Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 468 Deep Sorrow (77): A Transaction (Part 2)

"'Aiolic' really looks like the name of an elf." "Future" looked up at the "Mechanical Twins" and sighed with a smile.

"Although it is so cute and exudes such a soft and beautiful light, in fact, it is not much safer than the 'Ancient Beast'. Ivanov's team spent a full fifteen years developing it. Time, of course, they also had many other research results at the same time." Marco said:

"Including the improvement project of the 'Fire of Punishment', etc. However, this is the longest time-consuming project among A-level and below projects. The old empire once combined aerospace, universe, time and space, gods, and high-level magic source power , S-level monsters and highly destructive weapons are listed as S-level research projects, while other more common energy development projects are designated as A and B levels.

"But even if it is A-level, if it is not operated properly, the 'Mechanical Twin Body' can swallow a person's life in an instant."

"Eating life?" "Future" said disdainfully:

"There are many things that can devour life. If I am willing, I can summon the power of the ancient gods to crush some weak humans into powder with just a snap of my fingers."

"The 'Mechanical Twin' devours not only life on the physical level, but also existence on the spiritual level. Some time ago, a few guys forgot to feed it because they took a nap while maintaining it. Meat, it was a little 'unhappy'..." Marco said, his face became solemn in the gradually darkening space, he took a deep breath, and continued:

"So he treated those people as food. According to the boy who was standing far away adjusting the elevator, in just one second and a flash, those people turned into a ball of light powder and merged into the 'Mechanical Twin Body' . Moreover, their 'existence' quickly disappeared within a few days and became without a trace."

"What...means? The...disappearance of 'existence'?" "Future" felt a hint of fear and asked.

"Except for a few of us humans and supernatural beings with strong wills, all information about those boys has been forgotten. Including evidence of their existence in this world, such as daily necessities, weapons and equipment, etc. Just It's as if... they were never born." Marco explained, but turned to look at the "future" in the darkness and smiled:

"However, compared to the disaster lurking in the 'Beislunai' area, the power of the 'Mechanical Twins' is always limited. Once the flames behind the 'Hongdang' are ignited, let alone a few people, I'm afraid half The Crusted Federation will also be destroyed, and the bodies and 'existences' of these millions of people will also be burned to the ground."

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the vibration caused by the elevator's sudden impact on the ground, the falling feeling that lasted for thirty or forty minutes came to an abrupt end.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding lights were turned on strangely without anyone's operation, and rows of light from near to far instantly filled the corridor in front of the "future" that seemed to lead to an endless dark hell.

"We are here, 'Future'." The mature female voice that belongs to Thalia brought "Future" back to reality from a brief trance.

After taking a few steps forward following Thalia and Marco, "Future" was choked by dust and coughed violently.

After regaining his composure, "Future" looked at the surrounding environment. As he walked, he looked around and found that, except for the seemingly endless sound of dripping water, this place was not much different from any underground facility established by the Federal Council that he had been to.

It was dark, damp, cold, and scary. Every door was covered with thick moisture and dark red traces of corrosion and rust. After about fifteen minutes of walking, at the end of the corridor was an extremely narrow special steel door. There seems to be a lot of equipment placed here to transmit energy to the outside world, and the sound of rumbling and electric current is endless.

"Mr. Marco, have you, the Wilderness Tourist Group, established more than one underground space similar to this one under the eyes of the Federal Council?" "Future" stopped and suddenly asked.

After a slight hesitation, Marco took the key from Thalia and opened the door, then asked:

"Before answering this question, I'd like to hear your opinion on 'the future'."

Taking a deep breath, "Future" said:

"Originally, the extreme cold zone was not suitable for large-scale construction of tall and sturdy buildings. Half of the land here is frozen soil, and half of it is muddy roads during the mud plowing period. Even building a 'Hongtai' in Kanosk would be difficult. It cost the old empire several years of revenue.

"That's why the old empire built a large number of underground laboratories in this vast and sparsely populated area. But according to the information I have, at least before Mekdev Chedanov, the Silent One, became the chief executive, the Federation Not interested in this place. But the 'independent armed forces' led by your 'wilderness tourist group' are different."

"Oh? Interesting, please go on." Thalia stood aside and urged.

