mobilize more troops to participate This operation may wipe out the largest and most powerful enemy in the country.

"Didn't you just tell me yesterday? The situation in Koenig Province is not optimistic. The Federal Council has invested more than 100,000 troops in several industrial towns there. However, in the face of attacks by 'unintentional people' or even 'waves', Still powerless and retreating steadily."

"That's true." Wulfya did not deny it, but took over Dak's analysis and continued:

"The Linbian City on our border with the Zinni people fell on August 27. Originally, the two countries could still do some border trade, exchange supplies, exchange information, etc., but now this only window no longer exists. The factories there In one month, 150 tanks of various types, 2,000 medium-sized artillery pieces, and 10,000 basic firearms can be produced, such as the 'Ice Tiger', 'Southern Bear', 'Central Rabbit', and the 'K-0999' standard rifle.

"Since the "waves of unintentional people" at the beginning of the year, I have made a judgment. In fact, the fall of Koenig Province is only a matter of time. If we can successfully control a wider resource-producing area before then, we will Relocating or relocating the factory to the north can make up for a lot of losses.

"After all, Koenig Province is not a major food-producing area, and after the Zine people experienced a 'concentrated defeat' more than thirty years ago, they are no longer able to produce more resources to trade with us. Our two countries send troops to each other In addition to symbolic verbal promises of a little pitiful assistance, the diplomats only offered moral encouragement. Dake, how long has it been since you tasted canned food produced by the Zinian factory?"

"It seems that since I was transferred to Binglin City at the beginning of the year, neither the stores operated by the Federal Council nor the private black market for material exchange have been seen. I remember that the shelf life of the cans exported by the Zine people will not be very long, at most That’s just one year, but based on the consumption rate of our Crusaders, as long as the supply of goods stops for a period of time, there will no longer be normal use in any corner of the federation." Dark replied.

"Yes." Wulfya nodded and said:

"As long as there is a place that can replace the industrial capacity of Koenig Province, we can shrink the front in the south and wait until the situation changes, or the Zine people recover from years of defeat and try to regain a few border areas. It is not too late to launch an attack at the stronghold.

"Since the old empire expanded its territory to our traditional territory, that is, the vast area up to the Nebsk Plain in the east, our main food-producing areas have been the Binglin Province, the Waters Province, the Rus Province and half of the Nanshan Mountains . Three of these four important areas are still fully and firmly under our control, which will not affect the overall situation.

"Even if we rely on the newly established 'Gnadi Defense Line', we have set up a semicircular defense network and deployed up to one million troops to fight on the front line, but this does not mean that opportunities will be missed in other places. Vasily No matter how you say it, the commander can be regarded as an excellent general. In terms of military matters, his judgment is reliable most of the time. As long as he does not focus on those mysterious and extraordinary things, in the long term In the military confrontation with the 'Heartless' and the Lost, we can accumulate advantages little by little until the 'Restart Era' comes."

"You mean, the people in the Federal Council think they don't need to completely eliminate the 'Chaos Group' people?" Dark guessed.

"Of course." Wulfya's answer was very direct:

"The goal of the campaign can be more radical. We can claim to eliminate all 'Lost Organizations' from top to bottom, but in fact, we only need to expel them into the ice and snow wasteland, gradually marginalize them, and let their members only have ' When surrendering to the Federation was the only option, we achieved our goal."

Wovya went on to add:

"Furthermore, according to the 'New God', the leader of the 'Order', he believes that in the field where the 'Echoer' is located, without outside invasion, as far as the 'Echoer' himself is concerned, he does not have the ability to break through the ice. Seal the shackles and leave the 'Beislunai' area.

"In other words, as long as no one has the ability to set foot in the realm where the Echoer is, then He will be sealed there forever until the continent is destroyed and a new reincarnation begins."

Wulfya said, jumping down from the dining table, staring down at Dak's gray eyes, his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

Then, he swallowed suddenly, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and said in a particularly cold tone:

"Furthermore, I estimate that the 'Chaos Group' will not target 'Plamini' and 'Echoer' in the short term."

"Why...why?" Dak was infected by the atmosphere created by Wulfya and asked nervously.

"Because there is something wrong with the 'revival ritual' that their leader, the man known as the 'Man in the Ice and Snow' and the 'Ice Blade' performed on Yato." Wofya replied:

"Originally, if you want to use the power of the dark magic source and the power of the Lord of Dark Night to revive the 'people of darkness', what you need should be the 'Eternal Chapter' in the "Dark Book". The content of the first few lines of the poem should be recited To 'call upon the Lord of Darkness, to shelter all beings; to sing to the darkness, Prania.'

"But under the guidance of Victor, the special agent of our Federal Council, who is also the 'leader of the Society of Order', 'Pojun' Victor, the lost people headed by 'Thunder Page' who planned the resurrection ceremony mistakenly adopted 'The Resurrection' in the Holy Word of the Holy Patriarch."

"What's the...difference between the two?" Duck asked curiously.

"If it is the dark power brought by "The Dark Code", then Yato will naturally be immersed in the familiar 'warmth' and be unable to extricate himself. He will be freely manipulated by the 'Chaos Group' and become a fighting and killing machine. And once used If the "Orthodox Holy Word" of the light force awakens him, the two conflicting forces will cause the 'darkness' in Yato's body to be suppressed, eventually making his brain regain consciousness.

"It is mentioned in the 'Manuscripts of the Church of Hope' that Yato is a [seducer] with enough ambition. He once tried to establish a new organization outside the 'Church of Hope' to gather the neglected semi-lost children. They are trained together to carry out ulterior secret missions.

"I dare to assert that it won't be long before Yato will completely control the 'Chaos Group' with the enhanced power of [Seducer]. But it will take a long time to gather the strength to go north and enter the territory where the 'Echoers' are located." .After all, the original goal of the 'Chaos Group' was to fight our Federation, and they did not make more reserves of personnel and materials to go deep into the ice and snow wasteland." (End of Chapter)

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