Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 461 Deep Suffering (70): Changing Situation (Part 1)

After reciting the incantation, Duck found that his head suddenly became groggy, as if someone had used a rag soaked in water to cover various sensory organs.

The whole world seemed to be wrapped up in a spell that echoed in his ears.

He gradually felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to control his body, as if the biological body in the three-dimensional world had been sublimated, breaking through the shackles in the form of an energy body and entering the realm of the highest dimension.

Soon, in Duck's eyes, these strange-shaped and unique-smelling foods began to be "caught", "chewed" and "swallowed" by limbs and arms at speeds that exceeded the limit of human cognition.

In this room filled with a sense of confusion, which was gradually enveloped by steaming water mist, Duck's mind began to drift away from the world following the spell.

He knew that among the few philosophical views handed down by the ancient gods, there was one of the most unique statements: the spirits of the ancient gods existed in the transcendent plane across the universe, and the bodies of the sequential gods existed in the upper plane above the universe. , their bodies are just the projection of their spirits in reality.

If someone can find the key that connects the two planes and hand it over to any of the ancient and sequential gods, they will connect the continental world and the highest plane, allowing human beings to evolve and become gods. kind of.

Gradually, a weak suffocating feeling came from Dark's mouth and nose, and quickly spread to his whole body. He found that his spirit was rising rapidly with the process of his mind's understanding of the universe.

It broke through the atmosphere, the sun, and the galaxy, and began to cross countless celestial bodies that rotated in the universe and seemed to never be extinguished. It crossed the "Pillar of Creation" and the "Galaxy Black Hole" until everything around it began It has become colder, more deserted, and less and less devoid of material existence.

Ivanov, a scientist in Krusted, once told Ivan XXII about his conjectures about the universe. He said that wherever human beings can see, they only occupy less than one thousandth of the universe, and it can be achieved through science. The limit of observation is only dozens of times the area that the Creator can glimpse when he is the sleepiest, most confused, and most trance-like.

And the realm of His existence is like a huge layer of dreamy shadow covering the deepest white world, constantly extending time, space, matter, and power. It is located in the dark abyss that humans and gods cannot recognize. The palace may bury the ultimate secret of the birth of the universe and this time.

After about a few minutes, maybe a few years, or maybe a few epochs, Duck seemed to hear the distant and long sound of the ship's whistle, and the "playing" of a unique vocal organ that he could not understand for a short time. Language shouted in a weird accent.

Quickly, the world around him began to collapse, and the moment all the sounds suddenly stopped, Duck's mind seemed to return to the kitchen in the "Man-Made Lake" military camp and the "No. 1 Military Camp Accommodation Area".

After taking a few deep breaths and shaking his head a few times to dispel the chaos and hangover caused by hallucinations, Dak discovered that the plates of "crusted dishes" carefully cooked by Wulfya on the table were already gone. There was no trace, leaving only a few seemingly normal leftovers.

Wulfya already looked drunk. After looking up at Dak, with a red face and a weird smile that he didn't know why, he fell down on the table and soon snored like thunder.

After being stunned for a second or two, Duck looked at the cup filled with yellow liquid at his hand and quickly understood everything:

"It turns out that Wovya also brought some drinks that were loved by the nobles of the old empire. It seems... called Kavas, right. Wovya, Wovya, I rarely see you drunk. "

Duck picked up the half-filled wide draft beer cup containing Kavas and joked with a smile:

"If I remember correctly, the royal nobles of the old empire did not actually like high-altitude alcoholic beverages. They preferred this kind of 'mild drink'. When they felt that there was no hope of their promotion, and there was no more When targeting people, Kavas will be used as a kind of sustenance to paralyze the spirit.

"Krusted people tend to have low resistance to temptation. When an item can arouse spiritual excitement, we will always become unrestrained until the body is destroyed by disease, the spirit suffers endless torture, and eventually loses life. Into the arms of Satan. So is the wine, so is the control of the Federation, so is the land of the old empire."

Thinking of this, Duck drank the remaining yellow liquid in the cup, savored the slightly bitter sweetness, and felt the taste as if it came from a distant time and space thousands of years ago, connecting his heart with the old empire and the vibrant vitality. , are connected together in the peaceful era when all things compete.

In that time and space, there were no disasters, few wars, rare killings, and no desolation. The roar of steam was endless, the shouts of work were neat and loud, everyone had a smile on their face that was full of confidence in the future, and the shelves in the store were There are a dazzling array of products on display, cars, trams, and horse-drawn carriages rumble on the streets, the chimneys of factories never close, and the fields are full of life.

Duck, who was silent in the beautiful phantom he had never seen before, had a smile on his face. I don't know whether it was the happiness brought by the illusion or the yearning for the "brave new world". Gradually, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he finally fell into a dream. middle……

At the same time, on the top floor of the "Battle Command Center" on the top floor of the "Man-Made Lake" federal military station, inside the "Campaign Command Center", a meeting was held regarding the next general attack on the abandoned settlements and old mines in the northern part of the "Man-Made Lake". Finish.