"You have been operating here for many years. It is unreasonable to say that you just established a base powered by sequence monsters. So I guess that you must have controlled more information about the old imperial laboratory than the Federal Council has, and established There are more than one similar underground space." "Future" deduced:

"As long as conditions permit and the time is right, I think you should connect all the underground facilities to form an 'underground city' across the vast ice field. And based on what you just chatted about, I speculate that this plan is already in place. It’s being implemented.”



As soon as Marco finished speaking, the special steel door was pushed open hard and hit the wall inside, making a dull echo.

After briefly explaining to Thalia, Marco took the pile of information from her hand. After Thalia walked back to the elevator and heard the rumble of the elevator going up not far away, he opened the special steel door. Closed it and pulled "Future" into the "data room".

As soon as he entered the door, "Future" heard the uncomfortable sound of gurgling water. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw red water flowing down on the wall of the only small bathroom in the room. A brown liquid with a strange sweet smell.

It seems that it has been flowing for a long time. The originally white tiles in the bathroom have all turned into a color that is close to burnt black. Many places are covered with strange and chaotic corrosion lines, and there is a sticky feeling when you step on them.

"Sorry, 'Future'." Marco, who was accustomed to this phenomenon, quickly put on his boots, temporarily closed the valve, picked up the mop nearby and started cleaning.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long to clean the narrow bathroom. After about half an hour, Marco had already taken off his "equipment", put the tools back to their original positions, and walked in front of "Future".

"Sit down first, 'Future'." Marco pulled out a new wooden chair, handed it to "Future", and said:

"I know that the way Thalia invited you to help us is not polite. This will definitely make you misunderstand our 'wilderness tourist group'. Thalia, she is such a fickle woman, anxious about her own people, He also attacks the enemy quickly and without mercy. You also know that in this desolate wasteland world, if you do not have enough strength and the courage to make quick decisions, you will easily be abandoned by the times." Marcoton After a pause, he continued:

"Either it becomes the excrement of 'careless people', or it becomes a pile of lifeless pieces of meat. Some time ago, on the day the base was invaded, a lost man Valvaf, who had lived with me for many years, died in into the hands of 'Yan Xi'.

"He is a strong man. Even though he once became a 'careless man', he relied on his strong mental strength and extraordinary luck to regain the most precious consciousness in life. He is very strong and has many hobbies. I remember , he likes to eat raw meat of 'Wuxinren' to replenish his physical strength.

"But he was very friendly to other comrades in our 'wilderness tourist group', even a little shy. Even so, a small fight cost his life. 'Future', you probably don't know much about joining us. Who are the people in the 'wilderness tourist group'?"

"Since you said so, then I... still want to hear the details, so please tell me." "Future" sighed softly and followed Marco's words.

"In fact, they are all pitiful people. They are all people who are not accepted by the world, not protected by the times, but abandoned by the Federation, family and friends. Thalia once served as the commander of the direct corps established by the Federal Council in the Far East Central Region Sir, she once had a husband and children. Even so, she still insists on being on the front line of the 'wave of unintentional people' and working hard to protect more compatriots in the Federation." Marco said this with a hint of sadness in his eyes. He crossed his hands, placed them on the old wooden desk, and continued:

"However, when the 'wave of unintentional people' occurred in the stronghold where her husband and children lived, the elite federal regiment there abandoned the city and fled. When she rushed back to the stronghold to prepare for a counterattack, she discovered that there was nothing but a charred area. There was nothing left outside the ruins that smelled of breath and blood.

"The chaos caused by the 'Heartless Man Wave' led to fires. Together with the invading 'Heartless Man', no one in the stronghold survived, and most of the supplies and facilities were completely destroyed. Since then, the tower has Leah left the federal army and wandered among various 'Relic Hunters' until she joined the 'Wilderness Tourist Group'. Therefore, our purpose of preventing the disaster is not just to defeat the Federation.

"We don't have any hypocritical demands, we just hope that more poor people like Talia can live."

"I...I understand, Marco." "Future" thought for a few seconds, showed a friendly smile like bathing in the spring sun, and said:

"I think it's time to tell me what you saw, heard, and collected about the 'Red Dang' in the north."

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