The officers who accepted the various orders from the meeting left the conference room one after another. After about five or six minutes, only Commander-in-Chief Yaroslav and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Oleg were left in the empty conference room. .

The scorching sun hung high above the gray sky curtain. It was supposed to cast a restless scorching light, but under the clouds, it only emitted a faint, weak, firefly-like brilliance.

Due to the arrival of autumn and the fact that it is located in the "semi-polar circle" region, the temperature in the northern part of Crusted has become colder and precipitation has begun to increase.

The fierce wind, like a mad woman roaring, blew away the documents related to the war situation on the table, causing the windows to constantly come into close contact with the wall, making a clear "snap" sound.

Seeing this, Oleg put down the military cap in his hand, walked quickly to the window, stared at the strong wind, closed it, and then sat two chairs away from Yaroslav, looking at his profile .

"What else is there, Oleg?" Yaroslav asked as he stared at the report on the "Chaos Group" and Yato incident in his hand.

"Of course." Oleg nodded, took out a wooden box from his arms and placed it in front of Yaroslav.

Putting down the document and looking sideways, Yaroslav discovered that the surface of the wooden box was stained with a lot of red liquid. It seemed that it had been wiped many times and had not been completely removed.

The locks and joints of the box are all made of iron, but they have long been rusty and have experienced the washing of time.

"What is this?" Yaroslav pointed to the lines on the surface of the box and asked:

"The graphics mainly focus on the Virgin Mary, combined with the double-headed eagle and sunflowers representing Crusad, and some wheat ears patterns. Could it be a relic of the old empire?"

"That's right." Oleg said, opened the wooden box, took out a piece of extremely cold red ore, and said:

"According to the historians who accompanied the army from Kanosk to explore the 'Beluna' area, this box should be the personal belonging of Princess Danevia Karlovloa Rurik of Crusted. Item, due to the disease, the princess could not synthesize melanin normally, which caused her hair to be gray all year round, so she had to use a lot of chemical hair dye.

"Historians obtained a few hairs and some powder from the box to confirm this view, and the corners of the wooden box were carved with the coat of arms of the local nobles of the Karlov District - a huge door related to a dragon, Therefore, a reasonable inference was made.”

"I remember that Gennady is a direct descendant of the royal Rurik family. This princess's name is also related to the royal family. Could she be one of his direct ancestors?" Yaroslav seemed to be interested and asked.

"Of course. After we realize the military use of the wooden box, we have to return it to General Gennadi. But before that, I want you to pay attention to the wooden box itself and the red meteorite. ." Oleg said, pushing the wooden box and the red ore inside to Yaroslav, and making a gesture of invitation.

Yaroslav carefully put on his unusually brand-new military white gloves, carefully held and lifted the two items, and weighed them a few times.

Then he put it back in place more carefully, took off his gloves and threw them aside, saying:

"This is not a common ore. The geology education I have received tells me that it does not belong to the 'attributed ore' of the magic source type, nor does it belong to the common industrial ore. You just mentioned that it is a 'meteorite' ', is it possible that the 'Beslunai area' was hit by a meteorite recently?"

"That's right." Oleg's answer was a bit unclear.

He generously put the red ore back into the wooden box in front of Yaroslav with his bare hands, closed the wooden box again, and then began to introduce its origin:

"This wooden box was discovered from the surrounding abandoned settlements and city ruins due to the explosion that occurred in the 'Belunai area' a week ago. It was the Pavlovsk settlement founded by Ivan XXV. The city is now left with only desolation and ruins.

"And this 'meteorite' was brought by the meteor that happened after the 'Red Dang'. It is said that since we entered the 'Man-made Lake' and started a war with the Lost Organization, especially the boy named Dak came to our side After the report, the number of 'red sluts' there began to become extremely frequent.

"Of course, Commander-in-Chief, I am not dissatisfied with your arrangements. I am just discussing the matter."

"I know." Yaroslav said in response to Oleg's caution.

"But starting from that point in time..." The expression on Oleg's face became obviously much more relaxed, and he continued:

"It seems that the energy fluctuations in the area where the secret of 'Plamini' is said to be buried have become much more frequent. Commander-in-Chief, although the 'Sorrow of Deep Suffering' campaign we launched here is to cooperate with Genna Ji, to help expand the 'Gnady Line of Defense' where millions of troops are stationed, but in fact, according to the "Federal Military Law", we are also responsible for discovering hidden dangers that affect the war and eliminating them."

"What should be done? I want to hear what you think." Yaroslav said, finally turning his head to look at Oleg.

"I hope that regardless of whether the Federal Council is aware of these situations or has made corresponding arrangements, we will report this matter to Chief Vasily and at the same time organize some elite superpowers under the name of 'Man-made Lake Camp' to go north to investigate. The reason for the frequent 'Red Dang'." Oleg suggested confidently.

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